Will Republicans ever learn? Indiana governor to sign bill allowing business not to serve gays

Whites only businesses didn't go broke in the South did they?

Remind me, what century was that in again?

The 20th idiot. You either believe businesses should be able to be whites only or you don't.

Which is it ? Youi do or don't?

Private businesses should be allowed to make that choice for themselves.

Nope. They need public funds in order to be in existence. Soup for EVERYONE!!

I co-own a business and the only public funds I've ever needed was gained by selling my products to the public.

Bullshit. You are not able to grasp facts nor nuance. Your business needs the government...the government is funded by the taxes of ALL citizens. You must serve all citizens. Idiot.
In the case of wedding vendors; bakers, DJs, photographers, caterers and etc., they do not 'participate' in the wedding. They are not invited guests.

So what are they, slaves beholden to your orders?

Leftism is totalitarian by nature - as this again demonstrates.

He says DJs, photographers and caterers don't participate in weddings. They don't? That's news to me.
Are these vendors officiating at the ceremony? Are they to bring a gift to the reception? Do these vendors give away the bride?

As it turns out, these vendors are merely plying their trade. There is no requirement for wedding vendors to approve of the weddings they serve. The vendors do not place a merchantile imperamator to the weddings they service.

Are you saying a business owner shouldn't be able to pick his clients?

Not if he's open to the public and not if the customer is compliant with the law or basic expectations of behavior.
Remind me, what century was that in again?

The 20th idiot. You either believe businesses should be able to be whites only or you don't.

Which is it ? Youi do or don't?

Private businesses should be allowed to make that choice for themselves.

Nope. They need public funds in order to be in existence. Soup for EVERYONE!!

I co-own a business and the only public funds I've ever needed was gained by selling my products to the public.

Doesn't law enforcement protect your business? The fire department?

No the police doesn't protect my business but regardless, those services are paid for through MY taxes.
Making bigotry a religion is hardly what America is about.

Yet the persecution of the religious majority is a staple of the religion of radical liberalism and radical atheist, but that's ok because it's your side doing it, right?

In order to fulfill your beliefs we would have to bring back the right of businesses to refuse to serve anyone they didn't like.

That's why a biz should be forced to identify before hand what group they won't serve. Eventually they would either be bankrupted or driven into the underground economy because Wal-Mart or Amazon will destroy them.

Oh boy, another one who wants to take away freedom by force, good job commiecrat, good job.

How is requiring a business to identity that they will refuse to serve me taking away their "freedoms"?

How about we require you to wear a name tag proclaiming you're a faghadist bitch instead. Then we'll see how you like forced behavior.
In the case of wedding vendors; bakers, DJs, photographers, caterers and etc., they do not 'participate' in the wedding. They are not invited guests.

So what are they, slaves beholden to your orders?

Leftism is totalitarian by nature - as this again demonstrates.

He says DJs, photographers and caterers don't participate in weddings. They don't? That's news to me.
Are these vendors officiating at the ceremony? Are they to bring a gift to the reception? Do these vendors give away the bride?

As it turns out, these vendors are merely plying their trade. There is no requirement for wedding vendors to approve of the weddings they serve. The vendors do not place a merchantile imperamator to the weddings they service.

Are you saying a business owner shouldn't be able to pick his clients?
I'm saying that a vendor who wraps himself in the thin veneer of "Religious Freedom" in order to perpetuate fear and hatred and suspicion is not truly serving any true 'religion' at all.
If gays would show some basic respect for people who disagree with their lifestyle, this bill would not be necessary. This bill is to protect business owners who happen to be religious from being legally harassed and persecuted by gay bigots who simply can't stand anyone who expresses any form of disapproval of their lifestyle..

Ah, so certain religious types want to use their disapproval of the gay 'lifestyle' as an excuse to violate gays' civil rights because gay won't respect that bigotry.


What civil rights are being violated? If I refuse to sell you a firearm because you look like a thug, have I violated your right?

Of course you have .
In the case of wedding vendors; bakers, DJs, photographers, caterers and etc., they do not 'participate' in the wedding. They are not invited guests.

So what are they, slaves beholden to your orders?

Leftism is totalitarian by nature - as this again demonstrates.

He says DJs, photographers and caterers don't participate in weddings. They don't? That's news to me.
Are these vendors officiating at the ceremony? Are they to bring a gift to the reception? Do these vendors give away the bride?

As it turns out, these vendors are merely plying their trade. There is no requirement for wedding vendors to approve of the weddings they serve. The vendors do not place a merchantile imperamator to the weddings they service.

Are you saying a business owner shouldn't be able to pick his clients?

Not if he's open to the public and not if the customer is compliant with the law or basic expectations of behavior.

I pick my and choose who I sell to. Have been doing so for over twenty years and haven't had a complaint yet.

I realize this approach won't be popular, but let's take a moment to "think things through".

What are these people going to do, hang a "NO GAYS ALLOWED" sign on their window? Classy. That would make it easy for people to take a photo of it, and before you know it, everyone on the planet knows about it. Then it won't be just the gay population that doesn't go in there, it would be a large segment of the population, those of us who don't like such simple-minded bigotry. Any restaurant that tried that would see a significant drop in business, and no restaurant can afford that for long. Bye bye!

So you're an anti-gay bigot? Cool. Thanks for letting me know. Put up a big sign so that I'll know, and then I'll also know never to go in there and to tell a few friends about it.

Yeah, pass that law.

"No Gays Allowed" is too simple.

If these bigoted merchants were intellectually honest their signs should read: "Due to our devotion to Jesus Christ who taught 'Love one another as you would be loved' and 'Judge not lest ye be judged', we refuse to serve American citizens who are homosexuals".

Or we could see it as it actually is. Everybody who comes into the store to buy products or a service the merchant has for sale is provided those products and/or service. That has never been an issue in any of these cases.

But if the merchant has for sale wedding cakes for Christian weddings, does it follow that the mechant HAS to also carry wedding cakes for NAMBLA or white supremacists or the Westboro Baptists or any other group engaged in activities or promoting docrine that the Christian cannot condone or support? Or create any other product for such groups that the store does not routinely have for sale? Most especially if the Christian is forced to go to the customer's premises and be seen and participate in an activity the Christian finds offensive or cannot condone? Must a Christian accept everybody and everything in order to practice his/her Christian faith?

Things are never as simple as we sometimes would want them to be.
In the case of wedding vendors; bakers, DJs, photographers, caterers and etc., they do not 'participate' in the wedding. They are not invited guests. They do not officiate durning the service. Their merchandise imperamator is not required to legitimize or confirm the actual marriage. Could you imagine your marriage hanging on the approval of the person who bakes your wedding cake?

They are, in fact, merchants who operate public businesses, that is to say businesses open to the public.

Any refusal to provide their normal services is tantamount to discrimination.

What is to stop such merchants from expanding such discrimination to inter racial couples? As it is legal for inter racial couples to wed, and as it is not a crime to merely be an inter racial couple, discriminating against them is patently illegal and morally wrong.

It is not illegal to merely be a homosexual. A majority of states recognize marriage equality. Why should homosexuals suffer under the bigoted discrimination of merchants who clearly have not thoroughly read their Bibles?

Nosmo, I didn't say a word about gays in the post you are responding to here. And you flat out ignored the examples I gave. I want you to focus on those examples and tell me that people should be required to provide services to such people no matter how wrong, evil, or unacceptable they may be.

When you are forced to provide services off premises, you have to go to your customer's premises. Your delivery van is outside for all the world to see and conclude you are giving consent and approval to the activity sometimes much to the glee and delight of people who would gladly use that to smear you. You think the Westboro Baptists would be adverse to photographing a van that belong to gay bakers or florists that was sitting in their parking lot and having a ball with that photograph?

And the fact that the people are there on the premises of that which most offends them is absolutely giving consent that the activity is okay.

The gay baker should not have to provide services for a group like the Westboro Baptists.

And the Christian should not have to provide services for a gay wedding if they cannot condone that as a matter of faith.

It is not a matter of discrimination. It is a matter of liberty and the right to not participate in that which offends us.
Remind me, what century was that in again?

The 20th idiot. You either believe businesses should be able to be whites only or you don't.

Which is it ? Youi do or don't?

Private businesses should be allowed to make that choice for themselves.

Nope. They need public funds in order to be in existence. Soup for EVERYONE!!

I co-own a business and the only public funds I've ever needed was gained by selling my products to the public.

Bullshit. You are not able to grasp facts nor nuance. Your business needs the government...the government is funded by the taxes of ALL citizens. You must serve all citizens. Idiot.

My business doesn't need the government. I reserve the right to refuse service to anyone and do so quite often.
So what are they, slaves beholden to your orders?

Leftism is totalitarian by nature - as this again demonstrates.

He says DJs, photographers and caterers don't participate in weddings. They don't? That's news to me.
Are these vendors officiating at the ceremony? Are they to bring a gift to the reception? Do these vendors give away the bride?

As it turns out, these vendors are merely plying their trade. There is no requirement for wedding vendors to approve of the weddings they serve. The vendors do not place a merchantile imperamator to the weddings they service.

Are you saying a business owner shouldn't be able to pick his clients?

Not if he's open to the public and not if the customer is compliant with the law or basic expectations of behavior.

I pick my and choose who I sell to. Have been doing so for over twenty years and haven't had a complaint yet.

Thugs often boast of getting away with breaking the law.

How ironic.
If gays would show some basic respect for people who disagree with their lifestyle, this bill would not be necessary. This bill is to protect business owners who happen to be religious from being legally harassed and persecuted by gay bigots who simply can't stand anyone who expresses any form of disapproval of their lifestyle..

Ah, so certain religious types want to use their disapproval of the gay 'lifestyle' as an excuse to violate gays' civil rights because gay won't respect that bigotry.


What civil rights are being violated? If I refuse to sell you a firearm because you look like a thug, have I violated your right?

Of course you have .

Which right would that be?
The 20th idiot. You either believe businesses should be able to be whites only or you don't.

Which is it ? Youi do or don't?

Private businesses should be allowed to make that choice for themselves.

Nope. They need public funds in order to be in existence. Soup for EVERYONE!!

I co-own a business and the only public funds I've ever needed was gained by selling my products to the public.

Doesn't law enforcement protect your business? The fire department?

No the police doesn't protect my business but regardless, those services are paid for through MY taxes.

don't..............the police don't

Bullshit again. Unless your tax bill pays for the entire police force....you are employing the taxes of others. Gay people and black people and Muslim people. You need to serve them. It's how shit works.
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Private businesses should be allowed to make that choice for themselves.

Nope. They need public funds in order to be in existence. Soup for EVERYONE!!

I co-own a business and the only public funds I've ever needed was gained by selling my products to the public.

Doesn't law enforcement protect your business? The fire department?

No the police doesn't protect my business but regardless, those services are paid for through MY taxes.

don't the police don't

Bullshit again. Unless your tax bill pays for the entire police force....you are employing the taxes of others. Gay people and black people and Muslim people. You need to serve them. It's how shit works.

That may be how shit works in your world, but not in mine.
So what are they, slaves beholden to your orders?

Leftism is totalitarian by nature - as this again demonstrates.

He says DJs, photographers and caterers don't participate in weddings. They don't? That's news to me.
Are these vendors officiating at the ceremony? Are they to bring a gift to the reception? Do these vendors give away the bride?

As it turns out, these vendors are merely plying their trade. There is no requirement for wedding vendors to approve of the weddings they serve. The vendors do not place a merchantile imperamator to the weddings they service.

Are you saying a business owner shouldn't be able to pick his clients?

Not if he's open to the public and not if the customer is compliant with the law or basic expectations of behavior.

I pick my and choose who I sell to. Have been doing so for over twenty years and haven't had a complaint yet.

Based on what criteria?

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