Will Republicans ever learn? Indiana governor to sign bill allowing business not to serve gays

Stand strong Indiana! Don't let the economic terrorist threats stop you from doing what's right! No more will faggots and their allies be allowed to destroy business using their terrorist acts.

Sure we will. We'll use social media.

Yelpers Take Hilarious Revenge on We Don t Like Fags Restaurant

They can be sued for that.

Of course they can and no doubt will be.

In truth, no one is talking about not 'serving' homosexuals... and this despite the Left's deceitful attempt to project such upon the issue, this as a fraudulent means to influence the ignorant.

It's typical of evil... as such is its stock in trade.

Episodes like these are just attempts by gays to gain respectability by stomping out all opposition. It's spectacularly Orwellian, but these vermin are constantly spouting off about "freedom" and their "rights" when they obviously don't give a damn about anyone else's rights.

I never used to be hostile to gay people until I started posting in forums like this one. Over the years I've learned that they are the most dishonest, spiteful, hypocritical, hostile and authoritarian people on this planet.

You never had this hostility before reading stuff on forums? Then the ones you knew in real life probably weren't so bad. The only reason gays are the whipping boys is because love of guns, hatred of gays, hatred of abortion, hatred of the poor, is the only thing republicans have to offer a right wing working stiff. The base they focus their love on is corporations and billionaires. When you're down and out , a democrat will give you a hand. A republican (politician) will spit on you and tell you to get a job.


Friends, you can NOT make this nonsense up!

They truly have no connection with reality, whatsoever.
Making bigotry a religion is hardly what America is about.

Yet the persecution of the religious majority is a staple of the religion of radical liberalism and radical atheist, but that's ok because it's your side doing it, right?

In order to fulfill your beliefs we would have to bring back the right of businesses to refuse to serve anyone they didn't like.

Actually I have no problem with that, if they refuse too many they won't be in business will they? But the owner would determine his own fate, not the state.

Whites only businesses didn't go broke in the South did they?

Remind me, what century was that in again?

The 20th idiot. You either believe businesses should be able to be whites only or you don't.

Which is it ? Youi do or don't?
You never had this hostility before reading stuff on forums? Then the ones you knew in real life probably weren't so bad. The only reason gays are the whipping boys is because love of guns, hatred of gays, hatred of abortion, hatred of the poor, is the only thing republicans have to offer a right wing working stiff. The base they focus their love on is corporations and billionaires. When you're down and out , a democrat will give you a hand. A republican (politician) will spit on you and tell you to get a job.

You democrats started attacking civil rights in the 90's, and it has gotten progressively worse. Now the left is in open war to crush all civil liberty. I think you'd like to spark a civil war if you could, so that the Constitution could be easily discarded on the pretext of civil stability. I'm pretty sure that is the angle of Obama and his handlers, to heap injury upon insult, to spit in the eye of every right held by Americans, in an attempt to prompt a violent reaction from citizens. The question I keep asking you leftists is if you succeed in sparking the civil war you yearn for, are you really certain you'll win?

You're allowed to be a racist in thought, not action.
An individual is not a business using the commons. If they are going to refuse to serve me, they should have to advertise that in advance so I don't waste time or money in their establishment.


So, you would put a yellow star of David in their window, then?

You are so unique, the world has never seen your ilk before...

Maybe we should force homosexual business owners to put a pink bow on their windows.
Like a yellow Star of David armband?

Golly! Some Conservatives sure do not understand what Liberty means!

That's exactly what some of your ilk posting in this thread have suggested for business owners who decline to service gays.

Are you too stupid to follow the damn thread?
Here's the simple solution; end discrimination now!
What I'm seeing here is hate filled bigots, spewing their vitriol against people who simply wish to conduct their lives and businesses according to their closely held religious beliefs. Your are the ones trying to force your value system on others and doing it in such a hateful way, I think it's inexcusable.

Remember the same values that give you the freedom to be you, also give me the freedom to be free from you. I see this as nothing more than atheist trying to further their persecution of people of faith, just another attempt by the left to destroy the 1st Amendment. The freedom to exercise one's religious beliefs as they see fit and the right of citizens to associate with the people they chose, are bedrock principles of this country that the left has been chipping away for decades. Now that the pendulum is swinging the other way you're having fits and calling names like spoiled little children.

And if businesses in Indiana openly or underhandedly maintain a position that they will not do business with gays, other people and other businesses will choose not to do business in Indiana

So those wishing to hold a convention will choose venues in other states. Sports leagues will choose other locations for major events

It works both ways

I understand it works both ways, it's your side that thinks it doesn't and wish to force your values on others. But as more and more states adopt similar laws to protect their religious majorities from state sponsored violations of the 1st Amendment, then people who agree with them will seek to do business with them. People are getting fed up with radical liberalism and radical atheist.

Making bigotry a religion is hardly what America is about.

Being a bigot is protected by the Bill of Rights. Furthermore, not wanting to deal with gay horseshit doesn't make you a bigot. It makes you normal.

I disagree. Making a post like this makes you a bigot.
If gays would show some basic respect for people who disagree with their lifestyle, this bill would not be necessary. This bill is to protect business owners who happen to be religious from being legally harassed and persecuted by gay bigots who simply can't stand anyone who expresses any form of disapproval of their lifestyle.

If a photographer, heaven forbid, happens to be a Christian and politely declines to service your ceremony because he would find it spiritually and morally offensive, then, good grief, show some common courtesy and basic respect for his views and feelings and just go hire a different photographer--and leave it at that. You know, "live and let live." WHY would you want anyone at your wedding who you knew didn't want to be there anyway?

If this were Saudi Arabia and a Muslim who wanted to marry an extra wife walked into a Christian photography business and tried to hire the photographer to service his wedding, you guys, to be consistent with your logic, should argue that the photographer should be fined or jailed if he refused to service the ceremony, especially since some scientists argue that neuroscience shows that men are wired to be able to love more than one woman at a time, i.e., they're "born that way," and that therefore it would be "discrimination" for the Christian photographer to refuse to service the ceremony.
In the case of wedding vendors; bakers, DJs, photographers, caterers and etc., they do not 'participate' in the wedding. They are not invited guests.

So what are they, slaves beholden to your orders?

Leftism is totalitarian by nature - as this again demonstrates.
Are they not in business to provide services? Does that also meet your stranged and hyperbolic threshold for slavery?
Yet the persecution of the religious majority is a staple of the religion of radical liberalism and radical atheist, but that's ok because it's your side doing it, right?

In order to fulfill your beliefs we would have to bring back the right of businesses to refuse to serve anyone they didn't like.

Actually I have no problem with that, if they refuse too many they won't be in business will they? But the owner would determine his own fate, not the state.

Whites only businesses didn't go broke in the South did they?

Remind me, what century was that in again?

The 20th idiot. You either believe businesses should be able to be whites only or you don't.

Which is it ? Youi do or don't?

Private businesses should be allowed to make that choice for themselves.
Lol, by all means, let's get the GOP to run on a platform of resurrecting the right to discriminate.
In order to fulfill your beliefs we would have to bring back the right of businesses to refuse to serve anyone they didn't like.

Actually I have no problem with that, if they refuse too many they won't be in business will they? But the owner would determine his own fate, not the state.

Whites only businesses didn't go broke in the South did they?

Remind me, what century was that in again?

The 20th idiot. You either believe businesses should be able to be whites only or you don't.

Which is it ? Youi do or don't?

Private businesses should be allowed to make that choice for themselves.

In order to fulfill your beliefs we would have to bring back the right of businesses to refuse to serve anyone they didn't like.

Actually I have no problem with that, if they refuse too many they won't be in business will they? But the owner would determine his own fate, not the state.

Whites only businesses didn't go broke in the South did they?

Remind me, what century was that in again?

The 20th idiot. You either believe businesses should be able to be whites only or you don't.

Which is it ? Youi do or don't?

Private businesses should be allowed to make that choice for themselves.

Nope. They need public funds in order to be in existence. Soup for EVERYONE!!
In the case of wedding vendors; bakers, DJs, photographers, caterers and etc., they do not 'participate' in the wedding. They are not invited guests.

So what are they, slaves beholden to your orders?

Leftism is totalitarian by nature - as this again demonstrates.

He says DJs, photographers and caterers don't participate in weddings. They don't? That's news to me.
Are these vendors officiating at the ceremony? Are they to bring a gift to the reception? Do these vendors give away the bride?

As it turns out, these vendors are merely plying their trade. There is no requirement for wedding vendors to approve of the weddings they serve. The vendors do not place a merchantile imperamator to the weddings they service.
Actually I have no problem with that, if they refuse too many they won't be in business will they? But the owner would determine his own fate, not the state.

Whites only businesses didn't go broke in the South did they?

Remind me, what century was that in again?

The 20th idiot. You either believe businesses should be able to be whites only or you don't.

Which is it ? Youi do or don't?

Private businesses should be allowed to make that choice for themselves.

Nope. They need public funds in order to be in existence. Soup for EVERYONE!!

I co-own a business and the only public funds I've ever needed was gained by selling my products to the public.
If gays would show some basic respect for people who disagree with their lifestyle, this bill would not be necessary. This bill is to protect business owners who happen to be religious from being legally harassed and persecuted by gay bigots who simply can't stand anyone who expresses any form of disapproval of their lifestyle..

Ah, so certain religious types want to use their disapproval of the gay 'lifestyle' as an excuse to violate gays' civil rights because gay won't respect that bigotry.

For government to condone businesses discriminate against patrons due to sexual orientation is just as hateful, ugly, and reprehensible as seeking to do the same with African Americans.

Saul, have you ever even heard of the 1st Amendment?

Here is a response to what is not a protection of the First Amendment:

Salesforce CEO Says Company Is Canceling All Programs In Indiana Over LGBT Discrimination Fears CBS San Francisco

Now, the fact is this new effort to justify nefarious behavior by claiming First Amendment Rights is utter bullshit. Of course Scalia, Alito & Thomas will surely support it; one can only hope that Roberts and Kennedy do not dishonor the Supreme Court once again, as they did when they decided McCutheon and Citizens United, equating money and free speech as one and the same.

Why doesn't the Republican Party put away their American Flag Lapel Pin and be honest, they haven't pledged allegiance to one nation in years. Voter Suppression and bigotry seem to be the values of this current crop of ne'er-do-wells
In the case of wedding vendors; bakers, DJs, photographers, caterers and etc., they do not 'participate' in the wedding. They are not invited guests.

So what are they, slaves beholden to your orders?

Leftism is totalitarian by nature - as this again demonstrates.

He says DJs, photographers and caterers don't participate in weddings. They don't? That's news to me.
Are these vendors officiating at the ceremony? Are they to bring a gift to the reception? Do these vendors give away the bride?

As it turns out, these vendors are merely plying their trade. There is no requirement for wedding vendors to approve of the weddings they serve. The vendors do not place a merchantile imperamator to the weddings they service.

Are you saying a business owner shouldn't be able to pick his clients?
You never had this hostility before reading stuff on forums? Then the ones you knew in real life probably weren't so bad. The only reason gays are the whipping boys is because love of guns, hatred of gays, hatred of abortion, hatred of the poor, is the only thing republicans have to offer a right wing working stiff. The base they focus their love on is corporations and billionaires. When you're down and out , a democrat will give you a hand. A republican (politician) will spit on you and tell you to get a job.

You democrats started attacking civil rights in the 90's, and it has gotten progressively worse. Now the left is in open war to crush all civil liberty. I think you'd like to spark a civil war if you could, so that the Constitution could be easily discarded on the pretext of civil stability. I'm pretty sure that is the angle of Obama and his handlers, to heap injury upon insult, to spit in the eye of every right held by Americans, in an attempt to prompt a violent reaction from citizens. The question I keep asking you leftists is if you succeed in sparking the civil war you yearn for, are you really certain you'll win?

you were beaten once and surrendered at Appomattox
Whites only businesses didn't go broke in the South did they?

Remind me, what century was that in again?

The 20th idiot. You either believe businesses should be able to be whites only or you don't.

Which is it ? Youi do or don't?

Private businesses should be allowed to make that choice for themselves.

Nope. They need public funds in order to be in existence. Soup for EVERYONE!!

I co-own a business and the only public funds I've ever needed was gained by selling my products to the public.

Doesn't law enforcement protect your business? The fire department?
If gays would show some basic respect for people who disagree with their lifestyle, this bill would not be necessary. This bill is to protect business owners who happen to be religious from being legally harassed and persecuted by gay bigots who simply can't stand anyone who expresses any form of disapproval of their lifestyle..

Ah, so certain religious types want to use their disapproval of the gay 'lifestyle' as an excuse to violate gays' civil rights because gay won't respect that bigotry.


What civil rights are being violated? If I refuse to sell you a firearm because you look like a thug, have I violated your right?

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