Will Republicans ever learn? Indiana governor to sign bill allowing business not to serve gays

There is no right to be served by a business.

Yes there is. The Civil Rights Act of 1964.
Even Jan Brewer was able to figure out it was bad for business

Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer vetoed a bill Wednesday that would have allowed businesses that asserted their religious beliefs the right to deny service to gay and lesbian customers.
The controversial measure faced a surge of opposition in recent days from large corporations and athletic organizations, including Delta Air Lines, the Super Bowl host committee and Major League Baseball

Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer vetoes SB 1062 controversial anti-gay bill - CNN.com

It's already starting in Indiana:

Gen Con We ll Pull 50 Million Convention Out of Indiana if Pence Signs Anti-Gay Religious Freedom Bill Gay News Towleroad

Salesforce exec criticizes religious freedom bill

There is a legal right, but there is no right in the absolute sense. The public accommodations act violates the rights of businesses. Furthermore, it only protects based on race, religion and national origin.

The Second Amendment violates the rights of communities who would rather be gun-free.
What I'm seeing here is hate filled bigots, spewing their vitriol against people who simply wish to conduct their lives and businesses according to their closely held religious beliefs. Your are the ones trying to force your value system on others and doing it in such a hateful way, I think it's inexcusable.

Remember the same values that give you the freedom to be you, also give me the freedom to be free from you. I see this as nothing more than atheist trying to further their persecution of people of faith, just another attempt by the left to destroy the 1st Amendment. The freedom to exercise one's religious beliefs as they see fit and the right of citizens to associate with the people they chose, are bedrock principles of this country that the left has been chipping away for decades. Now that the pendulum is swinging the other way you're having fits and calling names like spoiled little children.

Some of the greatest support for segregation was from religious groups who believed "GOD" didn't want the races to intermingle. How is this any different?

A person walking into a business to buy a retail product is one thing, forcing the proprietor to participate in a ceremony they object to outside the doors of the business is another. You can't force a pastor to perform a marriage ceremony for a couple he objects to and there is no logical reason to force a company to participate in a ceremony they object to. Do you really expect the business would produce its best efforts under such circumstances?

Nobody is forcing a pastor to perform any religious ceremony, and your implication that he would be is intentionally stupid. If a business sells an item or service, it is required to sell that item or service to anyone with the money. Get over it,

So saying "you can't force" suddenly becomes an implication that "you can force", what is your reading level 3rd grade? As for the rest of your BS, looks like that's changing doesn't it, get over it.
Stand strong Indiana! Don't let the economic terrorist threats stop you from doing what's right! No more will faggots and their allies be allowed to destroy business using their terrorist acts.

Sure we will. We'll use social media.

Yelpers Take Hilarious Revenge on We Don t Like Fags Restaurant
Have fun kids. Difference is now you cant sue them for no serving your kind or for not being forced to make your cake for your "wedding" I will stop in Indian at a good business JUST to buy or eat there...:)
Come on Republicans

I know you love to pander to your gay hating base. But are you ever going to learn?

Indiana Governor Mike Pence is ready to sign into law a bill allowing businesses to refuse service to gays for "religious reasons" . All this ten days before the NCAA Final Four comes to Indianapolis. So what was once an opportunity to show the country what a great location his state is for major events, now becomes a poster child for "We hate gays".
See how many Final Fours come back to Indianapolis. Superbowl? Forget it Mike

But at least you got to score points with your gay hating base

Republicans just can't help themselves.

Pence to sign bill allowing businesses to reject gay customers - CNN.com
I really do not understand how selling items to people affects someone's christians beliefs, yet they will sell flowers, cakes to someone on his 2,3,4 marraige. Which according to their own scripture is an abomination and adulterous using their own scripture
Stand strong Indiana! Don't let the economic terrorist threats stop you from doing what's right! No more will faggots and their allies be allowed to destroy business using their terrorist acts.

Sure we will. We'll use social media.

Yelpers Take Hilarious Revenge on We Don t Like Fags Restaurant

They can be sued for that.

Of course they can and no doubt will be.

In truth, no one is talking about not 'serving' homosexuals... and this despite the Left's deceitful attempt to project such upon the issue, this as a fraudulent means to influence the ignorant.

It's typical of evil... as such is its stock in trade.
You aren't qualified to discuss legal matters on teletubbies.
That's precisely why they shouldn't be forced to identify.

They shouldn't be allowed to advertise they provide a service, if they have no intention of providing that to someone. They don't have any right to hide their bigotry or beliefs, if they choose to run a business on them. And then the rest of us, who might buy from them or from another, can make our commercial decisions on any bigotry or believe that we choose to act on. It's the same as when we had signs like this.


Vandalizing their property, however, would be wrong.

Fuck you. They do have the right to tell people whatever they like so long as it isn't fraudulent. Who put you in charge of deciding what rights people have?

Cowards. They are cowards. They want to throw rocks and hide their hands.

Yelp will take care of the bigots, but they should still have to advertise that they will discriminate.


You and your perverted ilk are the ones throwing rocks. Some people simply decline to participate in gay weddings, and that is their right. They have no obligation to announce their beliefs to the entire world, just as gay people aren't obligated to come out of the closet.

An individual is not a business using the commons. If they are going to refuse to serve me, they should have to advertise that in advance so I don't waste time or money in their establishment.


The constitution doesn't mention anything about "the commons." The commons is a piece of land. Government doesn't make business possible. It isn't entitled to anything from businesses. In fact, businesses support the government.

"The commons" argument is the purest hooey ever posted in this forum.
Yelp will take care of the bigots, but they should still have to advertise that they will discriminate.



Yes... remember back when Yelp reported that Chic Fil A was operated by people who recognized the Natural Laws defining Marriage?


"Chick-Fil-A Has 'Record-Setting Day' While Embroiled In Anti-Gay Controversy"

"Chick-fil-A, the chicken restaurant under fire for its president's public comments against same-sex marriage, announced it set new sales records on Wednesday, or as Huckabee renamed it, "Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day.""

Chick-Fil-A Has Record-Setting Day While Embroiled In Anti-Gay Controversy

It's obvious which group is firmly behind their beliefs :)
I understand it works both ways, it's your side that thinks it doesn't and wish to force your values on others. But as more and more states adopt similar laws to protect their religious majorities from state sponsored violations of the 1st Amendment, then people who agree with them will seek to do business with them. People are getting fed up with radical liberalism and radical atheist.

Making bigotry a religion is hardly what America is about.

Yet the persecution of the religious majority is a staple of the religion of radical liberalism and radical atheist, but that's ok because it's your side doing it, right?

In order to fulfill your beliefs we would have to bring back the right of businesses to refuse to serve anyone they didn't like.

Actually I have no problem with that, if they refuse too many they won't be in business will they? But the owner would determine his own fate, not the state.

Whites only businesses didn't go broke in the South did they?

Remind me, what century was that in again?
Exactly how would a business know your gay? When you go into a restaurant, nightclub, shopping mall ect they don't ask if your gay or not. I suspect this applies to very specific things such as bakers and florist not wanting to do gay marriages because of their religious beliefs. The left may now continue with their over the top hysteria.
Have you never seen a person who you just knew was gay?
Stand strong Indiana! Don't let the economic terrorist threats stop you from doing what's right! No more will faggots and their allies be allowed to destroy business using their terrorist acts.

Sure we will. We'll use social media.

Yelpers Take Hilarious Revenge on We Don t Like Fags Restaurant

They can be sued for that.

Of course they can and no doubt will be.

In truth, no one is talking about not 'serving' homosexuals... and this despite the Left's deceitful attempt to project such upon the issue, this as a fraudulent means to influence the ignorant.

It's typical of evil... as such is its stock in trade.

Episodes like these are just attempts by gays to gain respectability by stomping out all opposition. It's spectacularly Orwellian, but these vermin are constantly spouting off about "freedom" and their "rights" when they obviously don't give a damn about anyone else's rights.

I never used to be hostile to gay people until I started posting in forums like this one. Over the years I've learned that they are the most dishonest, spiteful, hypocritical, hostile and authoritarian people on this planet.
Come on Republicans

I know you love to pander to your gay hating base. But are you ever going to learn?

Indiana Governor Mike Pence is ready to sign into law a bill allowing businesses to refuse service to gays for "religious reasons" . All this ten days before the NCAA Final Four comes to Indianapolis. So what was once an opportunity to show the country what a great location his state is for major events, now becomes a poster child for "We hate gays".
See how many Final Fours come back to Indianapolis. Superbowl? Forget it Mike

But at least you got to score points with your gay hating base

Republicans just can't help themselves.

Pence to sign bill allowing businesses to reject gay customers - CNN.com
I really do not understand how selling items to people affects someone's christians beliefs, yet they will sell flowers, cakes to someone on his 2,3,4 marraige. Which according to their own scripture is an abomination and adulterous using their own scripture
I think you should buy the cake and flowers and tell the proprietor that is none of your damn business what I need the cake for besides eating. Because it is not any of their business, their job ends when you purchase the cake or flowers.
An individual is not a business using the commons. If they are going to refuse to serve me, they should have to advertise that in advance so I don't waste time or money in their establishment.


So, you would put a yellow star of David in their window, then?

You are so unique, the world has never seen your ilk before...

An individual is not a business using the commons. If they are going to refuse to serve me, they should have to advertise that in advance so I don't waste time or money in their establishment.


So, you would put a yellow star of David in their window, then?

You are so unique, the world has never seen your ilk before...

Maybe we should force homosexual business owners to put a pink bow on their windows.

I realize this approach won't be popular, but let's take a moment to "think things through".

What are these people going to do, hang a "NO GAYS ALLOWED" sign on their window? Classy. That would make it easy for people to take a photo of it, and before you know it, everyone on the planet knows about it. Then it won't be just the gay population that doesn't go in there, it would be a large segment of the population, those of us who don't like such simple-minded bigotry. Any restaurant that tried that would see a significant drop in business, and no restaurant can afford that for long. Bye bye!

So you're an anti-gay bigot? Cool. Thanks for letting me know. Put up a big sign so that I'll know, and then I'll also know never to go in there and to tell a few friends about it.

Yeah, pass that law.

"No Gays Allowed" is too simple.

If these bigoted merchants were intellectually honest their signs should read: "Due to our devotion to Jesus Christ who taught 'Love one another as you would be loved' and 'Judge not lest ye be judged', we refuse to serve American citizens who are homosexuals".

Or we could see it as it actually is. Everybody who comes into the store to buy products or a service the merchant has for sale is provided those products and/or service. That has never been an issue in any of these cases.

But if the merchant has for sale wedding cakes for Christian weddings, does it follow that the mechant HAS to also carry wedding cakes for NAMBLA or white supremacists or the Westboro Baptists or any other group engaged in activities or promoting docrine that the Christian cannot condone or support? Or create any other product for such groups that the store does not routinely have for sale? Most especially if the Christian is forced to go to the customer's premises and be seen and participate in an activity the Christian finds offensive or cannot condone? Must a Christian accept everybody and everything in order to practice his/her Christian faith?

Things are never as simple as we sometimes would want them to be.
In the case of wedding vendors; bakers, DJs, photographers, caterers and etc., they do not 'participate' in the wedding. They are not invited guests. They do not officiate durning the service. Their merchandise imperamator is not required to legitimize or confirm the actual marriage. Could you imagine your marriage hanging on the approval of the person who bakes your wedding cake?

They are, in fact, merchants who operate public businesses, that is to say businesses open to the public.

Any refusal to provide their normal services is tantamount to discrimination.

What is to stop such merchants from expanding such discrimination to inter racial couples? As it is legal for inter racial couples to wed, and as it is not a crime to merely be an inter racial couple, discriminating against them is patently illegal and morally wrong.

It is not illegal to merely be a homosexual. A majority of states recognize marriage equality. Why should homosexuals suffer under the bigoted discrimination of merchants who clearly have not thoroughly read their Bibles?
Come on Republicans

I know you love to pander to your gay hating base. But are you ever going to learn?

Indiana Governor Mike Pence is ready to sign into law a bill allowing businesses to refuse service to gays for "religious reasons" . All this ten days before the NCAA Final Four comes to Indianapolis. So what was once an opportunity to show the country what a great location his state is for major events, now becomes a poster child for "We hate gays".
See how many Final Fours come back to Indianapolis. Superbowl? Forget it Mike

But at least you got to score points with your gay hating base

Republicans just can't help themselves.

Pence to sign bill allowing businesses to reject gay customers - CNN.com

Your bigotry is shining through brightly. This has nothing to do with "hating" gays. It has to do with protecting business owners who are religious against being sued by bigoted, intolerant gays who can't stand any form of disapproval of their lifestyle, no matter how politely expressed.
An individual is not a business using the commons. If they are going to refuse to serve me, they should have to advertise that in advance so I don't waste time or money in their establishment.


So, you would put a yellow star of David in their window, then?

You are so unique, the world has never seen your ilk before...

Maybe we should force homosexual business owners to put a pink bow on their windows.
Like a yellow Star of David armband?

Golly! Some Conservatives sure do not understand what Liberty means!

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