Will Republicans ever learn? Indiana governor to sign bill allowing business not to serve gays

For you, it may very well be

Marriage is, a law of nature, which requires such is he joining of one man and one woman.

FYI: another Law of Nature is that lending money to people on the basis of a deviant interpretation of 'fairness: defined as "Everyone deserves to own their own home", will lead to the catastrophic failure of loans made on such.

(Reader, you should know that the above cited contributor and 100% of those who agree with him with regard to rejecting the natural law of marriage, were in total support of the Left's decades long effort to coerce the Financial Industry into dropping the longstanding, sustaining actuarial lending principles, for the Left's perverse definition of fairness. And well, you remember how that worked out. What you may not know is that the financial industry, while an important element of the culture, is irrelevant in terms of sustaining the culture, when compared to the Nucleus of the Culture; OKA: Marriage. And while the Leftist policy that modified lending principle lead to financial catastrophe... the consequences of what they're foolishly proposing here will be exponentially more destructive. In truth, you've no means to so much as imagine the brutality to come from following their road map BACK to humanity's understanding of natural law.)

Nobody is forcing you to marry someone against your beliefs

You just can't force the government to accept your biggotry
Ah but it's ok to force the government to accept bigotry against Christians.

It is the Christians exhibiting the biggotry. They are the ones passing judgement

So are you and your pervert friends.
Yes most groups exhibit bigotry against people not in their group.
Let's imagine that a married Lesbian couple walks into a car dealership. They tell the General Manager that they plan to adopt a baby and need to buy a mini van to accommodate their growing family.

Does the General Manager have a protected right to refuse to sell them a vehicle because he does not want to "participate" in their family plans?

If an African American couple comes to a dealership with the same circumstances, again, does the General Manager have a prot Ted right to refuse them as well?

Where does an unusual misinterpretation of scripture begin to no longer be a factor in business?


Ted and Irene have an Astrovan that they put up for sale. A lesbian couple comes along and says they really need a mini-van for orgies. Ted and Irene are Muslim and see this as offensive to Allah.

Should the LGBT community:

1.) Burn down their house and the van
2.) Beat Ted and Irene
3.) Both
4.) Muslims are protected, they aren't filthy Christians!
Wow! Here's your Word of the Day: CONTEXT.
Nobody is forcing you to marry someone against your beliefs

You just can't force the government to accept your biggotry
Ah but it's ok to force the government to accept bigotry against Christians.

It is the Christians exhibiting the biggotry. They are the ones passing judgement

So are you and your pervert friends.
As opposed to you and YOUR pervert friends?

I don't have any friends that allow another male to fuck them up the ass.
How would you know? Have you inspected their anuses?
Let's imagine that a married Lesbian couple walks into a car dealership. They tell the General Manager that they plan to adopt a baby and need to buy a mini van to accommodate their growing family.

Does the General Manager have a protected right to refuse to sell them a vehicle because he does not want to "participate" in their family plans?

If an African American couple comes to a dealership with the same circumstances, again, does the General Manager have a prot Ted right to refuse them as well?

Where does an unusual misinterpretation of scripture begin to no longer be a factor in business?


Ted and Irene have an Astrovan that they put up for sale. A lesbian couple comes along and says they really need a mini-van for orgies. Ted and Irene are Muslim and see this as offensive to Allah.

Should the LGBT community:

1.) Burn down their house and the van
2.) Beat Ted and Irene
3.) Both
4.) Muslims are protected, they aren't filthy Christians!
Wow! Here's your Word of the Day: CONTEXT.

Here is a word you will never grasp: "liberty."
'Indiana Governor Mike Pence is ready to sign into law a bill allowing businesses to refuse service to gays for "religious reasons" . All this ten days before the NCAA Final Four comes to Indianapolis. So what was once an opportunity to show the country what a great location his state is for major events, now becomes a poster child for "We hate gays".'

Consequently this will be correctly record by history as being as infamous as denying African-Americans access to lunch counters.

Republicans don't realize....this all goes on your "permanent record"

Pence may go down in history as the last to sign off on offensive anti-gay legislation
Republicans don't realize....this all goes on your "permanent record"

Pence may go down in history as the last to sign off on offensive anti-gay legislation

More likely he'll go down and one who stood firm for the 1st Amendment under the assault on liberty by the anti-liberty left.
Let's imagine that a married Lesbian couple walks into a car dealership. They tell the General Manager that they plan to adopt a baby and need to buy a mini van to accommodate their growing family.

Does the General Manager have a protected right to refuse to sell them a vehicle because he does not want to "participate" in their family plans?

If an African American couple comes to a dealership with the same circumstances, again, does the General Manager have a prot Ted right to refuse them as well?

Where does an unusual misinterpretation of scripture begin to no longer be a factor in business?


Ted and Irene have an Astrovan that they put up for sale. A lesbian couple comes along and says they really need a mini-van for orgies. Ted and Irene are Muslim and see this as offensive to Allah.

Should the LGBT community:

1.) Burn down their house and the van
2.) Beat Ted and Irene
3.) Both
4.) Muslims are protected, they aren't filthy Christians!
Wow! Here's your Word of the Day: CONTEXT.

Here is a word you will never grasp: "liberty."
At least you are consistent. You read my post, you slathered on out of context hyperbole, and utterly failed to make a cogent response.
Let's imagine that a married Lesbian couple walks into a car dealership. They tell the General Manager that they plan to adopt a baby and need to buy a mini van to accommodate their growing family.

Does the General Manager have a protected right to refuse to sell them a vehicle because he does not want to "participate" in their family plans?

If an African American couple comes to a dealership with the same circumstances, again, does the General Manager have a prot Ted right to refuse them as well?

Where does an unusual misinterpretation of scripture begin to no longer be a factor in business?


Ted and Irene have an Astrovan that they put up for sale. A lesbian couple comes along and says they really need a mini-van for orgies. Ted and Irene are Muslim and see this as offensive to Allah.

Should the LGBT community:

1.) Burn down their house and the van
2.) Beat Ted and Irene
3.) Both
4.) Muslims are protected, they aren't filthy Christians!

Methnks you've confused the LGBT community with McVeigh, Rudolph and Roeder - three murderers, and yet hero's to the radical right wing.
At least you are consistent. You read my post, you slathered on out of context hyperbole, and utterly failed to make a cogent response.

You put forth an absurd analogy that some hate site thought was clever. I sent it back to you with equal absurdity.

You whined.

End of transaction.
Liberty is my right to refuse to do business with anyone for any reason.
Liberty is my right to access the public market place. You want to refuse me business? Fine GTF out of my public market.

Public market place, another invention of the left. Your public market place consist of PRIVATE businesses.
ROFL the left did not exist when the commerce clause was drafted. Thx for playing.

Have you actually read the commerce clause lately, the feds were never intended to interfere with individual businesses unless they were dealing across state lines, with foreign countries or indian tribes. The left is the cause of it being expanded beyond all reason.
That was before the civil war. After the war the fed had the leverage to force the states to do their bidding wrt. taking away our life, liberty, and property.

That said, I'm a fan of civil rights. And I'm a fan of the idea that we should all have the liberty to partake in the public market. I'm also a fan of private businesses having the right to buy and sell privately, such as through barter, trade, and even monetary exchanges for access to private benefits. Just don't advertise for public sale. For example, if you are a church it's ok to charge for weddings to members of the church, but it's not ok to advertise to the public the sale of wedding services then deny because the couple is black or gay etc.
Another state added to the list I don't want to visit:

1. Alabama
2. Arizona
3. Oklahoma
4. Indiana

I would sooner visit Russia or Saudi Arabia, than those four states.

In fact, I would say that Russia is a tolerant utopia in comparison.
If they want to take a hit to their tourism and income they are welcome to it.:popcorn:

I hope they enjoy their illegal immigration problem too: Immigration in Arizona Fact Sheet 2012
  • There were an estimated 278,460 illegal aliens working in Arizona in 2011, approximately 9.3 percent of the total workforce.
  • Unemployment in Arizona in January 2012 was 8.7 percent with 262,587 Arizonans officially unemployed.
  • Over 10% of children enrolled in public schools (K-12) have parents who are in the U.S. illegally.
  • Illegal aliens and their children were found to be 37 percent of the uninsured population in Arizona in 2008, and the cost of uncompensated care for illegal aliens in Arizona is $320 million annually.
  • The total education, medical, and incarceration costs in Arizona due to illegal immigration are $2.6 billion a year.

I don't know about that. You can be openly gay in any of those states you are boycotting and pretty much nobody would think anything about it. At least no more than you would find in any other state.

But being gay in Russia is a rather dangerous thing:
The Fear of Being Gay in Russia - Nora Fitzgerald and Vladimir Ruvinsky - POLITICO Magazine
It isn't just about being gay, as they have all drawn fire for racism or religious intolerance towards other faiths or religious beliefs.

Russia isn't too safe to be gay, but they aren't passing laws that make people think 'blacks/whites only'.

And neither is anybody else if you take the time to really review the law with an open mind and not what the ideological pundits say about it.
Methnks you've confused the LGBT community with McVeigh, Rudolph and Roeder - three murderers, and yet hero's to the radical right wing.

Is that what your hero Pol Pot taught you?

Tim McVeigh, wasn't he that dipshit JOOO hater in bed with Al Qaeda - the same group you democrats are in bed with now?

Yeah, he sure was..
At least you are consistent. You read my post, you slathered on out of context hyperbole, and utterly failed to make a cogent response.

You put forth an absurd analogy that some hate site thought was clever. I sent it back to you with equal absurdity.

You whined.

End of transaction.
Thanks for giving me more credit than deserved. I created the analogy, I did not pilfer it.

You, on the other hand, are unable to concoct a response.

Gee! I wonder why?
Oh - I almost forgot Obama also said - direct quote - "In ancient times and in our times, Muslim communities have been at the forefront of innovation and education."

Absoultely, Islam countries are known for education.
They were for awhile...and then the crazy fundamentalists took over.

Yes...you will note, however, he also said "and in our times".
I know when I think of some of the great universities and advancement is sciences - I think of Iran, Syria, Turkey, Afghanistan, Libya all mecca's of modern thinking.
Obama really hit the nail on the head.
How'd that "standing firm" go for George Wallace?

Which part of the Constitution was life long democrat Wallace protecting?

{Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.}

I understand, you leftist view freedom as too important to let just anyone have it.
Methnks you've confused the LGBT community with McVeigh, Rudolph and Roeder - three murderers, and yet hero's to the radical right wing.

Is that what your hero Pol Pot taught you?

Tim McVeigh, wasn't he that dipshit JOOO hater in bed with Al Qaeda - the same group you democrats are in bed with now?

Yeah, he sure was..
Deviate from the question, add a heaping portion of hyperbole, run down the primrose path, declare victory and clear the field.

Hallmarks of an untenable argument and a shallow mind. Well played!
Who are you to judge what "true religion" is? Is Islam a true religion? You know, the guys who throw people off of buildings because they are homosexuals?

That can't be right!
Our President said, and I quote - "Islam has a proud tradition of tolerance"
He also said, direct quote.. - "Islam has always been part of America
Also - "We will convey our deep appreciation for the Islamic faith, which has done so much over the centuries to shape the world — including in my own country.

So there is no way the Islamic faith is intolerant like that...our President said so.


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