Will Republicans ever learn? Indiana governor to sign bill allowing business not to serve gays

'Indiana Governor Mike Pence is ready to sign into law a bill allowing businesses to refuse service to gays for "religious reasons" . All this ten days before the NCAA Final Four comes to Indianapolis. So what was once an opportunity to show the country what a great location his state is for major events, now becomes a poster child for "We hate gays".'

Consequently this will be correctly record by history as being as infamous as denying African-Americans access to lunch counters.


Do you think Christians should have to register with party leaders and wear an arm band for easy identification? Just so you know who they are in public?
Laws, knucklehead. Laws. In the end....there will be justice.

Laws assclown?

Laws like this?

{Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.}

If only you leftist thugs would obey this law and stop trying to crush it.
Nope. Too many don't do the right thing. Sorry.

Which is why you and your comrades have whips in one hand and guns in the other. Violence is your solution for every problem.

Weeeeeeeeee! Fearful nutters caught in a moment of vulnerability! Next breath.....threatening 2nd Amendment solutions. Bad-ass pussies.

The idea of government using the lash on people excites you, doesn't it?

In order to fulfill your beliefs we would have to bring back the right of businesses to refuse to serve anyone they didn't like.

Actually I have no problem with that, if they refuse too many they won't be in business will they? But the owner would determine his own fate, not the state.

Whites only businesses didn't go broke in the South did they?

Remind me, what century was that in again?

The 20th idiot. You either believe businesses should be able to be whites only or you don't.

Which is it ? Youi do or don't?

Private businesses should be allowed to make that choice for themselves.

So you support repealing Title II of the Civil Rights Act then? Have you called your congressman?

Did you know that Federal law prohibits discrimination based on race and religion but laws that protect gays are STATE laws? Aren't you a state's rights guy?
Liberty is my right to refuse to do business with anyone for any reason.
Liberty is my right to access the public market place. You want to refuse me business? Fine GTF out of my public market.

Public market place, another invention of the left. Your public market place consist of PRIVATE businesses.
ROFL the left did not exist when the commerce clause was drafted. Thx for playing.

Have you actually read the commerce clause lately, the feds were never intended to interfere with individual businesses unless they were dealing across state lines, with foreign countries or indian tribes. The left is the cause of it being expanded beyond all reason.
Weird nutters. We are free FROM your religion. Please understand.

No assclown, you are not. You have the freedom to believe as you chose, You demand that you be able to force others to believe as you chose, but you don't have that "right."

Because that is not a right, you seek to use violence to force your views.

Oh and assclown, I have no religion.
Let's imagine that a married Lesbian couple walks into a car dealership. They tell the General Manager that they plan to adopt a baby and need to buy a mini van to accommodate their growing family.

Does the General Manager have a protected right to refuse to sell them a vehicle because he does not want to "participate" in their family plans?

If an African American couple comes to a dealership with the same circumstances, again, does the General Manager have a protected right to refuse them as well?

Suppose an elderly couple wanted to adopt a baby and needed a mini van. Could the dealer see this as 'deviant' and refuse the sale?

Where does an unusual misinterpretation of scripture begin to no longer be a factor in business?
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:lol: Yeah, great analogy. Making a business that wishes to discriminate against gays say that's what they will do is just like singling out Jewish businesses in Nazi Germany.

Bigots and Jews...yeah, just alike. :lol:

You're the first who have wanted to identify the businesses of your enemy who have a religion you are dedicated to crushing.

Oh wait, I think there actually may have been an earlier group just like you....

View attachment 38596

The businesses are the ones that want to discriminate, I just want to spend my money. I don't want to spend my money at a bigots store. They should have to inform me in advance that they don't want my gay money. They're cowards if they don't.
So you support repealing Title II of the Civil Rights Act then? Have you called your congressman?

Did you know that Federal law prohibits discrimination based on race and religion but laws that protect gays are STATE laws? Aren't you a state's rights guy?

Pssst sploogy, Title VII.

Request Rejected

Title II of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination because of race, color, religion, or national origin in certain places of public accommodation, such as hotels, restaurants, and places of entertainment. The Department of Justice can bring a lawsuit under Title II when there is reason to believe that a person has engaged in a pattern or practice of discrimination in violation of Title II. The Department can obtain injunctive, but not monetary, relief in such cases. Individuals can also file suit to enforce their rights under Title II and other federal and state statutes may also provide remedies for discrimination in places of public accommodation
:lol: Yeah, great analogy. Making a business that wishes to discriminate against gays say that's what they will do is just like singling out Jewish businesses in Nazi Germany.

Bigots and Jews...yeah, just alike. :lol:

You're the first who have wanted to identify the businesses of your enemy who have a religion you are dedicated to crushing.

Oh wait, I think there actually may have been an earlier group just like you....

View attachment 38596

The businesses are the ones that want to discriminate, I just want to spend my money. I don't want to spend my money at a bigots store. They should have to inform me in advance that they don't want my gay money. They're cowards if they don't.
The list will be out, pun intended, in no time at all. The lives of bigots there are about to become very interesting, as in the Chinese curse, May you live in interesting times...
Indiana... land of low wages and a state going backwards. How are they going to test? Ask if you are gay or not? What if someone says I don't know?
In the case of wedding vendors; bakers, DJs, photographers, caterers and etc., they do not 'participate' in the wedding. They are not invited guests.

So what are they, slaves beholden to your orders?

Leftism is totalitarian by nature - as this again demonstrates.

He says DJs, photographers and caterers don't participate in weddings. They don't? That's news to me.
Are these vendors officiating at the ceremony? Are they to bring a gift to the reception? Do these vendors give away the bride?

As it turns out, these vendors are merely plying their trade. There is no requirement for wedding vendors to approve of the weddings they serve. The vendors do not place a merchantile imperamator to the weddings they service.

Are you saying a business owner shouldn't be able to pick his clients?

That's not the issue, business owners are in business to make money, not social policy. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 is violated in spirit, as is Jefferson's message in our Declaration of Independence (all men are created equal), by this nefarious and dishonest effort to discriminate; Pence has demonstrated without a doubt that he is not of the right stuff to be called an American.

I don't suppose anyone has yet compared Pence with Putin, and considered the world wide response Putin got, do to his bigotry and prejudice at the Olympics.

Soon enough, Independents will recognize the Republican brand will go after their rights too, look how they respond to Rockefeller Republicans - aka known by the extreme conservatives as RINO's.
Let's imagine that a married Lesbian couple walks into a car dealership. They tell the General Manager that they plan to adopt a baby and need to buy a mini van to accommodate their growing family.

Does the General Manager have a protected right to refuse to sell them a vehicle because he does not want to "participate" in their family plans?

If an African American couple comes to a dealership with the same circumstances, again, does the General Manager have a prot Ted right to refuse them as well?

Where does an unusual misinterpretation of scripture begin to no longer be a factor in business?


Ted and Irene have an Astrovan that they put up for sale. A lesbian couple comes along and says they really need a mini-van for orgies. Ted and Irene are Muslim and see this as offensive to Allah.

Should the LGBT community:

1.) Burn down their house and the van
2.) Beat Ted and Irene
3.) Both
4.) Muslims are protected, they aren't filthy Christians!
There was a time in this country when religion was used to justify segregation:

“Almighty God created the races white, black, yellow, malay and red, and he placed them on separate continents. And, but for the interference with his arrangement, there would be no cause for such marriage. The fact that he separated the races shows that he did not intend for the races to mix.”

Loving v. Virginia LII Legal Information Institute

Today we see the same arrogance, ignorance, and hate exhibited by most social conservatives toward gay Americans, where 'religious liberty' measures have nothing whatsoever with 'freedom of faith,' and everything to do with an unwarranted hostility toward LGBT citizens, and the desire to disadvantage and humiliate those citizens in their own home communities.

This is not who we are as a people, we are better than this.
We're not speaking of Republicans, we're speaking of Americans; which is to say those who recognize, respect, defend and adhere to the principles that define America... OKA: Natural Principles.

Admit it....you have lost
Gay Marriage will be the law of the land by June

An no, Americans do not support you

Most Republicans have given up on the issue and just wish it would go away. It makes them lose votes and credibility with younger voters
Nice projection there. So when the democrats changed their mind and began voting for gay marriage it was only because they were loosing votes and credibility? Or did the democrats vote against gay marriage in the past because otherwise they would loose votes and credibility?

I think most democrats looked at things like DADT and civil unions as a middle ground where the homosexual issue would settle and go away

It did not work out that way and thankfully so

Republicans realize this is a losing issue for them in 2016 and would like it to just go away. The Supreme Court deciding for them keeps them from having to state a position either way

But there is the radical Fag Haters who just can't drop it
So no fag haters that are democrats? Would you have a link to some statistics that back up your apparent claim that democrat fag haters were just kidding and/or being pragmatic, but now their true love of fags is coming out... where the republicans are mostly still fag haters that are hoping the issue disappears? Or is this just some bullshit you are pulling out of your ass?

You are welcome to show me any anti-gay legislation being passed at any level of government by Democrats.......otherwise STFU
Hey, nimrod. It was illegal in just about every state. But if you really want an example: DOMA, was anti-gay legislation signed by Bill Clinton, and supported by nearly every democrat.
The businesses are the ones that want to discriminate, I just want to spend my money. I don't want to spend my money at a bigots store. They should have to inform me in advance that they don't want my gay money. They're cowards if they don't.

The other night my son and I talked about what to have for dinner. He suggested McDonalds, I said I hate McDonalds.

Should you be able to force me to eat there because I discriminated based on my own views?

Free people by and sell to those they chose to buy and sell to.

Slaves buy and sell to those their master orders them to.

I clash with you of the left because you seek to crush civil liberty.

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