Will Republicans ever learn? Indiana governor to sign bill allowing business not to serve gays

Stand strong Indiana! Don't let the economic terrorist threats stop you from doing what's right! No more will faggots and their allies be allowed to destroy business using their terrorist acts.

Sure we will. We'll use social media.

Yelpers Take Hilarious Revenge on We Don t Like Fags Restaurant
Have fun kids. Difference is now you cant sue them for no serving your kind or for not being forced to make your cake for your "wedding" I will stop in Indian at a good business JUST to buy or eat there...:)

I'd have no problem with that...if I were allowed to refuse to serve Christians. I'd also have less of a problem with this law if the bigots had to advertise who they won't sell to.

Why are they such cowards?

You mean you would have less of a problem with it if you could persecute people you don't like.

What a blessing to humanity you are!
I'd have no problem with that...if I were allowed to refuse to serve Christians. I'd also have less of a problem with this law if the bigots had to advertise who they won't sell to.

Why are they such cowards?

You're starting to catch on. Put up a "Christians not welcome" sign outside vegan cafe's. It would be a public service so that decent folk would know to avoid those places.

As a white man, I would never set foot in a place that had a "white's only" sign - but I defend the right of morons to shoot themselves in the foot by doing it.The left only understands violence, the concept of markets is one that few leftists can grasp.
Another state added to the list I don't want to visit:

1. Alabama
2. Arizona
3. Oklahoma
4. Indiana

I would sooner visit Russia or Saudi Arabia, than those four states.

In fact, I would say that Russia is a tolerant utopia in comparison.
If they want to take a hit to their tourism and income they are welcome to it.:popcorn:

I hope they enjoy their illegal immigration problem too: Immigration in Arizona Fact Sheet 2012
  • There were an estimated 278,460 illegal aliens working in Arizona in 2011, approximately 9.3 percent of the total workforce.
  • Unemployment in Arizona in January 2012 was 8.7 percent with 262,587 Arizonans officially unemployed.
  • Over 10% of children enrolled in public schools (K-12) have parents who are in the U.S. illegally.
  • Illegal aliens and their children were found to be 37 percent of the uninsured population in Arizona in 2008, and the cost of uncompensated care for illegal aliens in Arizona is $320 million annually.
  • The total education, medical, and incarceration costs in Arizona due to illegal immigration are $2.6 billion a year.

Please add Texas to your list.
Already done....why won't they secede already?

Thank you and why don't you and your liberal bastions secede and save the majority of the US, that actually believes in the Constitution, the trouble.
George Rocks.

Heard this the other day on Howard:

Laughed and laughed.

You have the right to love black dick, assclown. What you don't have the right to do is to force others to share in your love of black dick.

Why can't you fuckwads practice your freedom and let other practice theirs? You always demand that you have to right to crush the freedoms of others.
Stand strong Indiana! Don't let the economic terrorist threats stop you from doing what's right! No more will faggots and their allies be allowed to destroy business using their terrorist acts.

Sure we will. We'll use social media.

Yelpers Take Hilarious Revenge on We Don t Like Fags Restaurant
Have fun kids. Difference is now you cant sue them for no serving your kind or for not being forced to make your cake for your "wedding" I will stop in Indian at a good business JUST to buy or eat there...:)

I'd have no problem with that...if I were allowed to refuse to serve Christians. I'd also have less of a problem with this law if the bigots had to advertise who they won't sell to.

Why are they such cowards?
I am sure you can. Why do they need to do that? So domestic terrorists such as yourself can target them?Now when ANY business decides they don't want to serve queers cake for their "wedding" or flowers for it they won't get in trouble. You brought this on yourself.
You know, someday I hope you guys will trust the american people to do the right thing towards their fellow citizens without the desires to force them to our punish them if they don't.

Nope. Too many don't do the right thing. Sorry.
Market forces did not defeat legalized bigotry ...people being willing to be killed and beaten defeated bigotry and the Neo Bigotry will to be defeated ...make no mistakes about that....
The Bill of Rights legalizes bigotry, you blithering moron. However, it doesn't legalize beating and killing people. Fears about getting killed or beaten is pure homo hysteria.

One thing is clear, you and your Nazi homo friends intend to ram your lifestyle down everyone's throat. Don't expect peaceful cooperation with that.
Another state added to the list I don't want to visit:

1. Alabama
2. Arizona
3. Oklahoma
4. Indiana

I would sooner visit Russia or Saudi Arabia, than those four states.

In fact, I would say that Russia is a tolerant utopia in comparison.
If they want to take a hit to their tourism and income they are welcome to it.:popcorn:

I hope they enjoy their illegal immigration problem too: Immigration in Arizona Fact Sheet 2012
  • There were an estimated 278,460 illegal aliens working in Arizona in 2011, approximately 9.3 percent of the total workforce.
  • Unemployment in Arizona in January 2012 was 8.7 percent with 262,587 Arizonans officially unemployed.
  • Over 10% of children enrolled in public schools (K-12) have parents who are in the U.S. illegally.
  • Illegal aliens and their children were found to be 37 percent of the uninsured population in Arizona in 2008, and the cost of uncompensated care for illegal aliens in Arizona is $320 million annually.
  • The total education, medical, and incarceration costs in Arizona due to illegal immigration are $2.6 billion a year.

Please add Texas to your list.
Sorry, Austin already has an atheist group ( The Atheist Community of Austin ) and hosts The Atheist Experience ( The Atheist Experience TV Show ), so you are going to have to try harder. :cool:

Figures, Austin is right up there with DC as one of the most inhospitable cities I've ever been in. I travel through there sometimes by I usually don't stop.
You know, someday I hope you guys will trust the american people to do the right thing towards their fellow citizens without the desires to force them to our punish them if they don't.

Nope. Too many don't do the right thing. Sorry.

And you will make them do "the right thing" if you have to throw them in prison and take everything they own, right?

Stand strong Indiana! Don't let the economic terrorist threats stop you from doing what's right! No more will faggots and their allies be allowed to destroy business using their terrorist acts.

Sure we will. We'll use social media.

Yelpers Take Hilarious Revenge on We Don t Like Fags Restaurant
Have fun kids. Difference is now you cant sue them for no serving your kind or for not being forced to make your cake for your "wedding" I will stop in Indian at a good business JUST to buy or eat there...:)

I'd have no problem with that...if I were allowed to refuse to serve Christians. I'd also have less of a problem with this law if the bigots had to advertise who they won't sell to.

Why are they such cowards?
I am sure you can. Why do they need to do that? So domestic terrorists such as yourself can target them?Now when ANY business decides they don't want to serve queers cake for their "wedding" or flowers for it they won't get in trouble. You brought this on yourself.
In both cases those states had anti-discrimination laws, passed by said states.

So it wasn't 'targeting' at all, unless you are suggesting state legislators can see decades into the future when they pass legislation.
You know, someday I hope you guys will trust the american people to do the right thing towards their fellow citizens without the desires to force them to our punish them if they don't.

Nope. Too many don't do the right thing. Sorry.

And you will make them do "the right thing" if you have to throw them in prison and take everything they own, right?


Nope. I'll just make them serve ******* and gays. That's all.
An individual is not a business using the commons. If they are going to refuse to serve me, they should have to advertise that in advance so I don't waste time or money in their establishment.


So, you would put a yellow star of David in their window, then?

You are so unique, the world has never seen your ilk before...


:lol: Yeah, great analogy. Making a business that wishes to discriminate against gays say that's what they will do is just like singling out Jewish businesses in Nazi Germany.

Bigots and Jews...yeah, just alike. :lol:
Weeeeeeeeee! Fearful nutters caught in a moment of vulnerability! Next breath.....threatening 2nd Amendment solutions. Bad-ass pussies.

Assclown, you demand that laws be passed to crush the civil rights of those you hate. What is it that backs those laws up? How will you and your fellow brown shirts force bakers to bake cakes for their betters? How will you brown shirts force a DJ to break out the disco for a gay soiree?

Oh, here is how;

{We must not depict socialism as if socialists will bring it to us on a plate all nicely dressed. That will never happen. Not a single problem of the class struggle has ever been solved in history except by violence. When violence is exercised by the working people, by the mass of exploited against the exploiters — then we are for it!} - Vlad Lenin
'Indiana Governor Mike Pence is ready to sign into law a bill allowing businesses to refuse service to gays for "religious reasons" . All this ten days before the NCAA Final Four comes to Indianapolis. So what was once an opportunity to show the country what a great location his state is for major events, now becomes a poster child for "We hate gays".'

Consequently this will be correctly record by history as being as infamous as denying African-Americans access to lunch counters.
:lol: Yeah, great analogy. Making a business that wishes to discriminate against gays say that's what they will do is just like singling out Jewish businesses in Nazi Germany.

Bigots and Jews...yeah, just alike. :lol:

You're the first who have wanted to identify the businesses of your enemy who have a religion you are dedicated to crushing.

Oh wait, I think there actually may have been an earlier group just like you....

Weeeeeeeeee! Fearful nutters caught in a moment of vulnerability! Next breath.....threatening 2nd Amendment solutions. Bad-ass pussies.

Assclown, you demand that laws be passed to crush the civil rights of those you hate. What is it that backs those laws up? How will you and your fellow brown shirts force bakers to bake cakes for their betters? How will you brown shirts force a DJ to break out the disco for a gay soiree?

Oh, here is how;

{We must not depict socialism as if socialists will bring it to us on a plate all nicely dressed. That will never happen. Not a single problem of the class struggle has ever been solved in history except by violence. When violence is exercised by the working people, by the mass of exploited against the exploiters — then we are for it!} - Vlad Lenin

Laws, knucklehead. Laws. In the end....there will be justice.
Liberty is my right to refuse to do business with anyone for any reason.
Liberty is my right to access the public market place. You want to refuse me business? Fine GTF out of my public market.

Public market place, another invention of the left. Your public market place consist of PRIVATE businesses.
ROFL the left did not exist when the commerce clause was drafted. Thx for playing.

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