Will Republicans ever learn? Indiana governor to sign bill allowing business not to serve gays

Queers look for any excuse to push their agenda! Whatever happened to Freedom Of Choice? Businesses should be allowed to refuse service to whoever they choose.

Also, Dana's dumbass, bigoted views are not impressive.
Signing a bill into law, one passed by a legislature, which deprives a segment of the population of the same right available to the majority of citizens defines Authoritarianism.

The 1st Amendment is already law, Comrade. You have no right to force others to serve you. Free people serve whom they choose, slave serve whom they are ordered to serve.

You leftists still demand slavery, 150 years after the Republicans kicked your ass on this issue the first time.

People are NOT your property to depose of as you please.

As a concrete thinker, and I use the word thinker in relation to you loosely, I understand how you compartmentalize the word Freedom. Freedom is not absolute, no matter how you have come to understand the language used in the First and Second Amendments to the COTUS.

No religion can engage in human sacrifice.
No citizen can utter they have a bomb as they board a plane.
No citizen can yell fire in a crowded theater.
The right to own a fully automatic weapon is highly restricted.

Technically, the Civil Rights Act of 1964 allows what Indiana has done, because the GLBT community was not included in the protected class. That does not mean the Governor and legislature is not culpable. Though in the current iteration of the of the Republican Party, the Party of the small tent, such a law is fine and dandy - one more example of dishonesty and hypocrisy in their membership.

You're a "concrete thinker?" Does that mean your brain resembles a lump of concrete?

Marriage equality was on the ballot in my state in the 2012 election.

The people of my state voted and voted in a good majority for marriage equality.

So the people of Washington state spoke loud and proud, gay marriage will forever be legal in Washington. It wasn't done by a court or a state legislature. It was done by the vote of the people.

California voters voted against it. What happened there?

It was a different time

It would pass overwhelmingly in California today

What happened in CA was lots of money flooded into the state supporting Prop. 8 and it won by a small margin (yes, 52.24%; No, 47.74%). Today, it might pass, however with the passage of CU v. FEC and McCutheon v. FEC a lot more money will support bigotry than equal rights, since the bigots can support bigotry anonymously.
They are screaming for the right of their religion to persecute others

No, actually, they want the right to practice their religion....and that right is in the Bill of Rights, and if they don't want to make cakes for weddings that violate their religious beliefs then the founding document of this country codifies that that don't have to.....

Their right to practice their religion is not infringed upon. They can still practice it all they want to. They chose to open a business and states can regulate intrastate commerce. If they want their business to be religious, they need to file for tax exempt status as a church...but then there goes the profit margin. Decisions, decisons.

I'd have a lot more respect for these folks the first time they refuse to bake a cake for an interfaith or divorced and remarrying couple...or maybe some fatties.

So you're saying Indiana is well within their rights to pass this legislation, after all, it's within their powers to regulate intrastate commerce.

Yes. There are no federal protections for gays like there are for Christians. Are you saying you support PA laws that protect gays since they are passed at the state or local level?

I believe the laws which protect Christians are unconstitutional and wrong to. If a business doesn't way Christian customers, they shouldn't have to have them

The Constitutionality has already been determined by the SCOTUS. Only Congress can get rid of the Federal protections. You didn't answer my question about states rights.
Queers look for any excuse to push their agenda! Whatever happened to Freedom Of Choice? Businesses should be allowed to refuse service to whoever they choose.

Also, Dana's dumbass, bigoted views are not impressive.

They haven't been able to since 1964.
Signing a bill into law, one passed by a legislature, which deprives a segment of the population of the same right available to the majority of citizens defines Authoritarianism.

The 1st Amendment is already law, Comrade. You have no right to force others to serve you. Free people serve whom they choose, slave serve whom they are ordered to serve.

You leftists still demand slavery, 150 years after the Republicans kicked your ass on this issue the first time.

People are NOT your property to depose of as you please.

As a concrete thinker, and I use the word thinker in relation to you loosely, I understand how you compartmentalize the word Freedom. Freedom is not absolute, no matter how you have come to understand the language used in the First and Second Amendments to the COTUS.

No religion can engage in human sacrifice.
No citizen can utter they have a bomb as they board a plane.
No citizen can yell fire in a crowded theater.
The right to own a fully automatic weapon is highly restricted.

Technically, the Civil Rights Act of 1964 allows what Indiana has done, because the GLBT community was not included in the protected class. That does not mean the Governor and legislature is not culpable. Though in the current iteration of the of the Republican Party, the Party of the small tent, such a law is fine and dandy - one more example of dishonesty and hypocrisy in their membership.

You're a "concrete thinker?" Does that mean your brain resembles a lump of concrete?

Yours might.

Abstract thinkers are able to reflect on events and ideas, and on attributes and relationships separate from the objects that have those attributes or share those relationships. Thus, for example, a concrete thinker can think about this particular dog; a more abstract thinker can think about dogs in general.
And they can take that all the way up to the Supreme Court. And once Indiana figures out the total cost of that tab then they might run these clowns right out of the state.
That's only because the government brainwashing mills have gone into overdrive to make homosexuality socially acceptable. They brainwashed an entire generation.

You and Vladimir Putin are the only good guys ...wooo hooo

Have you noticed how your posts have no tangible connection with reality or with anything anyone posted?
The Government has the Right to regulate marriage and yet it also has the obligation to do it within Constitutional parameters including equal protection under the Law......If the law does not allow the gays to marry then they have one less right .....
"Equal protection" only applies to race, creed and national origin."
You are a dummy ....equal protection under the law is a Constitutional Amendment...# 14
Equal protection Wex Legal Dictionary Encyclopedia LII Legal Information Institute
equal protection: an overview
The Equal Protection Clause of the 14th amendment of the U.S. Constitution prohibits states from denying any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.SeeU.S. Const. amend. XIV. In other words, the laws of a state must treat an individual in the same manner as others in similar conditions and circumstances...

Now even someone like you must agree a gay is in fact a "person"..
Signing a bill into law, one passed by a legislature, which deprives a segment of the population of the same right available to the majority of citizens defines Authoritarianism.

The 1st Amendment is already law, Comrade. You have no right to force others to serve you. Free people serve whom they choose, slave serve whom they are ordered to serve.

You leftists still demand slavery, 150 years after the Republicans kicked your ass on this issue the first time.

People are NOT your property to depose of as you please.

As a concrete thinker, and I use the word thinker in relation to you loosely, I understand how you compartmentalize the word Freedom. Freedom is not absolute, no matter how you have come to understand the language used in the First and Second Amendments to the COTUS.

No religion can engage in human sacrifice.
No citizen can utter they have a bomb as they board a plane.
No citizen can yell fire in a crowded theater.
The right to own a fully automatic weapon is highly restricted.

Technically, the Civil Rights Act of 1964 allows what Indiana has done, because the GLBT community was not included in the protected class. That does not mean the Governor and legislature is not culpable. Though in the current iteration of the of the Republican Party, the Party of the small tent, such a law is fine and dandy - one more example of dishonesty and hypocrisy in their membership.

You're a "concrete thinker?" Does that mean your brain resembles a lump of concrete?

Yours might.

Abstract thinkers are able to reflect on events and ideas, and on attributes and relationships separate from the objects that have those attributes or share those relationships. Thus, for example, a concrete thinker can think about this particular dog; a more abstract thinker can think about dogs in general.

I don't think I would be boasting about that if I were you. It's a polite way of saying you're a blockhead.
The bush boy said the following:

Assclown, granted that you have an IQ less than 40, but what the fuck do random hating points from the Soros hate sites have to do with the Indiana law protecting the 1st Amendment?

You have no awareness at all of what is going on around you, do you?
Good. Will make sure I never buy from Indiana, which is desperately trying to one up Putin.

Whereas I WILL start trying to buy products from companies in Indiana and would consider it more highly as a potential travel destination.
oh well, they don't like it they can move. simple
To be fair. I don't know why anyone would want to live in a state that hates them. I already live in a pro-LGBT state, so people are welcome to move here, as long as they leave their anti-LGBT attitudes at the door.
Have you noticed how your posts have no tangible connection with reality or with anything anyone posted?
Have you noticed how crazy it has to be then that you have been in a series of exchanges with me in spite of your assertion....woo hooo
This one is tricky. .

It's not tricky at all, you gutless wimp. The govt is allowed to use affirmative action to ban businesses from hiring whites so the business should certainly be allowed to also ban who it pleases from entering. THINK
oh well, they don't like it they can move. simple
To be fair. I don't know why anyone would want to live in a state that hates them. I already live in a pro-LGBT state, so people are welcome to move here, as long as they leave their anti-LGBT attitudes at the door.

oh for crying out loud. It doesn't say a STATE hates them. they are the ones pushing hate on the REST OF US if people don't ALL BOW down to them

so whatever

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