Will Republicans ever learn? Indiana governor to sign bill allowing business not to serve gays

Good. Will make sure I never buy from Indiana, which is desperately trying to one up Putin.

Whereas I WILL start trying to buy products from companies in Indiana and would consider it more highly as a potential travel destination.
Meh. Indiana will take an economic hit, as international firms pull out and as events move out of the state. A few red state visitors or buyers won't change that.
oh well, they don't like it they can move. simple
To be fair. I don't know why anyone would want to live in a state that hates them. I already live in a pro-LGBT state, so people are welcome to move here, as long as they leave their anti-LGBT attitudes at the door.
You really don't see it, do you?

How dare they have an attitude toward X....why, I don't want them in My state.......

Good. Will make sure I never buy from Indiana, which is desperately trying to one up Putin.

Whereas I WILL start trying to buy products from companies in Indiana and would consider it more highly as a potential travel destination.
Meh. Indiana will take an economic hit, as international firms pull out and as events move out of the state. A few red state visitors or buyers won't change that.
That's what the retards said about Chick fil A too....
You need to be answering the question why as a conservative you support the oppressive intrusive Big Nanny Government in Missouri giving citations to Blacks for "manner of walking"....WTF is that Bro....

Tyrant, you define stupid. :thup:
Following Indiana's enactment of a law that will ensure the right to discriminate against LGBT Americans and other marginalized groups, #BoycottIndiana started trending on Twitter Thursday and hit the #1 spot (behind a promoted link) Friday.
Good. Will make sure I never buy from Indiana, which is desperately trying to one up Putin.

Why is it wrong for businesses to ban people from entering their store but it's ok for the govt to use affirmative action and ban businesses from hiring white males.? THINK
The Government has the Right to regulate marriage and yet it also has the obligation to do it within Constitutional parameters including equal protection under the Law......If the law does not allow the gays to marry then they have one less right .....
"Equal protection" only applies to race, creed and national origin."
You are a dummy ....equal protection under the law is a Constitutional Amendment...# 14
Equal protection Wex Legal Dictionary Encyclopedia LII Legal Information Institute
equal protection: an overview
The Equal Protection Clause of the 14th amendment of the U.S. Constitution prohibits states from denying any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.SeeU.S. Const. amend. XIV. In other words, the laws of a state must treat an individual in the same manner as others in similar conditions and circumstances...

Now even someone like you must agree a gay is in fact a "person"..

Damn, you are correct about something! I think that's in the public accomadation laws rather than the Constitution.

However, allowing business to server whomever the choose to serve is not a law that discriminates against anyone. In fact, it's the absence of a law. Forcing a business owner to serve anyone is a violation of his individual rights.
Good. Will make sure I never buy from Indiana, which is desperately trying to one up Putin.

Whereas I WILL start trying to buy products from companies in Indiana and would consider it more highly as a potential travel destination.
Meh. Indiana will take an economic hit, as international firms pull out and as events move out of the state. A few red state visitors or buyers won't change that.

You really believe that don't you? I don't think they are too worried over it. If the people who live there are worried over it. it's UP TO THEM to speak out about it.
Good. Will make sure I never buy from Indiana, which is desperately trying to one up Putin.

Whereas I WILL start trying to buy products from companies in Indiana and would consider it more highly as a potential travel destination.
Meh. Indiana will take an economic hit, as international firms pull out and as events move out of the state. A few red state visitors or buyers won't change that.

I agree. It is my understanding that the majority of the businesses are pro LGBT there because they are after talent. Indiana has a brain drain already due to the quality of life issue. The best and brightest don't really dream of going to say.......Indiana.
You need to be answering the question why as a conservative you support the oppressive intrusive Big Nanny Government in Missouri giving citations to Blacks for "manner of walking"....WTF is that Bro....

Tyrant, you define stupid. :thup:
Following Indiana's enactment of a law that will ensure the right to discriminate against LGBT Americans and other marginalized groups, #BoycottIndiana started trending on Twitter Thursday and hit the #1 spot (behind a promoted link) Friday.
WOW! You mean there are enough homos in this country to vote a tag to number one? The mountains are going to crumble now!
Good. Will make sure I never buy from Indiana, which is desperately trying to one up Putin.

Whereas I WILL start trying to buy products from companies in Indiana and would consider it more highly as a potential travel destination.
Meh. Indiana will take an economic hit, as international firms pull out and as events move out of the state. A few red state visitors or buyers won't change that.

Any effect form the minority will be negligible. Six weeks from now nobody will give a shit, your media masters have you all fired up....again
I think any business that wants to discriminate against gays should put in all its advertisements "we do not serve the Homosexual"...........and lets see how it goes......
oh well, they don't like it they can move. simple
To be fair. I don't know why anyone would want to live in a state that hates them. I already live in a pro-LGBT state, so people are welcome to move here, as long as they leave their anti-LGBT attitudes at the door.

oh for crying out loud. It doesn't say a STATE hates them. they are the ones pushing hate on the REST OF US if people don't ALL BOW down to them

so whatever
Lol. Good luck with 'no gays' signs, and trying to distinguish LGBT people from 'straight', as most LGBT people are straight acting.

Wonder how many straight people will be barred because they fail the store 'gay test', or aren't wearing the right t-shirt.
This is certainly your MO....trying to convince yourself how smart you are by accusing others of being unintelligent. Is it working? Do you feel smarter?

When one puts on the assclown, one advertises to all that they are stupid as a dog turd.

What other purpose is there in the assclown avie?

Now shortbus, you are an assclown and stupid as they come; but logically speaking, your stupidity has noting to do with my intellect. There is no tie between the two,
Pfft.......Chick-Fil-A Headquarters are in College Park, Georgia, United States. That's where the money goes. They aren't that relevant.
Repercussions. You're afraid of repercussions.

But the violent criminal acts you describe aren't really in the realm of probability. But the scorn the community would hold you and your business, the loss of sales due to your bigotry, the way you would be ostracized, that's what really frightens you.

You claim you would face physical violence, but it's the economic loss that is most frightening.

A prominent sign citing you 'religious' beliefs prevent you from conducting business with any and all American citizens should be absolutely required. Such a posting warns those who believe all men are created equal that here is a public business that fails to live up to that ideal.

The sign should proudly explain the rationalization used by the bigoted business.

It should read: "My Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ preached "Judge not lest ye be judged". Therefore, we reserve the right to refuse service to deviant Homosexuals"

That seems fair for everyone.

You leftists are the most violent and evil group in human history. You've murdered 200 million peace time civilians in the 20th century alone. Every action your filthy party takes is based on the implied threat of violence. You seek to strip the most basic of civil liberty from people. One would be a fool not to be cautious of violence when the left is involved.

This is how your filthy party conducts an investigation of a police shooting;


Only a fool fails to grasp that violence is the bedrock of leftism.
You're crazy. What makes you think these examples of violence are condoned, inspired or conducted by political forces?

But, look at the abortion doctor killed at his breakfast table. That was pure politics. Or the 168 Oklahoma City residents blown to smithereens. That was pure politics.

Yinz guys got guns, anger and a void where morality resides. The Right Wing violence has a track record. Left wing violence is concocted by your feeble imagination.

Sorry....most political violence in this country has been conducted by the political left....Oklahoma city is an exception and not the rule and it isn't even a good example of trying to make the bomber into a right winger.....

Not since the SLA; Eric Rudolph and Scott Roeder are murderer's. No one would ever consider either of them to be leftists. McVeigh wasn't a moderate or a liberal - he may have been a lunatic but his roots were in the right wing.
I think any business that wants to discriminate against gays should put in all its advertisements "we do not serve the Homosexual"...........and lets see how it goes......
Or they could just put a Jesus fish on their window.
You need to be answering the question why as a conservative you support the oppressive intrusive Big Nanny Government in Missouri giving citations to Blacks for "manner of walking"....WTF is that Bro....

Tyrant, you define stupid. :thup:
Following Indiana's enactment of a law that will ensure the right to discriminate against LGBT Americans and other marginalized groups, #BoycottIndiana started trending on Twitter Thursday and hit the #1 spot (behind a promoted link) Friday.
WOW! You mean there are enough homos in this country to vote a tag to number one? The mountains are going to crumble now!
One does not have to be a homosexual to understand that the Civil rights of gays should be scrupulously observed as well as those of all Americans ...
Good. Will make sure I never buy from Indiana, which is desperately trying to one up Putin.

Whereas I WILL start trying to buy products from companies in Indiana and would consider it more highly as a potential travel destination.
Meh. Indiana will take an economic hit, as international firms pull out and as events move out of the state. A few red state visitors or buyers won't change that.

I agree. It is my understanding that the majority of the businesses there are pro LGBT there because they are after talent. Indiana has a brain drain already due to the quality of life issue. The best and brightest don't really dream of going to say.......Indiana.
oh well, they don't like it they can move. simple
To be fair. I don't know why anyone would want to live in a state that hates them. I already live in a pro-LGBT state, so people are welcome to move here, as long as they leave their anti-LGBT attitudes at the door.

oh for crying out loud. It doesn't say a STATE hates them. they are the ones pushing hate on the REST OF US if people don't ALL BOW down to them

so whatever
Lol. Good luck with 'no gays' signs, and trying to distinguish LGBT people from 'straight', as most LGBT people are straight acting.

Wonder how many straight people will be barred because they fail the store 'gay test', or aren't wearing the right t-shirt.

There won't be any "No Gay" signs, stop being hysterical and full of hyperbole

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