Will Republicans ever learn? Indiana governor to sign bill allowing business not to serve gays

Good. Will make sure I never buy from Indiana, which is desperately trying to one up Putin.

Whereas I WILL start trying to buy products from companies in Indiana and would consider it more highly as a potential travel destination.
Meh. Indiana will take an economic hit, as international firms pull out and as events move out of the state. A few red state visitors or buyers won't change that.

I agree. It is my understanding that the majority of the businesses are pro LGBT there because they are after talent. Indiana has a brain drain already due to the quality of life issue. The best and brightest don't really dream of going to say.......Indiana.
Companies and events will relocate as they just don't want to deal with the issues that come with being a state out of step with the rest of their consumer base. Easier for them to be in a 'not rock the boat state' like Utah, or even Texas for that matter.

Yep. And most of their manufacturing is gone. They have steel and even that has hit a down cycle. So, for all their shit there are other states that have a better quality of life and low taxes. The other little five dollar an hour jobs? The money goes to another state and many will not go for that or they will only be able to do business with their congregations. Hope those people have enough cash.
I just ran across this: thought I'd share. sometimes I wonder.....:badgrin:
they overreact to the littlest things in life

As a concrete thinker,

I agree that you have the thinking and reasoning ability of concrete.

and I use the word thinker in relation to you loosely, I understand how you compartmentalize the word Freedom. Freedom is not absolute, no matter how you have come to understand the language used in the First and Second Amendments to the COTUS.

You of the left view people as property of the state. It is of little wonder that you have such contempt for civil rights, after all, the party alone determines what privilege one is granted based on the status of the group or group one belongs or is assigned to. The concept that an individual has immutable rights is contrary to leftist dogma that people are property of the state.

No religion can engage in human sacrifice.


Yes, murder is illegal.

No citizen can utter they have a bomb as they board a plane.
No citizen can yell fire in a crowded theater.
The right to own a fully automatic weapon is highly restricted.

Technically, the Civil Rights Act of 1964 allows what Indiana has done, because the GLBT community was not included in the protected class. That does not mean the Governor and legislature is not culpable. Though in the current iteration of the of the Republican Party, the Party of the small tent, such a law is fine and dandy - one more example of dishonesty and hypocrisy in their membership.

What you claim is irrelevant. Indiana simply affirmed that the state will honor the 1st Amendment. You cannot compel a person to violate their religious views in service to your party.

You cannot compel a person to violate their religious views in service to your party.[/QUOTE]

Yes you can. You offered evidence above, human sacrifice is murder.
Good. Will make sure I never buy from Indiana, which is desperately trying to one up Putin.

Whereas I WILL start trying to buy products from companies in Indiana and would consider it more highly as a potential travel destination.
Meh. Indiana will take an economic hit, as international firms pull out and as events move out of the state. A few red state visitors or buyers won't change that.

Any effect form the minority will be negligible. Six weeks from now nobody will give a shit, your media masters have you all fired up....again
I don't watch tv or have 'media masters', that falls to those who watch fox news or are members of political parties.

Yeah sure...
I am registered Green, and not Democrat. Only have the internet, Steam, and Amazon Prime. So, short of long distance telepathy and telepathic suggestion, there is no way for me to be a mainstream drone.
Whereas I WILL start trying to buy products from companies in Indiana and would consider it more highly as a potential travel destination.
Meh. Indiana will take an economic hit, as international firms pull out and as events move out of the state. A few red state visitors or buyers won't change that.

Any effect form the minority will be negligible. Six weeks from now nobody will give a shit, your media masters have you all fired up....again
I don't watch tv or have 'media masters', that falls to those who watch fox news or are members of political parties.

Yeah sure...
I am registered Green, and not Democrat. Only have the internet, Steam, and Amazon Prime. So, short of long distance telepathy and telepathic suggestion, there is no way for me to be a mainstream drone.

Shrugs....don't really care
Hey cry baby ...your party supports those that assassinate Doctors at women's clinics, your party wants women o undergo vaginal probes for political reasons...your party supports the bombing of women's clinics.......you wing nut...your party wing nut central

Idiocy and lies don't justify your quest to strip civil rights from American citizens.

You seek authoritarianism, where all are compelled by threat of violence to obey the party.

Liberty is the #1 enemy of leftism.

Signing a bill into law, one passed by a legislature, which deprives a segment of the population of the same right available to the majority of citizens defines Authoritarianism.

No, in most cases that defines common sense. According to you and your fellow turds, the law determines your rights. No law, not right. So the gays in Indiana have no right to be served by any business that chooses not to serve them.

I might call this ^^^ circular reasoning, but in truth word salad seems more likely.
Don't expect them to answer questions. Asking them is proof that you're a cowardly homophobe.
You need to be answering the question why as a conservative you support the oppressive intrusive Big Nanny Government in Missouri giving citations to Blacks for "manner of walking"....WTF is that Bro....

Hmmm, no. I don't need to be answering any question a viscious moron like you has to ask.

Nor can you.
Well the Nazis happened to have hated gays too ....them and your boy Vlad Putin

Homosexuals and the Third Reich | Jewish Virtual Library

The number of homosexuals who died in Nazi concentration camps is unknown and likely to remain so. Although statistics are available on the number of men brought to trial on charges of “lewd and unnatural behaviour,” many more were sent to camps without the benefit of a trial. Moreover, many homosexuals were summarily executed by firing squads; this was particularly the case with gays in the military which encompassed nearly every able-bodied man during the final years of the war. Finally, many concentration camps systematically destroyed all their records when it became apparent that German defeat was imminent.

* * *

The beginning of the Nazi terror against homosexuals was marked by the murder of Ernst Rohm on June 30, 1934: "the Night of the Long Knives. "Rohm was the man who, in 1919, first made Hitler aware of his own political potential, and the two were close friends for fifteen years. During that time, Rohm rose to SA Chief of Staff, transforming the Brownshirt militia from a handful of hardened goons and embittered ex-soldiers into an effective fighting force five hundred thousand strong the instrument of Nazi terror. Hitler needed Rohm's military skill and could rely on his personal loyalty, but he was ultimately a pragmatist. As part of a compromise with the Reichwehr (regular army) leadership, whose support he needed to become Fuhrer, Hitler allowed Goering and Himmler to murder Rohm along with dozens of Rohm's loyal officers.

So a Communist, who holds the same economics views as you, is "my boy?"


You're dumb as a dog turd, Tyrant.
Good. Will make sure I never buy from Indiana, which is desperately trying to one up Putin.

Whereas I WILL start trying to buy products from companies in Indiana and would consider it more highly as a potential travel destination.
Meh. Indiana will take an economic hit, as international firms pull out and as events move out of the state. A few red state visitors or buyers won't change that.

I agree. It is my understanding that the majority of the businesses are pro LGBT there because they are after talent. Indiana has a brain drain already due to the quality of life issue. The best and brightest don't really dream of going to say.......Indiana.
Companies and events will relocate as they just don't want to deal with the issues that come with being a state out of step with the rest of their consumer base. Easier for them to be in a 'not rock the boat state' like Utah, or even Texas for that matter.

Yep. And most of their manufacturing is gone. They have steel and even that has hit a down cycle. So, for all their shit there are other states that have a better quality of life and low taxes. The other little five dollar an hour jobs? The money goes to another state and many will not go for that or they will only be able to do business with their congregations. Hope those people have enough cash.
Their poverty rate is above the national average, and probably made no better by the politicians they elect. That leaves corporate predators like Walmart or Monsanto to run their economy, which would suck wage wise.
I think any business that wants to discriminate against gays should put in all its advertisements "we do not serve the Homosexual"...........and lets see how it goes......

Why not just spray paint a yellow star of David like you've done in the past?
Believe me, something like that will happen.
No one believes you, PMH, because you're an idiot.
So wait and see my little infant, things will start to burn.
Hey cry baby ...your party supports those that assassinate Doctors at women's clinics, your party wants women o undergo vaginal probes for political reasons...your party supports the bombing of women's clinics.......you wing nut...your party wing nut central

Idiocy and lies don't justify your quest to strip civil rights from American citizens.

You seek authoritarianism, where all are compelled by threat of violence to obey the party.

Liberty is the #1 enemy of leftism.

Signing a bill into law, one passed by a legislature, which deprives a segment of the population of the same right available to the majority of citizens defines Authoritarianism.

No, in most cases that defines common sense. According to you and your fellow turds, the law determines your rights. No law, not right. So the gays in Indiana have no right to be served by any business that chooses not to serve them.

I might call this ^^^ circular reasoning, but in truth word salad seems more likely.

I realize that anything above 6th grade reading level is incomprehensible to you. Sorry, but that's about as dumbed down as I can make it.
Whereas I WILL start trying to buy products from companies in Indiana and would consider it more highly as a potential travel destination.
Meh. Indiana will take an economic hit, as international firms pull out and as events move out of the state. A few red state visitors or buyers won't change that.

I agree. It is my understanding that the majority of the businesses are pro LGBT there because they are after talent. Indiana has a brain drain already due to the quality of life issue. The best and brightest don't really dream of going to say.......Indiana.
Companies and events will relocate as they just don't want to deal with the issues that come with being a state out of step with the rest of their consumer base. Easier for them to be in a 'not rock the boat state' like Utah, or even Texas for that matter.

Yep. And most of their manufacturing is gone. They have steel and even that has hit a down cycle. So, for all their shit there are other states that have a better quality of life and low taxes. The other little five dollar an hour jobs? The money goes to another state and many will not go for that or they will only be able to do business with their congregations. Hope those people have enough cash.
Their poverty rate is above the national average, and probably made no better by the politicians they elect. That leaves corporate predators like Walmart or Monsanto to run their economy, which would suck wage wise.

I think it is 30% less than the national average. They have a lot of farm land with Monsanto all over the place. They just had a seed case hit the SC not too long ago. The farmer lost.
Whereas I WILL start trying to buy products from companies in Indiana and would consider it more highly as a potential travel destination.
Meh. Indiana will take an economic hit, as international firms pull out and as events move out of the state. A few red state visitors or buyers won't change that.

I agree. It is my understanding that the majority of the businesses are pro LGBT there because they are after talent. Indiana has a brain drain already due to the quality of life issue. The best and brightest don't really dream of going to say.......Indiana.
Companies and events will relocate as they just don't want to deal with the issues that come with being a state out of step with the rest of their consumer base. Easier for them to be in a 'not rock the boat state' like Utah, or even Texas for that matter.

Yep. And most of their manufacturing is gone. They have steel and even that has hit a down cycle. So, for all their shit there are other states that have a better quality of life and low taxes. The other little five dollar an hour jobs? The money goes to another state and many will not go for that or they will only be able to do business with their congregations. Hope those people have enough cash.
Their poverty rate is above the national average, and probably made no better by the politicians they elect. That leaves corporate predators like Walmart or Monsanto to run their economy, which would suck wage wise.

Oh boy, and you talk about the laws they pass. sheesh
Yes you can. You offered evidence above, human sacrifice is murder.


You seriously cannot grasp the distinction between a tort and passive observance?

I'll dumb this WAY down for you, to the point even C_Clayton Saul Goodman can understand:

Human sacrifice:

Who is harmed? The victim. What harm? They lose their life. What right to they lose? The right to life.

1st Amendment:

Who is harmed? No one.

What harm? There is none

What right is lost? None, there is no right to compel others to serve you against their will, and the 13th Amendment prohibits you doing so.

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