Will Republicans ever learn? Indiana governor to sign bill allowing business not to serve gays

They are screaming for the right of their religion to persecute others

No, actually, they want the right to practice their religion....and that right is in the Bill of Rights, and if they don't want to make cakes for weddings that violate their religious beliefs then the founding document of this country codifies that that don't have to.....

Their right to practice their religion is not infringed upon. They can still practice it all they want to. They chose to open a business and states can regulate intrastate commerce. If they want their business to be religious, they need to file for tax exempt status as a church...but then there goes the profit margin. Decisions, decisons.

I'd have a lot more respect for these folks the first time they refuse to bake a cake for an interfaith or divorced and remarrying couple...or maybe some fatties.

So you're saying Indiana is well within their rights to pass this legislation, after all, it's within their powers to regulate intrastate commerce.

Yes. There are no federal protections for gays like there are for Christians. Are you saying you support PA laws that protect gays since they are passed at the state or local level?

Sure, as long as they protect the rights of everyone equally, so far you have not gone in that direction.

SeaWytch cares about her gay agenda, and nothing else.
The Bill is redundant. Gay Americans are not protected under Indiana's PA laws.

It's all for show.

Drama Queens.

I would like to point out that PA laws and whether they cover homosexuals or not doesn't matter.

Homosexuals didn't go to court to gain the right to marry using public accommodation laws. They used the constitution.

Which the constitution says that everyone must be treated equal under the law.

Indiana created a law that discriminates and doesn't treat people equal under the law.

So they're violating the 14th amendment. The PA laws really don't matter.

Wrong, they didn't use the Constitution. They and some liberal judges pissed on the Constitution.
I would like to point out that PA laws and whether they cover homosexuals or not doesn't matter.

Homosexuals didn't go to court to gain the right to marry using public accommodation laws. They used the constitution.

Which the constitution says that everyone must be treated equal under the law.

Indiana created a law that discriminates and doesn't treat people equal under the law.

So they're violating the 14th amendment. The PA laws really don't matter.

I realize you are an assclown, ergo you have an IQ<40..

Still, what provision of the 14th do you allege support of the 1st Amendment violates?

This should be rich...

Don't expect them to answer questions. Asking them is proof that you're a cowardly homophobe.
Liberty is the #1 enemy of leftism.
Ferguson Missouri is the type of liberty you seek...the Right of entitled white men to oppress and exploit....
Ferguson? You mean where black thugs can get away with assaulting police officers? Where people who don't like a grand jury decision can burn down local businesses?
Feds: Ferguson Preys Viciously on Black Residents -

How municipalities in St. Louis County, Mo., profit from poverty

These seven charts explain how Ferguson—and many other wring revenue from the Black People and the Poor ...

Come on Republicans

I know you love to pander to your gay hating base. But are you ever going to learn?

Indiana Governor Mike Pence is ready to sign into law a bill allowing businesses to refuse service to gays for "religious reasons" . All this ten days before the NCAA Final Four comes to Indianapolis. So what was once an opportunity to show the country what a great location his state is for major events, now becomes a poster child for "We hate gays".
See how many Final Fours come back to Indianapolis. Superbowl? Forget it Mike

But at least you got to score points with your gay hating base

Republicans just can't help themselves.

Pence to sign bill allowing businesses to reject gay customers - CNN.com
The white christian party cries that they are being persecuted for their religion, and yet pass laws to making it OK discriminate against another group :cuckoo:

They are screaming for the right of their religion to persecute others

No, actually, they want the right to practice their religion....and that right is in the Bill of Rights, and if they don't want to make cakes for weddings that violate their religious beliefs then the founding document of this country codifies that that don't have to.....

Their right to practice their religion is not infringed upon. They can still practice it all they want to. They chose to open a business and states can regulate intrastate commerce. If they want their business to be religious, they need to file for tax exempt status as a church...but then there goes the profit margin. Decisions, decisons.

I'd have a lot more respect for these folks the first time they refuse to bake a cake for an interfaith or divorced and remarrying couple...or maybe some fatties.

Hey dishonest moron, do you realize that the EXACT same argument could be made in regards to being gay and marriage? Your right to be gay isn't being infringed, you can choose not the get married, the government has the right to regulate marriage. My God I can't believe you just left yourself exposed like that.

I should be free to ban anyone from by business just like i can ban them from my home.

Gov. Mike Pence signs religious freedom bill in private

march 27 2015
The nation's latest legislative battle over religious freedom and gay rights came to a close Thursday when Indiana Gov. Mike Pence signed a controversial "religious freedom" bill into law.

His action followed two days of intense pressure from opponents — including technology company executives and convention organizers — who fear the measure could allow discrimination, particularly against gays and lesbians.

Senate Bill 101 prohibits state or local governments from substantially burdening a person's ability to exercise their religion — unless the government can show that it has a compelling interest and that the action is the least-restrictive means of achieving it. It takes effect July 1.

Although the bill does not mention sexual orientation, opponents fear it could allow business owners to deny services to gays and lesbians for religious reasons
Hey cry baby ...your party supports those that assassinate Doctors at women's clinics, your party wants women o undergo vaginal probes for political reasons...your party supports the bombing of women's clinics.......you wing nut...your party wing nut central

Idiocy and lies don't justify your quest to strip civil rights from American citizens.

You seek authoritarianism, where all are compelled by threat of violence to obey the party.

Liberty is the #1 enemy of leftism.

Signing a bill into law, one passed by a legislature, which deprives a segment of the population of the same right available to the majority of citizens defines Authoritarianism.

No, in most cases that defines common sense. According to you and your fellow turds, the law determines your rights. No law, not right. So the gays in Indiana have no right to be served by any business that chooses not to serve them.
Don't expect them to answer questions. Asking them is proof that you're a cowardly homophobe.
You need to be answering the question why as a conservative you support the oppressive intrusive Big Nanny Government in Missouri giving citations to Blacks for "manner of walking"....WTF is that Bro....
SeaWytch cares about her gay agenda, and nothing else.

She cares about promoting the agenda of her group, and seeks to revoke civil rights to achieve her aims.

In the 80's the call was that homosexuals should have the legal right to have sex with any willing partner of their choice. I agree, that's basic civil rights.

Now we have those like Seawytch who demand that others must honor their sexual choice, bow and kiss their ring, and serve them against their will. This is tyranny. The queers couldn't be satisfied with equal rights, they demand that they be the dominate force and all bow to them.
Liberty is the #1 enemy of leftism.
Ferguson Missouri is the type of liberty you seek...the Right of entitled white men to oppress and exploit....
Ferguson? You mean where black thugs can get away with assaulting police officers? Where people who don't like a grand jury decision can burn down local businesses?
Feds: Ferguson Preys Viciously on Black Residents -

How municipalities in St. Louis County, Mo., profit from poverty

These seven charts explain how Ferguson—and many other wring revenue from the Black People and the Poor ...

ROFL! So that justifies assaulting police officers and burning down local businesses?

You realize, of course, that all you're doing is proving that you're a thug.
Oh - I almost forgot Obama also said - direct quote - "In ancient times and in our times, Muslim communities have been at the forefront of innovation and education."

Absoultely, Islam countries are known for education.

The bush boy said the following:

These acts of violence against innocents violate the fundamental tenets of the Islamic faith. And it's important for my fellow Americans to understand that.

The bush boy said the following:

The English translation is not as eloquent as the original Arabic, but let me quote from the Koran, itself: In the long run, evil in the extreme will be the end of those who do evil. For that they rejected the signs of Allah and held them up to ridicule.

He also said the following:

The face of terror is not the true faith of Islam. That's not what Islam is all about. Islam is peace. These terrorists don't represent peace. They represent evil and war.

The bush boy said the following:

When we think of Islam we think of a faith that brings comfort to a billion people around the world. Billions of people find comfort and solace and peace. And that's made brothers and sisters out of every race -- out of every race.

Here's another one of his quotes:

"America treasures the relationship we have with our many Muslim friends, and we respect the vibrant faith of Islam which inspires countless individuals to lead lives of honesty, integrity, and morality. This year, may Eid also be a time in which we recognize the values of progress, pluralism, and acceptance that bind us together as a Nation and a global community. By working together to advance mutual understanding, we point the way to a brighter future for all."

Here's another one of his quotes:

"Islam brings hope and comfort to millions of people in my country, and to more than a billion people worldwide. Ramadan is also an occasion to remember that Islam gave birth to a rich civilization of learning that has benefited mankind."

Here's another one:

"Some of the comments that have been uttered about Islam do not reflect the sentiments of my government or the sentiments of most Americans. Islam, as practiced by the vast majority of people, is a peaceful religion, a religion that respects others. Ours is a country based upon tolerance and we welcome people of all faiths in America."

Here's another one:

"All Americans must recognize that the face of terror is not the true faith -- face of Islam. Islam is a faith that brings comfort to a billion people around the world. It's a faith that has made brothers and sisters of every race. It's a faith based upon love, not hate."

I can fill this page with quotes from the bush boy about islam which are very similar to words that Obama has said.

What's your point? Are you trying to say that Obama is a muslim or that he supports muslim terrorists?

If so then you're showing everyone that you're a very special kind of crazy.
Don't expect them to answer questions. Asking them is proof that you're a cowardly homophobe.
You need to be answering the question why as a conservative you support the oppressive intrusive Big Nanny Government in Missouri giving citations to Blacks for "manner of walking"....WTF is that Bro....

Hmmm, no. I don't need to be answering any question a viscious moron like you has to ask.
The Government has the Right to regulate marriage and yet it also has the obligation to do it within Constitutional parameters including equal protection under the Law......If the law does not allow the gays to marry then they have one less right .....
Hmmm, no. I don't need to be answering any question a viscious moron like you has to ask.


Marriage equality was on the ballot in my state in the 2012 election.

The people of my state voted and voted in a good majority for marriage equality.

So the people of Washington state spoke loud and proud, gay marriage will forever be legal in Washington. It wasn't done by a court or a state legislature. It was done by the vote of the people.

California voters voted against it. What happened there?

It was a different time

It would pass overwhelmingly in California today

Black democrats killed it in California......

Actually blacks were pretty low on the demographic scale on the outcome of Prop 8...

Blacks were 7% of the voting population and voted 58% in support of Prop 8.

Other demographics that had a greater impact were:

Conservative - 36% of the voting population voting 82% in support of the measure
Republican - 34% of the voting population voting 81% in support of the measure
Weekly Religious Services - 45% of the voting population voting 70% of the measure
Age 65+ - 23% of the voting population voting 67% in support of the measure
Latino/Hispanic - 14% of the voting population voting 59% in support of the measure​

It would be more accurate to say that Conservatives, Republicans, Religious Folks, older folks, and Latino/Hispanics had more impact on passing Prop 8 than did Blacks.



You're referring to a revisionist poll that tried to make minority support better than it actually was. Two polls taken at the time of the election showed black support of proposition #8 at 70% and 75%
The Government has the Right to regulate marriage and yet it also has the obligation to do it within Constitutional parameters including equal protection under the Law......If the law does not allow the gays to marry then they have one less right .....
"Equal protection" only applies to race, creed and national origin."
Then what are they so afraid of that they would not advertise that they refuse to serve that 2%? Know what other group makes up 2% of the population?


I've already explained that, but morons have to have everything explained to them at least a dozen times before they get it.

You're just a mass of contradictions. You say that businesses should not have to say up front that they won't serve gays because they will be "targeted", but that if they don't serve gays and word gets out its no big deal because gays are only 2%. Which is it? Are you afraid of the gays or aren't you?

You're too stupid to bother arguing with.

Ha ha...you can't respond because it's true. :lol:

I don't waste my time with substantive responses to pure distilled idiocy.

Explain your conflicting positions then. YOU said that the bigots that don't want to serve gays shouldn't have to advertise that fact because gays would target them. When I stated that the first time a business refused to serve gays, they'd be "targeted" anyway. You then came back with"who cares about you 2%"?

So which is it? Are you ascairt of the gays or not?
This one is tricky. Back in the day when blacks were banned from most places...that was wrong. BUT...in todays world...any business that did such a thing would go out of business...or be relegated to existing as a rural backwoods saloon for rednecks only.

The home...yes. Owner chooses who enters. Period.

The business? Not sure. If they're leasing the building...and everyones taxes are paying for the fire and police protection of it....tricky question.

But then again...what if I have a coffee and book store. And gay men pick my store as a public display of affection locale because its a great store and the coffee is good....and I have gay men making out all day in my store? Customers wont come anymore. But....what if its heterosexual teens doing the same thing? I wouldnt want that either.

This one is tricky.
I would like to point out that PA laws and whether they cover homosexuals or not doesn't matter.

Homosexuals didn't go to court to gain the right to marry using public accommodation laws. They used the constitution.

Which the constitution says that everyone must be treated equal under the law.

Indiana created a law that discriminates and doesn't treat people equal under the law.

So they're violating the 14th amendment. The PA laws really don't matter.

I realize you are an assclown, ergo you have an IQ<40..

Still, what provision of the 14th do you allege support of the 1st Amendment violates?

This should be rich...

This is certainly your MO....trying to convince yourself how smart you are by accusing others of being unintelligent. Is it working? Do you feel smarter?
I've already explained that, but morons have to have everything explained to them at least a dozen times before they get it.

You're just a mass of contradictions. You say that businesses should not have to say up front that they won't serve gays because they will be "targeted", but that if they don't serve gays and word gets out its no big deal because gays are only 2%. Which is it? Are you afraid of the gays or aren't you?

You're too stupid to bother arguing with.

Ha ha...you can't respond because it's true. :lol:

I don't waste my time with substantive responses to pure distilled idiocy.

Explain your conflicting positions then. YOU said that the bigots that don't want to serve gays shouldn't have to advertise that fact because gays would target them. When I stated that the first time a business refused to serve gays, they'd be "targeted" anyway. You then came back with"who cares about you 2%"?

So which is it? Are you ascairt of the gays or not?
He's terrified.

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