Will Republicans ever learn? Indiana governor to sign bill allowing business not to serve gays

Why he not just be honest and say this is a law that makes discrimination of gays legal and that's what the law is designed for. Instead he is skirting the question. Why not just be perfectly honest.

If you were being honest you would understand the issue is about freedom of religion and not discrimination.

However, that doesn't fit into the Moon Bat hate religion narrative. Just like "hands up don't shoot" wasn't the truth in the Moon Bat narrative of Black victimization.
Let's talk about religious freedom. What harm comes to Christians by providing the exact same services to gay couples? How is the Christian merchant's ability to practice his faith infringed? Does serving gays as they woul.d serve others impart some undue restriction on their right to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ?

How are Christians harmed?
It's a violation of their conscience. Isnt that obvious?
I am a lifelong Christian and if the law is the law, then a business out of common courtesy and for the sake of the business would put a sign up so customers know and have a choice to go somewhere else. One gets called bad names for something like that?
Please explain without calling names why having a sign up is such a bad idea. How is that a bad thing?
Having a sign up will hurt their business. People will see that here is a merchant who does not believe in equal rights.

But by not having a sign warning customers of their policy, the business can go on discriminating without the public blow back.
Please explain without calling names why having a sign up is such a bad idea. How is that a bad thing?
Having a sign up will hurt their business. People will see that here is a merchant who does not believe in equal rights.

But by not having a sign warning customers of their policy, the business can go on discriminating without the public blow back.
So much for their principles then, eh?
156 pages and the issue has yet to be distilled to its essence.

What was taken away, and is now being restored by this act?

Why haven't the Bishops, Rabbis and other leaders in the vast amount of Religious Organizations spoken out? Does a priest refuse confession to a homosexual? Does a parent reject a gay child?

I asked what Jesus would say, and no one responded. In fact, all it takes is a google search to settle the issue:

"A command based on words of Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount : “All things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them.” The Mosaic law contains a parallel commandment: "“Whatever is hurtful to you, do not do to any other person.”"

All self righteous Christians ought to consider their acts and remarks and how well they fit into the Golden Rule Frame.
Why he not just be honest and say this is a law that makes discrimination of gays legal and that's what the law is designed for. Instead he is skirting the question. Why not just be perfectly honest.

If you were being honest you would understand the issue is about freedom of religion and not discrimination.

However, that doesn't fit into the Moon Bat hate religion narrative. Just like "hands up don't shoot" wasn't the truth in the Moon Bat narrative of Black victimization.
Let's talk about religious freedom. What harm comes to Christians by providing the exact same services to gay couples? How is the Christian merchant's ability to practice his faith infringed? Does serving gays as they woul.d serve others impart some undue restriction on their right to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ?

How are Christians harmed?
It's a violation of their conscience. Isnt that obvious?
Their conscience as Christians will be offended? By not treating others as they themselves would be treated is a violation of Christian ethics? By judging others, are they following the teachings of Jesus Christ?
Wonder what the queers have to say about Blacks and Hispanics DISSING them?

34K Black And Latino Churches Cut Ties With Presbyterian USA After Same-Sex Marriage Approval

Breitbart.com ^ | March 30, 2015 | Dr. Susan Berry
A coalition of 34,000 black churches has cut its ties with Presbyterian Church USA (PCUSA) in the wake of its recent vote to approve same-sex marriage....
Which is totally within their rights....just like when the Southern Baptists split from the Baptist Church.
Please explain without calling names why having a sign up is such a bad idea. How is that a bad thing?
Having a sign up will hurt their business. People will see that here is a merchant who does not believe in equal rights.

But by not having a sign warning customers of their policy, the business can go on discriminating without the public blow back.
I'd like to see two stickers around a lot. The We Don't Discriminate on the store windows, and the This Person Buys From Bigots slapped on the car bumpers of those who do.
Why he not just be honest and say this is a law that makes discrimination of gays legal and that's what the law is designed for. Instead he is skirting the question. Why not just be perfectly honest.

If you were being honest you would understand the issue is about freedom of religion and not discrimination.

However, that doesn't fit into the Moon Bat hate religion narrative. Just like "hands up don't shoot" wasn't the truth in the Moon Bat narrative of Black victimization.
So...the freedom to treat fellow citizens as non-entities.00
Did anyone see Pence dancing around it when asked if the law makes it possible for businesses to discriminate against gays? It was on Fox and he was asked over and over but refused to answer.
Their conscience as Christians will be offended? By not treating others as they themselves would be treated is a violation of Christian ethics? By judging others, are they following the teachings of Jesus Christ?

Why you want to inject good ole basic teachings of Christianity into a discussion about gays?

Don't you know that when staunch Republicans find out they have raised a gay child, they immediately disown them and condemn them? It's part of their Christian conscious to stop loving their offspring when shown to be gay.

And if they don't quit loving them, they at least support discriminating against them.

Right? you right winger Christians.
Please explain without calling names why having a sign up is such a bad idea. How is that a bad thing?
Having a sign up will hurt their business. People will see that here is a merchant who does not believe in equal rights.

But by not having a sign warning customers of their policy, the business can go on discriminating without the public blow back.
I'd like to see two stickers around a lot. The We Don't Discriminate on the store windows, and the This Person Buys From Bigots slapped on the car bumpers of those who do.

I suspect the businesses who want to discriminate will be pretty quiet about it or lie outright because they know it will hurt their business.

OTOH, I hope those who refuse to discriminate do indeed shout that to the rooftops.
Did anyone see Pence dancing around it when asked if the law makes it possible for businesses to discriminate against gays? It was on Fox and he was asked over and over but refused to answer.

I saw it with George Stephanolous (sp). Funny as hell. He (Pence) was getting a little pissed.
This law just sounded so good in the Republican echo chamber. Pence just can't quite figure out what went wrong. LMAO.
I wondered why Obungles was so quiet on this one, now I know. It seems while an Illinois state senator he voted for the similar bill Illinois has now.

Let's talk about religious freedom. What harm comes to Christians by providing the exact same services to gay couples? How is the Christian merchant's ability to practice his faith infringed? Does serving gays as they woul.d serve others impart some undue restriction on their right to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ?

How are Christians harmed?

I am a Christian that would probably do business with the homosexual community unless they were obnoxious about it. After all queer money is just as good as straight money.

However, there are other Christians that feel differently than me. Since I am an American and support the Bill of Rights and the concept of freedom of religion then I support their right to be free and make their decision without government pressure.
They put signs up for "No checks"..for "Cash Only" for "No shoes, no shirt, no service"....why balk at "No gays"?
Rights and the concept of freedom of religion then I support their right to be free and make their decision without government pressure.

In case you missed it dude. It is the business community putting the pressure on Indiana.
But I guess that doesn't fit your Obama Derangement Syndrome.
I wondered why Obungles was so quiet on this one, now I know. It seems while an Illinois state senator he voted for the similar bill Illinois has now.

He is George Soror's little trained monkey in the White House. He will do whatever Soros tells him to do. He has no convictions of his owm.

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