Will Republicans ever learn? Indiana governor to sign bill allowing business not to serve gays


This isn't going to happen overnight, there will still be a few silly bills like this for a while.

No doubt Pence is convinced this will be helpful to his presidential ambitions. That's what happens when a person exists inside an ideological bubble.

This too shall pass.


Eventually, the bill will be watered down or killed completely

But the damage will have already been done
To Pence!



Yeah, but the asshole is taking the good people of his state down with him.
Yeah, can't argue. We'll see how this plays out...

Indiana wants to discriminate against gays, and so America is going to discriminate against Indiana.

Payback's a bitch.

Just like payback to Chick Fil A resulted in record profits?

Or maybe payback to Hobby Lobby? How did that work out? Not as good as you Moon Bats wanted.

I going up to Indiana this summer for a visit. It seems like a pleasant place to visit now that they have enhanced freedom by becoming a right to work state and embraced freedom of religion..

It's already hurting Indiana, fool. You really think you visiting Indiana is going to make up for millions in lost revenue because of this "we can be anti gay bigots" bill?

I can't believe the timing right before the NCAA Final Four

Instead of the discussion being about what a great location Indianapolis is for major sports events, the discussion is about what a bunch of fag haters Indiana is
It's like the Arizona "papers please!" immigration bill just before the Superbowl. Or Arizona's refusal to recognize Dr. Martin Luther King's birthday in January, again just before the Superbowl. Republican law makers are either unaware of the repercussions of their authoritarianism or they just don't care.

Oddly, social blow back has little or no effect on the GOP. But once the corporate sponsors of big tourist events start squealing, look out!
Indiana wants to discriminate against gays, and so America is going to discriminate against Indiana.

Payback's a bitch.

Just like payback to Chick Fil A resulted in record profits?

Or maybe payback to Hobby Lobby? How did that work out? Not as good as you Moon Bats wanted.

I going up to Indiana this summer for a visit. It seems like a pleasant place to visit now that they have enhanced freedom by becoming a right to work state and embraced freedom of religion..

It's already hurting Indiana, fool. You really think you visiting Indiana is going to make up for millions in lost revenue because of this "we can be anti gay bigots" bill?

I can't believe the timing right before the NCAA Final Four

Instead of the discussion being about what a great location Indianapolis is for major sports events, the discussion is about what a bunch of fag haters Indiana is
It's like the Arizona "papers please!" immigration bill just before the Superbowl. Or Arizona's refusal to recognize Dr. Martin Luther King's birthday in January, again just before the Superbowl. Republican law makers are either unaware of the repercussions of their authoritarianism or they just don't care.

Oddly, social blow back has little or no effect on the GOP. But once the corporate sponsors of big tourist events start squealing, look out!

Indianapolis was always on the fringe of venues to host big events. Vegas, NYC, New Orleans, Miami will all draw sports events and conventions regardless of the political climate. Indianapolis has to fight the attitude of "Why would we want to go to Indianapolis?"

Now, people have a reason not to
Indiana wants to discriminate against gays, and so America is going to discriminate against Indiana.

Payback's a bitch.

Just like payback to Chick Fil A resulted in record profits?

Or maybe payback to Hobby Lobby? How did that work out? Not as good as you Moon Bats wanted.

I going up to Indiana this summer for a visit. It seems like a pleasant place to visit now that they have enhanced freedom by becoming a right to work state and embraced freedom of religion..

It's already hurting Indiana, fool. You really think you visiting Indiana is going to make up for millions in lost revenue because of this "we can be anti gay bigots" bill?

I can't believe the timing right before the NCAA Final Four

Instead of the discussion being about what a great location Indianapolis is for major sports events, the discussion is about what a bunch of fag haters Indiana is
It's like the Arizona "papers please!" immigration bill just before the Superbowl. Or Arizona's refusal to recognize Dr. Martin Luther King's birthday in January, again just before the Superbowl. Republican law makers are either unaware of the repercussions of their authoritarianism or they just don't care.

Oddly, social blow back has little or no effect on the GOP. But once the corporate sponsors of big tourist events start squealing, look out!

Indianapolis was always on the fringe of venues to host big events. Vegas, NYC, New Orleans, Miami will all draw sports events and conventions regardless of the political climate. Indianapolis has to fight the attitude of "Why would we want to go to Indianapolis?"

Now, people have a reason not to
I completed my tour of America's Most Decadent Cities when I visited Memphis in 2001. New Orleans, Las Vegas, New York, Miami and LA were also on the list.

I've been to Indianapolis before, but do I have to book a flight to Phoenix and Salt Lake City now? America's Most Uptight Towns..
I believe a business should be able to choose who they do business with. I also believe bigotry and racism is bad for business. So if a business man wants to ban people from his establishment let him...go out of business.
Yep. The best, quickest and easiest way to identify the bigots is to let them speak. If a business owner really wants to ban gays, let him do it, and the clock will begin ticking. When he goes out of business, perhaps a non-bigot will move it to replace him. A nice, organic way to do it. Flush!

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Pain rains down on Gov. Mike Pence.

From the IndyStar reporter Tim Swarens:

Gov. Mike Pence, scorched by a fast-spreading political firestorm, told The Star on Saturday that he will support the introduction of legislation to “clarify” that Indiana’s controversial Religious Freedom Restoration Act does not promote discrimination against gays and lesbians...
Asked if that legislation might include making gay and lesbian Hoosiers a protected legal class, Pence said, “That’s not on my agenda.”

Amid the deepest crisis of his political career, Pence said repeatedly that the intense blowback against the new law is the result of a “misunderstanding driven by misinformation.”

He adamantly insisted that RFRA will not open the door to state-sanctioned discrimination against gays and lesbians. But he did acknowledge that Indiana’s image — and potentially its economic health — has been hurt badly by the controversy.

Thousands of pro-LGBT protesters rallied against the "religious freedom" law Saturday at the Indiana State Capital.
Translation: When the left passed the RFRA act it was good for everyone, and still is good for everyone. When the right passes the RFRA act it's HORRIBLE LEGISLATION THAT WILL BRING ON THE END OF THE WORLD.
Translation: When the left passed the RFRA act it was good for everyone, and still is good for everyone. When the right passes the RFRA act it's HORRIBLE LEGISLATION THAT WILL BRING ON THE END OF THE WORLD.
Jenny Pizer at Lambda Legal:
SB 101 is substantially broader than the federal law. It extends religious rights to all businesses, no matter how large and completely secular they are. In addition, the federal law can only be invoked against government action. SB 101 goes much further, inviting discrimination by allowing religious beliefs to be raised as a defense in lawsuits and administrative proceedings brought by workers, tenants and customers who have suffered discrimination in a business transaction based on someone else’s religious beliefs.
Gov. Mike Pence lied
You're a fucking moron. When did you stop beating your wife? Why do you folks on the left want to infringe on religious liberty? Why do you folks on the left refuse to feed your families? Why do you folks on the left refuse to house your parents? Why do you folks on the left claim to want peace, then start more wars than even the republicans? Why do you folks on the left cry about pollution, then ignore the fact that the left own more polluting companies than even the right does?
You're a fucking moron. When did you stop beating your wife? Why do you folks on the left want to infringe on religious liberty? Why do you folks on the left refuse to feed your families? Why do you folks on the left refuse to house your parents? Why do you folks on the left claim to want peace, then start more wars than even the republicans? Why do you folks on the left cry about pollution, then ignore the fact that the left own more polluting companies than even the right does?

Why do you want to use religion as an excuse to discriminate in areas such as business where religion is not involved?
Yep those tolerate freedom loving progressives only say it is freedom if they can force you to do something against your will.

Most equal rights/anti-discrimination legislation is designed to make people do something against their will.
True... like forcing people to associate with the sexual deviants and perverts we call the LGBT community...
You're a fucking moron. When did you stop beating your wife? Why do you folks on the left want to infringe on religious liberty? Why do you folks on the left refuse to feed your families? Why do you folks on the left refuse to house your parents? Why do you folks on the left claim to want peace, then start more wars than even the republicans? Why do you folks on the left cry about pollution, then ignore the fact that the left own more polluting companies than even the right does?

Why do you want to use religion as an excuse to discriminate in areas such as business where religion is not involved?
Huh? Where did I say I want to use religion as an excuse to discriminate? Where did anyone say they want to use religion as an excuse to discriminate? The left made up this strawman, but there's nothing but straw inside.

As for the second part of your strawman... what areas of business are you talking about where religion is not involved? WTF are you talking about?

The hobby lobby case where some employees tried to use govco to force hobby lobby to pay for their abortions is the only case I'm familiar with that applies to legislation like the OP. The OP is a LIE pretending that the law pertains to public accommodation law, which it does not.

On ABC's Sunday program "This Week," Indiana Gov. Mike Pence gave a career-ending performance in which he repeatedly refused to answer whether Indiana's new "religious freedom" law, SB 101, allows discrimination against gays and lesbians (#NotReadyForPrimeTime). Pence also likened SB 101 to the federal Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) signed into law in the '90s and those adopted by about 19 states since. Then he added:
And after last year's Hobby Lobby case, Indiana properly brought the same version that then state senator Barack Obama voted for in Illinois before our legislature. And I was proud to sign it into law last week. Lies. All of it. Indiana's new law is substantially different than both the 90s-era RFRAs and there is no parallel to be drawn between Indiana and the Illinois bill Barack Obama voted for 17 years ago.
Gov. Mike Pence lied

On ABC's Sunday program "This Week," Indiana Gov. Mike Pence gave a career-ending performance in which he repeatedly refused to answer whether Indiana's new "religious freedom" law, SB 101, allows discrimination against gays and lesbians (#NotReadyForPrimeTime). Pence also likened SB 101 to the federal Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) signed into law in the '90s and those adopted by about 19 states since. Then he added:
And after last year's Hobby Lobby case, Indiana properly brought the same version that then state senator Barack Obama voted for in Illinois before our legislature. And I was proud to sign it into law last week. Lies. All of it. Indiana's new law is substantially different than both the 90s-era RFRAs and there is no parallel to be drawn between Indiana and the Illinois bill Barack Obama voted for 17 years ago.
Gov. Mike Pence lied
What Pence said is the truth. YOU ARE A LYING PIECE OF SHIT.
Why he not just be honest and say this is a law that makes discrimination of gays legal and that's what the law is designed for. Instead he is skirting the question. Why not just be perfectly honest.
On ABC's Sunday program "This Week," Indiana Gov. Mike Pence gave a career-ending performance in which he repeatedly refused to answer whether Indiana's new "religious freedom" law, SB 101, allows discrimination against gays and lesbians (#NotReadyForPrimeTime). Pence also likened SB 101 to the federal Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) signed into law in the '90s and those adopted by about 19 states since. Then he added:
And after last year's Hobby Lobby case, Indiana properly brought the same version that then state senator Barack Obama voted for in Illinois before our legislature. And I was proud to sign it into law last week. Lies. All of it. Indiana's new law is substantially different than both the 90s-era RFRAs and there is no parallel to be drawn between Indiana and the Illinois bill Barack Obama voted for 17 years ago.
Gov. Mike Pence lied
What Pence said is the truth. YOU ARE A LYING PIECE OF SHIT.
You a wing nut....
On ABC's Sunday program "This Week," Indiana Gov. Mike Pence gave a career-ending performance in which he repeatedly refused to answer whether Indiana's new "religious freedom" law, SB 101, allows discrimination against gays and lesbians (#NotReadyForPrimeTime). Pence also likened SB 101 to the federal Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) signed into law in the '90s and those adopted by about 19 states since. Then he added:
And after last year's Hobby Lobby case, Indiana properly brought the same version that then state senator Barack Obama voted for in Illinois before our legislature. And I was proud to sign it into law last week. Lies. All of it. Indiana's new law is substantially different than both the 90s-era RFRAs and there is no parallel to be drawn between Indiana and the Illinois bill Barack Obama voted for 17 years ago.
Gov. Mike Pence lied
What Pence said is the truth. YOU ARE A LYING PIECE OF SHIT.
You a wing nut....
Try again.... I'm Libertarian. But I see no reason to be making up piles of lies about this bill. Anyone will tell ya that I'm pro PA laws. But I see nothing in this bill that pertains to PA laws.

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