Will Republicans ever learn? Indiana governor to sign bill allowing business not to serve gays

God, how I love when conservatives shoot themselves in the foot and then look for someone else to blame

Anyone with any sense would know the reaction to this bill

The huge loss in revenue from those repulsed by Indianas action all so a fag hating baker doesn't have to sell wedding cakes

You can't make this shit up
This law has nothing to do with fag hating bakers. So yes apparently you can make this shit up.
Sadly, it does

That is why Republicans are introducing these bills across the country

Yes. The two queers insisted on forcing the baker to bake them a cake, and the rest of the country became alarmed when they learned what the queer lobby clearly had in mind. Next they'll want a law forcing your daughter to go to the prom with some butch dyke.

I know......because baking a cake is just a slippery slope away from having gay sex
If it wasn't for making stuff up, would sleazy queers like you have any arguments at all?
There are all kinds of Christian sects. Some speak in tongues and some handle snakes. Some are liberal and some are conservative. Most believe in loving the sinner and hating the sin. Some are more tolerant than others.

Do they have a different Bible or not? That was the very simple question.

When you ask an intelligent question I will give you an answer.

I explained to you that although all Christians believe in Faith and The Grace of God and most believe in loving the sinner and hating the sin some put have different other beliefs. If that is too hard for you to comprehend then that is your problem.

In the almost 50 years I have been attending a Lutheran church I have never once heard any hate preached against homosexuals or anybody else for that matter. I doubt any of my fellow Lutherans would turn away a homosexual from their place of business.

However, there are other Christians that for religious reasons are less tolerant. As an American that believes in freedom of religion I support their right to practice their religion as they see fit. If you were a real American instead of a Moon Bat you would be too.
Did anyone see Pence dancing around it when asked if the law makes it possible for businesses to discriminate against gays? It was on Fox and he was asked over and over but refused to answer.

I saw it with George Stephanolous (sp). Funny as hell. He (Pence) was getting a little pissed.
This law just sounded so good in the Republican echo chamber. Pence just can't quite figure out what went wrong. LMAO.

I saw it and Pence looke dcalm and collective
OTOH, I hope those who refuse to discriminate do indeed shout that to the rooftops.

I can see it now. A gay run business puts up a sign that they will even do business with Christians. Funny shit.

Has that happened before or after passage of the bill?

Pence wasn't calm and wasn't collected - he refused to answer a simple yes or no question. The right condemned President Clinton for parsing his words, Pence gets a pass - and some ^^^ even lie about his performance on Good Morning America.

The politics seems to be:

  • Pence wants to be President of the U.S.
  • Pence has not been mentioned as a possible or likely nominee
  • Pence got his name plastered all over the MSM
  • Pence may get the nomination, but will not stand a chance to win the election.
The reality seems to be:

  • The bill passed and signed in Indiana was unnecessary
  • The Civil Rights Act of 1964 does not protect the LGBT set
  • The bill will have a negative economic impact on the State
Two things I'd like to see:
  1. A member of the H. of Rep. offer a bill to add the LGBT community to the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and see how many members from each Caucus sign on as co-sponsors;
  2. A number of priests, ministers and clergy come together and establish a hybrid Christian Denomination to include those Christians rejected by their home church, no matter its size.
BTW, I'd like to see Pope Francis comment on this issue, which today has grown into a pother, especially after Pence made a fool of himself yesterday.
Did anyone see Pence dancing around it when asked if the law makes it possible for businesses to discriminate against gays? It was on Fox and he was asked over and over but refused to answer.

I saw it with George Stephanolous (sp). Funny as hell. He (Pence) was getting a little pissed.
This law just sounded so good in the Republican echo chamber. Pence just can't quite figure out what went wrong. LMAO.

I saw it and Pence looke dcalm and collective
OTOH, I hope those who refuse to discriminate do indeed shout that to the rooftops.

I can see it now. A gay run business puts up a sign that they will even do business with Christians. Funny shit.

Has that happened before or after passage of the bill?

Pence wasn't calm and wasn't collected - he refused to answer a simple yes or no question. The right condemned President Clinton for parsing his words, Pence gets a pass - and some ^^^ even lie about his performance on Good Morning America.

The politics seems to be:

  • Pence wants to be President of the U.S.
  • Pence has not been mentioned as a possible or likely nominee
  • Pence got his name plastered all over the MSM
  • Pence may get the nomination, but will not stand a chance to win the election.
The reality seems to be:

  • The bill passed and signed in Indiana was unnecessary
  • The Civil Rights Act of 1964 does not protect the LGBT set
  • The bill will have a negative economic impact on the State
Two things I'd like to see:
  1. A member of the H. of Rep. offer a bill to add the LGBT community to the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and see how many members from each Caucus sign on as co-sponsors;
  2. A number of priests, ministers and clergy come together and establish a hybrid Christian Denomination to include those Christians rejected by their home church, no matter its size.
BTW, I'd like to see Pope Francis comment on this issue, which today has grown into a pother, especially after Pence made a fool of himself yesterday.

Jim Crow was legally enforced, you fucking moron. The reason Jim crow came about is the fact the prior to it businesses refused to discriminate against blacks and white bigots didn't like that.

What libturd don't know about history and economics would fill a library.
Did anyone see Pence dancing around it when asked if the law makes it possible for businesses to discriminate against gays? It was on Fox and he was asked over and over but refused to answer.

I saw it with George Stephanolous (sp). Funny as hell. He (Pence) was getting a little pissed.
This law just sounded so good in the Republican echo chamber. Pence just can't quite figure out what went wrong. LMAO.

I saw it and Pence looke dcalm and collective
OTOH, I hope those who refuse to discriminate do indeed shout that to the rooftops.

I can see it now. A gay run business puts up a sign that they will even do business with Christians. Funny shit.

Has that happened before or after passage of the bill?

Pence wasn't calm and wasn't collected - he refused to answer a simple yes or no question. The right condemned President Clinton for parsing his words, Pence gets a pass - and some ^^^ even lie about his performance on Good Morning America.

The politics seems to be:

  • Pence wants to be President of the U.S.
  • Pence has not been mentioned as a possible or likely nominee
  • Pence got his name plastered all over the MSM
  • Pence may get the nomination, but will not stand a chance to win the election.
The reality seems to be:

  • The bill passed and signed in Indiana was unnecessary
  • The Civil Rights Act of 1964 does not protect the LGBT set
  • The bill will have a negative economic impact on the State
Two things I'd like to see:
  1. A member of the H. of Rep. offer a bill to add the LGBT community to the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and see how many members from each Caucus sign on as co-sponsors;
  2. A number of priests, ministers and clergy come together and establish a hybrid Christian Denomination to include those Christians rejected by their home church, no matter its size.
BTW, I'd like to see Pope Francis comment on this issue, which today has grown into a pother, especially after Pence made a fool of himself yesterday.

The Democrat Party is a coalition of some really Looney Tunes special interest groups.

Blacks that vote their race and their welfare checks.

Greedy union pukes.

Anti gun nuts.

Environmental wackos.

Welfare queens.




Limousine Liberals.

Confused college kids and their wacko commie professors.

Also included in that despicable coalition are the homosexuals.

The Democrat Party will always try to kiss the ass of their filthy special interest groups.
Ever notice how you right wingers need Obama to try and give you some cover when you do stupid shit? It is funny as hell to hear you all say how Obama did it. And that makes it oK.

Thought you all HATED Obama. Now he's your buddy.

Just pointing out the hypocrisy of you Communists in attacking others for what your own rulers do.
Yep those tolerate freedom loving progressives only say it is freedom if they can force you to do something against your will.
Yes, requiring you to do what you already do for a living. Terrible, just terrible.
Why should government have the authority to compel anyone to do anything they don't want to do? The queers and their allies can never explain that.

The opposition to this bill is pure fascism.
"A member of the H. of Rep. offer a bill to add the LGBT community to the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and see how many members from each Caucus sign on as co-sponsors"

Something that should be done but unfortunately won't, given the current makeup of Congress and the unwarranted hostility toward gay Americans coming mostly from the right.
Did anyone see Pence dancing around it when asked if the law makes it possible for businesses to discriminate against gays? It was on Fox and he was asked over and over but refused to answer.

I saw it with George Stephanolous (sp). Funny as hell. He (Pence) was getting a little pissed.
This law just sounded so good in the Republican echo chamber. Pence just can't quite figure out what went wrong. LMAO.

I saw it and Pence looke dcalm and collective
OTOH, I hope those who refuse to discriminate do indeed shout that to the rooftops.

I can see it now. A gay run business puts up a sign that they will even do business with Christians. Funny shit.

Has that happened before or after passage of the bill?

Pence wasn't calm and wasn't collected - he refused to answer a simple yes or no question. The right condemned President Clinton for parsing his words, Pence gets a pass - and some ^^^ even lie about his performance on Good Morning America.

The politics seems to be:

  • Pence wants to be President of the U.S.
  • Pence has not been mentioned as a possible or likely nominee
  • Pence got his name plastered all over the MSM
  • Pence may get the nomination, but will not stand a chance to win the election.
The reality seems to be:

  • The bill passed and signed in Indiana was unnecessary
  • The Civil Rights Act of 1964 does not protect the LGBT set
  • The bill will have a negative economic impact on the State
Two things I'd like to see:
  1. A member of the H. of Rep. offer a bill to add the LGBT community to the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and see how many members from each Caucus sign on as co-sponsors;
  2. A number of priests, ministers and clergy come together and establish a hybrid Christian Denomination to include those Christians rejected by their home church, no matter its size.
BTW, I'd like to see Pope Francis comment on this issue, which today has grown into a pother, especially after Pence made a fool of himself yesterday.

The Democrat Party is a coalition of some really Looney Tunes special interest groups.

Blacks that vote their race and their welfare checks.

Greedy union pukes.

Anti gun nuts.

Environmental wackos.

Welfare queens.




Limousine Liberals.

Confused college kids and their wacko commie professors.

Also included in that despicable coalition are the homosexuals.

The Democrat Party will always try to kiss the ass of their filthy special interest groups.
Thank God the GOP has no special interest groups beyond uneducated whites, racists, polluters. Wall Street, more racists, reactionaries, religious nutters, anti-abortion zealots, the rich, xenophobes, homophobes, Islamophobes, the MIC, birthers, Ayn Rand freaks, Teabaggers, the NRA, 9-11 truthers, tobacco companies, Big Ag, the Koch brothers, Zionists, and armchair warrior chicken-hawks.
"A member of the H. of Rep. offer a bill to add the LGBT community to the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and see how many members from each Caucus sign on as co-sponsors"

Something that should be done but unfortunately won't, given the current makeup of Congress and the unwarranted hostility toward gay Americans coming mostly from the right.
That would be not from the makeup of Congress, but rather from the makeup of reality. A behavioral cult does not rise to the level of an oppressed race of people.

Blacks find the comparison of butt sex to their proud race extremely offensive and a form of racism in itself..

Please stop embarassing yourself and offending blacks by trying to sell the false premise. Nobody's buying it.
Did anyone see Pence dancing around it when asked if the law makes it possible for businesses to discriminate against gays? It was on Fox and he was asked over and over but refused to answer.

I saw it with George Stephanolous (sp). Funny as hell. He (Pence) was getting a little pissed.
This law just sounded so good in the Republican echo chamber. Pence just can't quite figure out what went wrong. LMAO.

I saw it and Pence looke dcalm and collective
OTOH, I hope those who refuse to discriminate do indeed shout that to the rooftops.

I can see it now. A gay run business puts up a sign that they will even do business with Christians. Funny shit.

Has that happened before or after passage of the bill?

Pence wasn't calm and wasn't collected - he refused to answer a simple yes or no question. The right condemned President Clinton for parsing his words, Pence gets a pass - and some ^^^ even lie about his performance on Good Morning America.

The politics seems to be:

  • Pence wants to be President of the U.S.
  • Pence has not been mentioned as a possible or likely nominee
  • Pence got his name plastered all over the MSM
  • Pence may get the nomination, but will not stand a chance to win the election.
The reality seems to be:

  • The bill passed and signed in Indiana was unnecessary
  • The Civil Rights Act of 1964 does not protect the LGBT set
  • The bill will have a negative economic impact on the State
Two things I'd like to see:
  1. A member of the H. of Rep. offer a bill to add the LGBT community to the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and see how many members from each Caucus sign on as co-sponsors;
  2. A number of priests, ministers and clergy come together and establish a hybrid Christian Denomination to include those Christians rejected by their home church, no matter its size.
BTW, I'd like to see Pope Francis comment on this issue, which today has grown into a pother, especially after Pence made a fool of himself yesterday.


Kudos to LGS Sock, a post sans personal attacks and not one lie. Much like a dog under stress, she yawns. Kudos to me for making her speechless, a great deed indeed.
Did anyone see Pence dancing around it when asked if the law makes it possible for businesses to discriminate against gays? It was on Fox and he was asked over and over but refused to answer.

I saw it with George Stephanolous (sp). Funny as hell. He (Pence) was getting a little pissed.
This law just sounded so good in the Republican echo chamber. Pence just can't quite figure out what went wrong. LMAO.

I saw it and Pence looke dcalm and collective
OTOH, I hope those who refuse to discriminate do indeed shout that to the rooftops.

I can see it now. A gay run business puts up a sign that they will even do business with Christians. Funny shit.

Has that happened before or after passage of the bill?

Pence wasn't calm and wasn't collected - he refused to answer a simple yes or no question. The right condemned President Clinton for parsing his words, Pence gets a pass - and some ^^^ even lie about his performance on Good Morning America.

The politics seems to be:

  • Pence wants to be President of the U.S.
  • Pence has not been mentioned as a possible or likely nominee
  • Pence got his name plastered all over the MSM
  • Pence may get the nomination, but will not stand a chance to win the election.
The reality seems to be:

  • The bill passed and signed in Indiana was unnecessary
  • The Civil Rights Act of 1964 does not protect the LGBT set
  • The bill will have a negative economic impact on the State
Two things I'd like to see:
  1. A member of the H. of Rep. offer a bill to add the LGBT community to the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and see how many members from each Caucus sign on as co-sponsors;
  2. A number of priests, ministers and clergy come together and establish a hybrid Christian Denomination to include those Christians rejected by their home church, no matter its size.
BTW, I'd like to see Pope Francis comment on this issue, which today has grown into a pother, especially after Pence made a fool of himself yesterday.


Kudos to LGS Sock, a post sans personal attacks and not one lie. Much like a dog under stress, she yawns. Kudos to me for making her speechless, a great deed indeed.

You mistake "speechless" for I don't give a shit about the ramblings of a left loon
I saw it and I don't think Pence was angry, he seemed more annoyed at the nonsense

Pence stayed calm, Stephy got angry.

Another liar ... what would the Crazy New Right have to offer if they were restricted to the truth? Nothing.
OK. We know you're a lying cock sucker, we know you're a low information sleaze ball. We know you can't argue to save your life. But here's your opportunity.
Tell us where in this exchange was Pence angry? Show the exact minute and second where you think Pence became angry. You wont do it. Because he didnt. A little frustrated because Stephanapouloser kept badgering him. But not angry.

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