Will Republicans ever learn? Indiana governor to sign bill allowing business not to serve gays

Another liar ... what would the Crazy New Right have to offer if they were restricted to the truth? Nothing.

You didn't watch it. You went on the hate sites this morning to find our what you are thinking, and they programmed you that Pence was angry.

Pence was calm, Stephy started fidgeting and raising his voice because he wanted to portray Pence as discriminating. He couldn't, because Pence is right that this is simply the affirmation of 1st Amendment rights.
What he wanted was Governor Repeat to answer a yes or no question, which he wouldn't.
Freezers are on Sale at Lowes, and given the state of weeds in my back yard, I assure you that high tide will arrive on schedule and in its full effect. What's more a Boeing 747 is still a viable airframe, despite the newer larger designs, plus the designated hitter is simply not necessary.

Did you understand what I wrote?

I understand that what you wrote is typical of what you generally post. And be assured, characters like you are a fiction, any resemblance to intelligent life is purely coincidental.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

that's what the voices in your head told you he said?


Thank you, that was exactly what I expected from you.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

(Reader, understand that cohesive reasoning is not prerequisite among the Intellectually Less Fortunate. When the disembodied points of their feckless rants are challenged, they fold up like a $2 tent.

Proving once again that the key to "Defeating Leftist In Debate", rest upon to key fundamentals:

1- Find a Leftist.

2- Get them to speak.)
Challenge a lefty on any point he tries to make and you get deflection and insult. Every single time. They can't argue coherently because they cannot think coherently.

I didn't see Pence being able to answer either Yes or No

All we got was deflection
WATCH: Indiana GOP leader admits ‘No Gays Allowed’ sign would be legal in most of the state
4 min ago - -snip- But during the press conference, a reporter noted that Indiana does not have a state law that prohibits discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity. “You guys have said repeatedly that we shouldn’t be able to discriminate a ... (RawStory)

Raw Story is as honest as you are Tyrant. In other words, they're fucking liars that no rational person ever believes...
WATCH: Indiana GOP leader admits ‘No Gays Allowed’ sign would be legal in most of the state
4 min ago - -snip- But during the press conference, a reporter noted that Indiana does not have a state law that prohibits discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity. “You guys have said repeatedly that we shouldn’t be able to discriminate a ... (RawStory)

So where are all the No Gay signs? Wooosh again it's over your head
Since a number of other states have the same law you'd think it would be easy to find those signs. The fact we havent seen them tells you something.
Even the Oregon bakers were not discriminating against gays. They were discriminating against a gay marriage, which is quite different.
I understand that what you wrote is typical of what you generally post. And be assured, characters like you are a fiction, any resemblance to intelligent life is purely coincidental.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

that's what the voices in your head told you he said?


Thank you, that was exactly what I expected from you.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

(Reader, understand that cohesive reasoning is not prerequisite among the Intellectually Less Fortunate. When the disembodied points of their feckless rants are challenged, they fold up like a $2 tent.

Proving once again that the key to "Defeating Leftist In Debate", rest upon to key fundamentals:

1- Find a Leftist.

2- Get them to speak.)
Challenge a lefty on any point he tries to make and you get deflection and insult. Every single time. They can't argue coherently because they cannot think coherently.

I didn't see Pence being able to answer either Yes or No

All we got was deflection
A loaded question doesnt deserve an answer.
Did anyone see Pence dancing around it when asked if the law makes it possible for businesses to discriminate against gays? It was on Fox and he was asked over and over but refused to answer.

I saw it with George Stephanolous (sp). Funny as hell. He (Pence) was getting a little pissed.
This law just sounded so good in the Republican echo chamber. Pence just can't quite figure out what went wrong. LMAO.

I saw it and Pence looke dcalm and collective
OTOH, I hope those who refuse to discriminate do indeed shout that to the rooftops.

I can see it now. A gay run business puts up a sign that they will even do business with Christians. Funny shit.

Has that happened before or after passage of the bill?

Pence wasn't calm and wasn't collected - he refused to answer a simple yes or no question. The right condemned President Clinton for parsing his words, Pence gets a pass - and some ^^^ even lie about his performance on Good Morning America.

The politics seems to be:

  • Pence wants to be President of the U.S.
  • Pence has not been mentioned as a possible or likely nominee
  • Pence got his name plastered all over the MSM
  • Pence may get the nomination, but will not stand a chance to win the election.
The reality seems to be:

  • The bill passed and signed in Indiana was unnecessary
  • The Civil Rights Act of 1964 does not protect the LGBT set
  • The bill will have a negative economic impact on the State
Two things I'd like to see:
  1. A member of the H. of Rep. offer a bill to add the LGBT community to the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and see how many members from each Caucus sign on as co-sponsors;
  2. A number of priests, ministers and clergy come together and establish a hybrid Christian Denomination to include those Christians rejected by their home church, no matter its size.
BTW, I'd like to see Pope Francis comment on this issue, which today has grown into a pother, especially after Pence made a fool of himself yesterday.

The Democrat Party is a coalition of some really Looney Tunes special interest groups.

Blacks that vote their race and their welfare checks.

Greedy union pukes.

Anti gun nuts.

Environmental wackos.

Welfare queens.




Limousine Liberals.

Confused college kids and their wacko commie professors.

Also included in that despicable coalition are the homosexuals.

The Democrat Party will always try to kiss the ass of their filthy special interest groups.
Thank God the GOP has no special interest groups beyond uneducated whites, racists, polluters. Wall Street, more racists, reactionaries, religious nutters, anti-abortion zealots, the rich, xenophobes, homophobes, Islamophobes, the MIC, birthers, Ayn Rand freaks, Teabaggers, the NRA, 9-11 truthers, tobacco companies, Big Ag, the Koch brothers, Zionists, and armchair warrior chicken-hawks.

I not a Republican so your hate is wasted on me Sport.

Of course we all know that you Moon Bats define anybody that blows the whistle on Obama's incompetence and corruption or doesn't accept his vile extreme far Left agenda as racist so your credibility on defining things like that is pretty well shot.
WATCH: Indiana GOP leader admits ‘No Gays Allowed’ sign would be legal in most of the state
4 min ago - -snip- But during the press conference, a reporter noted that Indiana does not have a state law that prohibits discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity. “You guys have said repeatedly that we shouldn’t be able to discriminate a ... (RawStory)

So where are all the No Gay signs? Wooosh again it's over your head
Since a number of other states have the same law you'd think it would be easy to find those signs. The fact we havent seen them tells you something.
Even the Oregon bakers were not discriminating against gays. They were discriminating against a gay marriage, which is quite different.

Yeah, evidently they could have put up the signs before this bill, but nobody did. This nonsense is just that, nonsense and it's getting tiresome
So......it appears that President obama is an anti gay bigot.....he signed the same legislation as a state senator when he didn't vote on a lot of other things here in Illinois.....
So......it appears that President obama is an anti gay bigot.....he signed the same legislation as a state senator when he didn't vote on a lot of other things here in Illinois.....

Don't forget Bill Clinton, he signed the Federal version
WATCH: Indiana GOP leader admits ‘No Gays Allowed’ sign would be legal in most of the state
4 min ago - -snip- But during the press conference, a reporter noted that Indiana does not have a state law that prohibits discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity. “You guys have said repeatedly that we shouldn’t be able to discriminate a ... (RawStory)

Raw Story is as honest as you are Tyrant. In other words, they're fucking liars that no rational person ever believes...
so they created a fake video of a GOP official ? LOL

House Speaker Brian Bosma speaks during an interview with WISH-TV (Screenshot)
Thank God the GOP has no special interest groups beyond uneducated whites, racists, polluters. Wall Street, more racists, reactionaries, religious nutters, anti-abortion zealots, the rich, xenophobes, homophobes, Islamophobes, the MIC, birthers, Ayn Rand freaks, Teabaggers, the NRA, 9-11 truthers, tobacco companies, Big Ag, the Koch brothers, Zionists, and armchair warrior chicken-hawks.

By the way Moon Bat, are you under the impression that Democrats don't pollute?

Speaking of Zionist don't you know that about 70% of American Jews vote Democrat?
So......it appears that President obama is an anti gay bigot.....he signed the same legislation as a state senator when he didn't vote on a lot of other things here in Illinois.....

Don't forget Bill Clinton, he signed the Federal version
which is different from the Indiana law as it addresses conflicts between Government and individual...this is different ....it involves conflicts between individuals ........
The bill consecrates bigotry, and rejects the bible:

See and consider:


Now, I'm off to the dog park, where the dogs are social and the people much more so than the Crazy Right Wingers. To those I say, have fun, post your personal attacks and Rabbi, don't forget to be vulgar and disgusting, otherwise some will not recognize a post as yours.
What he wanted was Governor Repeat to answer a yes or no question, which he wouldn't.

What he wanted was Pence to follow the script the party released to the hate sites, but Pence insisted on telling the truth instead.

{The Washington Post also mentioned that President Bill Clinton signed into law the Religious Freedom Restoration Act … in 1993. It was introduced in the House of Representatives by then-Congressman Chuck Schumer (D-NY). By a voice vote, it passed the House, then worked its way to the Senate, where members voted 97-3 in favor of the law. }

(a) IN GENERAL- Government shall not substantially burden a person’s exercise of religion even if the burden results from a rule of general applicability, except as provided in subsection (b).

(b) EXCEPTION- Government may substantially burden a person’s exercise of religion only if it demonstrates that application of the burden to the person--

(1) is in furtherance of a compelling governmental interest; and

(2) is the least restrictive means of furthering that compelling governmental interest.

Oh Dear The Liberal Hysteria Over Indiana s Religious Freedom Bill Has Begun - Matt Vespa

Slander and libel are the only thing you leftists offer American.The demagogue party is a crime against humanity.
"A member of the H. of Rep. offer a bill to add the LGBT community to the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and see how many members from each Caucus sign on as co-sponsors"

Something that should be done but unfortunately won't, given the current makeup of Congress and the unwarranted hostility toward gay Americans coming mostly from the right.
That would be not from the makeup of Congress, but rather from the makeup of reality. A behavioral cult does not rise to the level of an oppressed race of people.

Blacks find the comparison of butt sex to their proud race extremely offensive and a form of racism in itself..

Please stop embarassing yourself and offending blacks by trying to sell the false premise. Nobody's buying it.
And here is further evidence in support of amending Title II to include sexual orientation.
WATCH: Indiana GOP leader admits ‘No Gays Allowed’ sign would be legal in most of the state
4 min ago - -snip- But during the press conference, a reporter noted that Indiana does not have a state law that prohibits discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity. “You guys have said repeatedly that we shouldn’t be able to discriminate a ... (RawStory)

So where are all the No Gay signs? Wooosh again it's over your head
Since a number of other states have the same law you'd think it would be easy to find those signs. The fact we havent seen them tells you something.
Even the Oregon bakers were not discriminating against gays. They were discriminating against a gay marriage, which is quite different.
And expensive difference, for them. As Melissa said in her testimony, she should have contacted them, which might have helped. What would have helped even more, baking the stupid cake. She'd still have a business instead of baking at home had she done her job.
So......it appears that President obama is an anti gay bigot.....he signed the same legislation as a state senator when he didn't vote on a lot of other things here in Illinois.....

Don't forget Bill Clinton, he signed the Federal version
which is different from the Indiana law as it addresses conflicts between Government and individual...this is different ....it involves conflicts between individuals ........

Post some more silly images, at least they make some sort of sense, slaptrap

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