Will Republicans ever learn? Indiana governor to sign bill allowing business not to serve gays

Did anyone see Pence dancing around it when asked if the law makes it possible for businesses to discriminate against gays? It was on Fox and he was asked over and over but refused to answer.

I saw it with George Stephanolous (sp). Funny as hell. He (Pence) was getting a little pissed.
This law just sounded so good in the Republican echo chamber. Pence just can't quite figure out what went wrong. LMAO.

Yeah, you're right - it wasn't Fox.

Pence has been completely unprepared for the reaction.

Its very heartening to see so many true Americans standing up for the rights of people whose lifestyle does not impact them in any way. Just shows that you don't have to be gay to know this goes against every principle the US was founded on.

And, as with the issues of abortion and marriage equality, it shows that the Republicans want bigger and more invasive government. They want every aspect of our lives controlled by the state.
Did anyone see Pence dancing around it when asked if the law makes it possible for businesses to discriminate against gays? It was on Fox and he was asked over and over but refused to answer.

I saw it with George Stephanolous (sp). Funny as hell. He (Pence) was getting a little pissed.
This law just sounded so good in the Republican echo chamber. Pence just can't quite figure out what went wrong. LMAO.

I saw it and Pence looke dcalm and collective
OTOH, I hope those who refuse to discriminate do indeed shout that to the rooftops.

I can see it now. A gay run business puts up a sign that they will even do business with Christians. Funny shit.

Has that happened before or after passage of the bill?
Rights and the concept of freedom of religion then I support their right to be free and make their decision without government pressure.

In case you missed it dude. It is the business community putting the pressure on Indiana.
But I guess that doesn't fit your Obama Derangement Syndrome.

You are confused like most Moon Bats. The state has made it clear that the individuals running the business can do whatever they feel is right without government interference. That is an enhancement of freedom, not a restriction.
Why he not just be honest and say this is a law that makes discrimination of gays legal and that's what the law is designed for. Instead he is skirting the question. Why not just be perfectly honest.

If you were being honest you would understand the issue is about freedom of religion and not discrimination.

However, that doesn't fit into the Moon Bat hate religion narrative. Just like "hands up don't shoot" wasn't the truth in the Moon Bat narrative of Black victimization.
Let's talk about religious freedom. What harm comes to Christians by providing the exact same services to gay couples? How is the Christian merchant's ability to practice his faith infringed? Does serving gays as they woul.d serve others impart some undue restriction on their right to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ?

How are Christians harmed?
It's a violation of their conscience. Isnt that obvious?
Their conscience as Christians will be offended? By not treating others as they themselves would be treated is a violation of Christian ethics? By judging others, are they following the teachings of Jesus Christ?
Sorry but who are you to dictate what Christian faith consists of?

Let's talk about religious freedom. What harm comes to Christians by providing the exact same services to gay couples? How is the Christian merchant's ability to practice his faith infringed? Does serving gays as they woul.d serve others impart some undue restriction on their right to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ?

How are Christians harmed?

I am a Christian that would probably do business with the homosexual community unless they were obnoxious about it. After all queer money is just as good as straight money.

However, there are other Christians that feel differently than me. Since I am an American and support the Bill of Rights and the concept of freedom of religion then I support their right to be free and make their decision without government pressure.
It is clear which side are the fascists here. The conservatives, whom libs accuse of wanting to impose values, are consistent in saying people should be free to make decisions as they want. The libs, who think they support diversity, are the ones who want to force people to do things against their will.
Couldnt be any clearer.
Why he not just be honest and say this is a law that makes discrimination of gays legal and that's what the law is designed for. Instead he is skirting the question. Why not just be perfectly honest.

If you were being honest you would understand the issue is about freedom of religion and not discrimination.

However, that doesn't fit into the Moon Bat hate religion narrative. Just like "hands up don't shoot" wasn't the truth in the Moon Bat narrative of Black victimization.
Let's talk about religious freedom. What harm comes to Christians by providing the exact same services to gay couples? How is the Christian merchant's ability to practice his faith infringed? Does serving gays as they woul.d serve others impart some undue restriction on their right to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ?

How are Christians harmed?
It's a violation of their conscience. Isnt that obvious?
Their conscience as Christians will be offended? By not treating others as they themselves would be treated is a violation of Christian ethics? By judging others, are they following the teachings of Jesus Christ?
Sorry but who are you to dictate what Christian faith consists of?
If the "Christians" were actual Christians, this wouldn't be an issue.

Let's talk about religious freedom. What harm comes to Christians by providing the exact same services to gay couples? How is the Christian merchant's ability to practice his faith infringed? Does serving gays as they woul.d serve others impart some undue restriction on their right to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ?

How are Christians harmed?

I am a Christian that would probably do business with the homosexual community unless they were obnoxious about it. After all queer money is just as good as straight money.

However, there are other Christians that feel differently than me. Since I am an American and support the Bill of Rights and the concept of freedom of religion then I support their right to be free and make their decision without government pressure.
It is clear which side are the fascists here. The conservatives, whom libs accuse of wanting to impose values, are consistent in saying people should be free to make decisions as they want. The libs, who think they support diversity, are the ones who want to force people to do things against their will.
Couldnt be any clearer.
Yes, baking a cake, because that's what you do for a living, is so terribly unfair.
Its very heartening to see so many true Americans standing up for the rights of people whose lifestyle does not impact them in any way.

Republicans just can'f figure this topic out.
The younger generation does not care if gays are gays. Just the way it is. My kids don't hate gays. First of all they weren't raised that way/ And secondly, they have friends that are gay and so what is what they say.

The business's who came out and complained seem to be run by pretty young people. They employ young people who are gay. They find these employees to be productive and worthwhile employees. Why would they (employers) want to do business in a state that wants to discriminate against valued employees?

Answer is; they don't.
I am a Christian
However, there are other Christians that feel differently than me

You all have different Bibles for different sects? I thought maybe there was a Bible that promoted discrimination.
Yes or no?

There are all kinds of Christian sects. Some speak in tongues and some handle snakes. Some are liberal and some are conservative. Most believe in loving the sinner and hating the sin. Some are more tolerant than others.

The basic tenets of Christianity is having Faith and accepting the Grace of God. Everything else is subjective for the most part.
Has that happened before or after passage of the bill?

I saw it too. Pence took the demagogues apart. Stephanopoulos was loosing his temper because he wanted to frame the discussion as discrimination. Pence held his ground that this is acknowledgement of the 1st Amendment, which Clinton AND Obama both voted in favor of.
I saw it and Pence looke dcalm and collective

You thought so eh? Why am I not surprised. But why didn't he answer a direct question? Like by saying, no George, we do not advocate discriminating against any body in the state of Indiana.?

How hard would it have been to give that kind of answer? Unless he really don't care if gays or anyone else is discriminated against.

And if it is simply up to the business (like you say) why was the state legislature needing to pass a law?
Has that happened before or after passage of the bill?

I saw it too. Pence took the demagogues apart. Stephanopoulos was loosing his temper because he wanted to frame the discussion as discrimination. Pence held his ground that this is acknowledgement of the 1st Amendment, which Clinton AND Obama both voted in favor of.

I saw it and I don't think Pence was angry, he seemed more annoyed at the nonsense
There are all kinds of Christian sects. Some speak in tongues and some handle snakes. Some are liberal and some are conservative. Most believe in loving the sinner and hating the sin. Some are more tolerant than others.

Do they have a different Bible or not? That was the very simple question.
I saw it and Pence looke dcalm and collective

You thought so eh? Why am I not surprised. But why didn't he answer a direct question? Like by saying, no George, we do not advocate discriminating against any body in the state of Indiana.?

How hard would it have been to give that kind of answer? Unless he really don't care if gays or anyone else is discriminated against.

And if it is simply up to the business (like you say) why was the state legislature needing to pass a law?

Now you've went from Pence was angry to avoidance. Make up your mind
. Pence held his ground that this is acknowledgement of the 1st Amendment, which Clinton AND Obama both voted in favor of.

Ever notice how you right wingers need Obama to try and give you some cover when you do stupid shit? It is funny as hell to hear you all say how Obama did it. And that makes it oK.

Thought you all HATED Obama. Now he's your buddy.
You thought so eh? Why am I not surprised. But why didn't he answer a direct question? Like by saying, no George, we do not advocate discriminating against any body in the state of Indiana.?

Any right winger want to try and answer this question?

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