Will Republicans Hand Us Another Quitter?

First things first, is a "real conservative" really a conservative? If someone is not a "real conservative" does that mean he is not a conservative?

I think the answer to first question is no. A "real conservative" may not be a conservative. They are a rw actor tossing fire bombs.

The answer to the 2nd question is, it is possible either way.

For starters, Jeb Bush must not be a "real conservative". The whole campaign plus history plus attacks from the leading candidate should make things pretty uncomfortable for him. but he seems determined as ever.

However, Jeb Bush Is a PNAC neoconservative. Confusing, yes?
"The GOP front-runner's once dominate lead in the polls has been shifting. A new Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll this week shows the real estate mogul now in a virtual tie with retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson, polling at 21 percent to Carsonā€™s 20."

Summer may be over but we're still well into Silly Season.
Just like Caribou Barbie, Donald Trump hints at quitting halfway.

With summer over, so might be the "Summer of Trump" -- and now the man himself appears to be accepting it might not be a kind Fall.

ā€œThis is going to be an ebb and flow, how can I continue to lead by such wide margins?,ā€ Donald Trump told NBCā€™s ā€œToday Showā€ this morning.

The GOP front-runner's once dominate lead in the polls has been shifting. A new Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll this week shows the real estate mogul now in a virtual tie with retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson, polling at 21 percent to Carsonā€™s 20.

ā€œIā€™m a practical person,ā€ Trump said. "If I see things arenā€™t going well, like for instance there are people right now in the Republican party who are not doing well I donā€™t think itā€™s going to change for many of them, at some point you have to get out. Right now, Iā€™m leading every poll I get the biggest crowds by far. I had 20,000 in Dallas I had 35,000 people in Mobile, Alabama, you know so far itā€™s looking goodā€¦So I will go and if for some reason I think itā€™s not going to work, Iā€™ll go back to my business.ā€

Read more: Trump Says He's Been 'Childish': Will He Drop Out?

you mean like Mrs. Clinton quit her Senate seat? Like Kerry? Like Obama, after he made the solemn promise to YOU that he would not quit? Of course liberals don't mean them they only mean anyone other then democrat quitters.

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