Will Republicans lose a Senator in North Carolina and Colorado?

polls show 40% of blacks will vote for trumps

No they don't.
Yes they will , that’s what the polls show

There are zero polls that show that. I don't understand why people like you lie about this stuff. It's like you somehow believe you can magically change reality by pretending.
HUGE. Black Support for President Trump Reaches 40% a Week Before Midterm Election

Here’s two! Stop trolling me boy

LOL!! October 2018? That's your evidence? Tell me, Trumpelstiltskin, what percentage of blacks voted Republican in the midterms that following week? Is that why the Republicans lost 41 House seats and seven governorships, because they got all of this black support?

You're an idiot.
No personal attacks please or you might get a point.
polls show 40% of blacks will vote for trumps

No they don't.
Yes they will , that’s what the polls show

There are zero polls that show that. I don't understand why people like you lie about this stuff. It's like you somehow believe you can magically change reality by pretending.
HUGE. Black Support for President Trump Reaches 40% a Week Before Midterm Election

Here’s two! Stop trolling me boy

LOL!! October 2018? That's your evidence? Tell me, Trumpelstiltskin, what percentage of blacks voted Republican in the midterms that following week? Is that why the Republicans lost 41 House seats and seven governorships, because they got all of this black support?

You're an idiot.
No personal attacks please or you might get a point.

Answer the question
polls show 40% of blacks will vote for trumps

No they don't.
Yes they will , that’s what the polls show

There are zero polls that show that. I don't understand why people like you lie about this stuff. It's like you somehow believe you can magically change reality by pretending.
HUGE. Black Support for President Trump Reaches 40% a Week Before Midterm Election

Here’s two! Stop trolling me boy

LOL!! October 2018? That's your evidence? Tell me, Trumpelstiltskin, what percentage of blacks voted Republican in the midterms that following week? Is that why the Republicans lost 41 House seats and seven governorships, because they got all of this black support?

You're an idiot.
No personal attacks please or you might get a point.

Answer the question
Two more from a few months ago Black voter support for Trump at ‘highest levels’ and could seal 2020 win

The real losses will happen in state houses as Democrat governors are dumped. The demostink will spread.
The trend has been in the other direction in recent elections

If the anti-Trump vote continues to outdraw the MAGA vote, there will be a big turnover in the statehouses

Just in time for the census
Two more from a few months ago Black voter support for Trump at ‘highest levels’ and could seal 2020 win

Approval does not translate to votes, as noted in your own link

Against Joe Biden, Trump receives 12% of the black vote. Against Sen. Bernie Sanders, it was 14%. And against Sen. Elizabeth Warren, it was 17%.

Is that 40%? No, it isn't. It's a good percentage, nonetheless, for a Republican presidential candidate, but that was six months ago before the economic crash, so who knows if he can even hit those numbers now. So, no, there is no 40% black vote for Trump, but you already knew that. You're just a disingenuous liar like always.
polls show 40% of blacks will vote for trumps

No they don't.
Yes they will , that’s what the polls show

There are zero polls that show that. I don't understand why people like you lie about this stuff. It's like you somehow believe you can magically change reality by pretending.
HUGE. Black Support for President Trump Reaches 40% a Week Before Midterm Election

Here’s two! Stop trolling me boy

LOL!! October 2018? That's your evidence? Tell me, Trumpelstiltskin, what percentage of blacks voted Republican in the midterms that following week? Is that why the Republicans lost 41 House seats and seven governorships, because they got all of this black support?

You're an idiot.
No personal attacks please or you might get a point.

Answer the question
Two more from a few months ago Black voter support for Trump at ‘highest levels’ and could seal 2020 win

That's Rasmussen, and a likely voters screen.
Trump is the president of all adults. Give me an adults screen.
Two more from a few months ago Black voter support for Trump at ‘highest levels’ and could seal 2020 win

Approval does not translate to votes, as noted in your own link

Against Joe Biden, Trump receives 12% of the black vote. Against Sen. Bernie Sanders, it was 14%. And against Sen. Elizabeth Warren, it was 17%.

Is that 40%? No, it isn't. It's a good percentage, nonetheless, for a Republican presidential candidate, but that was six months ago before the economic crash, so who knows if he can even hit those numbers now. So, no, there is no 40% black vote for Trump, but you already knew that. You're just a disingenuous liar like always.
ok troll, I believe other wise. Just leave me alone. Thanks
Two more from a few months ago Black voter support for Trump at ‘highest levels’ and could seal 2020 win

Approval does not translate to votes, as noted in your own link

Against Joe Biden, Trump receives 12% of the black vote. Against Sen. Bernie Sanders, it was 14%. And against Sen. Elizabeth Warren, it was 17%.

Is that 40%? No, it isn't. It's a good percentage, nonetheless, for a Republican presidential candidate, but that was six months ago before the economic crash, so who knows if he can even hit those numbers now. So, no, there is no 40% black vote for Trump, but you already knew that. You're just a disingenuous liar like always.
Even in approval rate, other pollsters are far from 40%.
Quinnipiac has support among blacks at 12% for Trump
Two more from a few months ago Black voter support for Trump at ‘highest levels’ and could seal 2020 win

Approval does not translate to votes, as noted in your own link

Against Joe Biden, Trump receives 12% of the black vote. Against Sen. Bernie Sanders, it was 14%. And against Sen. Elizabeth Warren, it was 17%.

Is that 40%? No, it isn't. It's a good percentage, nonetheless, for a Republican presidential candidate, but that was six months ago before the economic crash, so who knows if he can even hit those numbers now. So, no, there is no 40% black vote for Trump, but you already knew that. You're just a disingenuous liar like always.
Even in approval rate, other pollsters are far from 40%.
Quinnipiac has support among blacks at 12% for Trump
Did they poll BLM? Lol
The senate is safe...no one is predicting anything close to the dems taking the senate....everyone's money is on the GOP taking back the house from the ice cream bitch.....

The Senate is not safe. The Montana seat is now in play. Colorado and Arizona are likely to go from Republican to Democrat while Alabama will likely go from Democrat to Republican. The Republicans don't believe they will take back the House. Democrats are outraising Republicans in the House. The money is betting on Republicans.
The senate is safe...no one is predicting anything close to the dems taking the senate....everyone's money is on the GOP taking back the house from the ice cream bitch.....

The Senate is not safe. The Montana seat is now in play. Colorado and Arizona are likely to go from Republican to Democrat while Alabama will likely go from Democrat to Republican. The Republicans don't believe they will take back the House. Democrats are outraising Republicans in the House. The money is betting on Republicans.
Collins in Maine is not safe
In CO, yes. I'm working a few hours every week to ensure that outcome. Gardner is toast.
In CO, yes. I'm working a few hours every week to ensure that outcome. Gardner is toast.
And what are you going to do if you win? You have nothing. Nothing to offer but to destroy good traditions. Agendas that will mean nothing in the long run for the costs involved and the returns garnered. Did you see how fast things deteriated? We have a flawed fiat currency based wealth system now that is gasping. playing pax americana while in your globalist utopian world is suicide. America must be taken down a few pegs to enter this world governance mecca. If you are an American citizen you are a stupidone!
The senate is safe...no one is predicting anything close to the dems taking the senate....everyone's money is on the GOP taking back the house from the ice cream bitch.....

The Senate is not safe. The Montana seat is now in play. Colorado and Arizona are likely to go from Republican to Democrat while Alabama will likely go from Democrat to Republican. The Republicans don't believe they will take back the House. Democrats are outraising Republicans in the House. The money is betting on Republicans.
Even some democrats are saying they may lose the house and I haven't heard anyone say the dems will take the senate except you that is....

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