Will Roe v Wade be overturned? We all know its headed there so what say you?

Will Roe v Wade be overturned?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Could go either way

  • Don't care either way

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Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
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Keep in mind this poll isn't asking YOUR opinion on the law but rather how the Justices will come down on the subject.
Could go either way but doubtful....Roberts and Kavanaugh are too wobbly to say.
It's a state's rights issue and the Federal government should have no say in what a particular state sees as a moral issue.

The right to privacy with a doctor stands, but that doesn't mean you can break a law in a particular jurisdiction.

There's nothing in the Constitution about abortion but there is about privacy.

If you decide you want an abortion you're free to go to a jurisdiction where the law permits it.
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Keep in mind this poll isn't asking YOUR opinion on the law but rather how the Justices will come down on the subject.
I believe the conservatives (of authoritarianism) need another justice to overturn the Roe/Wade decision to allow states full authority to rule out a woman’s liberty. If that is done, then maybe state-sponsored slavery will return too.
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Keep in mind this poll isn't asking YOUR opinion on the law but rather how the Justices will come down on the subject.
I believe the conservatives (of authoritarianism) need another justice to overturn the Roe/Wade decision to allow states full authority to rule out a woman’s liberty. If that is done, then maybe state-sponsored slavery will return too.
Conservatives need to be careful what they wish for.

When Roe is overturned, they will have lost a powerful political tool with which to energize their base and divide the American people.

And there will be a powerful political backlash as moderates abandon the GOP; indeed, Roe was successful in protecting Republican demagogues from themselves.
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Keep in mind this poll isn't asking YOUR opinion on the law but rather how the Justices will come down on the subject.
I believe the conservatives (of authoritarianism) need another justice to overturn the Roe/Wade decision to allow states full authority to rule out a woman’s liberty. If that is done, then maybe state-sponsored slavery will return too.
View attachment 261534
I see you enjoy reading comic books.
Maybe you should grow up.
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Keep in mind this poll isn't asking YOUR opinion on the law but rather how the Justices will come down on the subject.
I believe the conservatives (of authoritarianism) need another justice to overturn the Roe/Wade decision to allow states full authority to rule out a woman’s liberty. If that is done, then maybe state-sponsored slavery will return too.
View attachment 261534
I see you enjoy reading comic books.
Maybe you should grow up.
You tell him to grow up after invoking slavery?

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Keep in mind this poll isn't asking YOUR opinion on the law but rather how the Justices will come down on the subject.

Nope. It may be scaled back. Non-hospital abortions may be in trouble in red states. States may have more authority to regulate abortion, but the core right will still be upheld by the SCOTUS.
Of course, most on the authoritarian right are ignorant of the fact that when Roe is overturned, abortion will still be legal in the United States, as most states will continue to recognize a woman’s right to privacy.

Indeed, a woman seeking to end her pregnancy would need only travel from her repressive red state to a free state to have the procedure.

Overturning Roe will expose the conservative lie that abortion was about “states’ rights.”
Vote &/or offer your personal thoughts.

Keep in mind this poll isn't asking YOUR opinion on the law but rather how the Justices will come down on the subject.

I say it will not, Trump made sure of this by putting two men on the SCOTUS that do not think it should be overturned.
Of course, most on the authoritarian right are ignorant of the fact that when Roe is overturned, abortion will still be legal in the United States, as most states will continue to recognize a woman’s right to privacy.

Indeed, a woman seeking to end her pregnancy would need only travel from her repressive red state to a free state to have the procedure.

Overturning Roe will expose the conservative lie that abortion was about “states’ rights.”
Good job on ignoring reality by stating "end her pregnancy". It's much easier than stating "killing a human being".
Of course, most on the authoritarian right are ignorant of the fact that when Roe is overturned, abortion will still be legal in the United States, as most states will continue to recognize a woman’s right to privacy.

Indeed, a woman seeking to end her pregnancy would need only travel from her repressive red state to a free state to have the procedure.

Overturning Roe will expose the conservative lie that abortion was about “states’ rights.”

Oh please the blacks with out an ID can't even afford to take a bus to riot and loot in the rich part of town much less leave their state.. how they going to take a plane with no ID?
Vote &/or offer your personal thoughts.

Keep in mind this poll isn't asking YOUR opinion on the law but rather how the Justices will come down on the subject.


Most everyone involved in this child murder, from the mother to her abortionist and from elected legislator to trial lawyer gets worn down over time as they realize the terrible truth of what they've been involved in. The Justices will follow suit. That, or the American People will decide for them with pitchforks and torches.
Vote &/or offer your personal thoughts.

Keep in mind this poll isn't asking YOUR opinion on the law but rather how the Justices will come down on the subject.

Nope. It may be scaled back. Non-hospital abortions may be in trouble in red states. States may have more authority to regulate abortion, but the core right will still be upheld by the SCOTUS.

Then hospitals in red states will have to start allowing abortions to be performed in their facilities.

Right now hospitals in red states don't allow abortions to be performed so if the far right extremists want to force it to be in a hospital, they will have to force hospitals to allow the procedure to be performed.

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