Will Roe v Wade be overturned? We all know its headed there so what say you?

Will Roe v Wade be overturned?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Could go either way

  • Don't care either way

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Keep in mind this poll isn't asking YOUR opinion on the law but rather how the Justices will come down on the subject.
Yes with the 2 new justices in trumps pocket there is a good chance it will be overturned
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Keep in mind this poll isn't asking YOUR opinion on the law but rather how the Justices will come down on the subject.
Wait, are you saying Bart O'kavenaugh lied during his confirmation hearings? He clearly said Rowe v Wade was "settled law" right?
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Keep in mind this poll isn't asking YOUR opinion on the law but rather how the Justices will come down on the subject.

Nope. It may be scaled back. Non-hospital abortions may be in trouble in red states. States may have more authority to regulate abortion, but the core right will still be upheld by the SCOTUS.

Then hospitals in red states will have to start allowing abortions to be performed in their facilities.

Right now hospitals in red states don't allow abortions to be performed so if the far right extremists want to force it to be in a hospital, they will have to force hospitals to allow the procedure to be performed.

DO you have a link? The only hospitals I am aware of that ban abortions are private religious hospitals--usually catholic.
People underestimated President Donald Trump before. I hope he wins the war on the murder of unborn Americans! And I think he can! :woohoo:
Not overturned. But modified to allow states to place limits on abortion.
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Keep in mind this poll isn't asking YOUR opinion on the law but rather how the Justices will come down on the subject.
Abortions probably saved the conservative justices from a few scandals.
What a great way to alienate women against republicans Nice job
You don't know Republicans, Ed. We're right people on the right and are always right. Pun intended!:iyfyus.jpg:
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Keep in mind this poll isn't asking YOUR opinion on the law but rather how the Justices will come down on the subject.

Nope. It may be scaled back. Non-hospital abortions may be in trouble in red states. States may have more authority to regulate abortion, but the core right will still be upheld by the SCOTUS.

Then hospitals in red states will have to start allowing abortions to be performed in their facilities.

Right now hospitals in red states don't allow abortions to be performed so if the far right extremists want to force it to be in a hospital, they will have to force hospitals to allow the procedure to be performed.
What a sad commentary on our society when saving innocent lives is called "extreme".
Down with Abortions! 99% are just lame attempts at birth control by stupid girls who are weaponized by the feminazis of America.

No more body parts for sale by the Planned Parentdoomers of America!

I think perhaps all the politicization will lead to a decline in birthrates as more and more women will think hard before taking a chance on getting pregnant...once it's over turned.
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Keep in mind this poll isn't asking YOUR opinion on the law but rather how the Justices will come down on the subject.
Yes with the 2 new justices in trumps pocket there is a good chance it will be overturned

Trump does not want it overturned, that is why he choose two justices that do not think it should be.

Trump is not really pro-life, that is just a mantle he took on to win votes when he choose to run as a Repub
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Keep in mind this poll isn't asking YOUR opinion on the law but rather how the Justices will come down on the subject.
Abortions probably saved the conservative justices from a few scandals.
What a great way to alienate women against republicans Nice job
You don't know Republicans, Ed. We're right people on the right and are always right. Pun intended!:iyfyus.jpg:
Wrong beautress,,,,Was a republican all my life ,,even voted for GWB in 2000 so I know republicans That GWB vote was my last republican vote
Of course, most on the authoritarian right are ignorant of the fact that when Roe is overturned, abortion will still be legal in the United States, as most states will continue to recognize a woman’s right to privacy.

Indeed, a woman seeking to end her pregnancy would need only travel from her repressive red state to a free state to have the procedure.

Overturning Roe will expose the conservative lie that abortion was about “states’ rights.”
Good job on ignoring reality by stating "end her pregnancy". It's much easier than stating "killing a human being".
Here is someone who you might know and admire:

Christian TV Host Rick Wiles: We Will Impose Christian Rule In This Country

Dreams of a Christian theocracy: Christian TV Host Rick Wiles claims that conservative Christians will “impose Christian rule in this country.”

Right Wing Watch reports that Wiles, host of TruNews, a television “news” program produced for conservative Christians, “praised Alabama’s radical new anti-abortion law and warned that those who support reproductive rights will spend eternity being ‘aborted continuously forever’ by demons in Hell” on the Wednesday night edition of his program.

Wiles returned to that theme On Thursday night’s program Wiles continued to discuss the recent abortion law, citing an op-ed from the Israeli paper Haaretz and written by Debra Nussbaum Cohen. In her post Cohen wrote:
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Keep in mind this poll isn't asking YOUR opinion on the law but rather how the Justices will come down on the subject.
Abortions probably saved the conservative justices from a few scandals.
What a great way to alienate women against republicans Nice job
You don't know Republicans, Ed. We're right people on the right and are always right. Pun intended!:iyfyus.jpg:
Wrong beautress,,,,Was a republican all my life ,,even voted for GWB in 2000 so I know republicans That GWB vote was my last republican vote
Good. You know where you are. I dare you to get close to Hillary the Boob. You'll wind up like Vince Foster--"suicide" by three bullets to the back of the head. You traded that risk in for believing the profit-for-lying press. I wouldn't be in your shoes for all the tea in China. You been had.
Vote &/or offer your personal thoughts.

Keep in mind this poll isn't asking YOUR opinion on the law but rather how the Justices will come down on the subject.
Yes with the 2 new justices in trumps pocket there is a good chance it will be overturned

Trump does not want it overturned, that is why he choose two justices that do not think it should be.

Trump is not really pro-life, that is just a mantle he took on to win votes when he choose to run as a Repub
I believe there are so many women who would never have abortions BUT STILL believe in womens choice

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