Will Roe v Wade be overturned? We all know its headed there so what say you?

Will Roe v Wade be overturned?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Could go either way

  • Don't care either way

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Vote &/or offer your personal thoughts.

Keep in mind this poll isn't asking YOUR opinion on the law but rather how the Justices will come down on the subject.
Yes with the 2 new justices in trumps pocket there is a good chance it will be overturned

Trump does not want it overturned, that is why he choose two justices that do not think it should be.

Trump is not really pro-life, that is just a mantle he took on to win votes when he choose to run as a Repub
I believe there are so many women who would never have abortions BUT STILL believe in womens choice

I'm one of them. In normal situations. If my life was in jeopardy, there was a serious problem with the fetus or it was the result of rape, I would have an abortion.

That's what choice means. What is my choice may not be someone else's choice. Neither are wrong or right. Just right for the person.

I grew up with a mom who worked to save lives of women who took coat hangers to their uterus or jumped off stairs or went to a butcher. I grew up with a mom who worked to save the lives of women whose pregnancies have gone horribly wrong.

Each and every death took a piece of my mom.

Until 1968. That was when my state had a ballot initiative to legalize abortion and it passed.

I was young at the time but it was seared into my memory for life.

I'm also a rape survivor who was very lucky that a pregnancy didn't result from that sick and barbaric event. I know the fear of pregnancy from rape. I know that if that rape had caused a pregnancy I would have aborted faster than a New York minute.

I know that I'm not living the lives of other women, just my life. No one has any right to take self determination and freedom from anyone.
As if suburban women didn't need another reason to vote Democrat in 2020.
It's a state's rights issue and the Federal government should have no say in what a particular state sees as a moral issue.

The right to privacy with a doctor stands, but that doesn't mean you can break a law in a particular jurisdiction.

There's nothing in the Constitution about abortion but there is about privacy.

If you decide you want an abortion you're free to go to a jurisdiction where the law permits it.
You think it's a state's right to condone serial murdering? Bad idea, Ricky.
You still believe all that republican bull**** Shame ,,, and speaking of being had you support the greatest con man ever to enter our WH
The only thing President Trump is allegedly conning anyone right now is to make America the great nation the founders intended it to be, and he's gonna clean house. So wash under your nails until there is no dirt left. You heard it here first. :lmao:
How in gods name is he going clean house when he brought the swamp and 50 lawyers into the WH ?
Go ahead, make yourself into the blackest pot on the shelf calling the kettle black! The Joke's on you, buster. Move over, Party of the Satans to the unborn. The phony Republicans are coming. Real Republicans do not tolerate murder of people weaker than the serial killer is.
candycorny: :abgg2q.jpg:

Never saw someone think the death of 60 million Americans was something to laugh about. Oh, wait, I forgot about Saddam Hussein's followers!
They laugh and mock. What else can they do? If they were honest they'd fall on their knees and beg God's forgiveness.
It's a state's rights issue and the Federal government should have no say in what a particular state sees as a moral issue.

The right to privacy with a doctor stands, but that doesn't mean you can break a law in a particular jurisdiction.

There's nothing in the Constitution about abortion but there is about privacy.

If you decide you want an abortion you're free to go to a jurisdiction where the law permits it.
You think it's a state's right to condone serial murdering? Bad idea, Ricky.

If the SCOTUS created law of Roe V. Wade is repealed, the result will be abortion laws reverting to the states, as the Constitution outlines for such laws.

RvW is an unconstitutional law created by the court that tramples state authority over the issue. Remove the unconstitutional and illegally created law, and the issue reverts to the state.
Vote &/or offer your personal thoughts.

Keep in mind this poll isn't asking YOUR opinion on the law but rather how the Justices will come down on the subject.
Yes with the 2 new justices in trumps pocket there is a good chance it will be overturned

Trump does not want it overturned, that is why he choose two justices that do not think it should be.

Trump is not really pro-life, that is just a mantle he took on to win votes when he choose to run as a Repub
I believe there are so many women who would never have abortions BUT STILL believe in womens choice

I'm one of them. In normal situations. If my life was in jeopardy, there was a serious problem with the fetus or it was the result of rape, I would have an abortion.

That's what choice means. What is my choice may not be someone else's choice. Neither are wrong or right. Just right for the person.

I grew up with a mom who worked to save lives of women who took coat hangers to their uterus or jumped off stairs or went to a butcher. I grew up with a mom who worked to save the lives of women whose pregnancies have gone horribly wrong.

Each and every death took a piece of my mom.

Until 1968. That was when my state had a ballot initiative to legalize abortion and it passed.

I was young at the time but it was seared into my memory for life.

I'm also a rape survivor who was very lucky that a pregnancy didn't result from that sick and barbaric event. I know the fear of pregnancy from rape. I know that if that rape had caused a pregnancy I would have aborted faster than a New York minute.

I know that I'm not living the lives of other women, just my life. No one has any right to take self determination and freedom from anyone.
How do you know for sure you couldn't turn an unfortunate situation of having an unwanted child into a James Smithson, who bestowed upon a land he never visited the last act of his life--The Smithsonian Institution. If you've never heard of the place, here's a link: Home
The only thing President Trump is allegedly conning anyone right now is to make America the great nation the founders intended it to be, and he's gonna clean house. So wash under your nails until there is no dirt left. You heard it here first. :lmao:
How in gods name is he going clean house when he brought the swamp and 50 lawyers into the WH ?
Go ahead, make yourself into the blackest pot on the shelf calling the kettle black! The Joke's on you, buster. Move over, Party of the Satans to the unborn. The phony Republicans are coming. Real Republicans do not tolerate murder of people weaker than the serial killer is.
candycorny: :abgg2q.jpg:

Never saw someone think the death of 60 million Americans was something to laugh about. Oh, wait, I forgot about Saddam Hussein's followers!
They laugh and mock. What else can they do? If they were honest they'd fall on their knees and beg God's forgiveness.
Well, somewhere along the line they sold out to the bullies of the left who have no compunction about killing someone weaker than themselves by any means available. This causes tears from heaven, imho. Life is a crucible.
What a great way to alienate women against republicans Nice job
You don't know Republicans, Ed. We're right people on the right and are always right. Pun intended!:iyfyus.jpg:
Wrong beautress,,,,Was a republican all my life ,,even voted for GWB in 2000 so I know republicans That GWB vote was my last republican vote
Good. You know where you are. I dare you to get close to Hillary the Boob. You'll wind up like Vince Foster--"suicide" by three bullets to the back of the head. You traded that risk in for believing the profit-for-lying press. I wouldn't be in your shoes for all the tea in China. You been had.
You still believe all that republican bull**** Shame ,,, and speaking of being had you support the greatest con man ever to enter our WH
Go get an education, and learn to punctuate a sentence. Idiot.
You're the punctuation mod? I didn't know that. In the meantime, IF I had a fuk I'd give it.
You don't know Republicans, Ed. We're right people on the right and are always right. Pun intended!:iyfyus.jpg:
Wrong beautress,,,,Was a republican all my life ,,even voted for GWB in 2000 so I know republicans That GWB vote was my last republican vote
Good. You know where you are. I dare you to get close to Hillary the Boob. You'll wind up like Vince Foster--"suicide" by three bullets to the back of the head. You traded that risk in for believing the profit-for-lying press. I wouldn't be in your shoes for all the tea in China. You been had.
You still believe all that republican bull**** Shame ,,, and speaking of being had you support the greatest con man ever to enter our WH
Go get an education, and learn to punctuate a sentence. Idiot.
You're the punctuation mod? I didn't know that. In the meantime, IF I had a fuk I'd give it.
You're an ignorant hateful sniveling little bitch. What a disappointment you must be to your parents.
As much as I would like to see it overturned and as bad a ruling that it was I don't think the Justices have enough courage to do the right thing and overturn Roe v Wade.

Especially I can't see Kavanaugh voting to do it since he made such a big deal about "precedent" in his nomination hearings. He will use that an excuse to wimp out on saving the lives of the children. We all know what a pussy Roberts has become.
It's a state's rights issue and the Federal government should have no say in what a particular state sees as a moral issue.

The right to privacy with a doctor stands, but that doesn't mean you can break a law in a particular jurisdiction.

There's nothing in the Constitution about abortion but there is about privacy.

If you decide you want an abortion you're free to go to a jurisdiction where the law permits it.
You think it's a state's right to condone serial murdering? Bad idea, Ricky.

If the SCOTUS created law of Roe V. Wade is repealed, the result will be abortion laws reverting to the states, as the Constitution outlines for such laws.

RvW is an unconstitutional law created by the court that tramples state authority over the issue. Remove the unconstitutional and illegally created law, and the issue reverts to the state.
Before that happens, the Congress has to grow a pair and declare what every scientist worth his salt knows: Human life starts when two gametes fuse--aka conception. After that, the "mass of cells" toils its way up, down and around through fallopian tubes to the mother's womb. Everything that happens to that fused pair of gametes is its stages of development, from fusion, through birth, cutting teeth, puberty, work, marriage, reproduction, and death. If death is inflicted by someone else, it is murder; if its mother has it done by somebody else it is the ultimate betrayal in life. Abortion is a self-centered act of killing performed on a human creature that has recently formed and is organizing to be a part of life, and in fact, there are videos showing the fetus avoiding certain death when instruments are poked into the mother to take its life away from it. It's ruthless, and it's clearly the taking of life that is innocent, to prolong the leisure life of cowardly people who come to not give a damn about anyone else once they've done that.
Wrong beautress,,,,Was a republican all my life ,,even voted for GWB in 2000 so I know republicans That GWB vote was my last republican vote
Good. You know where you are. I dare you to get close to Hillary the Boob. You'll wind up like Vince Foster--"suicide" by three bullets to the back of the head. You traded that risk in for believing the profit-for-lying press. I wouldn't be in your shoes for all the tea in China. You been had.
You still believe all that republican bull**** Shame ,,, and speaking of being had you support the greatest con man ever to enter our WH
Go get an education, and learn to punctuate a sentence. Idiot.
You're the punctuation mod? I didn't know that. In the meantime, IF I had a fuk I'd give it.
You're an ignorant hateful sniveling little bitch. What a disappointment you must be to your parents.
LOL at 82 my parents aren't around to see the success I've made in life, but one thing you did say that's true,,I am hateful . I hate all republican scum including those here and in gov't .
You can have nine Republicans on the court and Roe will not be overturned. Why conservatives keep beating this dead horse is beyond me. All it's doing is isolating suburban women from their party who otherwise may be receptive to them based on their other positions.
Good. You know where you are. I dare you to get close to Hillary the Boob. You'll wind up like Vince Foster--"suicide" by three bullets to the back of the head. You traded that risk in for believing the profit-for-lying press. I wouldn't be in your shoes for all the tea in China. You been had.
You still believe all that republican bull**** Shame ,,, and speaking of being had you support the greatest con man ever to enter our WH
Go get an education, and learn to punctuate a sentence. Idiot.
You're the punctuation mod? I didn't know that. In the meantime, IF I had a fuk I'd give it.
You're an ignorant hateful sniveling little bitch. What a disappointment you must be to your parents.
LOL at 82 my parents aren't around to see the success I've made in life, but one thing you did say that's true,,I am hateful . I hate all republican scum including those here and in gov't .


In all fairness, we meant AGE, not your IQ....
Good. You know where you are. I dare you to get close to Hillary the Boob. You'll wind up like Vince Foster--"suicide" by three bullets to the back of the head. You traded that risk in for believing the profit-for-lying press. I wouldn't be in your shoes for all the tea in China. You been had.
You still believe all that republican bull**** Shame ,,, and speaking of being had you support the greatest con man ever to enter our WH
Go get an education, and learn to punctuate a sentence. Idiot.
You're the punctuation mod? I didn't know that. In the meantime, IF I had a fuk I'd give it.
You're an ignorant hateful sniveling little bitch. What a disappointment you must be to your parents.
LOL at 82 my parents aren't around to see the success I've made in life, but one thing you did say that's true,,I am hateful . I hate all republican scum including those here and in gov't .
And Mr BS you beat out BRI You are now on the top of my list here Trump is on another list
As much as I would like to see it overturned and as bad a ruling that it was I don't think the Justices have enough courage to do the right thing and overturn Roe v Wade.

Especially I can't see Kavanaugh voting to do it since he made such a big deal about "precedent" in his nomination hearings. He will use that an excuse to wimp out on saving the lives of the children. We all know what a pussy Roberts has become.
Right now, the Supreme Court members have to follow the law whether they like it or not. Congress must define when life starts or doom millions more unborn Americans to an unwanted death on the part of the cell mass. Very early on that cell mass avoids the killer's womb killing devices. Why? Because begosh and begorrah, it's a life and it knows what's going on, and that it's bad and to be avoided. There are pictures we can't show here that prove it.
You still believe all that republican bull**** Shame ,,, and speaking of being had you support the greatest con man ever to enter our WH
Go get an education, and learn to punctuate a sentence. Idiot.
You're the punctuation mod? I didn't know that. In the meantime, IF I had a fuk I'd give it.
You're an ignorant hateful sniveling little bitch. What a disappointment you must be to your parents.
LOL at 82 my parents aren't around to see the success I've made in life, but one thing you did say that's true,,I am hateful . I hate all republican scum including those here and in gov't .


In all fairness, we meant AGE, not your IQ....
Un does this look like I need moms basement?
+$1,143,485.31 (22.05%)
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You still believe all that republican bull**** Shame ,,, and speaking of being had you support the greatest con man ever to enter our WH
Go get an education, and learn to punctuate a sentence. Idiot.
You're the punctuation mod? I didn't know that. In the meantime, IF I had a fuk I'd give it.
You're an ignorant hateful sniveling little bitch. What a disappointment you must be to your parents.
LOL at 82 my parents aren't around to see the success I've made in life, but one thing you did say that's true,,I am hateful . I hate all republican scum including those here and in gov't .
And Mr BS you beat out BRI You are now on the top of my list here Trump is on another list
Sorry, sir, but you are ultimately making yourself onto St. Peter's list. And he will be surrounded by 60 million unborn Americans who are mad as hell at people who caused theirs and their family of abortees' early death. Just you try getting past them to avoid the very warm spot in the universe where serial thrill killers usually go.

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