Will Roe v Wade be overturned? We all know its headed there so what say you?

Will Roe v Wade be overturned?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Could go either way

  • Don't care either way

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You still believe all that republican bull**** Shame ,,, and speaking of being had you support the greatest con man ever to enter our WH
The only thing President Trump is allegedly conning anyone right now is to make America the great nation the founders intended it to be, and he's gonna clean house. So wash under your nails until there is no dirt left. You heard it here first. :lmao:
How in gods name is he going clean house when he brought the swamp and 50 lawyers into the WH ?
Go ahead, make yourself into the blackest pot on the shelf calling the kettle black! The Joke's on you, buster. Move over, Party of the Satans to the unborn. The phony Republicans are coming. Real Republicans do not tolerate murder of people weaker than the serial killer is.
candycorny: :abgg2q.jpg:

Never saw someone think the death of 60 million Americans was something to laugh about. Oh, wait, I forgot about Saddam Hussein's followers!

I was laughing at your moronic “party of satans” comment.

Do you celebrate the day you were born or the day you were conceived as your birthday?

If it’s not your conception date…shut up.
How in gods name is he going clean house when he brought the swamp and 50 lawyers into the WH ?
Go ahead, make yourself into the blackest pot on the shelf calling the kettle black! The Joke's on you, buster. Move over, Party of the Satans to the unborn. The phony Republicans are coming. Real Republicans do not tolerate murder of people weaker than the serial killer is.
candycorny: :abgg2q.jpg:

Never saw someone think the death of 60 million Americans was something to laugh about. Oh, wait, I forgot about Saddam Hussein's followers!
They laugh and mock. What else can they do? If they were honest they'd fall on their knees and beg God's forgiveness.
Well, somewhere along the line they sold out to the bullies of the left who have no compunction about killing someone weaker than themselves by any means available. This causes tears from heaven, imho. Life is a crucible.

A friend of mine had a child die in utero. Why did God kill the "baby"? And if he’s okay with killing “babies”…why are you against it?
It's a state's rights issue and the Federal government should have no say in what a particular state sees as a moral issue.

The right to privacy with a doctor stands, but that doesn't mean you can break a law in a particular jurisdiction.

There's nothing in the Constitution about abortion but there is about privacy.

If you decide you want an abortion you're free to go to a jurisdiction where the law permits it.
You think it's a state's right to condone serial murdering? Bad idea, Ricky.

I'm against all abortion except in the case of rape or incest.

I was strictly addressing the proposal of can Roe be overturned. The right to privacy is a Constitutional right.

There is no national law that states you can have an abortion. It's covered up under the right of privacy.

The only way some states can stop the madness of murdering unborn babies is outlaw it in their state and as there is no national law passed by Congress, and there is nothing in the Constitution, the states have the right to outlaw anything they want.
As much as I would like to see it overturned and as bad a ruling that it was I don't think the Justices have enough courage to do the right thing and overturn Roe v Wade.

Especially I can't see Kavanaugh voting to do it since he made such a big deal about "precedent" in his nomination hearings. He will use that an excuse to wimp out on saving the lives of the children. We all know what a pussy Roberts has become.
Right now, the Supreme Court members have to follow the law whether they like it or not. Congress must define when life starts or doom millions more unborn Americans to an unwanted death on the part of the cell mass. Very early on that cell mass avoids the killer's womb killing devices. Why? Because begosh and begorrah, it's a life and it knows what's going on, and that it's bad and to be avoided. There are pictures we can't show here that prove it.

There is no real reason to give a mother the Constitutional right to kill her child for the sake of convenience.

The idiots that ruled in Roe v Wade made the worst decision possible that has resulted in the deaths of 60 million American children and that is despicable. They fucked up big time and children died because of the stupidity.

I know that you stupid Moon Bats are ignorant of Economics, History, Ethics, The Constitution and Climate Science but it is appalling that you are also ignorant of basic Biology. By the time a woman knows that she is pregnant she has a human child in her womb. Not a "mass of cells".

Calling the children cells is nothing more than dehumanizing the infanticide. Just like the Nazis dehumanized the people they mass murdered.
Vote &/or offer your personal thoughts.

Keep in mind this poll isn't asking YOUR opinion on the law but rather how the Justices will come down on the subject.
Yes with the 2 new justices in trumps pocket there is a good chance it will be overturned

I'm hoping that at least roberts realizes how much horrible damage that will do to the court, the constitution, the country and the republican party.

The backlash will be quick and it won't be pretty for the republican party.
You never saw people fight to the death and win, have you.

No but I've fought for my own life and won. On more than one occasion.

You don't realize what damage over turning Roe V. Wade will do to the nation, the constitution, the Supreme Court and the republican party.

The backlash will be quick. Your party will deserve it but the rest of us won't deserve all your whining and bitching. You will have made your bed.
Vote &/or offer your personal thoughts.

Keep in mind this poll isn't asking YOUR opinion on the law but rather how the Justices will come down on the subject.
Yes with the 2 new justices in trumps pocket there is a good chance it will be overturned

Trump does not want it overturned, that is why he choose two justices that do not think it should be.

Trump is not really pro-life, that is just a mantle he took on to win votes when he choose to run as a Repub
I believe there are so many women who would never have abortions BUT STILL believe in womens choice

I'm one of them. In normal situations. If my life was in jeopardy, there was a serious problem with the fetus or it was the result of rape, I would have an abortion.

That's what choice means. What is my choice may not be someone else's choice. Neither are wrong or right. Just right for the person.

I grew up with a mom who worked to save lives of women who took coat hangers to their uterus or jumped off stairs or went to a butcher. I grew up with a mom who worked to save the lives of women whose pregnancies have gone horribly wrong.

Each and every death took a piece of my mom.

Until 1968. That was when my state had a ballot initiative to legalize abortion and it passed.

I was young at the time but it was seared into my memory for life.

I'm also a rape survivor who was very lucky that a pregnancy didn't result from that sick and barbaric event. I know the fear of pregnancy from rape. I know that if that rape had caused a pregnancy I would have aborted faster than a New York minute.

I know that I'm not living the lives of other women, just my life. No one has any right to take self determination and freedom from anyone.
How do you know for sure you couldn't turn an unfortunate situation of having an unwanted child into a James Smithson, who bestowed upon a land he never visited the last act of his life--The Smithsonian Institution. If you've never heard of the place, here's a link: Home

You have the right to make that choice for yourself. If you want to carry a pregnancy that's the result of rape to term that's your choice and I would support you with that choice.

You don't have the right to force it on anyone else.

Have you survived rape? Have you had to spend weeks in fear that the rape caused a pregnancy? Have you ever had to fight for your life because your pregnancy has gone wrong?

You have no right to make those choices for anyone but yourself.

Neither does the government.

That's the difference between you and I. I believe in freedom and our constitution. You don't.
Murdering a separate human being, even in its starting state, it is not a body part of the mother. The Democrats want to "legislate" the fetus' life by falsely claiming it is part of its mother. You look at that small being's DNA, and it is no way its mother's replicated body. It is entirely a different person. DNA will prove it. Right now, we're losing children because of lawyering people around in a sea of lies.
Of course, most on the authoritarian right are ignorant of the fact that when Roe is overturned, abortion will still be legal in the United States, as most states will continue to recognize a woman’s right to privacy.

Indeed, a woman seeking to end her pregnancy would need only travel from her repressive red state to a free state to have the procedure.

Overturning Roe will expose the conservative lie that abortion was about “states’ rights.”
Good job on ignoring reality by stating "end her pregnancy". It's much easier than stating "killing a human being".
Here is someone who you might know and admire:

Christian TV Host Rick Wiles: We Will Impose Christian Rule In This Country

Dreams of a Christian theocracy: Christian TV Host Rick Wiles claims that conservative Christians will “impose Christian rule in this country.”

Right Wing Watch reports that Wiles, host of TruNews, a television “news” program produced for conservative Christians, “praised Alabama’s radical new anti-abortion law and warned that those who support reproductive rights will spend eternity being ‘aborted continuously forever’ by demons in Hell” on the Wednesday night edition of his program.

Wiles returned to that theme On Thursday night’s program Wiles continued to discuss the recent abortion law, citing an op-ed from the Israeli paper Haaretz and written by Debra Nussbaum Cohen. In her post Cohen wrote:
Nah, he just wants you to think about it before you kill your own soul by killing your firstborn, second born, third born, and all others who are born and prevent you from being an adult about unborn children. IOW, love the weak and powerless enough to let them breathe their first breath, poop on your best shirt, pee in your eye, and otherwise remind you who YOU were when YOU were tolerated by your parents for stunningly bad decisions which they were challenged to change. Hahahaha! God is the judge, not us. But we're pretty sure he isn't amused by a nation that has killed off 60 million and counting unborn American citizens. And he's putting 60 million aliens here to make up for it, and they will kick your ass and steal your inheritance in less than a generation.

And I will fight you tooth and nail over killing the unborn. Got it?
How do you suppose that god will judge those who oppose abortion, but who also oppose affordable health care, housing assistance, and adequate food for families?
Murdering a separate human being, even in its starting state, it is not a body part of the mother. The Democrats want to "legislate" the fetus' life by falsely claiming it is part of its mother. You look at that small being's DNA, and it is no way its mother's replicated body. It is entirely a different person. DNA will prove it. Right now, we're losing children because of lawyering people around in a sea of lies.

You never told us….
If you believe in God and that He controls all things….
When a baby dies in utero….clearly that was God’s design.
So if God has no problem snuffing out a life….why do you?
Murdering a separate human being, even in its starting state, it is not a body part of the mother. The Democrats want to "legislate" the fetus' life by falsely claiming it is part of its mother. You look at that small being's DNA, and it is no way its mother's replicated body. It is entirely a different person. DNA will prove it. Right now, we're losing children because of lawyering people around in a sea of lies.

You never told us….
If you believe in God and that He controls all things….
When a baby dies in utero….clearly that was God’s design.
So if God has no problem snuffing out a life….why do you?
I'm not god
Vote &/or offer your personal thoughts.

Keep in mind this poll isn't asking YOUR opinion on the law but rather how the Justices will come down on the subject.
I think it's the last thing the Justices want to muck around with. If they can manage to tiptoe around it and make no significant decision, the way they did in the bake the cake case, they will.

Remember that they decide whether to even take up a case. There are a dozen challenges to the decision already one step from sitting in the pile before the Supreme Court, without the recent flurry of cases and the legislation in Alabama and Georgia still making its slow way there.

Roe v. Wade was decided on the right to privacy. Yes, they could disagree with that. But the impact of what that would do to the women in this country is staggering. I don't think they will do it.
I voted "no" since (1) I'm not an expert on the Constitution and (2) initially only 1 of the 3 Democrats on the court along with 1 of 6 Republicans sided with Wade, while 7 of 9 sided the Roe.
I would call the possibility very remote
Conservatives need to be careful what they wish for.

When Roe is overturned, they will have lost a powerful political tool with which to energize their base and divide the American people.

And there will be a powerful political backlash as moderates abandon the GOP; indeed, Roe was successful in protecting Republican demagogues from themselves.

Lol as if anyone listens to you
Of course, most on the authoritarian right are ignorant of the fact that when Roe is overturned, abortion will still be legal in the United States, as most states will continue to recognize a woman’s right to privacy.

Indeed, a woman seeking to end her pregnancy would need only travel from her repressive red state to a free state to have the procedure.

Overturning Roe will expose the conservative lie that abortion was about “states’ rights.”
Good job on ignoring reality by stating "end her pregnancy". It's much easier than stating "killing a human being".
Here is someone who you might know and admire:

Christian TV Host Rick Wiles: We Will Impose Christian Rule In This Country

Dreams of a Christian theocracy: Christian TV Host Rick Wiles claims that conservative Christians will “impose Christian rule in this country.”

Right Wing Watch reports that Wiles, host of TruNews, a television “news” program produced for conservative Christians, “praised Alabama’s radical new anti-abortion law and warned that those who support reproductive rights will spend eternity being ‘aborted continuously forever’ by demons in Hell” on the Wednesday night edition of his program.

Wiles returned to that theme On Thursday night’s program Wiles continued to discuss the recent abortion law, citing an op-ed from the Israeli paper Haaretz and written by Debra Nussbaum Cohen. In her post Cohen wrote:
Nah, he just wants you to think about it before you kill your own soul by killing your firstborn, second born, third born, and all others who are born and prevent you from being an adult about unborn children. IOW, love the weak and powerless enough to let them breathe their first breath, poop on your best shirt, pee in your eye, and otherwise remind you who YOU were when YOU were tolerated by your parents for stunningly bad decisions which they were challenged to change. Hahahaha! God is the judge, not us. But we're pretty sure he isn't amused by a nation that has killed off 60 million and counting unborn American citizens. And he's putting 60 million aliens here to make up for it, and they will kick your ass and steal your inheritance in less than a generation.

And I will fight you tooth and nail over killing the unborn. Got it?
How do you suppose that god will judge those who oppose abortion, but who also oppose affordable health care, housing assistance, and adequate food for families?
You assume that Christians oppose those things. We oppose big inefficient government. Christians give more than anyone. Government bureaucracy isn't the only way to help people.
Of course, most on the authoritarian right are ignorant of the fact that when Roe is overturned, abortion will still be legal in the United States, as most states will continue to recognize a woman’s right to privacy.

Indeed, a woman seeking to end her pregnancy would need only travel from her repressive red state to a free state to have the procedure.

Overturning Roe will expose the conservative lie that abortion was about “states’ rights.”
Good job on ignoring reality by stating "end her pregnancy". It's much easier than stating "killing a human being".
Here is someone who you might know and admire:

Christian TV Host Rick Wiles: We Will Impose Christian Rule In This Country

Dreams of a Christian theocracy: Christian TV Host Rick Wiles claims that conservative Christians will “impose Christian rule in this country.”

Right Wing Watch reports that Wiles, host of TruNews, a television “news” program produced for conservative Christians, “praised Alabama’s radical new anti-abortion law and warned that those who support reproductive rights will spend eternity being ‘aborted continuously forever’ by demons in Hell” on the Wednesday night edition of his program.

Wiles returned to that theme On Thursday night’s program Wiles continued to discuss the recent abortion law, citing an op-ed from the Israeli paper Haaretz and written by Debra Nussbaum Cohen. In her post Cohen wrote:
Nah, he just wants you to think about it before you kill your own soul by killing your firstborn, second born, third born, and all others who are born and prevent you from being an adult about unborn children. IOW, love the weak and powerless enough to let them breathe their first breath, poop on your best shirt, pee in your eye, and otherwise remind you who YOU were when YOU were tolerated by your parents for stunningly bad decisions which they were challenged to change. Hahahaha! God is the judge, not us. But we're pretty sure he isn't amused by a nation that has killed off 60 million and counting unborn American citizens. And he's putting 60 million aliens here to make up for it, and they will kick your ass and steal your inheritance in less than a generation.

And I will fight you tooth and nail over killing the unborn. Got it?
How do you suppose that god will judge those who oppose abortion, but who also oppose affordable health care, housing assistance, and adequate food for families?
God will imo send them down to hell
Of course, most on the authoritarian right are ignorant of the fact that when Roe is overturned, abortion will still be legal in the United States, as most states will continue to recognize a woman’s right to privacy.

Indeed, a woman seeking to end her pregnancy would need only travel from her repressive red state to a free state to have the procedure.

Overturning Roe will expose the conservative lie that abortion was about “states’ rights.”
Good job on ignoring reality by stating "end her pregnancy". It's much easier than stating "killing a human being".
Here is someone who you might know and admire:

Christian TV Host Rick Wiles: We Will Impose Christian Rule In This Country

Dreams of a Christian theocracy: Christian TV Host Rick Wiles claims that conservative Christians will “impose Christian rule in this country.”

Right Wing Watch reports that Wiles, host of TruNews, a television “news” program produced for conservative Christians, “praised Alabama’s radical new anti-abortion law and warned that those who support reproductive rights will spend eternity being ‘aborted continuously forever’ by demons in Hell” on the Wednesday night edition of his program.

Wiles returned to that theme On Thursday night’s program Wiles continued to discuss the recent abortion law, citing an op-ed from the Israeli paper Haaretz and written by Debra Nussbaum Cohen. In her post Cohen wrote:
Nah, he just wants you to think about it before you kill your own soul by killing your firstborn, second born, third born, and all others who are born and prevent you from being an adult about unborn children. IOW, love the weak and powerless enough to let them breathe their first breath, poop on your best shirt, pee in your eye, and otherwise remind you who YOU were when YOU were tolerated by your parents for stunningly bad decisions which they were challenged to change. Hahahaha! God is the judge, not us. But we're pretty sure he isn't amused by a nation that has killed off 60 million and counting unborn American citizens. And he's putting 60 million aliens here to make up for it, and they will kick your ass and steal your inheritance in less than a generation.

And I will fight you tooth and nail over killing the unborn. Got it?
How do you suppose that god will judge those who oppose abortion, but who also oppose affordable health care, housing assistance, and adequate food for families?
God will imo send them down to hell
The only way someone goes to hell is not believing in Jesus.
Of course, most on the authoritarian right are ignorant of the fact that when Roe is overturned, abortion will still be legal in the United States, as most states will continue to recognize a woman’s right to privacy.

Indeed, a woman seeking to end her pregnancy would need only travel from her repressive red state to a free state to have the procedure.

Overturning Roe will expose the conservative lie that abortion was about “states’ rights.”
Good job on ignoring reality by stating "end her pregnancy". It's much easier than stating "killing a human being".
Here is someone who you might know and admire:

Christian TV Host Rick Wiles: We Will Impose Christian Rule In This Country

Dreams of a Christian theocracy: Christian TV Host Rick Wiles claims that conservative Christians will “impose Christian rule in this country.”

Right Wing Watch reports that Wiles, host of TruNews, a television “news” program produced for conservative Christians, “praised Alabama’s radical new anti-abortion law and warned that those who support reproductive rights will spend eternity being ‘aborted continuously forever’ by demons in Hell” on the Wednesday night edition of his program.

Wiles returned to that theme On Thursday night’s program Wiles continued to discuss the recent abortion law, citing an op-ed from the Israeli paper Haaretz and written by Debra Nussbaum Cohen. In her post Cohen wrote:
Nah, he just wants you to think about it before you kill your own soul by killing your firstborn, second born, third born, and all others who are born and prevent you from being an adult about unborn children. IOW, love the weak and powerless enough to let them breathe their first breath, poop on your best shirt, pee in your eye, and otherwise remind you who YOU were when YOU were tolerated by your parents for stunningly bad decisions which they were challenged to change. Hahahaha! God is the judge, not us. But we're pretty sure he isn't amused by a nation that has killed off 60 million and counting unborn American citizens. And he's putting 60 million aliens here to make up for it, and they will kick your ass and steal your inheritance in less than a generation.

And I will fight you tooth and nail over killing the unborn. Got it?
How do you suppose that god will judge those who oppose abortion, but who also oppose affordable health care, housing assistance, and adequate food for families?
You assume that Christians oppose those things. We oppose big inefficient government. Christians give more than anyone. Government bureaucracy isn't the only way to help people.
and as Trump has made it bigger you oppose the inefficient orange dufus?

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