Will Roe v Wade be overturned? We all know its headed there so what say you?

Will Roe v Wade be overturned?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Could go either way

  • Don't care either way

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How do you suppose that god will judge those who oppose abortion, but who also oppose affordable health care, housing assistance, and adequate food for families?
You assume that Christians oppose those things. We oppose big inefficient government. Christians give more than anyone. Government bureaucracy isn't the only way to help people.
and as Trump has made it bigger you oppose the inefficient orange dufus?
Oh yeah, for sure, and um uh...Trump hired hookers to pee on a hotel bed that Obama slept in huh.
Yeah and he didn't cheat on not 1 not 2 but 3 wives + paying hookers Fine example you dolts put in our WH
The Apostle Paul killed Christian's before he saw the light. God forgives our past. You losers need to keep it alive for political reasons. That's why you're losers and going to get your nasty vile asses kicked good in the next election.
I will ask the God of my fathers to forgive you
You assume that Christians oppose those things. We oppose big inefficient government. Christians give more than anyone. Government bureaucracy isn't the only way to help people.
and as Trump has made it bigger you oppose the inefficient orange dufus?
Oh yeah, for sure, and um uh...Trump hired hookers to pee on a hotel bed that Obama slept in huh.
Yeah and he didn't cheat on not 1 not 2 but 3 wives + paying hookers Fine example you dolts put in our WH
The Apostle Paul killed Christian's before he saw the light. God forgives our past. You losers need to keep it alive for political reasons. That's why you're losers and going to get your nasty vile asses kicked good in the next election.
I will ask the God of my fathers to forgive you
So what is your god's name?
Murdering a separate human being, even in its starting state, it is not a body part of the mother. The Democrats want to "legislate" the fetus' life by falsely claiming it is part of its mother. You look at that small being's DNA, and it is no way its mother's replicated body. It is entirely a different person. DNA will prove it. Right now, we're losing children because of lawyering people around in a sea of lies.

You never told us….
If you believe in God and that He controls all things….
When a baby dies in utero….clearly that was God’s design.
So if God has no problem snuffing out a life….why do you?
I believe that you would blame God for something he ordered, even though he gave you a finite life in which he hoped you would become a considerate human being instead of one who wars against living humans-to-be, in spite of being an otherwise well-off, politically correct human being. And you are the last person on this planet I would trust, since you have zero respect for helpless living beings dependent on others to help him become a doctor who figured out how to rid the planet of diseases, a sanitation worker who figured out an economical way to clean up the detritus in the 7 seas thrown in by thoughtless dolts, a woman who found a simple solution for and slimmed down all the obese people on the planet to stay that way, a musician who would write a piece of work so uplifting depressed people would regain their sense of happiness for life, a biochemist who would develop a beautiful flowering plant that would clean up the skies and yield a fruit that would when eaten make a human brain wiser, a minister who would prepare people to turn away from lying, stealing, raping, hating, killing, and disrespecting of parents into loving, caring persons who would bring about heaven on this earth, and creative people who'd make this world a better place and would feel a part of the good they did, but no. We must go with the flow and support bad things for people made worse by them, like aborting one's own child, and not thinking about it until facing St. Peter and that aborted child and all his brethren at Heaven's gate, restored to the full glory they would have had in life. If we would only let them live, might be that heaven was right here all along, and since one of them would bring about no more death, we'll have to die first to find out the secrets God entrusted to those who were aborted by truly immature, disrespectful, thoughtless, and hateful beings in charge of human misery on this side whose parents did not abort them. Our job is to make life better, not worse for the unborn who will bring more answers to our kind. And that's what I think and will until God says "Your days are up. Thanks for standing up for the helpless who lost life to those gone wrong." God's blessings are better than your curses.
Of course, most on the authoritarian right are ignorant of the fact that when Roe is overturned, abortion will still be legal in the United States, as most states will continue to recognize a woman’s right to privacy.

Indeed, a woman seeking to end her pregnancy would need only travel from her repressive red state to a free state to have the procedure.

Overturning Roe will expose the conservative lie that abortion was about “states’ rights.”
Good job on ignoring reality by stating "end her pregnancy". It's much easier than stating "killing a human being".
Here is someone who you might know and admire:

Christian TV Host Rick Wiles: We Will Impose Christian Rule In This Country

Dreams of a Christian theocracy: Christian TV Host Rick Wiles claims that conservative Christians will “impose Christian rule in this country.”

Right Wing Watch reports that Wiles, host of TruNews, a television “news” program produced for conservative Christians, “praised Alabama’s radical new anti-abortion law and warned that those who support reproductive rights will spend eternity being ‘aborted continuously forever’ by demons in Hell” on the Wednesday night edition of his program.

Wiles returned to that theme On Thursday night’s program Wiles continued to discuss the recent abortion law, citing an op-ed from the Israeli paper Haaretz and written by Debra Nussbaum Cohen. In her post Cohen wrote:
Nah, he just wants you to think about it before you kill your own soul by killing your firstborn, second born, third born, and all others who are born and prevent you from being an adult about unborn children. IOW, love the weak and powerless enough to let them breathe their first breath, poop on your best shirt, pee in your eye, and otherwise remind you who YOU were when YOU were tolerated by your parents for stunningly bad decisions which they were challenged to change. Hahahaha! God is the judge, not us. But we're pretty sure he isn't amused by a nation that has killed off 60 million and counting unborn American citizens. And he's putting 60 million aliens here to make up for it, and they will kick your ass and steal your inheritance in less than a generation.

And I will fight you tooth and nail over killing the unborn. Got it?
How do you suppose that god will judge those who oppose abortion, but who also oppose affordable health care, housing assistance, and adequate food for families?
Anyone in particular you are referring to, Mr. Progressively Get-rid-of-responsibility-forever?
I think that you know exactly who. Get rid of responsibility? There are a lot of very responsible people who work hard and still have trouble making ends meet. Ya think that some of those people who might contemplate an abortion, might, just might decide to carry to term if they know the help they they need would be there.

Or, maybe you're referring to the responsibility that the 16 year old who was impregnated by her father should take, and keep the baby, because, as some Republican jackass said, unless the rapist is a stranger, it is "consensual rape" and therefor should not be exempt from abortion prohibitions.
Vote &/or offer your personal thoughts.

Keep in mind this poll isn't asking YOUR opinion on the law but rather how the Justices will come down on the subject.

It will not be over turned. There was never a chance of it over turning to begin with.
and as Trump has made it bigger you oppose the inefficient orange dufus?
Oh yeah, for sure, and um uh...Trump hired hookers to pee on a hotel bed that Obama slept in huh.
Yeah and he didn't cheat on not 1 not 2 but 3 wives + paying hookers Fine example you dolts put in our WH
The Apostle Paul killed Christian's before he saw the light. God forgives our past. You losers need to keep it alive for political reasons. That's why you're losers and going to get your nasty vile asses kicked good in the next election.
I will ask the God of my fathers to forgive you
So what is your god's name?

The Pronunciation of the name יהוה (YHWH)

Jeff A. Benner
YouTube - Apr 10, 2012
How To Pronounce YHWH

YouTube - Mar 24, 2012
Nehemia Gordon: How to Pronounce YHWH in Hebrew The ...
Oh yeah, for sure, and um uh...Trump hired hookers to pee on a hotel bed that Obama slept in huh.
Yeah and he didn't cheat on not 1 not 2 but 3 wives + paying hookers Fine example you dolts put in our WH
The Apostle Paul killed Christian's before he saw the light. God forgives our past. You losers need to keep it alive for political reasons. That's why you're losers and going to get your nasty vile asses kicked good in the next election.
I will ask the God of my fathers to forgive you
So what is your god's name?

View attachment 261611
The Pronunciation of the name יהוה (YHWH)
Jeff A. Benner
YouTube - Apr 10, 2012
View attachment 261612
How To Pronounce YHWH
YouTube - Mar 24, 2012
View attachment 261613
Nehemia Gordon: How to Pronounce YHWH in Hebrew The ...
You better ask your YHWH to forgive you. He doesn't condone murder.
Abortions probably saved the conservative justices from a few scandals.
What a great way to alienate women against republicans Nice job
You don't know Republicans, Ed. We're right people on the right and are always right. Pun intended!:iyfyus.jpg:
Wrong beautress,,,,Was a republican all my life ,,even voted for GWB in 2000 so I know republicans That GWB vote was my last republican vote
Good. You know where you are. I dare you to get close to Hillary the Booby Trap gal. You'll wind up like Vince Foster--"suicide" by three bullets to the back of the head. You traded that risk in for believing the profit-for-lying press. I wouldn't be in your shoes for all the tea in China. You been had.
You still believe all that republican bull**** Shame ,,, and speaking of being had you support the greatest con man ever to enter our WH
My prayers will continue for God to continue his help for President Trump, no matter what your short-sighted, puerile, slimeball, blathering hatemonger politicians cook up for him. You may think he is too old to count, but if anyone has a portal to Heaven's door, it is a human who is sorry for his wrongs and who is willing to fight the good fight for the fatherless and motherless unborn who are betrayed by the irresponsible before they get here. The foes of the forgiven are strong, but not as strong as God's benevolence is going to be for the unborn. You will see. And if you connect the dots one of these days, you'll no longer wish death upon the unborn for any reason. As for President Trump, he knows what his job is and he isn't afraid of all the hatemongers in Congress regardless of Party. He's over his past mistakes and is serving the needs of people in this Nation in an orderly and precision way. His enemies will never, never have him. And he's not the first Warrior for God who took lumps for fighting the good fight. He's not afraid of the Democrat mob, and he's not afraid of turncoats. God help and strengthen our dear President the Donald. :thup:
What a great way to alienate women against republicans Nice job
You don't know Republicans, Ed. We're right people on the right and are always right. Pun intended!:iyfyus.jpg:
Wrong beautress,,,,Was a republican all my life ,,even voted for GWB in 2000 so I know republicans That GWB vote was my last republican vote
Good. You know where you are. I dare you to get close to Hillary the Booby Trap gal. You'll wind up like Vince Foster--"suicide" by three bullets to the back of the head. You traded that risk in for believing the profit-for-lying press. I wouldn't be in your shoes for all the tea in China. You been had.
You still believe all that republican bull**** Shame ,,, and speaking of being had you support the greatest con man ever to enter our WH
My prayers will continue for God to continue his help for President Trump, no matter what your short-sighted, puerile, slimeball, blathering hatemonger politicians cook up for him. You may think he is too old to count, but if anyone has a portal to Heaven's door, it is a human who is sorry for his wrongs and who is willing to fight the good fight for the fatherless and motherless unborn who are betrayed by the irresponsible before they get here. The foes of the forgiven are strong, but not as strong as God's benevolence is going to be for the unborn. You will see. And if you connect the dots one of these days, you'll no longer wish death upon the unborn for any reason. As for President Trump, he knows what his job is and he isn't afraid of all the hatemongers in Congress regardless of Party. He's over his past mistakes and is serving the needs of people in this Nation in an orderly and precision way. His enemies will never, never have him. And he's not the first Warrior for God who took lumps for fighting the good fight. He's not afraid of the Democrat mob, and he's not afraid of turncoats. God help and strengthen our dear President the Donald. :thup:

He's over his past mistakes? I'm sure he never thought twice about them, certainly not on any sort of religious level.

Trump is 'pro-life' because of politics, nothing more. You think Trump would have paid Stormy to get an abortion? I don't see that as too far fetched.
Murdering a separate human being, even in its starting state, it is not a body part of the mother. The Democrats want to "legislate" the fetus' life by falsely claiming it is part of its mother. You look at that small being's DNA, and it is no way its mother's replicated body. It is entirely a different person. DNA will prove it. Right now, we're losing children because of lawyering people around in a sea of lies.

You never told us….
If you believe in God and that He controls all things….
When a baby dies in utero….clearly that was God’s design.
So if God has no problem snuffing out a life….why do you?
I believe that you would blame God for something he ordered, even though he gave you a finite life in which he hoped you would become a considerate human being instead of one who wars against living humans-to-be, in spite of being an otherwise well-off, politically correct human being. And you are the last person on this planet I would trust, since you have zero respect for helpless living beings dependent on others to help him become a doctor who figured out how to rid the planet of diseases, a sanitation worker who figured out an economical way to clean up the detritus in the 7 seas thrown in by thoughtless dolts, a woman who found a simple solution for and slimmed down all the obese people on the planet to stay that way, a musician who would write a piece of work so uplifting depressed people would regain their sense of happiness for life, a biochemist who would develop a beautiful flowering plant that would clean up the skies and yield a fruit that would when eaten make a human brain wiser, a minister who would prepare people to turn away from lying, stealing, raping, hating, killing, and disrespecting of parents into loving, caring persons who would bring about heaven on this earth, and creative people who'd make this world a better place and would feel a part of the good they did, but no. We must go with the flow and support bad things for people made worse by them, like aborting one's own child, and not thinking about it until facing St. Peter and that aborted child and all his brethren at Heaven's gate, restored to the full glory they would have had in life. If we would only let them live, might be that heaven was right here all along, and since one of them would bring about no more death, we'll have to die first to find out the secrets God entrusted to those who were aborted by truly immature, disrespectful, thoughtless, and hateful beings in charge of human misery on this side whose parents did not abort them. Our job is to make life better, not worse for the unborn who will bring more answers to our kind. And that's what I think and will until God says "Your days are up. Thanks for standing up for the helpless who lost life to those gone wrong." God's blessings are better than your curses.

Ocasio-Cortez: Abortion Bans Are About Religious Fundamentalists ‘Owning Women'
You assume that Christians oppose those things. We oppose big inefficient government. Christians give more than anyone. Government bureaucracy isn't the only way to help people.
and as Trump has made it bigger you oppose the inefficient orange dufus?
Oh yeah, for sure, and um uh...Trump hired hookers to pee on a hotel bed that Obama slept in huh.
Yeah and he didn't cheat on not 1 not 2 but 3 wives + paying hookers Fine example you dolts put in our WH
The Apostle Paul killed Christian's before he saw the light. God forgives our past. You losers need to keep it alive for political reasons. That's why you're losers and going to get your nasty vile asses kicked good in the next election.
I will ask the God of my fathers to forgive you
He is already forgiven, dummox, and the Lord and creator of heaven and earth is not obliged to those who gang up against champions of the unborn.
Even the Conservative Courts will not overturn Roe v Wade

Conservatives are once again overplaying their hand
Murdering a separate human being, even in its starting state, it is not a body part of the mother. The Democrats want to "legislate" the fetus' life by falsely claiming it is part of its mother. You look at that small being's DNA, and it is no way its mother's replicated body. It is entirely a different person. DNA will prove it. Right now, we're losing children because of lawyering people around in a sea of lies.

You never told us….
If you believe in God and that He controls all things….
When a baby dies in utero….clearly that was God’s design.
So if God has no problem snuffing out a life….why do you?
I believe that you would blame God for something he ordered, even though he gave you a finite life in which he hoped you would become a considerate human being instead of one who wars against living humans-to-be, in spite of being an otherwise well-off, politically correct human being. And you are the last person on this planet I would trust, since you have zero respect for helpless living beings dependent on others to help him become a doctor who figured out how to rid the planet of diseases, a sanitation worker who figured out an economical way to clean up the detritus in the 7 seas thrown in by thoughtless dolts, a woman who found a simple solution for and slimmed down all the obese people on the planet to stay that way, a musician who would write a piece of work so uplifting depressed people would regain their sense of happiness for life, a biochemist who would develop a beautiful flowering plant that would clean up the skies and yield a fruit that would when eaten make a human brain wiser, a minister who would prepare people to turn away from lying, stealing, raping, hating, killing, and disrespecting of parents into loving, caring persons who would bring about heaven on this earth, and creative people who'd make this world a better place and would feel a part of the good they did, but no. We must go with the flow and support bad things for people made worse by them, like aborting one's own child, and not thinking about it until facing St. Peter and that aborted child and all his brethren at Heaven's gate, restored to the full glory they would have had in life. If we would only let them live, might be that heaven was right here all along, and since one of them would bring about no more death, we'll have to die first to find out the secrets God entrusted to those who were aborted by truly immature, disrespectful, thoughtless, and hateful beings in charge of human misery on this side whose parents did not abort them. Our job is to make life better, not worse for the unborn who will bring more answers to our kind. And that's what I think and will until God says "Your days are up. Thanks for standing up for the helpless who lost life to those gone wrong." God's blessings are better than your curses.

Ocasio-Cortez: Abortion Bans Are About Religious Fundamentalists ‘Owning Women'
Worship of the prophetess of Baal will do you no good, Mr. Holier-than-thou-sans-soul-man.
First of all, I think our society has much more important things to worry about than someone's unborn crotch-fruit.

Second of all, it is a necessary evil because the overwhelming majority of women who get abortions are single and black. This means that if weren't for Roe v. Wade, we would have millions upon millions of more fatherless black thugs terrorizing our streets. Do you pro-lifers really want that? I absolutely agree with Margaret Sanger that the blacks need population control.

Third of all, why should I care about someone else's fetal larva? It doesn't affect me in any way, shape or form. As a guy I have no reason to care about it because I'm pretty certain I'll never become pregnant. I vote Republican but abortion is the issue on which conservatives and I will never see eye-to-eye.
Murdering a separate human being, even in its starting state, it is not a body part of the mother. The Democrats want to "legislate" the fetus' life by falsely claiming it is part of its mother. You look at that small being's DNA, and it is no way its mother's replicated body. It is entirely a different person. DNA will prove it. Right now, we're losing children because of lawyering people around in a sea of lies.

You never told us….
If you believe in God and that He controls all things….
When a baby dies in utero….clearly that was God’s design.
So if God has no problem snuffing out a life….why do you?
I'm not god

Makes you wonder about those who worship a baby killer then…does it not?
21And said, Naked came I out of my mother’s womb, and naked shall I return thither: the Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord.

21And? LOL...
First of all, I think our society has much more important things to worry about than someone's unborn crotch-fruit.

Second of all, it is a necessary evil because the overwhelming majority of women who get abortions are single and black. This means that if weren't for Roe v. Wade, we would have millions upon millions of more fatherless black thugs terrorizing our streets. Do you pro-lifers really want that? I absolutely agree with Margaret Sanger that the blacks need population control.

Third of all, why should I care about someone else's fetal larva? It doesn't affect me in any way, shape or form. As a guy I have no reason to care about it because I'm pretty certain I'll never become pregnant. I vote Republican but abortion is the issue on which conservatives and I will never see eye-to-eye.

Of abortions performed almost half are for white women. Just an fyi.

Anyway, I fully expect the pro life crowd to pretty much ignore you because you're a racist regardless of the fact that you called a fetus a larvae.
First of all, I think our society has much more important things to worry about than someone's unborn crotch-fruit.

Second of all, it is a necessary evil because the overwhelming majority of women who get abortions are single and black. This means that if weren't for Roe v. Wade, we would have millions upon millions of more fatherless black thugs terrorizing our streets. Do you pro-lifers really want that?

Third of all, why should I care about someone else's fetal larva? It doesn't affect me in any way, shape or form. As a guy I have no reason to care about it because I'm pretty certain I'll never become pregnant. I vote Republican but abortion is the issue on which conservatives and I will never see eye-to-eye.
There will, in spite of yourself, be the restoration of the right of the unborn to come into the world, Will. The majority of women who get abortions are Caucasian. A disproportionate number of black women have abortions by comparison, but some very courageous black young women have babies even though they know they will have a tough life raising their child and even putting it through college. They are blessed women who face the demon of poverty and/or disinheritance long enough to raise their child without having somebody else suck its brains out, regardless of the color of their skin. Respect and redemption from wrong comes in small packages. ;)
Murdering a separate human being, even in its starting state, it is not a body part of the mother. The Democrats want to "legislate" the fetus' life by falsely claiming it is part of its mother. You look at that small being's DNA, and it is no way its mother's replicated body. It is entirely a different person. DNA will prove it. Right now, we're losing children because of lawyering people around in a sea of lies.

You never told us….
If you believe in God and that He controls all things….
When a baby dies in utero….clearly that was God’s design.
So if God has no problem snuffing out a life….why do you?
I believe that you would blame God for something he ordered, even though he gave you a finite life in which he hoped you would become a considerate human being instead of one who wars against living humans-to-be, in spite of being an otherwise well-off, politically correct human being. And you are the last person on this planet I would trust, since you have zero respect for helpless living beings dependent on others to help him become a doctor who figured out how to rid the planet of diseases, a sanitation worker who figured out an economical way to clean up the detritus in the 7 seas thrown in by thoughtless dolts, a woman who found a simple solution for and slimmed down all the obese people on the planet to stay that way, a musician who would write a piece of work so uplifting depressed people would regain their sense of happiness for life, a biochemist who would develop a beautiful flowering plant that would clean up the skies and yield a fruit that would when eaten make a human brain wiser, a minister who would prepare people to turn away from lying, stealing, raping, hating, killing, and disrespecting of parents into loving, caring persons who would bring about heaven on this earth, and creative people who'd make this world a better place and would feel a part of the good they did, but no. We must go with the flow and support bad things for people made worse by them, like aborting one's own child, and not thinking about it until facing St. Peter and that aborted child and all his brethren at Heaven's gate, restored to the full glory they would have had in life. If we would only let them live, might be that heaven was right here all along, and since one of them would bring about no more death, we'll have to die first to find out the secrets God entrusted to those who were aborted by truly immature, disrespectful, thoughtless, and hateful beings in charge of human misery on this side whose parents did not abort them. Our job is to make life better, not worse for the unborn who will bring more answers to our kind. And that's what I think and will until God says "Your days are up. Thanks for standing up for the helpless who lost life to those gone wrong." God's blessings are better than your curses.

Thats all fine (and gibberish) but….

You still have never told us….
If you believe in God and that He controls all things….
When a baby dies in utero….clearly that was God’s design.
So if God has no problem snuffing out a life….why do you?

And if you believe that God kills babies (or at least doesn’t prevent their death)….how can you worship such a being?

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