Will Roe v Wade be overturned? We all know its headed there so what say you?

Will Roe v Wade be overturned?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Could go either way

  • Don't care either way

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Keep in mind this poll isn't asking YOUR opinion on the law but rather how the Justices will come down on the subject.
IMO Roe V Wade is settled law, precedence set.

Despite the Leftist Extremists going off the deep end by attempting to make killing newborn babies legal, the Right extremists have gone to far to the right with the new Alabama law.

Not allowing abortions for rape, for example, and giving rapists shorter sentences that tbe abortion doctor who performs an abortion on his victim is moronic...

Both extremist sides have gone too far..
By the Left's own rules, Roe vs Wade must be overturned. It was decided by White Males, who (according to the Left) have no right to govern the behavior of women.
How idiotic. Telling women they can choose for themselves is actually the polar opposite of your moronic post. :eusa_doh:
I suggest you take a course on logic, you have a serious shortcoming in this department.
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Keep in mind this poll isn't asking YOUR opinion on the law but rather how the Justices will come down on the subject.
IMO Roe V Wade is settled law, precedence set.

Despite the Leftist Extremists going off the deep end by attempting to make killing newborn babies legal, the Right extremists have gone to far to the right with the new Alabama law.

Not allowing abortions for rape, for example, and giving rapists shorter sentences that tbe abortion doctor who performs an abortion on his victim is moronic...

Both extremist sides have gone too far..
No such thing as "settled law". I often use slavery as an example. Slavery was the law of the land from the birth of the nation and was upheld as the law of the land in 1856. It took a war to end it, but it ended.
Vote &/or offer your personal thoughts.

Keep in mind this poll isn't asking YOUR opinion on the law but rather how the Justices will come down on the subject.
IMO Roe V Wade is settled law, precedence set.

Despite the Leftist Extremists going off the deep end by attempting to make killing newborn babies legal, the Right extremists have gone to far to the right with the new Alabama law.

Not allowing abortions for rape, for example, and giving rapists shorter sentences that tbe abortion doctor who performs an abortion on his victim is moronic...

Both extremist sides have gone too far..
No such thing as "settled law". I often use slavery as an example. Slavery was the law of the land from the birth of the nation and was upheld as the law of the land in 1856. It took a war to end it, but it ended.
And you are on the losing side.
Vote &/or offer your personal thoughts.

Keep in mind this poll isn't asking YOUR opinion on the law but rather how the Justices will come down on the subject.
IMO Roe V Wade is settled law, precedence set.

Despite the Leftist Extremists going off the deep end by attempting to make killing newborn babies legal, the Right extremists have gone to far to the right with the new Alabama law.

Not allowing abortions for rape, for example, and giving rapists shorter sentences that tbe abortion doctor who performs an abortion on his victim is moronic...

Both extremist sides have gone too far..
No such thing as "settled law". I often use slavery as an example. Slavery was the law of the land from the birth of the nation and was upheld as the law of the land in 1856. It took a war to end it, but it ended.
And you are on the losing side.
Nope. Life is the winning side, always.
Again…for the 2nd time…I’m taking those that believe in God to task for their vivid hypocrisy
How can Christians be hypocritical when you don't believe in God?
One has nothing to do with the other. If you’re going to state that God is in control of all things….and then ignore that he’s letting babies die in utero….you’re a hypocrite if you’re also going to chastise women for terminating a pregnancy.

Both the woman and God would arguably be able to let the pregnancy come to term. Yet you give God a pass when he lets the baby die and want to imprison the woman for terminating the pregnancy.

Actually, you're the hypocrite for blaming a God you don't believe in for killing babies when YOU support killing babies. You're mentally ill in my opinion.

I can’t blame something I do not believe exists. Why you can’t understand that simple concept…is beyond me.
I’ve never understood this argument from atheist either. At first glance I get it, but when you take it a step further it’s a nonsensical position. It places the burden on an all powerful all knowing being to create what is utopia by our standards, in a universe where it clearly is not the case. If that all powerful being were to exist, he clearly did not create what we imagine to be utopia. The 3rd law of thermodynamics is clearly in effect, and mortality seems to be universal. All life is mortal, and nature doesn’t seem to care if that life is hitler or mother Teresa. It’s basically saying innocent people die, therefore god doesn’t exist.

Plenty of other reasons to believe God doesn’t exist; babies dying (some in utero who clearly haven’t sinned) is just the most germane example for our discussion.
How do you conclude that God doesn't exist because a baby dies?

That isn’t my conclusion. I conclude God doesnt exist because there is zero proof. My challenge to believers who are anti-choice is this: if you believe God is in control, he lets babies die. How can you chastise women while worshiping God?
Vote &/or offer your personal thoughts.

Keep in mind this poll isn't asking YOUR opinion on the law but rather how the Justices will come down on the subject.
I saw a suggestion (that may end up on ballots soon) that pregnant women should be allowed to vote twice because of heartbeat personhood. An interesting concept to ponder.
Of course, most on the authoritarian right are ignorant of the fact that when Roe is overturned, abortion will still be legal in the United States, as most states will continue to recognize a woman’s right to privacy.

Indeed, a woman seeking to end her pregnancy would need only travel from her repressive red state to a free state to have the procedure.

Overturning Roe will expose the conservative lie that abortion was about “states’ rights.”
Good job on ignoring reality by stating "end her pregnancy". It's much easier than stating "killing a human being".
Have you ever had an abortion?
Of course, most on the authoritarian right are ignorant of the fact that when Roe is overturned, abortion will still be legal in the United States, as most states will continue to recognize a woman’s right to privacy.

Indeed, a woman seeking to end her pregnancy would need only travel from her repressive red state to a free state to have the procedure.

Overturning Roe will expose the conservative lie that abortion was about “states’ rights.”

Oh please the blacks with out an ID can't even afford to take a bus to riot and loot in the rich part of town much less leave their state.. how they going to take a plane with no ID?
^ Identity politics now.
How can Christians be hypocritical when you don't believe in God?
One has nothing to do with the other. If you’re going to state that God is in control of all things….and then ignore that he’s letting babies die in utero….you’re a hypocrite if you’re also going to chastise women for terminating a pregnancy.

Both the woman and God would arguably be able to let the pregnancy come to term. Yet you give God a pass when he lets the baby die and want to imprison the woman for terminating the pregnancy.

Actually, you're the hypocrite for blaming a God you don't believe in for killing babies when YOU support killing babies. You're mentally ill in my opinion.

I can’t blame something I do not believe exists. Why you can’t understand that simple concept…is beyond me.
I’ve never understood this argument from atheist either. At first glance I get it, but when you take it a step further it’s a nonsensical position. It places the burden on an all powerful all knowing being to create what is utopia by our standards, in a universe where it clearly is not the case. If that all powerful being were to exist, he clearly did not create what we imagine to be utopia. The 3rd law of thermodynamics is clearly in effect, and mortality seems to be universal. All life is mortal, and nature doesn’t seem to care if that life is hitler or mother Teresa. It’s basically saying innocent people die, therefore god doesn’t exist.

Plenty of other reasons to believe God doesn’t exist; babies dying (some in utero who clearly haven’t sinned) is just the most germane example for our discussion.
How do you conclude that God doesn't exist because a baby dies?

That isn’t my conclusion. I conclude God doesnt exist because there is zero proof. My challenge to believers who are anti-choice is this: if you believe God is in control, he lets babies die. How can you chastise women while worshiping God?
The proof is all around you that there is a God, a Creator. I see beauty and a masterpiece work of art. I chastise anyone that kills defenseless innocent human life. The mother, the doctor, etc. Everyone involved is complicit in murder.
Of course, most on the authoritarian right are ignorant of the fact that when Roe is overturned, abortion will still be legal in the United States, as most states will continue to recognize a woman’s right to privacy.

Indeed, a woman seeking to end her pregnancy would need only travel from her repressive red state to a free state to have the procedure.

Overturning Roe will expose the conservative lie that abortion was about “states’ rights.”
Good job on ignoring reality by stating "end her pregnancy". It's much easier than stating "killing a human being".
Here is someone who you might know and admire:

Christian TV Host Rick Wiles: We Will Impose Christian Rule In This Country

Dreams of a Christian theocracy: Christian TV Host Rick Wiles claims that conservative Christians will “impose Christian rule in this country.”

Right Wing Watch reports that Wiles, host of TruNews, a television “news” program produced for conservative Christians, “praised Alabama’s radical new anti-abortion law and warned that those who support reproductive rights will spend eternity being ‘aborted continuously forever’ by demons in Hell” on the Wednesday night edition of his program.

Wiles returned to that theme On Thursday night’s program Wiles continued to discuss the recent abortion law, citing an op-ed from the Israeli paper Haaretz and written by Debra Nussbaum Cohen. In her post Cohen wrote:
Christian Sharia.....they used to deny that's what they want when it was pointed out......now they are all in for it.
Vote &/or offer your personal thoughts.

Keep in mind this poll isn't asking YOUR opinion on the law but rather how the Justices will come down on the subject.
Abortions probably saved the conservative justices from a few scandals.
What a great way to alienate women against republicans Nice job
You don't know Republicans, Ed. We're right people on the right and are always right. Pun intended!:iyfyus.jpg:
Wrong beautress,,,,Was a republican all my life ,,even voted for GWB in 2000 so I know republicans That GWB vote was my last republican vote
Good. You know where you are. I dare you to get close to Hillary the Boob. You'll wind up like Vince Foster--"suicide" by three bullets to the back of the head. You traded that risk in for believing the profit-for-lying press. I wouldn't be in your shoes for all the tea in China. You been had.
A threat.
Vote &/or offer your personal thoughts.

Keep in mind this poll isn't asking YOUR opinion on the law but rather how the Justices will come down on the subject.
Yes with the 2 new justices in trumps pocket there is a good chance it will be overturned

Trump does not want it overturned, that is why he choose two justices that do not think it should be.

Trump is not really pro-life, that is just a mantle he took on to win votes when he choose to run as a Repub
I believe there are so many women who would never have abortions BUT STILL believe in womens choice

I'm one of them. In normal situations. If my life was in jeopardy, there was a serious problem with the fetus or it was the result of rape, I would have an abortion.

That's what choice means. What is my choice may not be someone else's choice. Neither are wrong or right. Just right for the person.

I grew up with a mom who worked to save lives of women who took coat hangers to their uterus or jumped off stairs or went to a butcher. I grew up with a mom who worked to save the lives of women whose pregnancies have gone horribly wrong.

Each and every death took a piece of my mom.

Until 1968. That was when my state had a ballot initiative to legalize abortion and it passed.

I was young at the time but it was seared into my memory for life.

I'm also a rape survivor who was very lucky that a pregnancy didn't result from that sick and barbaric event. I know the fear of pregnancy from rape. I know that if that rape had caused a pregnancy I would have aborted faster than a New York minute.

I know that I'm not living the lives of other women, just my life. No one has any right to take self determination and freedom from anyone.
How do you know for sure you couldn't turn an unfortunate situation of having an unwanted child into a James Smithson, who bestowed upon a land he never visited the last act of his life--The Smithsonian Institution. If you've never heard of the place, here's a link: Home
Well, if you want to play that game....what if Hitler...or Stalin...or Pol Pot had been aborted. Think of all the lives that would have been saved. Abortion could have saved millions of lives.
Yes with the 2 new justices in trumps pocket there is a good chance it will be overturned

Trump does not want it overturned, that is why he choose two justices that do not think it should be.

Trump is not really pro-life, that is just a mantle he took on to win votes when he choose to run as a Repub
I believe there are so many women who would never have abortions BUT STILL believe in womens choice

I'm one of them. In normal situations. If my life was in jeopardy, there was a serious problem with the fetus or it was the result of rape, I would have an abortion.

That's what choice means. What is my choice may not be someone else's choice. Neither are wrong or right. Just right for the person.

I grew up with a mom who worked to save lives of women who took coat hangers to their uterus or jumped off stairs or went to a butcher. I grew up with a mom who worked to save the lives of women whose pregnancies have gone horribly wrong.

Each and every death took a piece of my mom.

Until 1968. That was when my state had a ballot initiative to legalize abortion and it passed.

I was young at the time but it was seared into my memory for life.

I'm also a rape survivor who was very lucky that a pregnancy didn't result from that sick and barbaric event. I know the fear of pregnancy from rape. I know that if that rape had caused a pregnancy I would have aborted faster than a New York minute.

I know that I'm not living the lives of other women, just my life. No one has any right to take self determination and freedom from anyone.
How do you know for sure you couldn't turn an unfortunate situation of having an unwanted child into a James Smithson, who bestowed upon a land he never visited the last act of his life--The Smithsonian Institution. If you've never heard of the place, here's a link: Home
Well, if you want to play that game....what if Hitler...or Stalin...or Pol Pot had been aborted. Think of all the lives that would have been saved. Abortion could have saved millions of lives.
Just think if Trump was aborted I ask for too much
I'd prefer to see "Pro-Choice" to include more easily available choices to avoid an unwanted pregnancy BUT before Roe v Wade, women were still finding ways to abort either on their own or going to a chop Doc.

I'd rather see it legal for the safety of the woman and even the resulting child of a botched attempt, but no later than the first trimester.
Vote &/or offer your personal thoughts.

Keep in mind this poll isn't asking YOUR opinion on the law but rather how the Justices will come down on the subject.
I saw a suggestion (that may end up on ballots soon) that pregnant women should be allowed to vote twice because of heartbeat personhood. An interesting concept to ponder.
Not something you will ever have to be worried about despite how utterly stupid it is.
I saw a suggestion (that may end up on ballots soon) that pregnant women should be allowed to vote twice because of heartbeat personhood. An interesting concept to ponder.
You need new handlers, they're giving you total crap. Good propaganda should be at least somewhat believable.
Vote &/or offer your personal thoughts.

Keep in mind this poll isn't asking YOUR opinion on the law but rather how the Justices will come down on the subject.
I saw a suggestion (that may end up on ballots soon) that pregnant women should be allowed to vote twice because of heartbeat personhood. An interesting concept to ponder.
Not something you will ever have to be worried about despite how utterly stupid it is.
Another idea being floated for the ballot is , as soon as there's a heartbeat, the father being billed for child support, etc....50% of all care from 0-18 years old.

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