Will Roe v Wade be overturned? We all know its headed there so what say you?

Will Roe v Wade be overturned?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Could go either way

  • Don't care either way

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The "correct" answer. Fucking people man. Everyone thinks they know what's best for everyone else so they push their shit on everybody they meet. That's what Roe v. Wade is to begin with. Fuck your ethics, and fuck everyone else's ethics. I live my life on my own moral values and that means that, in a disaster, I would want to save the most damn lives as possible and mourn the lost. If that means 2 fetuses over 1 baby, then so be it. Those fetuses will end up growing up into adults and be thankful for the life that they have. The same with other fetuses that were not aborted and were given the chance to live.

I wonder how many fetuses that were aborted would have enjoyed the chance to live a life.

Can I quote you? Pro-lifer: "fuck your ethics"

Naturally a liberal would take a quote out of context to push an agenda. You should work for CNN, bro.

How is it out of context? Please explain.
It's not the entire sentence, dumbass. Use the whole sentence and the following sentence to get some actual context in there. My point was that you're pushing your shit on me and that nobody's ethics matters except my own. You're manipulating the quote to where it sounds like I dislike only your personal ethics.

Specifically, other than "Fuck you're ethics" what am I really needing?
Wow, WTF? Are you for real or did you brain explode after reading my post? I literally specified that already in the post you just quoted. The whole sentence and the following sentence. Do you even know what context is or do I have to explain it again? Now you're the one stalling and wasting time. These other people are right, you really are making yourself look like a fucking fool.

The fact that you didn't know what context was from the beginning should have been embarassing enough, but the fact that I explained it in such detail and it went straight over your head to where you asked a question I per-emptivly answered so you wouldn't have to ask? Fucking... How low can you go, man?
Roe will not be overturned. A few states might restrict abortion but by and large most will uphold the right. What will be prohibited is killing infants especially healthy infants.
Why fight against the Trachocrats who want to abort their next generation?
The left wing crackpots cause 99% of the world's problems.
Let them go extinct.
are you?

you're the one claiming 6 week old fetus can survive in a machine.

Nope, I didn't make that claim and you'r a complete idiot if you think I did. You're obviously just not wanting to answer the question

What a fraud most prolifers are.

Because I'm demonstrating that you guys can't say that two fetuses are not equal to a 6 month old baby and you guys make excuses for not answering an obviously simple question? No, I'm quite enjoying this.
Were you born stupid? The question you are asking is if you would save the baby you know or the baby you don't yet know which is irrelevant to the issue of abortion or whether Roe should be overturned.

No, you don't know either. You're a stranger to all involved.

OMG, is this another excuse, a curve ball you guys didn't see coming?
There is no excuse. There are two babies and you are asking which I would save, an impossible choice, so any choice I made would be random.
Check this out this dumb ass thinks he can set anyone up?


There is no set up. Either you answer the question and say that two 6 week old fetuses are worth more than a 6 month old baby or the other way around. It's not tricky.
So now you're demanding that YOUR answer must be delivered following a dishonest trick entrapment question.

La Ti Da!

I'm going to go out on a limb and say that you'd save the 6 month old baby over the two fetuses. You're obviously conflicted here.
Not playing the game, madam. But it certainly is fun watching you flaunting projection, arrogance and patronization all over this board.

You already played by not answering the question. You can't without either looking inhuman or a hypocrite. Thanks for...I was going to say trying but not really.
I do not play ball with people who cheat the system, commit errors of omission, then don't own the error that you alone have made.
Check this out this dumb ass thinks he can set anyone up?


There is no set up. Either you answer the question and say that two 6 week old fetuses are worth more than a 6 month old baby or the other way around. It's not tricky.
So now you're demanding that YOUR answer must be delivered following a dishonest trick entrapment question.

La Ti Da!

I'm going to go out on a limb and say that you'd save the 6 month old baby over the two fetuses. You're obviously conflicted here.
Not playing the game, madam. But it certainly is fun watching you flaunting projection, arrogance and patronization all over this board.

You already played by not answering the question. You can't without either looking inhuman or a hypocrite. Thanks for...I was going to say trying but not really.
You're cheating the truth. I answered you. You just didn't like the answer and went into overdrive beat up mode. That seems to be the only way you can feel good about your pathetic attempts at failed debate methods. Shame on you. Shame!

Because I'm demonstrating that you guys can't say that two fetuses are not equal to a 6 month old baby and you guys make excuses for not answering an obviously simple question? No, I'm quite enjoying this.
Were you born stupid? The question you are asking is if you would save the baby you know or the baby you don't yet know which is irrelevant to the issue of abortion or whether Roe should be overturned.

No, you don't know either. You're a stranger to all involved.

OMG, is this another excuse, a curve ball you guys didn't see coming?
There is no excuse. There are two babies and you are asking which I would save, an impossible choice, so any choice I made would be random.

Nope, not the question. Go back to reading comprehension and stop wasting my time.
lol Yep, that is your question. You've already said the difference between whether the unborn is a baby or a fetus to you is whether you have formed an emotional attachment to it, as many pregnant women do, so depending on your emotional disposition at the time, there are two babies and you can only save one. Morally, it is an impossible choice, but you give yourself an out. You say you'll call the unborn baby a fetus and then you won't feel so bad about killing it.
I'm tired of responding to a lunatic.

I'm gone

Maybe next time try responding with something of substance rather than excuses.
Will is a pretty straightforward guy.

Put your dunce cap on an get back in the corner

He's not, otherwise he wouldn't make up every excuse in the book not to answer a simple question.

Nothing worse than kissing up to a mod btw.
You need a hit, a bong and a woman.
I'm tired of responding to a lunatic.

I'm gone

Maybe next time try responding with something of substance rather than excuses.
Will is a pretty straightforward guy.

Put your dunce cap on an get back in the corner

He's not, otherwise he wouldn't make up every excuse in the book not to answer a simple question.

Nothing worse than kissing up to a mod btw.
You need a hit, a bong and a woman.

Who doesn't?

A hit and a bong, same thing?
Were you born stupid? The question you are asking is if you would save the baby you know or the baby you don't yet know which is irrelevant to the issue of abortion or whether Roe should be overturned.

No, you don't know either. You're a stranger to all involved.

OMG, is this another excuse, a curve ball you guys didn't see coming?
There is no excuse. There are two babies and you are asking which I would save, an impossible choice, so any choice I made would be random.

Nope, not the question. Go back to reading comprehension and stop wasting my time.
lol Yep, that is your question. You've already said the difference between whether the unborn is a baby or a fetus to you is whether you have formed an emotional attachment to it, as many pregnant women do, so depending on your emotional disposition at the time, there are two babies and you can only save one. Morally, it is an impossible choice, but you give yourself an out. You say you'll call the unborn baby a fetus and then you won't feel so bad about killing it.

No, dipshit. Save one 6 month old baby vs two 6 week old fetuses, you don't know any of them so you're not emotionally involved with them. Fuck you guys play intentionally retarded very well. Eh, maybe it's not intentional.
No, you're having trouble understanding because you are not a moral person. You've already said that whether it is a baby or a fetus depends entirely on your emotional disposition at the moment, but others here are guided by moral beliefs and values, something you apparently are unable to understand.
I'm tired of responding to a lunatic.

I'm gone

Maybe next time try responding with something of substance rather than excuses.
Will is a pretty straightforward guy.

Put your dunce cap on an get back in the corner

He's not, otherwise he wouldn't make up every excuse in the book not to answer a simple question.

Nothing worse than kissing up to a mod btw.
You need a hit, a bong and a woman.

Who doesn't?

A hit and a bong, same thing?
Hit (lsd)

My drug of choice from back in the day.
are you?

you're the one claiming 6 week old fetus can survive in a machine.

Nope, I didn't make that claim and you'r a complete idiot if you think I did. You're obviously just not wanting to answer the question

What a fraud most prolifers are.

Because I'm demonstrating that you guys can't say that two fetuses are not equal to a 6 month old baby and you guys make excuses for not answering an obviously simple question? No, I'm quite enjoying this.
All you're demonstrating is how to be a total Troll who allows herself to foist her words into other people's mouths. And I have a hunch that your happy joy is chemical.

Nope, I simply asked a question, clarified some points you brought up and here we are, you not answering the question. It's OK, I'd save the baby too. The only difference is I wouldn't be conflicted about it, I'd just do it.

Oh, and I'd save the baby in a unhypocritical way.
Another scenario for you, would you save one person you know and love at the cost of letting 2 strangers in some shithole city in Africa die? This is the scenario you’re setting up. We all know what we’d do in the moment if we’re being honest, we’d save our loved one and kind of feel bad it’s at the cost of killing two strangers. The morally correct choice, if we’re all operating on the assumption that all men are created equal, would be to let our loved ones die. But we all would rationalize that away by saying to ourselves, they were probably going to live shorter and shitier lives than my loved one would, plus I don’t know them, so what good does that do for me. It’s still a silly scenario, less silly than the one you are positing. It just proves the point that as humans, it’s easy for us to shrug off strangers dying, they become statistics, it isn’t personal. But when it’s a cute innocent baby that reminds you of your cute innocent baby, then emotion kicks in and it becomes wrong.

You’re arguing from a simplistic and silly position. Catch up to the rest of the world please.


A burning house has two rooms, one has two 6 week old fetuses and the other a 6 month old baby. You only have time to go into one room before the house collapses, which one do you save?
I'm not qualified to be a fireman, but if he has a room with two expectant mothers carrying fetuses, or one 6-month old baby, he will have to make a decision. My decision would be to call other firemen to the scene to improve the chances of all of them, saving all 5. I know fireman. They've pulled out dead bodies from many fires over a long career. I pray for and bless the firemen to have the strength to make the best decision. Prayer works, in case you are wondering.

First off, let's admire that fail of your convictions as you worm your coward ass out of an answer. So. I will make this clearer for you.

There is no time for the firemen to arrive, you go to one of the rooms, grab the occupant(s) and leave, that's all the time there is.

Secondly, the fetuses are not with their mothers. They are being kept in a machine, nice and healthy and perfectly viable. Your sort would actually call them 'babies' or 'children', but they are fetuses.

So, which do you save or do you let all three parish in the fire?

Now would be a good time to answer the question.
Good story, bro, do you strawman often? :rolleyes-41:

Do tell, what is your definition of a strawman?
A strawman argument is a fallacious argument that distorts an opposing stance in order to make it easier to attack.
Nah…you posted a 70 word run-on-sentence that made no sense at all.

God kills babies in utero every year (or at least doesn’t save them).
This is the same God you worship to.
How can you do that?

So your position is that God (if He exists and he does should FORCE everyone to bend to His will)?


I was taught that God is in control. If so, he’s allowing babies to die in utero. And mothers to die in childbirth. Mom wasn’t trying to abort anyone…she was trying to have a baby.

Yet…somehow….He is supposed to be in control.

Oh He IS in control, He just doesn't force anyone to do anything, He allows you/me to choose our own paths.

And he allows kids to die in utero. I’m wondering how you guys worship the God who lets babies die in the womb.
Yep. No hate for God and His People from the tard left

Again, I’m not a believer. So it’s impossible for me to hate what doesn’t exist. When you didn’t get what you wanted for Christmas…did you hate Santa Claus?
If that shit got overturned, the decision would be reversed in a year because a post-Roevswade would be worse than the pre-Roe sWade. It would turn into a national health crisis and women would revolt all across the nation.
Yet, you believe God is killing babies in utero. Confused much.

He’s letting them die…explain why please.

Or explain how you continue to worship a God who does.
No, He isn't. You don't believe in God. Therefore, God isn't letting anyone die.

Again…for the 2nd time…I’m taking those that believe in God to task for their vivid hypocrisy
How can Christians be hypocritical when you don't believe in God?
One has nothing to do with the other. If you’re going to state that God is in control of all things….and then ignore that he’s letting babies die in utero….you’re a hypocrite if you’re also going to chastise women for terminating a pregnancy.

Both the woman and God would arguably be able to let the pregnancy come to term. Yet you give God a pass when he lets the baby die and want to imprison the woman for terminating the pregnancy.

Actually, you're the hypocrite for blaming a God you don't believe in for killing babies when YOU support killing babies. You're mentally ill in my opinion.

I can’t blame something I do not believe exists. Why you can’t understand that simple concept…is beyond me.
Yet, you believe God is killing babies in utero. Confused much.

He’s letting them die…explain why please.

Or explain how you continue to worship a God who does.
No, He isn't. You don't believe in God. Therefore, God isn't letting anyone die.

Again…for the 2nd time…I’m taking those that believe in God to task for their vivid hypocrisy
How can Christians be hypocritical when you don't believe in God?
One has nothing to do with the other. If you’re going to state that God is in control of all things….and then ignore that he’s letting babies die in utero….you’re a hypocrite if you’re also going to chastise women for terminating a pregnancy.

Both the woman and God would arguably be able to let the pregnancy come to term. Yet you give God a pass when he lets the baby die and want to imprison the woman for terminating the pregnancy.

Actually, you're the hypocrite for blaming a God you don't believe in for killing babies when YOU support killing babies. You're mentally ill in my opinion.

I can’t blame something I do not believe exists. Why you can’t understand that simple concept…is beyond me.
God lets everybody and everything die. God let's planes crash. God let's tornados rip through towns. You don't understand the difference between the permissive will of God and God's plan. We live in a fallen world. Death in this world is not going to last forever. Until you become a believer, you're gonna continue to chase your tail.
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