Will Roe v Wade be overturned? We all know its headed there so what say you?

Will Roe v Wade be overturned?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Could go either way

  • Don't care either way

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If that shit got overturned, the decision would be reversed in a year because a post-Roevswade would be worse than the pre-Roe sWade. It would turn into a national health crisis and women would revolt all across the nation.
Women are already bitching across the nation for rights they already have. They dress up in vagina suits and pink hats and march around talking about how important they are and bitching about Trump. What else would be new if they revolted now? If Roe v. Wade is overturned they'd just dress up in coat hangers instead. A liberal revolt is nothing to be afraid of. They either riot and burn down their own communities, or they just group together and bitch about their entitlements.
Yet, you believe God is killing babies in utero. Confused much.

He’s letting them die…explain why please.

Or explain how you continue to worship a God who does.
No, He isn't. You don't believe in God. Therefore, God isn't letting anyone die.

Again…for the 2nd time…I’m taking those that believe in God to task for their vivid hypocrisy
How can Christians be hypocritical when you don't believe in God?
One has nothing to do with the other. If you’re going to state that God is in control of all things….and then ignore that he’s letting babies die in utero….you’re a hypocrite if you’re also going to chastise women for terminating a pregnancy.

Both the woman and God would arguably be able to let the pregnancy come to term. Yet you give God a pass when he lets the baby die and want to imprison the woman for terminating the pregnancy.

Actually, you're the hypocrite for blaming a God you don't believe in for killing babies when YOU support killing babies. You're mentally ill in my opinion.

I can’t blame something I do not believe exists. Why you can’t understand that simple concept…is beyond me.
I’ve never understood this argument from atheist either. At first glance I get it, but when you take it a step further it’s a nonsensical position. It places the burden on an all powerful all knowing being to create what is utopia by our standards, in a universe where it clearly is not the case. If that all powerful being were to exist, he clearly did not create what we imagine to be utopia. The 3rd law of thermodynamics is clearly in effect, and mortality seems to be universal. All life is mortal, and nature doesn’t seem to care if that life is hitler or mother Teresa. It’s basically saying innocent people die, therefore god doesn’t exist.
Vote &/or offer your personal thoughts.

Keep in mind this poll isn't asking YOUR opinion on the law but rather how the Justices will come down on the subject.

Nope. It may be scaled back. Non-hospital abortions may be in trouble in red states. States may have more authority to regulate abortion, but the core right will still be upheld by the SCOTUS.
Actually, you Democrats have forced hospitals and physicians alike to trash the Hippocratian oath to heal and do no further damage. You can't do more damage to an unborn American than to kill it inside the Mother's womb, which becomes an unholy place thereafter. It's just pure evil like the Demonrats who decided to punish doctors who refused to perform abortions for birth control purposes. All it got this nation was an influx of aliens to take the place of natural born Americans, of which abortion has stolen 60 million unborn Americans so far.

There's nothing good about larceny of human beings inside the once-safety of their mother's wombs. It's the most worthless thing you can do is kill a little unborn kid who only wants to live. We know they want to live, because there are videos they won't allow here that show how cruel chasing a little fetus around in its mother's belly who is doing all he or she can do to stay away from the danger posed him by hateful abortion equipment. It's hate, pure, evil hatred of responsibility that causes filth in our hospitals and clinics of killing bables. Do no further damage! End abortion!

Liberal pukes have different views on any one subject. Here's one example.

The right has learned from the left.

When you don't like the way a vote (or decision) turned out cry "foul" and demand the vote (decision) be revisited.

and over
and over
and over
and over

and over
and over
and over
and over
Yet, you believe God is killing babies in utero. Confused much.

He’s letting them die…explain why please.

Or explain how you continue to worship a God who does.
No, He isn't. You don't believe in God. Therefore, God isn't letting anyone die.

Again…for the 2nd time…I’m taking those that believe in God to task for their vivid hypocrisy
How can Christians be hypocritical when you don't believe in God?
One has nothing to do with the other. If you’re going to state that God is in control of all things….and then ignore that he’s letting babies die in utero….you’re a hypocrite if you’re also going to chastise women for terminating a pregnancy.

Both the woman and God would arguably be able to let the pregnancy come to term. Yet you give God a pass when he lets the baby die and want to imprison the woman for terminating the pregnancy.

Actually, you're the hypocrite for blaming a God you don't believe in for killing babies when YOU support killing babies. You're mentally ill in my opinion.

I can’t blame something I do not believe exists. Why you can’t understand that simple concept…is beyond me.
This is a very good line of argument candycorn
and I can see why both of you miss what the other is trying to say BS Filter

1. No, BS Filter it is NOT necessary for candycorn to "believe in God"
in order to question or criticize someone who DOES believe in God to "seemingly appear to contradict God being in supreme control"
I agree with candycorn on that point and it does NOT require her to believe as you do to point out a SEEMING contradiction

2. However there is no contradiction there anyway
Just because God "allows rape, murder and war to happen"
doesn't mean we shouldn't find fault with the people responsible for violence!

God allows babies to be born of rape, and that doesn't mean the rape is okay!
It's still against the law and should be prosecuted.

3. candycorn I DO applaud your argument asking why are people okay with God allowing
a baby to die in the womb by miscarriage but when it comes to abortion, then the woman is blamed.

Abortion that is not natural but by man-made inducement
indicates some abusive choice in having sex WITHOUT wanting responsibility for consequences.

So that's where the blame comes in, because abortion would not be necessary
if people accepted responsibility in advance and decided NOT to have sex if they don't want pregnancy or other consequences.

However, instead of "blaming the woman" what if we held the men responsible for
having sex in the first place if pregnancy or children were not wanted.

I'd say it's natural for people to blame SOMEBODY since abortion could be prevented;
but I'd extend the question to why not blame men equally, if not more in cases
where men coerced, abused or raped women who did not choose either pregnancy or abortion.
What if it is more the MAN's responsibility for why this occurred, why blame only the woman?
Please have more babies for exploitation by capitalist and canon fodder for our corporate profit wars. We believe in the sanctity of life...Alright Mosby send down another one to slaughter for consumption..
If that shit got overturned, the decision would be reversed in a year because a post-Roevswade would be worse than the pre-Roe sWade. It would turn into a national health crisis and women would revolt all across the nation.
Women are already bitching across the nation for rights they already have. They dress up in vagina suits and pink hats and march around talking about how important they are and bitching about Trump. What else would be new if they revolted now? If Roe v. Wade is overturned they'd just dress up in coat hangers instead. A liberal revolt is nothing to be afraid of. They either riot and burn down their own communities, or they just group together and bitch about their entitlements.
Wow what a sensitive guy. A real woman lover. They must be hanging all over you.
Kaitlin Bennett‏ @KaitMarieox May 16

No one is forcing you to have a baby by banning abortion. You force that decision on yourself the moment you decide to have sex. If you can't close your legs, then close your mouth, because you don't get to murder people because you're irresponsible.
Probably not. Lefties are really, really passionate about baby murder. It's the only thing they will fight for.
He’s letting them die…explain why please.

Or explain how you continue to worship a God who does.
No, He isn't. You don't believe in God. Therefore, God isn't letting anyone die.

Again…for the 2nd time…I’m taking those that believe in God to task for their vivid hypocrisy
How can Christians be hypocritical when you don't believe in God?
One has nothing to do with the other. If you’re going to state that God is in control of all things….and then ignore that he’s letting babies die in utero….you’re a hypocrite if you’re also going to chastise women for terminating a pregnancy.

Both the woman and God would arguably be able to let the pregnancy come to term. Yet you give God a pass when he lets the baby die and want to imprison the woman for terminating the pregnancy.

Actually, you're the hypocrite for blaming a God you don't believe in for killing babies when YOU support killing babies. You're mentally ill in my opinion.

I can’t blame something I do not believe exists. Why you can’t understand that simple concept…is beyond me.
I’ve never understood this argument from atheist either. At first glance I get it, but when you take it a step further it’s a nonsensical position. It places the burden on an all powerful all knowing being to create what is utopia by our standards, in a universe where it clearly is not the case. If that all powerful being were to exist, he clearly did not create what we imagine to be utopia. The 3rd law of thermodynamics is clearly in effect, and mortality seems to be universal. All life is mortal, and nature doesn’t seem to care if that life is hitler or mother Teresa. It’s basically saying innocent people die, therefore god doesn’t exist.

Plenty of other reasons to believe God doesn’t exist; babies dying (some in utero who clearly haven’t sinned) is just the most germane example for our discussion.
By the Left's own rules, Roe vs Wade must be overturned. It was decided by White Males, who (according to the Left) have no right to govern the behavior of women.
How idiotic. Telling women they can choose for themselves is actually the polar opposite of your moronic post. :eusa_doh:
No, He isn't. You don't believe in God. Therefore, God isn't letting anyone die.

Again…for the 2nd time…I’m taking those that believe in God to task for their vivid hypocrisy
How can Christians be hypocritical when you don't believe in God?
One has nothing to do with the other. If you’re going to state that God is in control of all things….and then ignore that he’s letting babies die in utero….you’re a hypocrite if you’re also going to chastise women for terminating a pregnancy.

Both the woman and God would arguably be able to let the pregnancy come to term. Yet you give God a pass when he lets the baby die and want to imprison the woman for terminating the pregnancy.

Actually, you're the hypocrite for blaming a God you don't believe in for killing babies when YOU support killing babies. You're mentally ill in my opinion.

I can’t blame something I do not believe exists. Why you can’t understand that simple concept…is beyond me.
I’ve never understood this argument from atheist either. At first glance I get it, but when you take it a step further it’s a nonsensical position. It places the burden on an all powerful all knowing being to create what is utopia by our standards, in a universe where it clearly is not the case. If that all powerful being were to exist, he clearly did not create what we imagine to be utopia. The 3rd law of thermodynamics is clearly in effect, and mortality seems to be universal. All life is mortal, and nature doesn’t seem to care if that life is hitler or mother Teresa. It’s basically saying innocent people die, therefore god doesn’t exist.

Plenty of other reasons to believe God doesn’t exist; babies dying (some in utero who clearly haven’t sinned) is just the most germane example for our discussion.
How do you conclude that God doesn't exist because a baby dies?
By the Left's own rules, Roe vs Wade must be overturned. It was decided by White Males, who (according to the Left) have no right to govern the behavior of women.
How idiotic. Telling women they can choose for themselves is actually the polar opposite of your moronic post. :eusa_doh:
I suggest you take a course on logic, you have a serious shortcoming in this department.

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