Will Roe v Wade be overturned? We all know its headed there so what say you?

Will Roe v Wade be overturned?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Could go either way

  • Don't care either way

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Your profanity against another debater means only that you do not have a case, only evil anger inside of you. Buh-bye.

Because I said ass you are not willing to answer a question that we both know you are incapable of answering and still have some semblance of righteousness in our anti-choice stance?

You're a hypocrite, nothing more.

a fetus in a machine??????????????

View attachment 261637

You can say a fetus on a cloud of cotton candy, it makes no difference. I'm asking you if you had to save the life of either a 6 month old baby vs two 6 week old fetuses and whoever you don't save dies then which do you choose?
No you're not asking a fair question. You're a goal-changer, madam, and you're trying to wear the control freak mask. How's that working out for you, in addition to swearing at the people who don't fall for it?

it's a very fair question. Simply take out everything else and were down to two 6 week old fetuses vs a 6 month old baby, who do you save? No other lives are at risk, their futures are unknown, the rooms in the house are both the same distance from you......is it really that difficult? Maybe you want to know who will suffer longer in the fire? Probably the baby since it will actually feel anything but that's up to you to consider.
You screwed up by omitting facts, and I refused to be entrapped, for which you swore at me because you knew you didn't have an argument. But I am quite familiar with people whose mentors ruin simple minds. And I'm going to be here calling you each and every time you try to smear a pro-lifer with your excrement and inadmission of your ineptitude in asking a logical question based on a fair description, which you failed to give the first time, and used your omissions as an opportunity to win an argument at all costs.
Yes, that would be the thing to do. So a couple of kidney beans with human DNA or a fucking human?
We all know it's a baby. When your friend is pregnant you don't ask how the fetus is doing, you ask how the baby is doing. The only time you call it a fetus is when you want to kill it.

You call it a baby when you create an emotional attachment to what it (emphasis on "it") will become. Are you saying fetuses don't exist? Are you mentally well?
Tell it to your shrink, madam.

You still can't decide if two fetuses equal a human life and you're vapidly pro life so I think you need that shrink visit more than me.

Your "question" was stupid, the fact that you even posed it shows that you are intellectually lacking.

straw man
[ˌstrô ˈman]
strawman (noun)

  1. an intentionally misrepresented proposition that is set up because it is easier to defeat than an opponent's real argument."

My question directly deals with the prolife movement argument that a fetus equals a human life. So, do you save two 6 week fetuses over a baby or not?
Let's take your hypothetical BULLSHIT and roll with it.
You do the greater good in a no win situation. It's not about abortion rights it's about saving lives

Yes, that would be the thing to do. So a couple of kidney beans with human DNA or a fucking human?
We all know it's a baby. When your friend is pregnant you don't ask how the fetus is doing, you ask how the baby is doing. The only time you call it a fetus is when you want to kill it.

You call it a baby when you create an emotional attachment to what it (emphasis on "it") will become. Are you saying fetuses don't exist? Are you mentally well?

Are you mentally well?

are you?

you're the one claiming 6 week old fetus can survive in a machine.

Nope, I didn't make that claim and you'r a complete idiot if you think I did. You're obviously just not wanting to answer the question

What a fraud most prolifers are.

Nope, I didn't make that claim

you didn't make the claim that the 2 fetus were in a machine?

There are no pregnant women, the fetuses are kept in a machine. Go ahead and fail the quiz, it's always fun.

why, yes you did.

you lose again .
it's a very fair question. Simply take out everything else and were down to two 6 week old fetuses vs a 6 month old baby, who do you save?
I'm out fishing in a boat. You and your dog are in another boat not too far away. Your boat tips over and sinks and you and your dog have separated and because I'm not a good swimmer, I can only save one of you.

Do I save you or do I save the innocent dog?

In other words, whose life has more value in my mind?
Yes, but not in this case. The correct answer is save the baby since it's you know....alive, breathing on it's own, has feelings, emotions, needs, presumably came out of someone's body and I'm sure that wasn't easy vs. something that most women wouldn't even know they have at 6 weeks/

Save the baby, dude.
The "correct" answer. Fucking people man. Everyone thinks they know what's best for everyone else so they push their shit on everybody they meet. That's what Roe v. Wade is to begin with. Fuck your ethics, and fuck everyone else's ethics. I live my life on my own moral values and that means that, in a disaster, I would want to save the most damn lives as possible and mourn the lost. If that means 2 fetuses over 1 baby, then so be it. Those fetuses will end up growing up into adults and be thankful for the life that they have. The same with other fetuses that were not aborted and were given the chance to live.

I wonder how many fetuses that were aborted would have enjoyed the chance to live a life.

Can I quote you? Pro-lifer: "fuck your ethics"

We all know it's a baby. When your friend is pregnant you don't ask how the fetus is doing, you ask how the baby is doing. The only time you call it a fetus is when you want to kill it.

You call it a baby when you create an emotional attachment to what it (emphasis on "it") will become. Are you saying fetuses don't exist? Are you mentally well?
Tell it to your shrink, madam.

You still can't decide if two fetuses equal a human life and you're vapidly pro life so I think you need that shrink visit more than me.

Your "question" was stupid, the fact that you even posed it shows that you are intellectually lacking.

straw man
[ˌstrô ˈman]
strawman (noun)

  1. an intentionally misrepresented proposition that is set up because it is easier to defeat than an opponent's real argument."

My question directly deals with the prolife movement argument that a fetus equals a human life. So, do you save two 6 week fetuses over a baby or not?
Bullshit. You've already said that whether you call it a fetus or a baby depends on whether you have formed an emotional attachment to it, which implies calling it a fetus serves to dehumanize it so it will be easier for you to kill it.
Your profanity against another debater means only that you do not have a case, only evil anger inside of you. Buh-bye.

Because I said ass you are not willing to answer a question that we both know you are incapable of answering and still have some semblance of righteousness in our anti-choice stance?

You're a hypocrite, nothing more.

a fetus in a machine??????????????

View attachment 261637

You can say a fetus on a cloud of cotton candy, it makes no difference. I'm asking you if you had to save the life of either a 6 month old baby vs two 6 week old fetuses and whoever you don't save dies then which do you choose?
No you're not asking a fair question. You're a goal-changer, madam, and you're trying to wear the control freak mask. How's that working out for you, in addition to swearing at the people who don't fall for it?

it's a very fair question. Simply take out everything else and were down to two 6 week old fetuses vs a 6 month old baby, who do you save? No other lives are at risk, their futures are unknown, the rooms in the house are both the same distance from you......is it really that difficult? Maybe you want to know who will suffer longer in the fire? Probably the baby since it will actually feel anything but that's up to you to consider.

Check this out this dumb ass thinks he can set anyone up?

Yes, but not in this case. The correct answer is save the baby since it's you know....alive, breathing on it's own, has feelings, emotions, needs, presumably came out of someone's body and I'm sure that wasn't easy vs. something that most women wouldn't even know they have at 6 weeks/

Save the baby, dude.
The "correct" answer. Fucking people man. Everyone thinks they know what's best for everyone else so they push their shit on everybody they meet. That's what Roe v. Wade is to begin with. Fuck your ethics, and fuck everyone else's ethics. I live my life on my own moral values and that means that, in a disaster, I would want to save the most damn lives as possible and mourn the lost. If that means 2 fetuses over 1 baby, then so be it. Those fetuses will end up growing up into adults and be thankful for the life that they have. The same with other fetuses that were not aborted and were given the chance to live.

I wonder how many fetuses that were aborted would have enjoyed the chance to live a life.

Can I quote you? Pro-lifer: "fuck your ethics"

Naturally a liberal would take a quote out of context to push an agenda. You should work for CNN, bro.
Yes, that would be the thing to do. So a couple of kidney beans with human DNA or a fucking human?
We all know it's a baby. When your friend is pregnant you don't ask how the fetus is doing, you ask how the baby is doing. The only time you call it a fetus is when you want to kill it.

You call it a baby when you create an emotional attachment to what it (emphasis on "it") will become. Are you saying fetuses don't exist? Are you mentally well?

Are you mentally well?

are you?

you're the one claiming 6 week old fetus can survive in a machine.

Nope, I didn't make that claim and you'r a complete idiot if you think I did. You're obviously just not wanting to answer the question

What a fraud most prolifers are.

Nope, I didn't make that claim

you didn't make the claim that the 2 fetus were in a machine?

There are no pregnant women, the fetuses are kept in a machine. Go ahead and fail the quiz, it's always fun.

why, yes you did.

you lose again .

I'm not the one who has to come up with excuses as to why they wouldn't save "two lives" over one if they had to. That's on you and the fact that you pretend to not understand why were excluding the lives of the mothers tells me you're simply dishonest. I just want you to understand we both get that.
Yes, that would be the thing to do. So a couple of kidney beans with human DNA or a fucking human?
We all know it's a baby. When your friend is pregnant you don't ask how the fetus is doing, you ask how the baby is doing. The only time you call it a fetus is when you want to kill it.

You call it a baby when you create an emotional attachment to what it (emphasis on "it") will become. Are you saying fetuses don't exist? Are you mentally well?

Are you mentally well?

are you?

you're the one claiming 6 week old fetus can survive in a machine.
She's practicing her belief in controlling a conversation by creating a false scenario, and it requires a person willing to be a victim. She's not having a good day at the USMB boards. :lmao:

I'm having a fine day and guessing by your posts you need very little information to draw conclusions.

Don't blame me because you're not prolife enough to say you'd save two fetuses over a baby, that's on you and I think you should take responsibility for that.
Your mentors told you you are having a good day by being an arrogant individual. tch, tch, tch.
It didn't work on me because I'm wise to wiseacres, but you're continuing in your errors of omission and your subsequent goal-moving endeavor in order to prove yourself king of the mountain. And no, it isn't working. People are catching on to you and your devious mentor's vile ways of debate that includes inappropriate name-calling and even swearing.
Yes, but not in this case. The correct answer is save the baby since it's you know....alive, breathing on it's own, has feelings, emotions, needs, presumably came out of someone's body and I'm sure that wasn't easy vs. something that most women wouldn't even know they have at 6 weeks/

Save the baby, dude.
The "correct" answer. Fucking people man. Everyone thinks they know what's best for everyone else so they push their shit on everybody they meet. That's what Roe v. Wade is to begin with. Fuck your ethics, and fuck everyone else's ethics. I live my life on my own moral values and that means that, in a disaster, I would want to save the most damn lives as possible and mourn the lost. If that means 2 fetuses over 1 baby, then so be it. Those fetuses will end up growing up into adults and be thankful for the life that they have. The same with other fetuses that were not aborted and were given the chance to live.

I wonder how many fetuses that were aborted would have enjoyed the chance to live a life.

Can I quote you? Pro-lifer: "fuck your ethics"

Naturally a liberal would take a quote out of context to push an agenda. You should work for CNN, bro.

How is it out of context? Please explain.
We all know it's a baby. When your friend is pregnant you don't ask how the fetus is doing, you ask how the baby is doing. The only time you call it a fetus is when you want to kill it.

You call it a baby when you create an emotional attachment to what it (emphasis on "it") will become. Are you saying fetuses don't exist? Are you mentally well?

Are you mentally well?

are you?

you're the one claiming 6 week old fetus can survive in a machine.

Nope, I didn't make that claim and you'r a complete idiot if you think I did. You're obviously just not wanting to answer the question

What a fraud most prolifers are.

Nope, I didn't make that claim

you didn't make the claim that the 2 fetus were in a machine?

There are no pregnant women, the fetuses are kept in a machine. Go ahead and fail the quiz, it's always fun.

why, yes you did.

you lose again .

I'm not the one who has to come up with excuses as to why they wouldn't save "two lives" over one if they had to. That's on you and the fact that you pretend to not understand why were excluding the lives of the mothers tells me you're simply dishonest. I just want you to understand we both get that.
You're calling anybody else dishonest because you posted a question with multiple errors of omission.
I see that your mentor also taught you to project your dishonesty on the person who does not engage in it.
We all know it's a baby. When your friend is pregnant you don't ask how the fetus is doing, you ask how the baby is doing. The only time you call it a fetus is when you want to kill it.

You call it a baby when you create an emotional attachment to what it (emphasis on "it") will become. Are you saying fetuses don't exist? Are you mentally well?

Are you mentally well?

are you?

you're the one claiming 6 week old fetus can survive in a machine.

Nope, I didn't make that claim and you'r a complete idiot if you think I did. You're obviously just not wanting to answer the question

What a fraud most prolifers are.

Nope, I didn't make that claim

you didn't make the claim that the 2 fetus were in a machine?

There are no pregnant women, the fetuses are kept in a machine. Go ahead and fail the quiz, it's always fun.

why, yes you did.

you lose again .

I'm not the one who has to come up with excuses as to why they wouldn't save "two lives" over one if they had to. That's on you and the fact that you pretend to not understand why were excluding the lives of the mothers tells me you're simply dishonest. I just want you to understand we both get that.

Because I said ass you are not willing to answer a question that we both know you are incapable of answering and still have some semblance of righteousness in our anti-choice stance?

You're a hypocrite, nothing more.

a fetus in a machine??????????????

View attachment 261637

You can say a fetus on a cloud of cotton candy, it makes no difference. I'm asking you if you had to save the life of either a 6 month old baby vs two 6 week old fetuses and whoever you don't save dies then which do you choose?
No you're not asking a fair question. You're a goal-changer, madam, and you're trying to wear the control freak mask. How's that working out for you, in addition to swearing at the people who don't fall for it?

it's a very fair question. Simply take out everything else and were down to two 6 week old fetuses vs a 6 month old baby, who do you save? No other lives are at risk, their futures are unknown, the rooms in the house are both the same distance from you......is it really that difficult? Maybe you want to know who will suffer longer in the fire? Probably the baby since it will actually feel anything but that's up to you to consider.

Check this out this dumb ass thinks he can set anyone up?


There is no set up. Either you answer the question and say that two 6 week old fetuses are worth more than a 6 month old baby or the other way around. It's not tricky.
You call it a baby when you create an emotional attachment to what it (emphasis on "it") will become. Are you saying fetuses don't exist? Are you mentally well?

Are you mentally well?

are you?

you're the one claiming 6 week old fetus can survive in a machine.

Nope, I didn't make that claim and you'r a complete idiot if you think I did. You're obviously just not wanting to answer the question

What a fraud most prolifers are.

Nope, I didn't make that claim

you didn't make the claim that the 2 fetus were in a machine?

There are no pregnant women, the fetuses are kept in a machine. Go ahead and fail the quiz, it's always fun.

why, yes you did.

you lose again .

I'm not the one who has to come up with excuses as to why they wouldn't save "two lives" over one if they had to. That's on you and the fact that you pretend to not understand why were excluding the lives of the mothers tells me you're simply dishonest. I just want you to understand we both get that.
You're calling anybody else dishonest because you posted a question with multiple errors of omission.
I see that your mentor also taught you to project your dishonesty on the person who does not engage in it.

Exactly, he is trying so hard to do it, so cute in a kind of retarded way.

We all know it's a baby. When your friend is pregnant you don't ask how the fetus is doing, you ask how the baby is doing. The only time you call it a fetus is when you want to kill it.

You call it a baby when you create an emotional attachment to what it (emphasis on "it") will become. Are you saying fetuses don't exist? Are you mentally well?

Are you mentally well?

are you?

you're the one claiming 6 week old fetus can survive in a machine.

Nope, I didn't make that claim and you'r a complete idiot if you think I did. You're obviously just not wanting to answer the question

What a fraud most prolifers are.

Nope, I didn't make that claim

you didn't make the claim that the 2 fetus were in a machine?

There are no pregnant women, the fetuses are kept in a machine. Go ahead and fail the quiz, it's always fun.

why, yes you did.

you lose again .

I'm not the one who has to come up with excuses as to why they wouldn't save "two lives" over one if they had to. That's on you and the fact that you pretend to not understand why were excluding the lives of the mothers tells me you're simply dishonest. I just want you to understand we both get that.

Stop lying.

and stop changing the perimeters.

you're making an ass of yourself.
a fetus in a machine??????????????

View attachment 261637

You can say a fetus on a cloud of cotton candy, it makes no difference. I'm asking you if you had to save the life of either a 6 month old baby vs two 6 week old fetuses and whoever you don't save dies then which do you choose?
No you're not asking a fair question. You're a goal-changer, madam, and you're trying to wear the control freak mask. How's that working out for you, in addition to swearing at the people who don't fall for it?

it's a very fair question. Simply take out everything else and were down to two 6 week old fetuses vs a 6 month old baby, who do you save? No other lives are at risk, their futures are unknown, the rooms in the house are both the same distance from you......is it really that difficult? Maybe you want to know who will suffer longer in the fire? Probably the baby since it will actually feel anything but that's up to you to consider.

Check this out this dumb ass thinks he can set anyone up?


There is no set up. Either you answer the question and say that two 6 week old fetuses are worth more than a 6 month old baby or the other way around. It's not tricky.

then you are one dumb pup.

Let's take your hypothetical BULLSHIT and roll with it.
You do the greater good in a no win situation. It's not about abortion rights it's about saving lives

Yes, that would be the thing to do. So a couple of kidney beans with human DNA or a fucking human?
We all know it's a baby. When your friend is pregnant you don't ask how the fetus is doing, you ask how the baby is doing. The only time you call it a fetus is when you want to kill it.

You call it a baby when you create an emotional attachment to what it (emphasis on "it") will become. Are you saying fetuses don't exist? Are you mentally well?

Are you mentally well?

are you?

you're the one claiming 6 week old fetus can survive in a machine.

Nope, I didn't make that claim and you'r a complete idiot if you think I did. You're obviously just not wanting to answer the question

What a fraud most prolifers are.
Yes, but not in this case. The correct answer is save the baby since it's you know....alive, breathing on it's own, has feelings, emotions, needs, presumably came out of someone's body and I'm sure that wasn't easy vs. something that most women wouldn't even know they have at 6 weeks/

Save the baby, dude.
The "correct" answer. Fucking people man. Everyone thinks they know what's best for everyone else so they push their shit on everybody they meet. That's what Roe v. Wade is to begin with. Fuck your ethics, and fuck everyone else's ethics. I live my life on my own moral values and that means that, in a disaster, I would want to save the most damn lives as possible and mourn the lost. If that means 2 fetuses over 1 baby, then so be it. Those fetuses will end up growing up into adults and be thankful for the life that they have. The same with other fetuses that were not aborted and were given the chance to live.

I wonder how many fetuses that were aborted would have enjoyed the chance to live a life.

Can I quote you? Pro-lifer: "fuck your ethics"

Naturally a liberal would take a quote out of context to push an agenda. You should work for CNN, bro.

How is it out of context? Please explain.
It's not the entire sentence, dumbass. Use the whole sentence and the following sentence to get some actual context in there. My point was that you're pushing your shit on me and that nobody's ethics matters except my own. You're manipulating the quote to where it sounds like I dislike only your personal ethics.
You call it a baby when you create an emotional attachment to what it (emphasis on "it") will become. Are you saying fetuses don't exist? Are you mentally well?

Are you mentally well?

are you?

you're the one claiming 6 week old fetus can survive in a machine.

Nope, I didn't make that claim and you'r a complete idiot if you think I did. You're obviously just not wanting to answer the question

What a fraud most prolifers are.

Nope, I didn't make that claim

you didn't make the claim that the 2 fetus were in a machine?

There are no pregnant women, the fetuses are kept in a machine. Go ahead and fail the quiz, it's always fun.

why, yes you did.

you lose again .

I'm not the one who has to come up with excuses as to why they wouldn't save "two lives" over one if they had to. That's on you and the fact that you pretend to not understand why were excluding the lives of the mothers tells me you're simply dishonest. I just want you to understand we both get that.
You're calling anybody else dishonest because you posted a question with multiple errors of omission.
I see that your mentor also taught you to project your dishonesty on the person who does not engage in it.

Omissons yes, I apologize, I thought the premise of the question was quite obvious.

A house is on fire and in one room there are two 6 week old fetuses in the other a 6 month old baby. The fetus are on some sort of magical machine that keeps them viable (for those that can't get passed this point), nobody else is in the house and there is no time to call the fire department. The rooms are of equal distance and saving one over the other is of equal probability.

When it comes down to it you are making a choice of saving one or the other, it's quite simple and by the responses I think it's more than obvious that most pro-lifers do in fact see a different value between a fetus and a baby.

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