Will russia win the ukraine war thanks to china?

Kind of hard to have that when no one in his right mind would sign up when they can make more money in the private sector.

I am proud of my service. But I would be reluctant to recommend it to most young people today, given how our politicians misuse it.

Here's the problem. Our Navy, to be effective in detering China from taking a crappy Island or Taiwan, has to get close enough to be taken out by Chinese missiles or aircraft.
Before the obama/biden/harris junta destroyed morale patriotic Americans were proud to join the Navy
Before the obama/biden/harris junta destroyed morale patriotic Americans were proud to join the Navy

Oh, N-word, please.

Most Gen-Y are more liberal than the Navy is no matter how woke it is.

Here's the reason why young people aren't signing up.

You average recruit today was born in 2004. This means that for almost all of his life, America has been at war with a nebulous enemy. What's the upside for them to sign up?
Oh, N-word, please.

Most Gen-Y are more liberal than the Navy is no matter how woke it is.

Here's the reason why young people aren't signing up.

You average recruit today was born in 2004. This means that for almost all of his life, America has been at war with a nebulous enemy. What's the upside for them to sign up?
Ok, if you say so

But lib demonizing of America has undermined our youth’s willingness to serve
Ok, if you say so

But lib demonizing of America has undermined our youth’s willingness to serve

Not to take away from your irrational China hate, but this article gives a good reason why people aren't signing up.

The misconception that all military members and veterans are far-right Republican conservatives is a topic for another essay. But the fact remains that even right-leaning members of Gen Z are politically progressive.

I asked my kids, all Gen Z’ers, why they wouldn’t consider the military as a viable career option:

  • One said she was afraid to die, (Understandable)
  • Another said he didn’t want to die for no reason, (Getting warmer)
  • And the other said he didn’t want to fight in a war that had no meaning. (BINGO!)
Makes sense, I suppose. Coming of age after 9/11, Gen Z is too young to know what real terrorism looks like. From their point of view, they simply see an endless rotation of troops to Iraq, Syria, Africa, and, until recently, Afghanistan.

And remember, these are kids who come from a military family! Their father served on active duty for 10 years. Imagine the responses from kids with no military affiliation.

This, in turn, creates military dynasties and a self-contained “warrior-class” in our society. Even today, there is an ever-shrinking percentage of Americans – a growing warrior class – who must carry the burden of our country’s ongoing Global War on Terror and new pivot to Russia and China.

In many cases, service-members serve because a member of their family served. It’s typical to meet service-members whose military heritage goes back for generations.
My attitude toward communist china is not irrational

Its just the opposite
Nope, I'd call it hysterical.

A country that hasn't engaged in military action since 1979, has used peaceful means to gain influence in the world, is not a threat.
Nope, I'd call it hysterical.

A country that hasn't engaged in military action since 1979, has used peaceful means to gain influence in the world, is not a threat.
They recently engaged in military action with India where soldiers died

And are currently trying to steal Philippine territory by military force
They recently engaged in military action with India where soldiers died

And are currently trying to steal Philippine territory by military force
An action where maybe 20 people were killed? Really?

We've had bloodier school shootings, unfortunately.
An action where maybe 20 people were killed? Really?

We've had bloodier school shootings, unfortunately.
Its the thought that counts

China uses military force to bully its neighbors

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