Will russia win the ukraine war thanks to china?

How many times have international courts told us we can't do something and we did it anyway?

Seriously, the Filipinos need to worry about the Grinding Poverty they have on the Islands they do own.
I suspect that the fishing and mineral rights located within the disputed waters would benefit the Philippine people
I suspect that the fishing and mineral rights located within the disputed waters would benefit the Philippine people
What would really benefit the Filipinos is to stop elected people like Duarte and Bongbonb, who are notoriously corrupt.

I mean, Sweet Evil Jesus, Bongbong's Daddy overthrew democracy and was a dictator for over a decade until Ronald Reagan told him to knock that shit off.

A crappy little island isn't going to make their lives better.
They already have as I explained to you about Marcos Jr
So they elect corrupt dictators, but, hey, they are going to get into a fight over an Island that doesn't have enough room to stand on with their biggest trading partner.


But in your mind it will benefit the chinese people?
Oh, not at all.

China, it's about national sovereignty.

Something we'd be smart NOT TO FUCK WITH.

Because it isn't worth it.
China, it's about national sovereignty.
What a load of bullshit

Its about fish, maybe oil, or other minerals that belong to nations like the Philippines that the chicoms want to keep for themselves
The Chinese have the resources to exploit them.

The Filipinos can't even manage their own resources.
I suppose you have to cling to that lie to maintain your self respect

But China cant take whatever it wants by force based on reasoning like that
Russia has to be supplied by Red China and Iran. India is buying its oil at bargain basement prices and reselling it under their own name to doge sanctions. Even at that Russia still can't drive out Ukraine from its borders, all those hilarious claims that 'Russia is going to win the war any minute now !!!' They REALLY got em this time !!! lol
But wait… the Putin apologists keep telling us that Russia is stronger than ever.

And here they are dependent on China
Just a statement of fact. Their government is corrupt and incompetent, and the people just don't seem to care.
And china is not corrupt?

Are you kidding me?

Yes the Philippine culture has been slow to catch up to the modern world

But dont sell them short

And dont try to sell idol worship of the chicoms with me

Because I’m not buying
And china is not corrupt?

Are you kidding me?
they execute officials for corruption, so um, yeah, that's a pretty good indicator.

Yes the Philippine culture has been slow to catch up to the modern world
Um, actually, they are one of the poorest countries in Southeast Asia. Malaysia and Vietnam have made huge strides, but the Phillippines have not so much.


But dont sell them short
There are a lot about the Filipinos I admire.
That said, a crappy little atol they have to ram a ship into so their guys have somewhere to stand, is not worth going to war over.

if it is about oil, China is more likely to have the resources to bring that stuff up.

And dont try to sell idol worship of the chicoms with me

Because I’m not buying
No, of course, you aren't. Cheeto Hitler told you to hate China so you do.
they execute officials for corruption, so um, yeah, that's a pretty good indicator.
They execute people that are in the wrong click or not deemed loyal enough to comrade Xi

And maybe a few for show

But the idea that china is efficiently run is no more valid that the show farms in the old soviet union
if it is about oil, China is more likely to have the resources to bring that stuff up.
Even if china had some special expertise - rich it doesent - that does not give china to right to steal Philippine minerals
That said, a crappy little atol they have to ram a ship into so their guys have somewhere to stand, is not worth going to war over.
Tell that to the chicoms who are ramming Philippine ships - which are acts of war
But the idea that china is efficiently run is no more valid that the show farms in the old soviet union
No, the proof that China is well run is that they've supplanted us as the world's trading partner in a very short 20 years.

Tell that to the chicoms who are ramming Philippine ships - which are acts of war
Then Bongbong needs to stop sending his ships into Chinese waters. Oh, wait, he has.
No, the proof that China is well run is that they've supplanted us as the world's trading partner in a very short 20 years.

Then Bongbong needs to stop sending his ships into Chinese waters. Oh, wait, he has.
Have you ever heard of chinas ghost cities?

Talk about a paper tiger

China has a paper

Btw: where did you come up with “bongbong?”

Whats that all about?
Have you ever heard of chinas ghost cities?
Yes, I have.

Doesn't detract from my point.

Btw: where did you come up with “bongbong?”

Whats that all about?
Bongbong is Ferdinand Marcos, Jr's nickname. Because Filipino politicians often have weird nicknames.

You can tell whoever wrote the article has no love for the Marcos family, I'm curious why Wiki hasn't edited it.

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