Will Smith assaults Chris Rock at Oscars

Duh. You moron. You selected that one but also selected the subsequent ones that revealed the reconsideration. Selective. Buy a dictionary. Oh, also, give honesty a try someday. It probably won’t make you burst out in flames.


Say wut???

You "reconsidered" the outcome of you losing your bet, Welshy???

And to a proven welsher, that means you didn't really Welsh, right?

"reconsideration"................is that what you call "WELCHING"? :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301:
No, you dishonest tartan tent kilt wearing sow. Reconsideration means thinking something over again and reaching a different conclusion. It involves an ability to honestly change one’s opinion based on overlooked facts. You wouldn’t understandI it because it involves honesty.

One can’t welch on a bet in which there is no other party to the bet. :itsok:
No, you dishonest tartan tent kilt wearing sow. Reconsideration means thinking something over again and reaching a different conclusion. It involves an ability to honestly change one’s opinion based on overlooked facts. You wouldn’t understandI it because it involves honesty.

One can’t welch on a bet in which there is no other party to the bet. :itsok:

You're lying again, Welshy. Zona was posting here while you were after you welshed on your bet and came back.
Dude. Listen. If you are gonna fight. Then you arrange a time. Away and fight. Get on a pair of gloves an duke it out in the ring were NO ONE CAN STOP IT.

Since Will looks about 225-230 pounds and Chris looks about 170 pounds then Will also being a bit younger that Rock. Even a legit fight Will would still be strong favourite to win.

But you don't have two a Listers scrapping it out at the Oscars and then ppl rush up and break it up in seconds.

If you are fight. Then fight properly. A fight were no one can break it up.

So Chris Rock did a fantastic job by showing restraint AND keeping the show moving. Remember this not an ordinary awards show. This is the Oscars. A show with a massive worldwide audience, serious sponsors, awards to give out, TV, all that shit. But Rock keep the show moving. He had commentary. He never stopped being Chris Rock bcoz that right there ? Could've went a whole different way.

And as I say the fact that Rock is not trying to press charges or sue Will ? That's class act right. Because most ppl would be putting in all kinds and claims and lawsuits to get money or to get revenge

Especially if Will would have done that some one white ? If he did that to Seinfield, Stephen Colbert, Jimmy Kimmel, James Corden or a Ricky Gervais ? Man......they would go all out to try and ruin Will
Will should be ruined---he attacked someone over he being angry over the OScar's year after year. He was pissed that Rock was the speaker at the Oscars not him..and that Rock didn't boycot the oscars all those years ago.
Monkrules!!! That is no way to talk to a lady

or even to boredtoseeya!

That is my job! (Besides, Will Smith might give you a bitch slap.)

I’ve heard rumors that boredtoseeya is planning on making an actually well thought out post someday. The question is: who will write it for her? If she wants it well written, she might want to get the guy who wrote Will Smith’s sincere apology to Chris Rock.
Ohhh no....I'm so-oo embarrassed!! Are you telling me that boredtoseeya is a woman?! Are you serious? I had no idea...

If I had known, I would have just kept quiet after her pointed little insult. Maybe I should write her one of those tear-jerking, super-sincere Will Smith style apologies.

On the other hand, no, that's not my nature. Gotta give back, what wiseguys give you.

After getting smacked, Chris Rock should have grabbed Smith by his skinny neck and slapped Will across the face...with his dick. Lol...
It sounds to me like you were one of those star-struck girls back in middle school who worshipped the ground the big alpha male bullies walked on and got off when they beat up the little pipsqueak boys half their size for being a whole lot smarter than they were.

I can imagine you demanding the smaller kids apologize for being smarter, too.
Actually, I am not anywhere close to being one of those people who worship those who only go out of their way to put other people down, but to me, if you are more than willing to go after a person in any way over something that they can't help, don't be surprised if it comes back to bite you in the behind at some point later on in one way or another. Physical pain may go away, but all other forms of hurt can forever remain with a person for the rest of their lives whether or not they have a celebrity status. Take country singer Jason Aldean for example. If someone were to make light of what he and so many other people experienced in Las Vegas on October 1, 2017, would you blame him if his response to it were to be no different compared to Will's response to Chris? I wouldn't. Why not? Because that kind of response would be nothing in the grand scheme compared to what happened to so many people on that awful day.

God bless you and those who survived always!!!


P.S. I wouldn't be surprised if Jason has been to therapy due to what happened that day.
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BTW, that lying jezebel wife of his doesn't have the "disease" she claims. She actually has a full head of hair.

Her so CALLED alopecia

What alopecia looks like

She has a full head of hair. Lol

Demi Moore shaved her head for GI JANE-----and looked great still.
Referring to Jada as GI Jane 2 isn't even mean.

Demi Moore didn't have an auto-immune disorder that caused her hair to fall out in clumps. It was a mean-spirited joke and Rock needed to get his ass kicked.

This was a GHETTO moment out in full view for everyone to see---even funnier is that it is WILL SMITH who was made likeable to white viewers. A black guy who wanted to escaped the Ghettos is what Fresh Prince was really about. Seems this story sold to white middle class for decades was all a big lie. It isn't good for anyone to see this--not for the oscars, not hollyweird itself, not for Smith and not for Rock either. Rock will get big money out of this----and they will try to brush this under the table.

Actually, more like Rock will try to play this off, maybe work it into his comedy routine. He might even try being funny, that would be a big change.

They got Will Smith out of the Ghettos and raised in Uncle Carls white upperclass neighborhood with all the benefits, but they still couldn't get the Ghetto out of him is not a good look for the Woke Hollyweird.

You are kind of mixing fiction with reality.

The reality is that Smith worked very hard to develop himself as an actor for the last 30 years, going from that goofy kid in a sitcom to an actor doing very serious roles. Sunday should have been the zenith of his efforts... instead it will be remembered because an asshole told a crude joke about his sick wife and got a well-deserved beat down.
It was another cuck moment for will smith. No, I don't believe it was staged. A few reasons. One, all publicity is good is a fallacy and completely untrue. Unless they just wanted to deliberately dishonor the Williams father and sisters which is what it was supposed to be about. Also, they would have come out by now to tell everyone it was staged based on the massive reaction worldwide. No, will is an emasculated person and he has to live with it every night considering the interview by that manipulative mate he has. Also, people act like she has cancer. It isn't cancer and considering the vast wealth they have, there are designer wigs etc. It's not some life threatening disease.

Watch the video with her copping to the affair for EVERYONE TO SEE (which is weird) so that the tart could somehow recoup her reputation and didn't give one log about the damage she did to her husband she supposedly loves but clearly doesn't.

Oh, please. Smith has himself admitted to sleeping with other women in their open marriage, but she's a "tart" because she slept with another guy? The Double Standard Strikes Again.

You don't know what is going on with that marriage or how much her illness is putting a strain on them as a couple. Rock thoroughly deserved the beatdown he got.
Buddy, the KKKleaners called, they can't get the soot stains out of your white robes.

No, no no. Stop it right there. That's an invalid comeback. If I'm stupid enough to offend someone I have it coming? What if that person is too easily offended?

I/We/You never have it coming no matter what you say. That's the point you stupid fuck. Nothing you say gives another person the right to put their hands on you. And until you realize this, you're uncivilized.

That's why you don't go around insulting people. You don't know how sensitive they are... you don't know if they are having a bad day. You certainly don't make fun of a man's sick wife on national TV and then except him to laugh about it.

So you think the way things are done in high school are the way things should be handled in the real world? You're either incredibly stupid or fucking with me. Yes, Will Smith acted like a high school child.

NO, he acted like a man whose sick wife was insulted.

Sorry but this is why stand your ground was passed. You people are too easily triggered. And when you decide to take the law into your own hands, that's when we shoot you, legally, because you are too uncivilized to know you are wrong, even if you were "offended" Go fuck yourself.

Nope, "Stand your Ground" laws are racist. When a shit like Zimmerman can get acquitted after stalking and murdering a child, but Marissa Alexander gets 20 years for firing a WARNING SHOT at her abusive husband, those laws are fucked up.

Me? No, I at first didn't like stand your ground because throughout my life, every fight I've ever gotten into, I could have been shot when I started winning the fight and the pussy would claim stand your ground. But here's the difference between me and you. I've NEVER attacked anyone. I get them to attack me, then I kick their ass. So nothing Chris Rock could say would get me to get up out of my seat and attack him. Not because I'm a coward no. In fact, I'm a fucking man. And I hope you don't think that hollywood bitch slap was manly. But Chris is smaller than him. If that was out on the streets, Chris would have legally been able to kill Will for what he did. Or was about to do. Because I don't think Chris could have shot him as he was walking back to his seat. But guys who've been punched once and the puncher wasn't attacking them anymore have gotten away with it too. Happened in Florida. The guy totally provoked the guy to punch him. But when he did, the guy sat on the ground, pulled out his gun and shot him in the chest and he went home to bed that night know why? Because you have no right to put your hands on another man, or woman.

What is this brain disease on the right that you wank off all day about wanting to murder people. Are those deers you murder in your avatar not getting it off for you anymore?

Think of it that way tough guy. You can't put your hands on a woman or a man. This isn't survival of the fittest where the strong rule the weak. In fact, laws make it so usually the weak rule the strong or anyone trying to be too strong. Please don't try to tell us the way things work in the ghetto is the way things should work in the rest of the world. If you want to act ghetto, go back to the ghetto.

I wouldn't say that at all. Most white people would slap the shit out of you for insulting their sick wives.

OMG black people have ruined Hollywood. And now Football. Did you hear every NFL team MUST hire black or woman offensive assistant coach that is to be groomed to be a head coach one day? WTF is going on??? NFL owners MUST hire blacks? WOW

Uh, before everyone goes all hysterical about this, let's not forget the 1973 Oscars, where Sacheen Littlefeather made a speech at the Oscars decrying their portrayal of Native Americans, and John Wayne had to be physically restrained from attacking her.

But that's okay. He was a white person acting like a fool. Mr. Big Tough Guy wantingto beat up a little girl for saying something he didn't like.
Will Smith’s wife. Well, sort of wife.

Rock’s ‘joke’, however, was so very vanilla. It was about as gentle as bald jokes get. It wasn’t even impertinent; it was simply recognising that talent vacuum Pinkett Smith processes a shorn pate, as did Demi Moore in a cruddy movie twenty-five years ago. Yet talent-sink Pinkett Smith and world-famous cuckold Will Smith apparently think they are beyond ridicule. They seem to think they are off-limits for comedy, that they are above derision. Well, they aren’t. If anything, the opposite is true. They are perfect fodder for being lampooned. They are so absurd and self-righteous that it is difficult not to regard them as something worthy of contempt.

On then to world-famous cuckold Will Smith’s response to Rock’s ultra-vanilla joke. The Fresh Prince’s first reaction was to laugh. So all his anger and indignation is obviously phoney, or merely performative for his wife’s sake, or at least disingenuous and misdirected. The combination of low or non-existent impulse control, combined with a burning sense of his own humiliation and disgrace at his wife’s hands, resulted in Will Smith making a decision which was wildly, stupendously out of proportion. Whatever semblance of rational decision-making or self-control Will Smith might once have had was demolished in an instant by the sight of Jada’s humourless, wooden po-face. Will Smith seems not to be thinking for himself, but instead, like a trained beast or an automaton, simply fulfilling the wishes and desires of its master. To witness it in a human man is equal parts pathetic and sad.

Demi Moore didn't have an auto-immune disorder that caused her hair to fall out in clumps. It was a mean-spirited joke and Rock needed to get his ass kicked.

Actually, more like Rock will try to play this off, maybe work it into his comedy routine. He might even try being funny, that would be a big change.

You are kind of mixing fiction with reality.

The reality is that Smith worked very hard to develop himself as an actor for the last 30 years, going from that goofy kid in a sitcom to an actor doing very serious roles. Sunday should have been the zenith of his efforts... instead it will be remembered because an asshole told a crude joke about his sick wife and got a well-deserved beat down.

Where's the evidence she has alopecia?
Actually, I am not anywhere close to being one of those people who worship those who only go out of their way to put other people down, but to me, if you are more than willing to go after a person in any way over something that they can't help, don't be surprised if it comes back to bite you in the behind at some point later on in one way or another. Physical pain may go away, but all other forms of hurt can forever remain with a person for the rest of their lives whether or not they have a celebrity status. Take country singer Jason Aldean for example. If someone were to make light of what he and so many other people experienced in Las Vegas on October 1, 2017, would you blame him if his response to it were to be no different compared to Will's response to Chris? I wouldn't. Why not? Because that kind of response would be nothing in the grand scheme compared to what happened to so many people on that awful day.

God bless you and those who survived always!!!


P.S. I wouldn't be surprised if Jason has been to therapy due to what happened that day.
Yes, you support physical violence by bullies attacking much smaller targets.

Thanks for the sophistry by way of explaining it.
I stopped caring about the Oscars when they snubbed Star Wars in favor of Annie Hall.

Which movie has had more of a cultural impact?

I don't even know anything about this "Annie Hall." So I gotta agree with you. I'm still a Star Wars fan. Especially now a days, The Mandalorian.
Demi Moore didn't have an auto-immune disorder that caused her hair to fall out in clumps. It was a mean-spirited joke and Rock needed to get his ass kicked.

How do you know Rock even knew Jada's hair was falling out.
BTW, black women's hair isn't sacred FFS.
Well then, I guess we should just ruin his life….Right?

His life is going to be ruined. These easily triggered folks need to be reminded what comedy is all about. And that it's just comedy. The joke wasn't mean spirited. He complimented her in a funny way.
Yep and your is racist, ignorant, MAGA Bullshit
Folks like you have a way of turning your racism into your enemy's racism.
You hate white people....so wearing a Make America Great Again hat is like waving a red flag in front of a racist Bull.
You hate White people....and our media gave you someone to hate all the while congratulating you for your racist hatred.
It's pure projection.

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