Will Smith assaults Chris Rock at Oscars

Buddy, the KKKleaners called, they can't get the soot stains out of your white robes.

That's why you don't go around insulting people. You don't know how sensitive they are... you don't know if they are having a bad day. You certainly don't make fun of a man's sick wife on national TV and then except him to laugh about it.

NO, he acted like a man whose sick wife was insulted.

Nope, "Stand your Ground" laws are racist. When a shit like Zimmerman can get acquitted after stalking and murdering a child, but Marissa Alexander gets 20 years for firing a WARNING SHOT at her abusive husband, those laws are fucked up.

What is this brain disease on the right that you wank off all day about wanting to murder people. Are those deers you murder in your avatar not getting it off for you anymore?

I wouldn't say that at all. Most white people would slap the shit out of you for insulting their sick wives.

Uh, before everyone goes all hysterical about this, let's not forget the 1973 Oscars, where Sacheen Littlefeather made a speech at the Oscars decrying their portrayal of Native Americans, and John Wayne had to be physically restrained from attacking her.

But that's okay. He was a white person acting like a fool. Mr. Big Tough Guy wantingto beat up a little girl for saying something he didn't like.
You don't know what John Wayne was going to do. He probably wouldn't have bitched slapped her. And if he did, he would be wrong. I'm glad you brought up this example. She offended him right? So he should have been able to slap the shit out of her? Where do you draw the line? Is the line the N word? Is it making fun of someone's wife? NOPE. You are still wrong if you hit someone EVEN IF they called you the N word or made fun of your life. Do you really not understand that?

You are defending an uncivilized species of human. Us humans black and white need to evolve. We aren't perfect right? Think about how uncivilized people are in the arab world or in Africa. We aren't that bad but we are still uncivilized too. Just look at what Will Smith did. And yes, look at John Wayne.

Yes I know not to insult people because people are crazy. Doesn't mean the crazy person is right or justified. So why are you defending the person who's wrong? Can't these people/you use your words? It's almost as if you are suggesting it's ok to hit someone if they make fun of your wife. Like if you went to court do you believe the judge would let you off because someone made fun of your wife, mother or daughter?

No, he did not act like a man. A man doesn't act like that. What he did was what humans did before we had laws. Are you black? Because you are confirming my belief that black people don't know how to act. You say Will acted appropriately?

Stand your ground is only racist if black people don't understand the laws of our society. If what you say is true you think it's ok to hit someone who verbally offends you. Is that true? Then yes, the law is designed to protect humans like me from humans like you. If you don't know any better than to not batter me, then I have the right to have a gun on me and take you out before you hit me. I used to argue against Stand Your Ground too because I said it was a law to protect pussies from bullies but now I'm for the law for the exact same reason. I'm getting older. I shouldn't have to take it if a young buck decides I offended him and he's going to "beat me up". No he's not. And it's not racist because you blacks know the law exists. Ignorance of the law is no excuse.
Buddy, the KKKleaners called, they can't get the soot stains out of your white robes.

That's why you don't go around insulting people. You don't know how sensitive they are... you don't know if they are having a bad day. You certainly don't make fun of a man's sick wife on national TV and then except him to laugh about it.

NO, he acted like a man whose sick wife was insulted.

Nope, "Stand your Ground" laws are racist. When a shit like Zimmerman can get acquitted after stalking and murdering a child, but Marissa Alexander gets 20 years for firing a WARNING SHOT at her abusive husband, those laws are fucked up.

What is this brain disease on the right that you wank off all day about wanting to murder people. Are those deers you murder in your avatar not getting it off for you anymore?

I wouldn't say that at all. Most white people would slap the shit out of you for insulting their sick wives.

Uh, before everyone goes all hysterical about this, let's not forget the 1973 Oscars, where Sacheen Littlefeather made a speech at the Oscars decrying their portrayal of Native Americans, and John Wayne had to be physically restrained from attacking her.

But that's okay. He was a white person acting like a fool. Mr. Big Tough Guy wantingto beat up a little girl for saying something he didn't like.
BTW, that was 50 years ago. White Americans were a lot different back then. In fact back then John Wayne was probably a Democrat.
Actually, I am not anywhere close to being one of those people who worship those who only go out of their way to put other people down, but to me, if you are more than willing to go after a person in any way over something that they can't help, don't be surprised if it comes back to bite you in the behind at some point later on in one way or another. Physical pain may go away, but all other forms of hurt can forever remain with a person for the rest of their lives whether or not they have a celebrity status. Take country singer Jason Aldean for example. If someone were to make light of what he and so many other people experienced in Las Vegas on October 1, 2017, would you blame him if his response to it were to be no different compared to Will's response to Chris? I wouldn't. Why not? Because that kind of response would be nothing in the grand scheme compared to what happened to so many people on that awful day.

God bless you and those who survived always!!!


P.S. I wouldn't be surprised if Jason has been to therapy due to what happened that day.

Are you actually saying that shaving your head because of a skin condition and going on every talk show you can find to talk about how loud and proud you are about it is comparable to being caught in the middle of a mass shooting?
How do you know Rock even knew Jada's hair was falling out.
BTW, black women's hair isn't sacred FFS.

Because even I knew about it, and I avoid "celebrity news" like the plague. People in Hollywood, on the other hand, tend to be very up on the gossip of their own industry, as most people would be about their own line of work.
His life is going to be ruined. These easily triggered folks need to be reminded what comedy is all about. And that it's just comedy. The joke wasn't mean spirited. He complimented her in a funny way.
Who's life is going to be ruined?
Because even I knew about it, and I avoid "celebrity news" like the plague. People in Hollywood, on the other hand, tend to be very up on the gossip of their own industry, as most people would be about their own line of work.

Maybe he was trying to make light of it. I don't know. No one but Chris knows. Him and Smith have never been enemies. So i doubt he wasn't trying to insult Jada. She just got offended over a joke.
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Are you actually saying that shaving your head because of a skin condition and going on every talk show you can find to talk about how loud and proud you are about it is comparable to being caught in the middle of a mass shooting?
I was only using that as another example of something that shouldn't be made light of. Nothing more.

God bless you always!!!

Seems like a really pathetic attempt by Holllywood secular progressives to take the focus off of the Biden administration's war against the prosperity of the American electorate.
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Who's life is going to be ruined?

Will Smiths. The academy is investigating this.

If Gina Carano can be fired for speaking the truth about Nazi Germany, surely they're not going to let an act of actual violence go without punishment. They have a woke reputation to uphold.
A woman's hair is very important to them.
If a woman goes bald it's pretty close to a guy getting his balls cut off.

So. And when a man get's his balls cut off, we laugh about it. Remember when Bobbit cut off her husbands dick? It was hilarious.
Actually, I am not anywhere close to being one of those people who worship those who only go out of their way to put other people down, but to me, if you are more than willing to go after a person in any way over something that they can't help, don't be surprised if it comes back to bite you in the behind at some point later on in one way or another. Physical pain may go away, but all other forms of hurt can forever remain with a person for the rest of their lives whether or not they have a celebrity status. Take country singer Jason Aldean for example. If someone were to make light of what he and so many other people experienced in Las Vegas on October 1, 2017, would you blame him if his response to it were to be no different compared to Will's response to Chris? I wouldn't. Why not? Because that kind of response would be nothing in the grand scheme compared to what happened to so many people on that awful day.

God bless you and those who survived always!!!


P.S. I wouldn't be surprised if Jason has been to therapy due to what happened that day.

Ok then I assume you also defend people who murder other people over road rage? I mean after all, don't be surprised if you honk and waive your hand violently towards someone you don't know, they might ram your car and/or beat the shit out of you or kill you.

And like Chris Rock, it'd be your fault. You should have known better than to do what you did. We all know about road rage yet you still did it. So, you got what you deserved?
Yes, you support physical violence by bullies attacking much smaller targets.

Thanks for the sophistry by way of explaining it.
If physical violence is the only way that makes the needed difference, so be it. What if Chris Rock had gotten physical with Jada instead of just verbal? Self-defense and any other back up that may be needed should never be anything to be ashamed of.

God bless you and Jada and her family always!!!


P.S. I wonder what would've happened if Will had done something different instead like flip his finger or moon Chris for example. The only point that I am trying to make is that if a person doesn't like what is said or done, they have a right to legally express their feelings of offense if they are offended enough. Since Will did cross the illegal line, if an arrest is made, it will only be on his plate and no one else's.
Maybe he was trying to make light of it. I don't know. No one but Chris knows. Him and Smith have never been enemies. So i doubt he wasn't trying to insult Jada. She just got offended over a joke.

He DIDN'T insult her. Again, he never said she looked BAD, just that she has her head shaved, which she does.
Ok then I assume you also defend people who murder other people over road rage? I mean after all, don't be surprised if you honk and waive your hand violently towards someone you don't know, they might ram your car and/or beat the shit out of you or kill you.

And like Chris Rock, it'd be your fault. You should have known better than to do what you did. We all know about road rage yet you still did it. So, you got what you deserved?
Road rage is wrong too, but self-defense is not. Of course, though everyone is going to have their own definition of what self-defense is and what isn't.

God bless you always!!!

Will Smith’s wife. Well, sort of wife.
Wife with no benefits. She's evil.

I was only using that as another example of something that shouldn't be made light of. Nothing more.

God bless you always!!!


Sorry, but bringing it up in this context IS comparing them. Unless you're suggesting that the only acceptable jokes in the world are about people being incredibly happy and having everything in the world go their way - which would be monumentally unfunny - I fail to see where you would draw the line of "this is off-limits".

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