Will Speaker Pelosi withhold articles of impeachment from Senate until guaranteed a fair trial?

So Nancy won’t turn it over for judgement thus Mitch declares null and void. Kinda like being charged but then prosecutor drops it. Dems avoid another embarrassing loss, they weren’t defeated but simply forfeited and that’s a nice save face for them They lise their attempt to stain Trump with “Impeachment” because they failed to complete the process.
Win win and save face for all.

It is common for a gap between an indictment and a trial
Since Trump is not in prison, there is no reason for a rush to trial

Impeached President Trump has plenty of time to be tried

Oh, but we were told just the opposite by the House democrats. Which time were they lying?
Some House Democrats push Pelosi to withhold impeachment articles, delaying Senate trial

When will Speaker Pelosi send Articles of Impeachment to the Senate for trial? Apparently that is her choice if/when she sends them over for trial. It sounds like she is strategically waiting for feedback from McConnell about the rules/procedures - and FAIRNESS. If she thinks it's just going to be a sham trial - she may not send them over. The Articles of Impeachment DO NOT EXPIRE - not next year; not next Congress; not ever.

What do you think?

The impeachment itself, wasn't even fair. They didn't vote at all on the evidence, because there was none. They voted almost entirely on party lines. In fact, the only people who didn't were the 3 democrats who admitted there was nothing to impeach Trump on, and voted against it.

So if Nancy wants to withhold the impeachment articles until Trump wins the next election.... That's fine. He won't be removed. That's all you really need to know.
It was a perfect Impeachment, perfect in every way

And the acquittal will be too.
Is there anything in the Constitution that says the House must immediately send articles of impeachment to the Senate?

There is nothing that says you must fill a Supreme Court Seat

We have these people called "voters". Totally unfamiliar to you communists, apparently. They get to make that call.


Let the voters vote for an impeached President

Millions of them will do exactly that.
So with ALL his faults millions will still vote for that garbage?? The man is slime
Is there anything in the Constitution that says the House must immediately send articles of impeachment to the Senate?

There is nothing that says you must fill a Supreme Court Seat

We have these people called "voters". Totally unfamiliar to you communists, apparently. They get to make that call.


Let the voters vote for an impeached President

Millions of them will do exactly that.
So with ALL his faults millions will still vote for that garbage?? The man is slime
You are going to vote for communism fuc.kwad
Some House Democrats push Pelosi to withhold impeachment articles, delaying Senate trial

When will Speaker Pelosi send Articles of Impeachment to the Senate for trial? Apparently that is her choice if/when she sends them over for trial. It sounds like she is strategically waiting for feedback from McConnell about the rules/procedures - and FAIRNESS. If she thinks it's just going to be a sham trial - she may not send them over. The Articles of Impeachment DO NOT EXPIRE - not next year; not next Congress; not ever.

What do you think?

The impeachment itself, wasn't even fair. They didn't vote at all on the evidence, because there was none. They voted almost entirely on party lines. In fact, the only people who didn't were the 3 democrats who admitted there was nothing to impeach Trump on, and voted against it.

So if Nancy wants to withhold the impeachment articles until Trump wins the next election.... That's fine. He won't be removed. That's all you really need to know.
It was a perfect Impeachment, perfect in every way

And the acquittal will be too.
His legacy 2nd man impeached and Nixon walked Why doesn't trump, who did far worse than Nixon?
A plurality of voters also disapprove of the job Trump has done. A plurality of voters also believe that Trump deserves to be impeached.

Actually Trumps numbers are going up up and away.

Stop being retarded and watching CNN and grow up

Up and away to less than 50%?

Why do you want your taxes tripled so that illegal immigrants can get stuff they did not work for that you pay for?

Try and answer without being retarded

I didn't say I want that.

But I don't like Trump. And the majority of people don't like him either. Your "up up and away" bullshit is just stupid.
Certainly more people like his results, than like him. Personally I get a kick out of him, but, I understand that he grates on a fair number of folks.

If he would shut the fuck up, his approval rating would be way higher.
A plurality of voters also disapprove of the job Trump has done. A plurality of voters also believe that Trump deserves to be impeached.
If a pollster asked me, I would say I want him impeached because I want the Senate Trial rather than the House's Kangaroo Court.

If you don't have 2/3rds for removal, you are never going to get the Senate to remove, especially during an election year. If the Voters don't want him to continue, they will say so. The Senate isn't going to take the decision out of the hands of the Electorate absent overwhelming support and strong evidence that his continuing in office offers a grave imminent threat. Neither impeachment article is even a statutory crime, the House never cut a single vacation short, and they just packed up and left without appoint managers or filing the impeachment articles with the US Senate, so clearly there is no sense of immediacy on the part of the House.

Yes/Remove was leading until the House Fiasco that just completed and now several polls have the Democrat position under water: CNN, Qpack, USA Today, NPR/PBS, Monmouth and Gallup.

And the economy is great, we have the strongest labor market of our lifetimes, strongest wage growth since Bill Clinton, the DOW setting fresh records all the time closing in on 30% gains for the year, and The Santa Claus Rally ringing in the Election year. Trump's going nowhere, he will be the quite formidable GOP nominee for President.

Trump's Presidency is much more like Clinton's than Dumb and Dumber's, the two dumbest back to back Presidents in US History. Trump himself in some ways is much more like Bill Clinton than either Dumb or Dumber, and similarly he has a knack for infuriating his opponents and causing them to humiliate themselves by overreacting.

Would you say you approve or disapprove of his job performance?

Because a plurality of people say they disapprove of it.
Trump's 2 points higher than Obama was at this point in his Presidency, and his approval numbers are roughly double Congress'

Presidential Job Approval Center

Obama is 2.5 points higher in approval and 3.5 points less in disapproval.
Not on Gallup:

Their latest numbers for Trump are 45% approval Dec 2-15-19
Obama 43% Dec 5-11-11

I'm looking at RCP. They have the disapproval numbers as well.
So it gets to the senate and 29 republican senator's grow some balls and don't show up to vote (which by the way they don't have to in the senate) and all 47 dems vote to throw him out of office, wham there is your 2/3.
Not gonna happen. Not showing up shows a lack of balls, even worse than voting "present".

There will be no removal so long as US employees are the happiest in the work as the Trump-Strong Economy gives us the best Labor economy in our lifetimes.

There Will Be No Removal: US Employees Are The World's Happiest

Happiness at work among Americans is seemingly congruent with job growth...

Despite Elizabeth Warren stream of SMOKE SIGNALS and AOC constantly complaining about the desperate state of American workers, and how miserable they are under the 'monarchic' rule of President Trump, Statista's Maria Vultaggio points out that, according to a new poll by Mindspace, workers in the U.S. are the happiest in the world.


In November, the unemployment rate dipped to 3.5 percent from 3.6 percent, CNBC reported on December 6. More, over 266,000 jobs were created, besting the prediction of 187,000, as originally projected by economists questioned by Dow Jones.


An Amazing Time To Live And Work In America!
A strong economy does not excuse conspiracy to extort a foreign leader for dirt on a domestic political rival using taxpayer money as grease.

Watergate on steroids.
Trump did no such thing. I read the transcript, "dirt" isn't in it. You and Schiff made that up and falsely attributed it to Trump.

Very Sad!

Democrats rushed to impeach and stopped short!

Carl Gustav@CaptYonah

Democrats rushed to impeach President Donald John Trump on Wednesday night, voted to, and then decided to sit on actually impeaching him by refusing to transmit the impeachment to the Senate.

Stilton Jahrlsberg lampooned the rush to remove a "clear and present danger" but then holding up the impeachment until next year at the earliest.

Crazy Nancy who believes that by not transmitting the impeachment to the Senate, she can set the terms for trial.

In playing this impeachment version of a government shutdown, Democrats undercut their argument that it is urgent to impeach and remove President Donald John Trump. If that were true, Democrats would have immediately transmitted the impeachment vote, which would set up the trial.

Nancy defended her hurry-up-and-wait approach to impeachment.

She told reporters, "Let me tell you what I don't consider a fair trial. This is what I don't consider a fair trial -- that Leader McConnell has stated that he's not an impartial juror, that he's going to take his cues, in quotes, from the White House, and he is working in total coordination with the White House counsel's office."

No one in the Senate is an impartial juror. They are elected officials beholden to their states. If the Founding Fathers had wanted am impartial jury, they would have said so in the Constitution, likely handing over the trial to the Supreme Court. They chose the Senate instead.

Renato Mariotti of Politico pointed out the obvious.

He wrote, "It took just 85 days for the House of Representatives to investigate and impeach President Trump for abuse of power and obstruction of Congress in the Ukraine matter. But after their historic vote on Wednesday, House Democrats are reportedly debating whether to hold back the articles of impeachment and delay a Senate trial indefinitely.

"That’s not how the impeachment process is supposed to work.

"Impeachment is a constitutional process to remove federal officials from office due to serious misconduct, not a high-stakes game of chicken."

And he wrote, "If the House refuses to transmit the articles of impeachment to the Senate indefinitely, it will look as though they used the impeachment process to make a political statement rather than as a tool to remove the president from office due to serious misconduct. There is little doubt that the framers of the Constitution intended for impeachment to be used for removal, not political leverage."

Democrats say the House impeached President Trump.

OK, when does the trial begin?

Democrats cannot have it both ways.

Meanwhile, the odds of impeachment and removal dropped to 9.3%. On December 1, 2018, they were at 56.2%.
A plurality of voters also disapprove of the job Trump has done. A plurality of voters also believe that Trump deserves to be impeached.

Actually Trumps numbers are going up up and away.

Stop being retarded and watching CNN and grow up

Up and away to less than 50%?
He carried 30 states with a favorabilty rating in the low 30'.

And he's two points higher than Obama was at this point in his Presidency.

Presidential Job Approval Center

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Obama Job Approval

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval

Look at the approval vs the disapproval.


View attachment 296007

View attachment 296008
Trump's numbers go through the 19th on that measure, and I couldn't get Obama's numbers to stop on 12-19-11. I could get the 21st which you show, or the 17th which was 44.9.

I appreciate the data.

Close enough.
Up and away to less than 50%?

Why do you want your taxes tripled so that illegal immigrants can get stuff they did not work for that you pay for?

Try and answer without being retarded

I didn't say I want that.

But I don't like Trump. And the majority of people don't like him either. Your "up up and away" bullshit is just stupid.

You either want that or will vote for Trump, or not vote. If you are here you value your opinion and your vote as you should.


Why do you want your taxes tripled so that illegal immigrants can get stuff they did not work for that you pay for?

You can't answer, no one can they just go into Trump tantrums like you just did.

If you thought about this and tried to answer you would vote for Trump like MLKs niece Alveda did

I did answer. Here, I'll repeat it for you. "I didn't say I want that." Maybe you should read that again.

I'll vote anyone over Trump.

You have 2 choices, vote so that you pay for illegal immigrants healthcare or vote for Trump. Your only other choice is not to vote.

See you seem to be demanding a candidate that wants what you do and it does not work that way.

So you vote for Trump or you want your taxes tripled so that illegal immigrants can get stuff they did not work for that you pay for?

Might not be fair but socialism and communism leaves you with no rights

MAGA or die

I'm going to vote for the one that I like most or despise less. This isn't rocket science.

Just because I vote for someone doesn't necessarily mean that I endorse every single thing on their agenda. I think Trump is a narcissistic asshole who is completely unfit for office. I would vote for just about anyone over him.
Actually Trumps numbers are going up up and away.

Stop being retarded and watching CNN and grow up

Up and away to less than 50%?

Why do you want your taxes tripled so that illegal immigrants can get stuff they did not work for that you pay for?

Try and answer without being retarded

I didn't say I want that.

But I don't like Trump. And the majority of people don't like him either. Your "up up and away" bullshit is just stupid.
Certainly more people like his results, than like him. Personally I get a kick out of him, but, I understand that he grates on a fair number of folks.

If he would shut the fuck up, his approval rating would be way higher.
He has as much right to speak his mind as you and I do. Everyone is getting pretty damn sick of the Left trying to shut up everyone that disagrees with them. We damn well WILL SPEAK UP ANY DAMN TIME WE FEEL LIKE IT AND BELIEVE ANYTHING WE WANT AND SAY WHAT WE LIKE WHETHER YOU APPROVE OR NOT AND WE WHOLEHEARTEDLY SUPPORT YOUR RIGHT TO DO THE SAME!

You all like those petting zoo Republicans that fold and cower before the fake news media. Trump stands up and fights and pulls big bleeding chucks of meat out of your asses, which is EXACTLY why we elected him, and will REELECT HIM.


Go ahead and pick a fight with Trump, he fights!
Up and away to less than 50%?

Why do you want your taxes tripled so that illegal immigrants can get stuff they did not work for that you pay for?

Try and answer without being retarded

I didn't say I want that.

But I don't like Trump. And the majority of people don't like him either. Your "up up and away" bullshit is just stupid.
Certainly more people like his results, than like him. Personally I get a kick out of him, but, I understand that he grates on a fair number of folks.

If he would shut the fuck up, his approval rating would be way higher.
He has as much right to speak his mind as you and I do. Everyone is getting pretty damn sick of the Left trying to shut up everyone that disagrees with them. We damn well WILL SPEAK UP ANY DAMN TIME WE FEEL LIKE IT AND BELIEVE ANYTHING WE WANT AND SAY WHAT WE LIKE WHETHER YOU APPROVE OR NOT AND WE WHOLEHEARTEDLY SUPPORT YOUR RIGHT TO DO THE SAME!

You all like those petting zoo Republicans that fold and cower before the fake news media. Trump stands up and fights and pulls big bleeding chucks of meat out of your asses, which is EXACTLY why we elected him, and will REELECT HIM.


Go ahead and pick a fight with Trump, he fights!

I didn't question his right to speak his mind.

I said that his approval rating is inversely related to him speaking his mind.
Actually Trumps numbers are going up up and away.

Stop being retarded and watching CNN and grow up

Up and away to less than 50%?

Why do you want your taxes tripled so that illegal immigrants can get stuff they did not work for that you pay for?

Try and answer without being retarded

I didn't say I want that.

But I don't like Trump. And the majority of people don't like him either. Your "up up and away" bullshit is just stupid.
Certainly more people like his results, than like him. Personally I get a kick out of him, but, I understand that he grates on a fair number of folks.

If he would shut the fuck up, his approval rating would be way higher.
That would be like asking a skunk not to smell
McConnell said that Nancy can hold the articles until hell freezes over, it wouldn't bother him at all.
That delay wouldn't take any precious senate time, so the senate could approve more judges!!
Some House Democrats push Pelosi to withhold impeachment articles, delaying Senate trial

When will Speaker Pelosi send Articles of Impeachment to the Senate for trial? Apparently that is her choice if/when she sends them over for trial. It sounds like she is strategically waiting for feedback from McConnell about the rules/procedures - and FAIRNESS. If she thinks it's just going to be a sham trial - she may not send them over. The Articles of Impeachment DO NOT EXPIRE - not next year; not next Congress; not ever.

What do you think?

The impeachment itself, wasn't even fair. They didn't vote at all on the evidence, because there was none. They voted almost entirely on party lines. In fact, the only people who didn't were the 3 democrats who admitted there was nothing to impeach Trump on, and voted against it.

So if Nancy wants to withhold the impeachment articles until Trump wins the next election.... That's fine. He won't be removed. That's all you really need to know.
It was a perfect Impeachment, perfect in every way

And the acquittal will be too.
His legacy 2nd man impeached and Nixon walked Why doesn't trump, who did far worse than Nixon?

No he isn’t impeached dimbulb. The process is not complete as (typical for people like you) your Dim leadership lacks the balls to send their bullshit to the Senate. Thus there isn’t no impeachment as yet. Your legacy? Died crying about Trump.
Some House Democrats push Pelosi to withhold impeachment articles, delaying Senate trial

When will Speaker Pelosi send Articles of Impeachment to the Senate for trial? Apparently that is her choice if/when she sends them over for trial. It sounds like she is strategically waiting for feedback from McConnell about the rules/procedures - and FAIRNESS. If she thinks it's just going to be a sham trial - she may not send them over. The Articles of Impeachment DO NOT EXPIRE - not next year; not next Congress; not ever.

What do you think?

The impeachment itself, wasn't even fair. They didn't vote at all on the evidence, because there was none. They voted almost entirely on party lines. In fact, the only people who didn't were the 3 democrats who admitted there was nothing to impeach Trump on, and voted against it.

So if Nancy wants to withhold the impeachment articles until Trump wins the next election.... That's fine. He won't be removed. That's all you really need to know.
It was a perfect Impeachment, perfect in every way

And the acquittal will be too.
His legacy 2nd man impeached and Nixon walked Why doesn't trump, who did far worse than Nixon?

No he isn’t impeached dimbulb. The process is not complete as (typical for people like you) your Dim leadership lacks the balls to send their bullshit to the Senate. Thus there isn’t no impeachment as yet. Your legacy? Died crying about Trump.
Sorry Pelosi won't put up with your pos McConnells bullshit He can't put his hand on a bible
The impeachment itself, wasn't even fair. They didn't vote at all on the evidence, because there was none. They voted almost entirely on party lines. In fact, the only people who didn't were the 3 democrats who admitted there was nothing to impeach Trump on, and voted against it.

So if Nancy wants to withhold the impeachment articles until Trump wins the next election.... That's fine. He won't be removed. That's all you really need to know.
It was a perfect Impeachment, perfect in every way

And the acquittal will be too.
His legacy 2nd man impeached and Nixon walked Why doesn't trump, who did far worse than Nixon?

No he isn’t impeached dimbulb. The process is not complete as (typical for people like you) your Dim leadership lacks the balls to send their bullshit to the Senate. Thus there isn’t no impeachment as yet. Your legacy? Died crying about Trump.
Sorry Pelosi won't put up with your pos McConnells bullshit He can't put his hand on a bible

Pisslosi the drunk has ZERO say In it. McConnell already told her to fuck off. As if any Dim scum like you can put your hand on a Bible without bursting into flame. See there’s that little part about shall IMMEDIATELY send the Articles to the Senate. In another thread it os already being discussed that an appeal to the SCOTUS would FORCE Pisslosi to send the articles up. Roberts asks for the statutory offense. None there, case dismissed. You lose. As usual.
Some House Democrats push Pelosi to withhold impeachment articles, delaying Senate trial

When will Speaker Pelosi send Articles of Impeachment to the Senate for trial? Apparently that is her choice if/when she sends them over for trial. It sounds like she is strategically waiting for feedback from McConnell about the rules/procedures - and FAIRNESS. If she thinks it's just going to be a sham trial - she may not send them over. The Articles of Impeachment DO NOT EXPIRE - not next year; not next Congress; not ever.

What do you think?

The impeachment itself, wasn't even fair. They didn't vote at all on the evidence, because there was none. They voted almost entirely on party lines. In fact, the only people who didn't were the 3 democrats who admitted there was nothing to impeach Trump on, and voted against it.

So if Nancy wants to withhold the impeachment articles until Trump wins the next election.... That's fine. He won't be removed. That's all you really need to know.
It was a perfect Impeachment, perfect in every way

And the acquittal will be too.
His legacy 2nd man impeached and Nixon walked Why doesn't trump, who did far worse than Nixon?

Well because he didn't do worse. In fact, he didn't do anything.
...Democrats say the House impeached President Trump...
It did.

...OK, when does the trial begin?...
When those jurors who colluded with the accused step aside in favor of those who can take and keep their juror's oath.

...Democrats cannot have it both ways...
I suspect that the Supreme Court will need to rule on pre-trial collusion and inability to keep their juror's oath.

...Meanwhile, the odds of impeachment and removal dropped to 9.3%. On December 1, 2018, they were at 56.2%.
The odds don't matter... the Trial does... a number of prospective jurors will need to recuse themselves.

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