Will Speaker Pelosi withhold articles of impeachment from Senate until guaranteed a fair trial?

Some House Democrats push Pelosi to withhold impeachment articles, delaying Senate trial

When will Speaker Pelosi send Articles of Impeachment to the Senate for trial? Apparently that is her choice if/when she sends them over for trial. It sounds like she is strategically waiting for feedback from McConnell about the rules/procedures - and FAIRNESS. If she thinks it's just going to be a sham trial - she may not send them over. The Articles of Impeachment DO NOT EXPIRE - not next year; not next Congress; not ever.

What do you think?
Only someone who feels they have a weak case delays the start of a trial.
... or ... someone who was already told by those in charge of the trial that it will be biased, working directly with the defendant, and is already planning to acquit him no matter what the evidence shows.
He deserves to be aquitted or exonerated immediately by what the lack of evidence shows. Everyone knew this sham impeachment was a bunch of bullcrap, and to try and make it seem legit is flat outright ignorant. What a waste it has all been. I know one thing, and that is that this nation has got to quit lying to itself, and allowing bullcrap to take place at taxpayers expense. These paycheck riding do nothing demoncrats need to be punished at the ballot box big time.
Actually Trumps numbers are going up up and away.

Stop being retarded and watching CNN and grow up

Up and away to less than 50%?

Why do you want your taxes tripled so that illegal immigrants can get stuff they did not work for that you pay for?

Try and answer without being retarded

I didn't say I want that.

But I don't like Trump. And the majority of people don't like him either. Your "up up and away" bullshit is just stupid.
Certainly more people like his results, than like him. Personally I get a kick out of him, but, I understand that he grates on a fair number of folks.

If he would shut the fuck up, his approval rating would be way higher.
He intends to piss off morons like you.

You can leave anytime

Try Argentina or Cuba shitface
Why do you want your taxes tripled so that illegal immigrants can get stuff they did not work for that you pay for?

Try and answer without being retarded

I didn't say I want that.

But I don't like Trump. And the majority of people don't like him either. Your "up up and away" bullshit is just stupid.
Certainly more people like his results, than like him. Personally I get a kick out of him, but, I understand that he grates on a fair number of folks.

If he would shut the fuck up, his approval rating would be way higher.
He has as much right to speak his mind as you and I do. Everyone is getting pretty damn sick of the Left trying to shut up everyone that disagrees with them. We damn well WILL SPEAK UP ANY DAMN TIME WE FEEL LIKE IT AND BELIEVE ANYTHING WE WANT AND SAY WHAT WE LIKE WHETHER YOU APPROVE OR NOT AND WE WHOLEHEARTEDLY SUPPORT YOUR RIGHT TO DO THE SAME!

You all like those petting zoo Republicans that fold and cower before the fake news media. Trump stands up and fights and pulls big bleeding chucks of meat out of your asses, which is EXACTLY why we elected him, and will REELECT HIM.


Go ahead and pick a fight with Trump, he fights!

I didn't question his right to speak his mind.

I said that his approval rating is inversely related to him speaking his mind.

Hillary had a 98 percent approval rating from the fake media


Trump is WINNING
The impeachment itself, wasn't even fair. They didn't vote at all on the evidence, because there was none. They voted almost entirely on party lines. In fact, the only people who didn't were the 3 democrats who admitted there was nothing to impeach Trump on, and voted against it.

So if Nancy wants to withhold the impeachment articles until Trump wins the next election.... That's fine. He won't be removed. That's all you really need to know.
It was a perfect Impeachment, perfect in every way

And the acquittal will be too.
His legacy 2nd man impeached and Nixon walked Why doesn't trump, who did far worse than Nixon?

No he isn’t impeached dimbulb. The process is not complete as (typical for people like you) your Dim leadership lacks the balls to send their bullshit to the Senate. Thus there isn’t no impeachment as yet. Your legacy? Died crying about Trump.
Sorry Pelosi won't put up with your pos McConnells bullshit He can't put his hand on a bible
Pelosi thinks she can demand to the Senate what they do. This indicates that Nancy is fully senile
...Democrats say the House impeached President Trump...
It did.

...OK, when does the trial begin?...
When those jurors who colluded with the accused step aside in favor of those who can take and keep their juror's oath.

...Democrats cannot have it both ways...
I suspect that the Supreme Court will need to rule on pre-trial collusion and inability to keep their juror's oath.

...Meanwhile, the odds of impeachment and removal dropped to 9.3%. On December 1, 2018, they were at 56.2%.
The odds don't matter... the Trial does... a number of prospective jurors will need to recuse themselves.
There is no trial, please pay attention
It was a perfect Impeachment, perfect in every way

And the acquittal will be too.
His legacy 2nd man impeached and Nixon walked Why doesn't trump, who did far worse than Nixon?

No he isn’t impeached dimbulb. The process is not complete as (typical for people like you) your Dim leadership lacks the balls to send their bullshit to the Senate. Thus there isn’t no impeachment as yet. Your legacy? Died crying about Trump.
Sorry Pelosi won't put up with your pos McConnells bullshit He can't put his hand on a bible
Pelosi thinks she can demand to the Senate what they do. This indicates that Nancy is fully senile

No, she isn't thinking that. What she's thinking is, she's screwed if she sends the impeachment, and the Senate shoots it down... and she's screwed if she doesn't send the impeachment, and Trump wins the election.

She's likely having the worst Christmas in her life... but honestly, she set herself up for it. She honestly believed that if she started the impeachment process, that there was this big conspiracy that was going to come out of the investigation, that the public would see all the clear evidence and turn against Trump, and then they would just roll the Republicans.

And would have happened if there had been anything more to the story. But there wasn't. The original transcript from the phone call, was all that there was to this entire deal... she rolled the dice, and now she's screwed.
I love it!
McConnell will just rush a vote and blow it away

Why not just wait until the election?
If Trump wins and Dems take the Senate....THEN you vote on impeachment

What is the hurry?

And here is a fine example of how the left is embracing totalitarianism.
Is there anything in the Constitution that says the House must immediately send articles of impeachment to the Senate?

There is nothing that says you must fill a Supreme Court Seat

We have these people called "voters". Totally unfamiliar to you communists, apparently. They get to make that call.


Let the voters vote for an impeached President

Millions of them will do exactly that.
So with ALL his faults millions will still vote for that garbage?? The man is slime

That's how bad the opposition has gotten.
Some House Democrats push Pelosi to withhold impeachment articles, delaying Senate trial

When will Speaker Pelosi send Articles of Impeachment to the Senate for trial? Apparently that is her choice if/when she sends them over for trial. It sounds like she is strategically waiting for feedback from McConnell about the rules/procedures - and FAIRNESS. If she thinks it's just going to be a sham trial - she may not send them over. The Articles of Impeachment DO NOT EXPIRE - not next year; not next Congress; not ever.

What do you think?

The impeachment itself, wasn't even fair. They didn't vote at all on the evidence, because there was none. They voted almost entirely on party lines. In fact, the only people who didn't were the 3 democrats who admitted there was nothing to impeach Trump on, and voted against it.

So if Nancy wants to withhold the impeachment articles until Trump wins the next election.... That's fine. He won't be removed. That's all you really need to know.
It was a perfect Impeachment, perfect in every way

And the acquittal will be too.
His legacy 2nd man impeached and Nixon walked Why doesn't trump, who did far worse than Nixon?

Because the case against him is so weak.
And the acquittal will be too.
His legacy 2nd man impeached and Nixon walked Why doesn't trump, who did far worse than Nixon?

No he isn’t impeached dimbulb. The process is not complete as (typical for people like you) your Dim leadership lacks the balls to send their bullshit to the Senate. Thus there isn’t no impeachment as yet. Your legacy? Died crying about Trump.
Sorry Pelosi won't put up with your pos McConnells bullshit He can't put his hand on a bible
Pelosi thinks she can demand to the Senate what they do. This indicates that Nancy is fully senile

No, she isn't thinking that. What she's thinking is, she's screwed if she sends the impeachment, and the Senate shoots it down... and she's screwed if she doesn't send the impeachment, and Trump wins the election.

She's likely having the worst Christmas in her life... but honestly, she set herself up for it. She honestly believed that if she started the impeachment process, that there was this big conspiracy that was going to come out of the investigation, that the public would see all the clear evidence and turn against Trump, and then they would just roll the Republicans.

And would have happened if there had been anything more to the story. But there wasn't. The original transcript from the phone call, was all that there was to this entire deal... she rolled the dice, and now she's screwed.
If Trump is really impeached he will release tens of thousands of documents that will destroy all of DC. Because of this Trump can not be impeached. This has happened before and the deep state has the answer
Some of the documents concern below
Last edited:
...Democrats say the House impeached President Trump...
It did.

...OK, when does the trial begin?...
When those jurors who colluded with the accused step aside in favor of those who can take and keep their juror's oath.

...Democrats cannot have it both ways...
I suspect that the Supreme Court will need to rule on pre-trial collusion and inability to keep their juror's oath.

...Meanwhile, the odds of impeachment and removal dropped to 9.3%. On December 1, 2018, they were at 56.2%.
The odds don't matter... the Trial does... a number of prospective jurors will need to recuse themselves.

1. When those jurors who colluded with the accused step aside in favor of those who can take and keep their juror's oath.
A: Don't confuse a "jury trial" with an impeachment in the senate. The senate majority makes all rules and can overturn a ruling by Roberts with a simple majority vote. There will be 100 jurors, and zero "recusals".

2. I suspect that the Supreme Court will need to rule on pre-trial collusion and inability to keep their juror's oath.
A: The Supreme Court has zero say in what happens in the senate. The senate has the "sole power to try" impeachments

3. The odds don't matter... the Trial does... a number of prospective jurors will need to recuse themselves.
A: No one will recuse.
New evidence against Trump was released yesterday from a private law suite and included emails and documents showing and giving a timeline for withholding Ukraine military aid. So, the delay hurts Trump and benefits the case of impeachment.
The Articles of Impeachment DO NOT EXPIRE - not next year; not next Congress; not ever.

Who gives a shit, In November, her replacement can just tear it up. PFFFFfftttt. And she can go back to fagland and die in infamy.
New evidence against Trump was released yesterday from a private law suite and included emails and documents showing and giving a timeline for withholding Ukraine military aid. So, the delay hurts Trump and benefits the case of impeachment.
Why did Obama withhold Ukrainian military aid

Thanks for helping Trump win 2020
New evidence against Trump was released yesterday from a private law suite and included emails and documents showing and giving a timeline for withholding Ukraine military aid. So, the delay hurts Trump and benefits the case of impeachment.
Why did Obama Ukrainian military aid

Thanks for helping Trump win 2020
Obama didn't withhold military aid. He withheld weapons that prevented escalation that was causing horrendous collateral damage to civilian casualties on both sides of the civil war. Ukraine had a poorly trained and corrupt military. They had no shortage of light infantry weapons such as rifles and mortars since they were produced in Ukraine and also being provided by EU nations. What they needed most was training and expensive gear used by light infantry soldiers, both of which were provided extensively.
...Democrats say the House impeached President Trump...
It did.

...OK, when does the trial begin?...
When those jurors who colluded with the accused step aside in favor of those who can take and keep their juror's oath.

...Democrats cannot have it both ways...
I suspect that the Supreme Court will need to rule on pre-trial collusion and inability to keep their juror's oath.

...Meanwhile, the odds of impeachment and removal dropped to 9.3%. On December 1, 2018, they were at 56.2%.
The odds don't matter... the Trial does... a number of prospective jurors will need to recuse themselves.

1. When those jurors who colluded with the accused step aside in favor of those who can take and keep their juror's oath.
A: Don't confuse a "jury trial" with an impeachment in the senate. The senate majority makes all rules and can overturn a ruling by Roberts with a simple majority vote. There will be 100 jurors, and zero "recusals".

2. I suspect that the Supreme Court will need to rule on pre-trial collusion and inability to keep their juror's oath.
A: The Supreme Court has zero say in what happens in the senate. The senate has the "sole power to try" impeachments

3. The odds don't matter... the Trial does... a number of prospective jurors will need to recuse themselves.
A: No one will recuse.
There is and will be no trial as a trial has a judge and jury of peers and no democrat could ever sit on a trump jury

New evidence against Trump was released yesterday from a private law suite and included emails and documents showing and giving a timeline for withholding Ukraine military aid. So, the delay hurts Trump and benefits the case of impeachment.
Why did Obama Ukrainian military aid

Thanks for helping Trump win 2020
Obama didn't withhold military aid. He withheld weapons that prevented escalation that was causing horrendous collateral damage to civilian casualties on both sides of the civil war. Ukraine had a poorly trained and corrupt military. They had no shortage of light infantry weapons such as rifles and mortars since they were produced in Ukraine and also being provided by EU nations. What they needed most was training and expensive gear used by light infantry soldiers, both of which were provided extensively.
Weapons are military aid simpleton...…………….

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