Will Speaker Pelosi withhold articles of impeachment from Senate until guaranteed a fair trial?

New evidence against Trump was released yesterday from a private law suite and included emails and documents showing and giving a timeline for withholding Ukraine military aid. So, the delay hurts Trump and benefits the case of impeachment.
Why did Obama Ukrainian military aid

Thanks for helping Trump win 2020
Obama didn't withhold military aid. He withheld weapons that prevented escalation that was causing horrendous collateral damage to civilian casualties on both sides of the civil war. Ukraine had a poorly trained and corrupt military. They had no shortage of light infantry weapons such as rifles and mortars since they were produced in Ukraine and also being provided by EU nations. What they needed most was training and expensive gear used by light infantry soldiers, both of which were provided extensively.
Weapons are military aid simpleton...…………….
The simpleton is you if you think there are no restrictions on military aid currently being provided to Ukraine.
I love it!
McConnell will just rush a vote and blow it away

Why not just wait until the election?
If Trump wins and Dems take the Senate....THEN you vote on impeachment

What is the hurry?

And here is a fine example of how the left is embracing totalitarianism.
Just listen to them, as they are locked step with each other on what they are attempting to pull off. They think they have pulled off the perfect scam as they boast about it, but little do they know is that to under estimate the electorate like they did in 2016 is there downfall in it all. Trump 2020 is gonna be their reality check yet again. MAGA.
New evidence against Trump was released yesterday from a private law suite and included emails and documents showing and giving a timeline for withholding Ukraine military aid. So, the delay hurts Trump and benefits the case of impeachment.
Why did Obama Ukrainian military aid

Thanks for helping Trump win 2020
Obama didn't withhold military aid. He withheld weapons that prevented escalation that was causing horrendous collateral damage to civilian casualties on both sides of the civil war. Ukraine had a poorly trained and corrupt military. They had no shortage of light infantry weapons such as rifles and mortars since they were produced in Ukraine and also being provided by EU nations. What they needed most was training and expensive gear used by light infantry soldiers, both of which were provided extensively.
Weapons are military aid simpleton...…………….
The simpleton is you if you think there are no restrictions on military aid currently being provided to Ukraine.
Why should we give the Ukraine anything as Russia can walk in and take that aid for their selves unless we also go in and start WW3

Fuck the Ukraine

Fuck Germany twice for buying billions in Russian gas

Trump is right all the way around and back
New evidence against Trump was released yesterday from a private law suite and included emails and documents showing and giving a timeline for withholding Ukraine military aid. So, the delay hurts Trump and benefits the case of impeachment.
Why did Obama Ukrainian military aid

Thanks for helping Trump win 2020
Obama didn't withhold military aid. He withheld weapons that prevented escalation that was causing horrendous collateral damage to civilian casualties on both sides of the civil war. Ukraine had a poorly trained and corrupt military. They had no shortage of light infantry weapons such as rifles and mortars since they were produced in Ukraine and also being provided by EU nations. What they needed most was training and expensive gear used by light infantry soldiers, both of which were provided extensively.
Weapons are military aid simpleton...…………….
The simpleton is you if you think there are no restrictions on military aid currently being provided to Ukraine.
Why should we give the Ukraine anything as Russia can walk in and take that aid for their selves unless we also go in and start WW3

Fuck the Ukraine

Fuck Germany twice for buying billions in Russian gas

Trump is right all the way around and back
Yes it seems that our dealings with Ukraine is causing many terrible outcomes back here, so it's either that we are corrupting them or they are corrupting us. Time to leave Ukraine alone maybe ?
Why did Obama Ukrainian military aid

Thanks for helping Trump win 2020
Obama didn't withhold military aid. He withheld weapons that prevented escalation that was causing horrendous collateral damage to civilian casualties on both sides of the civil war. Ukraine had a poorly trained and corrupt military. They had no shortage of light infantry weapons such as rifles and mortars since they were produced in Ukraine and also being provided by EU nations. What they needed most was training and expensive gear used by light infantry soldiers, both of which were provided extensively.
Weapons are military aid simpleton...…………….
The simpleton is you if you think there are no restrictions on military aid currently being provided to Ukraine.
Why should we give the Ukraine anything as Russia can walk in and take that aid for their selves unless we also go in and start WW3

Fuck the Ukraine

Fuck Germany twice for buying billions in Russian gas

Trump is right all the way around and back
Yes it seems that our dealings with Ukraine is causing many terrible outcomes back here, so it's either that we are corrupting them or they are corrupting us. Time to leave Ukraine alone maybe ?

Its a matter of no one wants to give foreign aid in general. The US does not have a surplus, we BORROW all of the money we give as foreign aid, about $55b a year. WTF? The other countries could just as well borrow the money instead of the US. Our Debt is $23T now and the interest on that Debt is $363b in 2019 and probably $400b in 2020. So the Debt is accelerating due to interest on the Debt. It will crash the Budget if the budget deficit is not fixed soon.
New evidence against Trump was released yesterday from a private law suite and included emails and documents showing and giving a timeline for withholding Ukraine military aid. So, the delay hurts Trump and benefits the case of impeachment.
Why did Obama Ukrainian military aid

Thanks for helping Trump win 2020
Obama didn't withhold military aid. He withheld weapons that prevented escalation that was causing horrendous collateral damage to civilian casualties on both sides of the civil war. Ukraine had a poorly trained and corrupt military. They had no shortage of light infantry weapons such as rifles and mortars since they were produced in Ukraine and also being provided by EU nations. What they needed most was training and expensive gear used by light infantry soldiers, both of which were provided extensively.
Weapons are military aid simpleton...…………….
The simpleton is you if you think there are no restrictions on military aid currently being provided to Ukraine.
Why should we give the Ukraine anything as Russia can walk in and take that aid for their selves unless we also go in and start WW3

Fuck the Ukraine

Fuck Germany twice for buying billions in Russian gas

Trump is right all the way around and back
Why has Trump kept up and even increased military aid to Ukraine?
...A: Don't confuse a "jury trial" with an impeachment in the senate...
It is not an impeachment.

Impeachment is already complete; the President stands impeached.

Next, he is tried in the US Senate.

Each Senator swears a binding oath to be fair and impartial during the trial in the Senate.

Those Senators who cannot fulfill their oath as jurors must step aside, or be forced aside.

The senate majority makes all rules and can overturn a ruling by Roberts with a simple majority vote...
I was not referring to Roberts, wearing his Presiding Trial Judge hat.

I was referring to the US Supreme Court as a whole, upon receipt of a petition from the US House of Representatives.

...There will be 100 jurors, and zero "recusals"...
Not if the US House of Representatives files suit in Federal court asking for an emergency injunction...

An injunction against Senators participating in the trial who have pre-declared their intent to violate their jurors' oath...

And, if there's an appeal, the US House should be able to fast-track the appeals up to SCOTUS within a week or so...

...A: The Supreme Court has zero say in what happens in the senate. The senate has the "sole power to try" impeachments...
The Supreme Court is the head of a co-equal branch of government and can rule on the Constitutionality of a particular approach.

A: No one will recuse.
You are probably right, but there are also probably ways to force the issue, and it will be fun to watch if the House tries one of them.
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...I think if she is willing to allow Joe and Hunter Biden, Adam Schiff, the Whistleblower and perhaps Clinton, Comey and that crowd to testify, she may get a deal.
Sounds like a plan.

Let's get the whole stinking mess out in the open.

More than anything else - including party alignment - I suspect that most Americans want to hear all the facts, and the Truth.

If the Dems have to throw a couple of has-beens under the bus to get at the Truth, then, personally, I'm all in favor of that.

Well... all except the 'whistle-blower', maybe... him (or her) testifies in anonymity behind closed doors to a select group of Senators.
What are Republican Senators afraid of? Why do they want to hide facts from the American people?
...A: Don't confuse a "jury trial" with an impeachment in the senate...
It is not an impeachment.

Impeachment is already complete; the President stands impeached.

Next, he is tried in the US Senate.

Each Senator swears a binding oath to be fair and impartial during the trial in the Senate.

Those Senators who cannot fulfill their oath as jurors must step aside, or be forced aside.

The senate majority makes all rules and can overturn a ruling by Roberts with a simple majority vote...
I was not referring to Roberts, wearing his Presiding Trial Judge hat.

I was referring to the US Supreme Court as a whole, upon receipt of a petition from the US House of Representatives.

...There will be 100 jurors, and zero "recusals"...
Not if the US House of Representatives files suit in Federal court asking for an emergency injunction...

An injunction against Senators participating in the trial who have pre-declared their intent to violate their jurors' oath...

And, if there's an appeal, the US House should be able to fast-track the appeals up to SCOTUS within a week or so...

...A: The Supreme Court has zero say in what happens in the senate. The senate has the "sole power to try" impeachments...
The Supreme Court is the head of a co-equal branch of government and can rule on the Constitutionality of a particular approach.

A: No one will recuse.
You are probably right, but there are also probably ways to force the issue, and it will be fun to watch if the House tries one of them.

1. All 100 senators will take the oath and serve as impartial jurors, even the democrats running for president.

Impeachment Trials and the Senator’s Oath of Impartial Justice | Take Care
Rule XXV of the Senate Rules in Impeachment Trials provides the text: ”I solemnly swear (or affirm) that in all things appertaining to the trial of ____, now pending, I will do impartial justice according to the Constitution and laws, so help me God.”

2. Even if the USSC receives a petition from the House, they will NOT intercede because the Constitution states that the Senate has the "sole power to try". Senate rules govern, period. No straw to grasp, sorry...actually not sorry.

3. The USSC will not issue an "emergency injunction" against the Senate trial because they have no authority to do so. Read the Constitution.

4. Even if the House tries an end run around senate rules and appeals to the USSC, the trial will be over before any ruling is received. A better argument for you is to get Roberts to make a pre-trial ruling, then the senate would overrule with a simple majority vote.

5. There are no ways to force the issue in the senate, Mitch has all the cards, like Nancy had all the cards in the House.
What are Republican Senators afraid of? Why do they want to hide facts from the American people?

The articles are complete. The trial will begin, and the verdict will be acquitted on both bullshit articles.
If I were you I'd be more worried about what the Durham investigation finds on the Bidens.
Whenever anyone asks what Republicans are afraid of regarding exposing and publicizing facts abour Trump's criminal misdeeds, a response of funny :eusa_drool: face is used as a response.
Whenever anyone asks what Republicans are afraid of regarding exposing and publicizing facts about Trump's criminal misdeeds, a response of funny :eusa_drool: face is used as a response.

Trump has no criminal misdeeds. The articles allege partisan bullshit misdeeds.
1. Abuse of power isn't a crime, Article-2 of the Constitution covers Trumps actions
2. Obstruction of Congress isn't a crime. Trump has every right to appeal to the courts.
So it gets to the senate and 29 republican senator's grow some balls and don't show up to vote (which by the way they don't have to in the senate) and all 47 dems vote to throw him out of office, wham there is your 2/3.
Not gonna happen. Not showing up shows a lack of balls, even worse than voting "present".

There will be no removal so long as US employees are the happiest in the work as the Trump-Strong Economy gives us the best Labor economy in our lifetimes.

There Will Be No Removal: US Employees Are The World's Happiest

Happiness at work among Americans is seemingly congruent with job growth...

Despite Elizabeth Warren stream of SMOKE SIGNALS and AOC constantly complaining about the desperate state of American workers, and how miserable they are under the 'monarchic' rule of President Trump, Statista's Maria Vultaggio points out that, according to a new poll by Mindspace, workers in the U.S. are the happiest in the world.


In November, the unemployment rate dipped to 3.5 percent from 3.6 percent, CNBC reported on December 6. More, over 266,000 jobs were created, besting the prediction of 187,000, as originally projected by economists questioned by Dow Jones.


An Amazing Time To Live And Work In America!
A strong economy does not excuse conspiracy to extort a foreign leader for dirt on a domestic political rival using taxpayer money as grease.

Watergate on steroids.
Trump did no such thing. I read the transcript, "dirt" isn't in it. You and Schiff made that up and falsely attributed it to Trump.

Very Sad!

Democrats rushed to impeach and stopped short!

Carl Gustav@CaptYonah

Democrats rushed to impeach President Donald John Trump on Wednesday night, voted to, and then decided to sit on actually impeaching him by refusing to transmit the impeachment to the Senate.

Stilton Jahrlsberg lampooned the rush to remove a "clear and present danger" but then holding up the impeachment until next year at the earliest.

Crazy Nancy who believes that by not transmitting the impeachment to the Senate, she can set the terms for trial.

In playing this impeachment version of a government shutdown, Democrats undercut their argument that it is urgent to impeach and remove President Donald John Trump. If that were true, Democrats would have immediately transmitted the impeachment vote, which would set up the trial.

Nancy defended her hurry-up-and-wait approach to impeachment.

She told reporters, "Let me tell you what I don't consider a fair trial. This is what I don't consider a fair trial -- that Leader McConnell has stated that he's not an impartial juror, that he's going to take his cues, in quotes, from the White House, and he is working in total coordination with the White House counsel's office."

No one in the Senate is an impartial juror. They are elected officials beholden to their states. If the Founding Fathers had wanted am impartial jury, they would have said so in the Constitution, likely handing over the trial to the Supreme Court. They chose the Senate instead.

Renato Mariotti of Politico pointed out the obvious.

He wrote, "It took just 85 days for the House of Representatives to investigate and impeach President Trump for abuse of power and obstruction of Congress in the Ukraine matter. But after their historic vote on Wednesday, House Democrats are reportedly debating whether to hold back the articles of impeachment and delay a Senate trial indefinitely.

"That’s not how the impeachment process is supposed to work.

"Impeachment is a constitutional process to remove federal officials from office due to serious misconduct, not a high-stakes game of chicken."

And he wrote, "If the House refuses to transmit the articles of impeachment to the Senate indefinitely, it will look as though they used the impeachment process to make a political statement rather than as a tool to remove the president from office due to serious misconduct. There is little doubt that the framers of the Constitution intended for impeachment to be used for removal, not political leverage."

Democrats say the House impeached President Trump.

OK, when does the trial begin?

Democrats cannot have it both ways.

Meanwhile, the odds of impeachment and removal dropped to 9.3%. On December 1, 2018, they were at 56.2%.

Does not have to send to senate immediately he is stil impeached. What don't you understand about congress has the power to impeach? Which they did. Senate has the power to remove or let him be. You say dems say he impeached well so do constitutlonal attorney's and the constitution.
Some House Democrats push Pelosi to withhold impeachment articles, delaying Senate trial

When will Speaker Pelosi send Articles of Impeachment to the Senate for trial? Apparently that is her choice if/when she sends them over for trial. It sounds like she is strategically waiting for feedback from McConnell about the rules/procedures - and FAIRNESS. If she thinks it's just going to be a sham trial - she may not send them over. The Articles of Impeachment DO NOT EXPIRE - not next year; not next Congress; not ever.

What do you think?
Only someone who feels they have a weak case delays the start of a trial.

Hey, it was the day before they adjourned for the Holiday's and Mitch said they weren't taking it up until after the Holiday's so whether or not she sent them he wasn't going to do anything with them.
Whenever anyone asks what Republicans are afraid of regarding exposing and publicizing facts about Trump's criminal misdeeds, a response of funny :eusa_drool: face is used as a response.

Trump has no criminal misdeeds. The articles allege partisan bullshit misdeeds.
1. Abuse of power isn't a crime, Article-2 of the Constitution covers Trumps actions
2. Obstruction of Congress isn't a crime. Trump has every right to appeal to the courts.
The House of Representatives is the only authority given in our Constitution for determining a "high crime or misdemeanor". Your opinion on what represents a high crime or misdemeanor is 100% irrelevant and meaningless.
Whenever anyone asks what Republicans are afraid of regarding exposing and publicizing facts about Trump's criminal misdeeds, a response of funny :eusa_drool: face is used as a response.

Trump has no criminal misdeeds. The articles allege partisan bullshit misdeeds.
1. Abuse of power isn't a crime, Article-2 of the Constitution covers Trumps actions
2. Obstruction of Congress isn't a crime. Trump has every right to appeal to the courts.
The House of Representatives is the only authority given in our Constitution for determining a "high crime or misdemeanor". Your opinion on what represents a high crime or misdemeanor is 100% irrelevant and meaningless.

My opinion, and your opinion on the Constitution are not valid, agreed. However, some folks' opinion does matter, like law professors and the USSC:
Two House articles of impeachment fail to meet constitutional standards
"House Democrats have announced the grounds of abuse of power and obstruction of Congress on which they plan to seek the impeachment of President Trump. Neither of these proposed articles satisfy the express constitutional criteria for an impeachment, which are limited to “treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors.” Neither are high or low crimes or misdemeanors. Neither are mentioned within the Constitution.

Both are so vague and open ended that they could be applied in partisan fashion by a majority of the House against almost any president from the opposing party. Both are precisely what the Framers had rejected at their Constitutional Convention. Both raise the “greatest danger,” in the words of Alexander Hamilton, that the decision to impeach will be based on the “comparative strength of parties,” rather than on “innocence or guilt.”

Supreme Court ruling pulls rug out from under article of impeachment Article 2 is GONE!!
Supreme Court ruling pulls rug out from under article of impeachment
"The decision by the Supreme Court to review the lower court rulings involving congressional and prosecution subpoenas directed toward President Trump undercuts the second article of impeachment that passed the House Judiciary Committee along party lines last week."
So it gets to the senate and 29 republican senator's grow some balls and don't show up to vote (which by the way they don't have to in the senate) and all 47 dems vote to throw him out of office, wham there is your 2/3.
Not gonna happen. Not showing up shows a lack of balls, even worse than voting "present".

There will be no removal so long as US employees are the happiest in the work as the Trump-Strong Economy gives us the best Labor economy in our lifetimes.

There Will Be No Removal: US Employees Are The World's Happiest

Happiness at work among Americans is seemingly congruent with job growth...

Despite Elizabeth Warren stream of SMOKE SIGNALS and AOC constantly complaining about the desperate state of American workers, and how miserable they are under the 'monarchic' rule of President Trump, Statista's Maria Vultaggio points out that, according to a new poll by Mindspace, workers in the U.S. are the happiest in the world.


In November, the unemployment rate dipped to 3.5 percent from 3.6 percent, CNBC reported on December 6. More, over 266,000 jobs were created, besting the prediction of 187,000, as originally projected by economists questioned by Dow Jones.


An Amazing Time To Live And Work In America!
A strong economy does not excuse conspiracy to extort a foreign leader for dirt on a domestic political rival using taxpayer money as grease.

Watergate on steroids.
Trump did no such thing. I read the transcript, "dirt" isn't in it. You and Schiff made that up and falsely attributed it to Trump.

Very Sad!

Democrats rushed to impeach and stopped short!

Carl Gustav@CaptYonah

Democrats rushed to impeach President Donald John Trump on Wednesday night, voted to, and then decided to sit on actually impeaching him by refusing to transmit the impeachment to the Senate.

Stilton Jahrlsberg lampooned the rush to remove a "clear and present danger" but then holding up the impeachment until next year at the earliest.

Crazy Nancy who believes that by not transmitting the impeachment to the Senate, she can set the terms for trial.

In playing this impeachment version of a government shutdown, Democrats undercut their argument that it is urgent to impeach and remove President Donald John Trump. If that were true, Democrats would have immediately transmitted the impeachment vote, which would set up the trial.

Nancy defended her hurry-up-and-wait approach to impeachment.

She told reporters, "Let me tell you what I don't consider a fair trial. This is what I don't consider a fair trial -- that Leader McConnell has stated that he's not an impartial juror, that he's going to take his cues, in quotes, from the White House, and he is working in total coordination with the White House counsel's office."

No one in the Senate is an impartial juror. They are elected officials beholden to their states. If the Founding Fathers had wanted am impartial jury, they would have said so in the Constitution, likely handing over the trial to the Supreme Court. They chose the Senate instead.

Renato Mariotti of Politico pointed out the obvious.

He wrote, "It took just 85 days for the House of Representatives to investigate and impeach President Trump for abuse of power and obstruction of Congress in the Ukraine matter. But after their historic vote on Wednesday, House Democrats are reportedly debating whether to hold back the articles of impeachment and delay a Senate trial indefinitely.

"That’s not how the impeachment process is supposed to work.

"Impeachment is a constitutional process to remove federal officials from office due to serious misconduct, not a high-stakes game of chicken."

And he wrote, "If the House refuses to transmit the articles of impeachment to the Senate indefinitely, it will look as though they used the impeachment process to make a political statement rather than as a tool to remove the president from office due to serious misconduct. There is little doubt that the framers of the Constitution intended for impeachment to be used for removal, not political leverage."

Democrats say the House impeached President Trump.

OK, when does the trial begin?

Democrats cannot have it both ways.

Meanwhile, the odds of impeachment and removal dropped to 9.3%. On December 1, 2018, they were at 56.2%.

Does not have to send to senate immediately he is stil impeached. What don't you understand about congress has the power to impeach? Which they did. Senate has the power to remove or let him be. You say dems say he impeached well so do constitutlonal attorney's and the constitution.
They have VOTED on impeachment but got cold feet when it was time to consummate the articles. They have a year to figure it out.

Clearly they were lying about him being such an immediate threat that they had to take the decision out of the hands of the voters.

Yet another stunt, by the folks who do not respect the US electorate.


Enough with the stunts, just work for the good of The American People

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