Will Speaker Pelosi withhold articles of impeachment from Senate until guaranteed a fair trial?

Pelosi held the Articles of Impeachment so we can all watch the crackpot in the White House lose his shit over the holidays. She'll send them over when McConnell has maximized his show of pre-trial corruption. It shouldn't be long.
And while waiting NEW info on the POS trump might just come up and then repubs guess what??? We have a second impeachment Drive the pos loonier
Some House Democrats push Pelosi to withhold impeachment articles, delaying Senate trial

When will Speaker Pelosi send Articles of Impeachment to the Senate for trial? Apparently that is her choice if/when she sends them over for trial. It sounds like she is strategically waiting for feedback from McConnell about the rules/procedures - and FAIRNESS. If she thinks it's just going to be a sham trial - she may not send them over. The Articles of Impeachment DO NOT EXPIRE - not next year; not next Congress; not ever.

What do you think?
He hasn't been impeached until the House finishes their section of the law which says, sale present the articles of impeachment to the Senate".

Dumbass, the House says Impeached Trump was impeached the moment the House adopted the Articles of Impeachment, which they did on the 18th.

And the Constitution states the House defines it's own rules and that the House has sole power of impeachment.

Who the fuck are you to say the Constitution AND the House are wrong?? :cuckoo:
House does not have power to impeach but rather to refer to Senate to see if they will impeach.
So Clinton wasn't impeached?? I didn't know that Thanks
Pelosi held the Articles of Impeachment so we can all watch the crackpot in the White House lose his shit over the holidays. She'll send them over when McConnell has maximized his show of pre-trial corruption. It shouldn't be long.
And while waiting NEW info on the POS trump might just come up and then repubs guess what??? We have a second impeachment Drive the pos loonier

Absolutely. And it's an opportunity for opinions to shift. There are probably more than a few church-goers discussing the Christianity Today editorial this morning.
Pelosi held the Articles of Impeachment so we can all watch the crackpot in the White House lose his shit over the holidays. She'll send them over when McConnell has maximized his show of pre-trial corruption. It shouldn't be long.
And while waiting NEW info on the POS trump might just come up and then repubs guess what??? We have a second impeachment Drive the pos loonier

Absolutely. And it's an opportunity for opinions to shift. There are probably more than a few church-goers discussing the Christianity Today editorial this morning.
How can evangelicals support low life scum like Trump ?? Is it just about abortion??
Some House Democrats push Pelosi to withhold impeachment articles, delaying Senate trial

When will Speaker Pelosi send Articles of Impeachment to the Senate for trial? Apparently that is her choice if/when she sends them over for trial. It sounds like she is strategically waiting for feedback from McConnell about the rules/procedures - and FAIRNESS. If she thinks it's just going to be a sham trial - she may not send them over. The Articles of Impeachment DO NOT EXPIRE - not next year; not next Congress; not ever.

What do you think?
He hasn't been impeached until the House finishes their section of the law which says, sale present the articles of impeachment to the Senate".

Dumbass, the House says Impeached Trump was impeached the moment the House adopted the Articles of Impeachment, which they did on the 18th.

And the Constitution states the House defines it's own rules and that the House has sole power of impeachment.

Who the fuck are you to say the Constitution AND the House are wrong?? :cuckoo:
Who is he to say ? He will say as millions more follow and echoe him when Trump is elected president for his second term, and that is who he is to say. Any more questions ?
You realize whether Impeached Trump wins or loses the election, he's still impeached, right?
We'll take it, because everyone knows that the impeachment was a sham to begin with. MAGA.

Now it's MAGI

My Ass Got Impeached
Some House Democrats push Pelosi to withhold impeachment articles, delaying Senate trial

When will Speaker Pelosi send Articles of Impeachment to the Senate for trial? Apparently that is her choice if/when she sends them over for trial. It sounds like she is strategically waiting for feedback from McConnell about the rules/procedures - and FAIRNESS. If she thinks it's just going to be a sham trial - she may not send them over. The Articles of Impeachment DO NOT EXPIRE - not next year; not next Congress; not ever.

What do you think?
He hasn't been impeached until the House finishes their section of the law which says, sale present the articles of impeachment to the Senate".

Dumbass, the House says Impeached Trump was impeached the moment the House adopted the Articles of Impeachment, which they did on the 18th.

And the Constitution states the House defines it's own rules and that the House has sole power of impeachment.

Who the fuck are you to say the Constitution AND the House are wrong?? :cuckoo:
House does not have power to impeach but rather to refer to Senate to see if they will impeach.
"House does not have power to impeach"


Lemme guess... you voted for Impeached Trump in 2016?

Oh, even the Constitution says you're out of your fucking mind. :cuckoo:

The House of Representatives shall chuse their Speaker and other Officers; and shall have the sole Power of Impeachment.

This exemplifies why Impeached Trump just loves the uneducated.
Some House Democrats push Pelosi to withhold impeachment articles, delaying Senate trial

When will Speaker Pelosi send Articles of Impeachment to the Senate for trial? Apparently that is her choice if/when she sends them over for trial. It sounds like she is strategically waiting for feedback from McConnell about the rules/procedures - and FAIRNESS. If she thinks it's just going to be a sham trial - she may not send them over. The Articles of Impeachment DO NOT EXPIRE - not next year; not next Congress; not ever.

What do you think?
He hasn't been impeached until the House finishes their section of the law which says, sale present the articles of impeachment to the Senate".

Dumbass, the House says Impeached Trump was impeached the moment the House adopted the Articles of Impeachment, which they did on the 18th.

And the Constitution states the House defines it's own rules and that the House has sole power of impeachment.

Who the fuck are you to say the Constitution AND the House are wrong?? :cuckoo:
Who is he to say ? He will say as millions more follow and echoe him when Trump is elected president for his second term, and that is who he is to say. Any more questions ?
You realize whether Impeached Trump wins or loses the election, he's still impeached, right?
He's not impeached until the House presents the paperwork to the Senate. "Shall" is the keyword here.
Whether Pelosi sends the Articles or not no longer matters.

The fact that she and the House Democrats declared the President was an immediate threat to the country, one that forced them to rush the fastest (and weakest) Impeachment in US history, and then slammed on the brakes after passing the Articles of Impeachment has DESTROYED and credibility the Democrats had left as well as the validity of their claims about the President being a threat.

Its been one massive self-inflicted f* up after another.
Whether Pelosi sends the Articles or not no longer matters.

The fact that she and the House Democrats declared the President was an immediate threat to the country, one that forced them to rush the fastest (and weakest) Impeachment in US history, and then slammed on the brakes after passing the Articles of Impeachment has DESTROYED and credibility the Democrats had left as well as the validity of their claims about the President being a threat.

Its been one massive self-inflicted f* up after another.
Hey easy No more MAGA

Now it's MAGI

My Ass Got Impeached
Pelosi held the Articles of Impeachment so we can all watch the crackpot in the White House lose his shit over the holidays. She'll send them over when McConnell has maximized his show of pre-trial corruption. It shouldn't be long.
And while waiting NEW info on the POS trump might just come up and then repubs guess what??? We have a second impeachment Drive the pos loonier

Absolutely. And it's an opportunity for opinions to shift. There are probably more than a few church-goers discussing the Christianity Today editorial this morning.
How can evangelicals support low life scum like Trump ?? Is it just about abortion??

That, gayiety, the Gospel according to Hannity, the Tower of Babel - reflecting the segregation of Sunday mornings. Who knows? I think it's more tribal than religious.
Hey easy No more MAGA LOL Now it's MAGIMy Ass Got Impeached
The Democrats and snowflakes began calling for this and promising to do this immediately after he took the oath of office. And dumbasses like you are jumping up and down celebrating the House's vote to Impeach, like you actually accomplished something.

If Pelosi ever decides to stop abusing her power and send their Articles to the Senate they will be dismissed quickly, if the Democrats are lucky. If not lucky, the Senate GOP will call D-Schiff, D-Nadler, perhaps Pelosi herself, the Bidens, Brennan, Clapper, Rosenstein, Comey...who knows...to testify.

While the Democrats have carried out their promised coup for the last 3+ years Trump has been more successful than any President in the last 50 years, which makes the Democrats' treason all the worse. This will be the Democrats' legacy - attempting the overthrow of the most successful US President that brought more success to the country than any other modem President.

Celebrate THAT, snowflake.
Hey easy No more MAGA LOL Now it's MAGIMy Ass Got Impeached
The Democrats and snowflakes began calling for this and promising to do this immediately after he took the oath of office. And dumbasses like you are jumping up and down celebrating the House's vote to Impeach, like you actually accomplished something.

If Pelosi ever decides to stop abusing her power and send their Articles to the Senate they will be dismissed quickly, if the Democrats are lucky. If not lucky, the Senate GOP will call D-Schiff, D-Nadler, perhaps Pelosi herself, the Bidens, Brennan, Clapper, Rosenstein, Comey...who knows...to testify.

While the Democrats have carried out their promised coup for the last 3+ years Trump has been more successful than any President in the last 50 years, which makes the Democrats' treason all the worse. This will be the Democrats' legacy - attempting the overthrow of the most successful US President that brought more success to the country than any other modem President.

Celebrate THAT, snowflake.
Face the truth easy Your repubs in congress are scared shitless to go up against trump jobs before country
Face the truth easy Your repubs in congress are scared shitless to go up against trump jobs before country
The only ones afraid right now are Pelosi, Schiff, Nadler, the Biden's, and everyone being investigated by Durham right now, snowflake.

Whether Pelosi sends the Articles or not no longer matters.

The fact that she and the House Democrats declared the President was an immediate threat to the country, one that forced them to rush the fastest (and weakest) Impeachment in US history, and then slammed on the brakes after passing the Articles of Impeachment has DESTROYED and credibility the Democrats had left as well as the validity of their claims about the President being a threat.

Its been one massive self-inflicted f* up after another.
Hey easy No more MAGA

Now it's MAGI

My Ass Got Impeached
Pyrrhic victory, at best
They've been making up the rules all along, why stop now?

Great point, actually.
And the Founding Fathers had a plan for that......unfortunately, modern Americans thought freedom was free and didn't take their good advice..

"All that was Required for Tyrants like schiff and Pelosi to Impeach a duly elected President who loved America, was to do nothing".....

It's how Tyranny works. They silence and Shame you into saying nothing, doing nothing....then they enslave you.

As more "Nothing" continues to be done, you can expect the boldness of the Tyranny to increase rapidly.

What's to stop it? Whining?
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If Trump had any thought of showing mercy to the Stalinist, the Coup plotters and backers, the child traffickers and pedophiles that make up the democrat Party, this killed it.
Face the truth easy Your repubs in congress are scared shitless to go up against trump jobs before country
The only ones afraid right now are Pelosi, Schiff, Nadler, the Biden's, and everyone being investigated by Durham right now, snowflake.

Are they the ones tweeting a mile a minute ? Trump has wet pants
Most people, even Trump would do some defense if forced to by accusers. You Progs set the rules from decision to run from the beginning. Seth Myers set the tone when he hazed him for several minutes at a media dinner. No one deserves to go through that for that long. Thank You Seth!
Whether Pelosi sends the Articles or not no longer matters.

The fact that she and the House Democrats declared the President was an immediate threat to the country, one that forced them to rush the fastest (and weakest) Impeachment in US history, and then slammed on the brakes after passing the Articles of Impeachment has DESTROYED and credibility the Democrats had left as well as the validity of their claims about the President being a threat.

Its been one massive self-inflicted f* up after another.

And if not for the 150 million or so Millennials and GenX-ers coming of voting age who have ALL been fully indoctrinated and urinated on so that they fully believe in Socialism, free stuff and hate guns and America....it'd be a moot point.

The danger we face lies in the departure of the "Old Guard", which is being replaced by the new Anti-American young generation which largely sides with progressive European values and Globalism.

The next 20 years will see swift and devastating transformations.

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