Will Speaker Pelosi withhold articles of impeachment from Senate until guaranteed a fair trial?

Gives new meaning to TRUMP's phrase of the "do nothing democrats"...

The democrats impeachment is based on the claim of TRUMP abusing power and obstructing congress...

So Pelosi thinks it's going to help win support by continuing to abusing her power and obstructing the senate.

Funny. She is not obstructing the Senate.

Funny - she most certainly is obstructing the Senate by WITHHOLDING articles of impeachment!

She's not obstructing the Senate anymore than McConnell is obstructing the House by not holding votes on the 400 House bills on McConnell's desk - 175 of which are bipartisan bills.

I already asked you for a link to these so-called 400 bills.

Further .... stop mixing up your talking points.

One has nothing to do with the other.

Merry Christmas!

The House bills have been widely reported. Google it for yourself.
Republicans sat on a Supreme Court seat until they got a favorable election.

Why not do the same with impeachment?


HOLY FUCK, I'll start a GoFundMe page to raise money
and use those funds to hire and fly in Hong Kong citizens
to be substitute protesters for pathetic do nothings here

What is it going to take people...omg, seriously

We the people have the right to petition our government
to redress our grievances
It was a FUCKING GAME when McConnell withheld the nomination of Merrick Garland

What goes around, comes around
Listen bitch, it went from Russian collusion will come out
to Russian collusion is in there somewhere, we'll find it
to Quid Pro Quo to bribery, cuz people are to stupid to understand
tit for tat, this for that, I'll give you this, you give me that
to abuse of power and obstruction of Congress
which the latter is under review in the Supreme Court

If ever there were abuse of power and obstruction
it is with Democrats in the House

I can not believe I have been witness to the most blatant
abuse of power and inept behavior...period

THAT is embarrassing
THAT makes our country look ridiculous
Gives new meaning to TRUMP's phrase of the "do nothing democrats"...

The democrats impeachment is based on the claim of TRUMP abusing power and obstructing congress...

So Pelosi thinks it's going to help win support by continuing to abusing her power and obstructing the senate.

Funny. She is not obstructing the Senate.

Funny - she most certainly is obstructing the Senate by WITHHOLDING articles of impeachment!

Where in the Constitution does it say how long the House has to present articles?

I would wait until Trump has presented all documentation and allows his people to testify

May take a while

Yeah, you run with that, you're losing the public by the day. Making yourselves liars about the urgency will lose many, many more.


seriously, the stupidity of the left continues to astound me.
Funny. She is not obstructing the Senate.

Funny - she most certainly is obstructing the Senate by WITHHOLDING articles of impeachment!

Where in the Constitution does it say how long the House has to present articles?

I would wait until Trump has presented all documentation and allows his people to testify

May take a while
Absolutely, and the senate can sit on the trial start date until, January 2026

Pelosi is screwed. If she delays the impeachment it looks
Funny - she most certainly is obstructing the Senate by WITHHOLDING articles of impeachment!

Where in the Constitution does it say how long the House has to present articles?

I would wait until Trump has presented all documentation and allows his people to testify

May take a while

So you acknowledge the articles of impeachment present a weak case...
Not at all

It presents a case headed to a trial that has already declared itself in collusion with the White House and not impartial

Why rush into such a trial?

One could equally ask why did democrats rush through impeachment.

Impeachment is now on the books

Now it becomes a case of whether the House wants to send Articles of Imoeachment to a Senate that has proclaimed to be in collusion with the White House?

The first totally partisan impeachment in history. The bipartisan vote was against impeachment. Only a moron would not see how pathetic the Democrats have become.

Pelosi may not send the Articles of Impeachment to the Senate to avoid the humiliation of having her impeachment dismissed out of hand.
Gives new meaning to TRUMP's phrase of the "do nothing democrats"...

The democrats impeachment is based on the claim of TRUMP abusing power and obstructing congress...

So Pelosi thinks it's going to help win support by continuing to abusing her power and obstructing the senate.

Funny. She is not obstructing the Senate.

Funny - she most certainly is obstructing the Senate by WITHHOLDING articles of impeachment!

She's not obstructing the Senate anymore than McConnell is obstructing the House by not holding votes on the 400 House bills on McConnell's desk - 175 of which are bipartisan bills.

I already asked you for a link to these so-called 400 bills.

Further .... stop mixing up your talking points.

One has nothing to do with the other.

Merry Christmas!

The House bills have been widely reported. Google it for yourself.

YOU laid the claim.

YOU get to prove it.

Step outside the talking points you are being fed and get down to some facts.
Hallucinating again?

I always heard eating Putin’s Poop made you have crazy hallucinations.

Now we know it’s true.
Some House Democrats push Pelosi to withhold impeachment articles, delaying Senate trial

When will Speaker Pelosi send Articles of Impeachment to the Senate for trial? Apparently that is her choice if/when she sends them over for trial. It sounds like she is strategically waiting for feedback from McConnell about the rules/procedures - and FAIRNESS. If she thinks it's just going to be a sham trial - she may not send them over. The Articles of Impeachment DO NOT EXPIRE - not next year; not next Congress; not ever.

What do you think?

The bitch doesn't have that right. She's the speaker of the house, she doesn't dictate to the senate.

She controls the Articles of Impeachment
Why rush?

Cool, it will just make all the commies in the house a liar that said it just couldn't wait.


harsh words i know, but well deserved!

The election is scheduled for Nov 2020
Nothing has changed

Only Trump is running as an impeached President

Trump could well be the firs impeached President re-elected to a second term.
Some House Democrats push Pelosi to withhold impeachment articles, delaying Senate trial

When will Speaker Pelosi send Articles of Impeachment to the Senate for trial? Apparently that is her choice if/when she sends them over for trial. It sounds like she is strategically waiting for feedback from McConnell about the rules/procedures - and FAIRNESS. If she thinks it's just going to be a sham trial - she may not send them over. The Articles of Impeachment DO NOT EXPIRE - not next year; not next Congress; not ever.

What do you think?

The bitch doesn't have that right. She's the speaker of the house, she doesn't dictate to the senate.

She controls the Articles of Impeachment
Why rush?

Cool, it will just make all the commies in the house a liar that said it just couldn't wait.


Assumes the Senate will provide a fair and impartial trial

They have already proclaimed they won’t
If I am Pelosi, I now sit back and wait for court decisions on Trump releasing records and Testimony. I also wait for McConnel to retract his statement that he is not impartial and will not collude with the White House

Then send your Articles of Impeachment
hey dude, you are pelosi. You've been repeating her talking points all day.
You're about as plastic as she is too.
This is what we want!

2 for 1.

First we get The Shamwow in the House in favor of The DemTards and then we do Shamwow in The Senate in favor of The President!

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November of 2020 will not be kind to the fascists, er, Democrats.
Democrats get to talk about righteousness while republicans have to defend against the next time he fucks with the election. There will be a next time.

Righteousness? Your candidate paid foreigners to smear the other party's candidate! The DNC chipped in on that effort! Your party used the IRS against it's political opponents! Your party abused our FISA courts to get wiretaps to spy on their political opponents! Your party conspired with one of the networks hosting a Presidential primary debate to give one candidate the questions in advance!

We're not even in the same class as you guys when it comes to sleazy behavior in an election, Occupied! You've brought it to a whole new level!
You know how we have seen a lot of split screens of republicans changing their tunes on impeachment lately? Those are all campaign ads now.
Some House Democrats push Pelosi to withhold impeachment articles, delaying Senate trial

When will Speaker Pelosi send Articles of Impeachment to the Senate for trial? Apparently that is her choice if/when she sends them over for trial. It sounds like she is strategically waiting for feedback from McConnell about the rules/procedures - and FAIRNESS. If she thinks it's just going to be a sham trial - she may not send them over. The Articles of Impeachment DO NOT EXPIRE - not next year; not next Congress; not ever.

What do you think?

The bitch doesn't have that right. She's the speaker of the house, she doesn't dictate to the senate.

She controls the Articles of Impeachment
Why rush?

Cool, it will just make all the commies in the house a liar that said it just couldn't wait.


Assumes the Senate will provide a fair and impartial trial

They have already proclaimed they won’t

No they didn't.

but, you know, we all have to assume the Pelosi House was fair and impartial.

Obviously you have no issues with due process.
I am so proud of Speaker Nancy Pelosi. She is a great American patriot. Now she is trying to negotiate with the Senate for a fair trial. Go Nancy!
Trump is forever IMPEACHED - even if there is never a Senate trial.

You're a liar, if an indictment is never presented for trial, the indictment dies, it will die with this congress just like all HRs do.

I'm not seeing why McConnell is going to cave if the Dems withhold the Articles of impeachment, why would he care when they send the Articles over? So what if the House Dems continue to waste their time continuing to investigate Trump, he still has the Executive Privilege card to play. And even if the Courts rule that Trump has to comply and people like Bolton and Mulvaney have to testify, they don't have to say anything meaningful. "I don't remember", or "On the advice of counsel I respectfully decline to answer", stuff like that. It really is crazy, after almost 3 years the Dems got nothing, and still they keep digging. I think they're pissing off the voters who aren't hard core lefties.

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