Will Speaker Pelosi withhold articles of impeachment from Senate until guaranteed a fair trial?

So delay the senate getting the impeachment hoax which keeps spotlight on a failing impeachment hoax and NOT on your candidates for the demoncrat nomination...sounds like a real winning plan. Go for it!
I like it

Make Trump run as an Impeached President not an acquitted one
And you must be missing all the polls that show his approval rating going UP and support for the impeachment going DOWN...keep going please.
Polls are fake
Our President told me
rightwinger doesn't care about average Americans. His loyalty is to the Democratic Party.


So funny. SAD really.

The (R) party is the Party over Country. POC.
Supporting dictators, Putin and Kim. Yup, those are trumps buddies.

(R) were once against tariffs, but NOW? POC.
All Americans were once cautious of Russia, now trump believes Russia over his OWN intelligence people.

trump is playing you. Traitor.
So delay the senate getting the impeachment hoax which keeps spotlight on a failing impeachment hoax and NOT on your candidates for the demoncrat nomination...sounds like a real winning plan. Go for it!
I like it

Make Trump run as an Impeached President not an acquitted one

Make the Democrats run as the Party of poor losers who can't come up with a platform that rational people would support and who's candidates look like the clown car at the circus!
Now you're going to admit that this was all about politics by delaying the impeachment hearings? Do you hear that sound, Winger? It's moderates running for the exits from the Democratic Party!
November of 2020 will not be kind to the fascists, er, Democrats.
Democrats get to talk about righteousness while republicans have to defend against the next time he fucks with the election. There will be a next time.

Righteousness? Your candidate paid foreigners to smear the other party's candidate! The DNC chipped in on that effort! Your party used the IRS against it's political opponents! Your party abused our FISA courts to get wiretaps to spy on their political opponents! Your party conspired with one of the networks hosting a Presidential primary debate to give one candidate the questions in advance!

We're not even in the same class as you guys when it comes to sleazy behavior in an election, Occupied! You've brought it to a whole new level!
Lying con tool, she paid an American-based firm to collected opposition research.
Why should Pelosi send it to the Senate knowing McConnell will quickly dismiss?

Why not make Trump run as an Impeached President?

It won't make any difference, he will still be reelected.

November of 2020 will not be kind to the fascists, er, Democrats.
Democrats get to talk about righteousness while republicans have to defend against the next time he fucks with the election. There will be a next time.

Righteousness? Your candidate paid foreigners to smear the other party's candidate! The DNC chipped in on that effort! Your party used the IRS against it's political opponents! Your party abused our FISA courts to get wiretaps to spy on their political opponents! Your party conspired with one of the networks hosting a Presidential primary debate to give one candidate the questions in advance!

We're not even in the same class as you guys when it comes to sleazy behavior in an election, Occupied! You've brought it to a whole new level!
Lying con tool, she paid an American-based firm to collected opposition research.

Oh, bullshit! Hillary Clinton and the DNC paid for a smear job on Donald Trump! Your protests that she "didn't know" are pathetic!
Why should Pelosi send it to the Senate knowing McConnell will quickly dismiss?

Why not make Trump run as an Impeached President?
And when the House flips Pekosi can present Lame Duck Articles to a laughing Mitch.

BTW, Einstien... He's already impeached by a factless and feckless party of Fascists.
I love it!
McConnell will just rush a vote and blow it away

Why not just wait until the election?
If Trump wins and Dems take the Senate....THEN you vote on impeachment

What is the hurry?
You do realize the polls are NOT heading in the demoncrats direction right? In fact they are collapsing before their very eyes. Go ahead hold it up....this is fun.
Wasn't Hillary up by like 70 points at this point of the election cycle?
Gives new meaning to TRUMP's phrase of the "do nothing democrats"...

The democrats impeachment is based on the claim of TRUMP abusing power and obstructing congress...

So Pelosi thinks it's going to help win support by continuing to abusing her power and obstructing the senate.

Funny. She is not obstructing the Senate.

Funny - she most certainly is obstructing the Senate by WITHHOLDING articles of impeachment!

She's not obstructing the Senate anymore than McConnell is obstructing the House by not holding votes on the 400 House bills on McConnell's desk - 175 of which are bipartisan bills.


There ARE NO 400 bills from the House to the Senate waiting for anything.

Prove me wrong - provide a list of said bills.
Why should Pelosi send it to the Senate knowing McConnell will quickly dismiss?

Why not make Trump run as an Impeached President?

Because it's her fkn job to send it to the Senate!!!

Technically Trump hasn't been impeached until impeachment articles are sent to the Senate for Trial.
Eehh..I'm not so sure that is true. He is impeached as soon as the house adopts the resolution. The handing of the articles to the senate is just for the purposes of trial to remove.


Prove me wrong.
Pelosi now owns McConnell

Rather than say this is a serious issue and that he will provide a fair and impartial trial, he has proclaimed he is not impartial and is coordinating the proceedings with the White House

Gives her a reason to withhold sending Articles of Impeachmment to an admitted sham trial
I love it!
McConnell will just rush a vote and blow it away

Why not just wait until the election?
If Trump wins and Dems take the Senate....THEN you vote on impeachment

What is the hurry?
You do realize the polls are NOT heading in the demoncrats direction right? In fact they are collapsing before their very eyes. Go ahead hold it up....this is fun.
Wasn't Hillary up by like 70 points at this point of the election cycle?

Wasn't that right about the time that the curtain got pulled back on Hillary's sleazy behavior at the State Department...her destruction of evidence...not to mention her back room sabotaging of Bernie Sanders? Too bad you on the left have NOTHING like that on Trump! :)
Pelosi now owns McConnell

Rather than say this is a serious issue and that he will provide a fair and impartial trial, he has proclaimed he is not impartial and is coordinating the proceedings with the White House

Gives her a reason to withhold sending Articles of Impeachmment to an admitted sham trial

And the Republicans won't care. They will actually be able to use that against the (D)'s.
This will make no difference.
Let’s see what difference running an impeached President makes

I don't think it's going to matter at all to his supporters. I think it's going to rally them.

They will support him if he shoots someone on fifth avenue

There you go......
Trump said it...not me

He did but you are supporting my point.
Some House Democrats push Pelosi to withhold impeachment articles, delaying Senate trial

When will Speaker Pelosi send Articles of Impeachment to the Senate for trial? Apparently that is her choice if/when she sends them over for trial. It sounds like she is strategically waiting for feedback from McConnell about the rules/procedures - and FAIRNESS. If she thinks it's just going to be a sham trial - she may not send them over. The Articles of Impeachment DO NOT EXPIRE - not next year; not next Congress; not ever.

What do you think?

Nice question. McConnell wants to do it quick, quick, quick --- I think he's right. Get it done and over with. I'll be watching to see if Pelosi delays the "trial." (Vote to acquit.)
The Democrats just rushed to Impeach the fastest in US history with the weakest case for Impeachment in US history...

Do Democrats and snowflakes REALLY want to talk about how quickly McConnel as rd to deal with the Democrats' admitted political Impeachment?

Of course they do - their hypocrisy knows no bounds....

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