Will Speaker Pelosi withhold articles of impeachment from Senate until guaranteed a fair trial?

Why should Pelosi send articles of impeachment to a Senate that has already said it is not impartial and is coordinating with the White House on how to proceed?
Gives new meaning to TRUMP's phrase of the "do nothing democrats"...

The democrats impeachment is based on the claim of TRUMP abusing power and obstructing congress...

So Pelosi thinks it's going to help win support by continuing to abusing her power and obstructing the senate.

Funny. She is not obstructing the Senate.

Funny - she most certainly is obstructing the Senate by WITHHOLDING articles of impeachment!

Where in the Constitution does it say how long the House has to present articles?

I would wait until Trump has presented all documentation and allows his people to testify

May take a while

So you acknowledge the articles of impeachment present a weak case...
I'm getting the impression they never intended to present to the Senate. It's just a desperate smear campaign.

I've never seen a political party so determined to heap dirt into its own grave. Interesting.
Gives new meaning to TRUMP's phrase of the "do nothing democrats"...

The democrats impeachment is based on the claim of TRUMP abusing power and obstructing congress...

So Pelosi thinks it's going to help win support by continuing to abusing her power and obstructing the senate.

Funny. She is not obstructing the Senate.

Funny - she most certainly is obstructing the Senate by WITHHOLDING articles of impeachment!

Where in the Constitution does it say how long the House has to present articles?

I would wait until Trump has presented all documentation and allows his people to testify

May take a while
Absolutely, and the senate can sit on the trial start date until, January 2026
November of 2020 will not be kind to the fascists, er, Democrats.
Speaker Pelosi refused to answer that question a few minutes ago.

Its because she is inebriated...

She doesn't drink alcohol. Stop lying.

Speaker Pelosi doesn't drink alcohol

I heard she's high on Jesus. She prays for Trump every day and doesn't hate anyone on earth.

Well, that is apparently true. She's a devout Catholic. Do you have a problem with that?

I'm back. Had to take a bathroom break. Just gave birth to a Democrat. I was hoping for twins. Oh well.
Why should Pelosi send articles of impeachment to a Senate that has already said it is not impartial and is coordinating with the White House on how to proceed?
What was the point of impeachment if not to send it to trial in the Senate? We both know this was just a Democratic political stunt to distract voters from the corrupt actions of Biden and Obama in Ukraine on the eve of the 2016 election season.
November of 2020 will not be kind to the fascists, er, Democrats.
Democrats get to talk about righteousness while republicans have to defend against the next time he fucks with the election. There will be a next time.
Gives new meaning to TRUMP's phrase of the "do nothing democrats"...

The democrats impeachment is based on the claim of TRUMP abusing power and obstructing congress...

So Pelosi thinks it's going to help win support by continuing to abusing her power and obstructing the senate.

Funny. She is not obstructing the Senate.

Funny - she most certainly is obstructing the Senate by WITHHOLDING articles of impeachment!

Where in the Constitution does it say how long the House has to present articles?

I would wait until Trump has presented all documentation and allows his people to testify

May take a while

So you acknowledge the articles of impeachment present a weak case...
Not at all

It presents a case headed to a trial that has already declared itself in collusion with the White House and not impartial

Why rush into such a trial?
I love it!
McConnell will just rush a vote and blow it away

Why not just wait until the election?
If Trump wins and Dems take the Senate....THEN you vote on impeachment

What is the hurry?
You do realize the polls are NOT heading in the demoncrats direction right? In fact they are collapsing before their very eyes. Go ahead hold it up....this is fun.
Some House Democrats push Pelosi to withhold impeachment articles, delaying Senate trial

When will Speaker Pelosi send Articles of Impeachment to the Senate for trial? Apparently that is her choice if/when she sends them over for trial. It sounds like she is strategically waiting for feedback from McConnell about the rules/procedures - and FAIRNESS. If she thinks it's just going to be a sham trial - she may not send them over. The Articles of Impeachment DO NOT EXPIRE - not next year; not next Congress; not ever.

What do you think?

The bitch doesn't have that right. She's the speaker of the house, she doesn't dictate to the senate.

Republicans sat on a Supreme Court seat until they got a favorable election.

Why not do the same with impeachment?
LOL you think the demoncrats are gonna win the senate....that's some hilarious mental gymnastics there.
Why should Pelosi send articles of impeachment to a Senate that has already said it is not impartial and is coordinating with the White House on how to proceed?
What was the point of impeachment if not to send it to trial in the Senate? We both know this was just a Democratic political stunt to distract voters from the corrupt actions of Biden and Obama in Ukraine on the eve of the 2016 election season.

Shit happens
Why have a President submit a Supreme Court nomination if the Senate won’t consider it?

Why send articles of impeachment to a Senate that has declared it is in collusion with the accused and not impartial?
Republicans sat on a Supreme Court seat until they got a favorable election.

Why not do the same with impeachment?


HOLY FUCK, I'll start a GoFundMe page to raise money
and use those funds to hire and fly in Hong Kong citizens
to be substitute protesters for pathetic do nothings here

What is it going to take people...omg, seriously

We the people have the right to petition our government
to redress our grievances
So delay the senate getting the impeachment hoax which keeps spotlight on a failing impeachment hoax and NOT on your candidates for the demoncrat nomination...sounds like a real winning plan. Go for it!

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