Will Speaker Pelosi withhold articles of impeachment from Senate until guaranteed a fair trial?

Is there anything in the Constitution that says the House must immediately send articles of impeachment to the Senate?

There is nothing that says you must fill a Supreme Court Seat

The Articles of Impeachment DO NOT EXPIRE - not next year; not next Congress; not ever.

A democratic Congressman just said that a few minutes ago. So, Speaker Pelosi can hold them as long as she wants.
She can use it for toilet paper for all I care........because that is all it's worth.......Flush......

What's the matter..........your side afraid of the beating they are going to get in the Senate.
Gives new meaning to TRUMP's phrase of the "do nothing democrats"...

The democrats impeachment is based on the claim of TRUMP abusing power and obstructing congress...

So Pelosi thinks it's going to help win support by continuing to abusing her power and obstructing the senate.

Funny. She is not obstructing the Senate.

Funny - she most certainly is obstructing the Senate by WITHHOLDING articles of impeachment!

harsh words i know, but well deserved!

The election is scheduled for Nov 2020
Nothing has changed

Only Trump is running as an impeached President
I love it!
McConnell will just rush a vote and blow it away

Why not just wait until the election?
If Trump wins and Dems take the Senate....THEN you vote on impeachment

What is the hurry?

Maybe you should ask the House Dems that, for rushing through the Impeachment process. Now they want to delay everything? WTF? It looks very queer.

Even if your scenario plays out, there's no way the Dems are going to have 67 votes to remove Trump from office. They would get to set the rules for the trial and do whatever they want to, but they can't make the Repub Senators vote guilty. And you have to wonder what the independent voters are going to think about all these shenanigans. It might hurt the Dems chances for taking the Senator and keeping their House majority.
Trump is an impeached President
Why rush the process when McConnell has already said he is not impartial?

Let’s hold up the process until Trump has turned over all documents and witnesses?

Seems fair
Gives new meaning to TRUMP's phrase of the "do nothing democrats"...

The democrats impeachment is based on the claim of TRUMP abusing power and obstructing congress...

So Pelosi thinks it's going to help win support by continuing to abusing her power and obstructing the senate.

Funny. She is not obstructing the Senate.

Funny - she most certainly is obstructing the Senate by WITHHOLDING articles of impeachment!

She's not obstructing the Senate anymore than McConnell is obstructing the House by not holding votes on the 400 House bills on McConnell's desk - 175 of which are bipartisan bills.
Uncharted territory is no place for the timid. I can see several scenarios where delay would be good but that's only if something else damaging to the president is about to happen.
Gives new meaning to TRUMP's phrase of the "do nothing democrats"...

The democrats impeachment is based on the claim of TRUMP abusing power and obstructing congress...

So Pelosi thinks it's going to help win support by continuing to abusing her power and obstructing the senate.

Funny. She is not obstructing the Senate.

Funny - she most certainly is obstructing the Senate by WITHHOLDING articles of impeachment!

She's not obstructing the Senate anymore than McConnell is obstructing the House by not holding votes on the 400 House bills on McConnell's desk - 175 of which are bipartisan bills.
We got enough stinking laws anyways..........don't need any more...........shred them.............better for our country.
I love it!
McConnell will just rush a vote and blow it away

Why not just wait until the election?
If Trump wins and Dems take the Senate....THEN you vote on impeachment

What is the hurry?

They still need 67 votes. In any event, maybe prominent Democrats being executed in the streets would compel them to reconsider their fascist ways.
You guys calling for second amendment remedies again?
Why should Pelosi send it to the Senate knowing McConnell will quickly dismiss?

Why not make Trump run as an Impeached President?
He's not impeached until the Senate has 67+ ayes. (Which they ain't gettin'.)
He is impeached right now

The Senate holds a trial. Sometimes trials take time until all the evidence is in
Wait to see if he wins and Dems take the Senate
THEN impeach

Gives new meaning to TRUMP's phrase of the "do nothing democrats"...

The democrats impeachment is based on the claim of TRUMP abusing power and obstructing congress...

So Pelosi thinks it's going to help win support by continuing to abusing her power and obstructing the senate.

Funny. She is not obstructing the Senate.

Funny - she most certainly is obstructing the Senate by WITHHOLDING articles of impeachment!

She's not obstructing the Senate anymore than McConnell is obstructing the House by not holding votes on the 400 House bills on McConnell's desk - 175 of which are bipartisan bills.

Funny but I thought the democrats said impeaching TRUMP was a matter of urgency and national security...
Is there anything in the Constitution that says the House must immediately send articles of impeachment to the Senate?

There is nothing that says you must fill a Supreme Court Seat

The Articles of Impeachment DO NOT EXPIRE - not next year; not next Congress; not ever.

A democratic Congressman just said that a few minutes ago. So, Speaker Pelosi can hold them as long as she wants.

Gives new meaning to TRUMP's phrase of the "do nothing democrats"...

The democrats impeachment is based on the claim of TRUMP abusing power and obstructing congress...

So Pelosi thinks it's going to help win support by continuing to abusing her power and obstructing the senate.

Funny. She is not obstructing the Senate.

Funny - she most certainly is obstructing the Senate by WITHHOLDING articles of impeachment!

Where in the Constitution does it say how long the House has to present articles?

I would wait until Trump has presented all documentation and allows his people to testify

May take a while
Why should Pelosi send it to the Senate knowing McConnell will quickly dismiss?

Why not make Trump run as an Impeached President?

Because it's her fkn job to send it to the Senate!!!

Technically Trump hasn't been impeached until impeachment articles are sent to the Senate for Trial.
Eehh..I'm not so sure that is true. He is impeached as soon as the house adopts the resolution. The handing of the articles to the senate is just for the purposes of trial to remove.

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