Will Speaker Pelosi withhold articles of impeachment from Senate until guaranteed a fair trial?

She's in no rush to turn the impeachment over to the Senate until she is assured of a fair trial. McConnell has said he's not an impartial juror, and that he is going to take his "cues" from the White House, and that he is working in total coordination with the white House council's office. Pelosi said those things don't sound like the makings for a fair trial. The Republicans can continue playing partisan games and extend this indefinitely, or just do their job and conduct a fair trial.Trump desperately wants the Senate to find him not guilty as soon as possible. He might have to wait a while for that to happen.
You mean you want to continue this re election gift to trump? Lol ok haha
She's in no rush to turn the impeachment over to the Senate until she is assured of a fair trial. McConnell has said he's not an impartial juror, and that he is going to take his "cues" from the White House, and that he is working in total coordination with the white House council's office. Pelosi said those things don't sound like the makings for a fair trial. The Republicans can continue playing partisan games and extend this indefinitely, or just do their job and conduct a fair trial.Trump desperately wants the Senate to find him not guilty as soon as possible. He might have to wait a while for that to happen.

Like the "fair hearing" in the House where the leftards made the rules and made them up as they went along? You really are a fool. Trump isn't going anywhere........wanna make a wager on that???
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Pelosi now owns McConnell

Rather than say this is a serious issue and that he will provide a fair and impartial trial, he has proclaimed he is not impartial and is coordinating the proceedings with the White House

Gives her a reason to withhold sending Articles of Impeachmment to an admitted sham trial

And the Republicans won't care. They will actually be able to use that against the (D)'s.
Republicans can't win the election without support from Independents. The election comes down to how they side on this impeachment.
Some House Democrats push Pelosi to withhold impeachment articles, delaying Senate trial

When will Speaker Pelosi send Articles of Impeachment to the Senate for trial? Apparently that is her choice if/when she sends them over for trial. It sounds like she is strategically waiting for feedback from McConnell about the rules/procedures - and FAIRNESS. If she thinks it's just going to be a sham trial - she may not send them over. The Articles of Impeachment DO NOT EXPIRE - not next year; not next Congress; not ever.

What do you think?

McConnell can tell her where to go.

The trial will be behind closed doors and there will be no witnesses that the GOP does not want.

Chuck Schumer can go fuck himself.
When will Speaker Pelosi send Articles of Impeachment to the Senate for trial? Apparently that is her choice if/when she sends them over for trial. It sounds like she is strategically waiting for feedback from McConnell about the rules/procedures - and FAIRNESS. If she thinks it's just going to be a sham trial - she may not send them over.

What do you think?
'Fair Trial'?

You mean will Pelosi hold the Articles of Impeachment in hopes the Democrats will take the Senate and be able to hold another Constitution / civil rights violating Inquisition in which they unfairly impose their biased criminal will in the GOP and American people, as they did in the House during their coup hearings.

The fact that f*ing morons like you support these hypocrites while attempting to laughably claim what the Democrats perpetrated in the House was a 'fair trial' is nauseating.

Hopefully Pelosi withholds the Articles of Impeachment...

...hopefully the majority of Americans who were held hostage the last 3 years while their vote and right to choose their own President will punish the hell out of the Democrats come election time...

...hopefully the Dems will lose the House, fail to take the Senate, & Trump wins in a true landslide...

...hopefully Pelosi will lose the Speaker of the House position permanently...

...hopefully the new Speaker and GOP majority will vote to rescind the Articles / Impeachment vote not sent to the Senate...

...hopefully the criminals - to include Pelosi, Schiff, & Nadler will be indicted, convicted, and become someone's bit@h in prison...

You might s well wish for a pony too. You probably won't get any of that anyway.
Pelosi now owns McConnell

Rather than say this is a serious issue and that he will provide a fair and impartial trial, he has proclaimed he is not impartial and is coordinating the proceedings with the White House

Gives her a reason to withhold sending Articles of Impeachmment to an admitted sham trial

What Pelosi "owns" is an impeachment! She called for it. She got the votes for it. Now she's stuck with having it go to the Senate where there won't be lying scum like Adam Schiff and Jerry Nadler running the show! The House investigation was the "sham"! The Senate trial will be a coup de grace!
Who said she has to go to the Senate. Do you even know what thread you're in?
Post in thread 'Pelosi is in no rush' by BULLDOG has been reported by K9Buck. Reason given:
Already a LONG thread on the topic here: http://www.usmessageboard.com/threads/will-speaker-pelosi-withhold-articles-of-impeachment-from-senate-until-guaranteed-a-fair-trial.796015/

Content being reported:
She's in no rush to turn the impeachment over to the Senate until she is assured of a fair trial. McConnell has said he's not an impartial juror, and that he is going to take his "cues" from the White House, and that he is working in total coordination with the white House council's office. Pelosi said those things don't sound like the makings for a fair trial. The Republicans can continue playing partisan games and extend this indefinitely, or just do their job and conduct a fair trial.Trump desperately wants the Senate to find him not guilty as soon as possible. He might have to wait a while for that to happen.
Republicans are whining about there not being enough evidence for a conviction in the Senate. Perhaps the House should open more hearings and subpoena all those witnesses Trump forbade from testifying. If they refuse to show up, let the courts decide. Take the issue all the way to the Supreme Court if necessary.

You guys can keep at it.

The vulnerable dems are already looking for new jobs.

So please....do it.
I love it!
McConnell will just rush a vote and blow it away

Why not just wait until the election?
If Trump wins and Dems take the Senate....THEN you vote on impeachment

What is the hurry?

LMAO! You REALLY believe that the commie left has a snowball's chance in hell in taking the senate and having a 60 to 40 majority? This is the lamest coup attempt ever and of course you are waving that leftard rainbow colored flag.

She's in no rush to turn the impeachment over to the Senate until she is assured of a fair trial. McConnell has said he's not an impartial juror, and that he is going to take his "cues" from the White House, and that he is working in total coordination with the white House council's office. Pelosi said those things don't sound like the makings for a fair trial. The Republicans can continue playing partisan games and extend this indefinitely, or just do their job and conduct a fair trial.Trump desperately wants the Senate to find him not guilty as soon as possible. He might have to wait a while for that to happen.

Like the "fair hearing" in the House where the leftards made the rules ad made them up as they went along? You really are a fool. Trump isn't going anywhere........wanna make a wager on that???

Well, to quote the great orange fool, "we'll see" won't we?
She's in no rush to turn the impeachment over to the Senate until she is assured of a fair trial. McConnell has said he's not an impartial juror, and that he is going to take his "cues" from the White House, and that he is working in total coordination with the white House council's office. Pelosi said those things don't sound like the makings for a fair trial. The Republicans can continue playing partisan games and extend this indefinitely, or just do their job and conduct a fair trial.Trump desperately wants the Senate to find him not guilty as soon as possible. He might have to wait a while for that to happen.

This shit has "COLD FEET" written all over it....

She's in no rush to turn the impeachment over to the Senate until she is assured of a fair trial. McConnell has said he's not an impartial juror, and that he is going to take his "cues" from the White House, and that he is working in total coordination with the white House council's office. Pelosi said those things don't sound like the makings for a fair trial. The Republicans can continue playing partisan games and extend this indefinitely, or just do their job and conduct a fair trial.Trump desperately wants the Senate to find him not guilty as soon as possible. He might have to wait a while for that to happen.

Like the "fair hearing" in the House where the leftards made the rules ad made them up as they went along? You really are a fool. Trump isn't going anywhere........wanna make a wager on that???

Well, to quote the great orange fool, "we'll see" won't we?

Put up or STFU, bulldawg.......
Republicans sat on a Supreme Court seat until they got a favorable election.

Why not do the same with impeachment?


HOLY FUCK, I'll start a GoFundMe page to raise money
and use those funds to hire and fly in Hong Kong citizens
to be substitute protesters for pathetic do nothings here

What is it going to take people...omg, seriously

We the people have the right to petition our government
to redress our grievances
It was a FUCKING GAME when McConnell withheld the nomination of Merrick Garland

What goes around, comes around
Listen bitch, it went from Russian collusion will come out
to Russian collusion is in there somewhere, we'll find it
to Quid Pro Quo to bribery, cuz people are to stupid to understand
tit for tat, this for that, I'll give you this, you give me that
to abuse of power and obstruction of Congress
which the latter is under review in the Supreme Court

If ever there were abuse of power and obstruction
it is with Democrats in the House

I can not believe I have been witness to the most blatant
abuse of power and inept behavior...period

THAT is embarrassing
THAT makes our country look ridiculous

Sounds like you're pining for the daze when it went from whitewater ... to troopergate ... to cattlegate ... to filegate ... to travelgate ... to vincefostergate ... to monicagate.
Harvard Law Professor Laurence Tribe may be the architect of this strategy of withholding the Articles of Impeachment for favorable Senate terms for a fair trial.
Mitch McConnell is a great leader.

He'll do the right thing.

When those articles show up, he'll take them to the bathroom and wipe his ass with them before flushing them down the toilet.

I am so glad we have someone in the senate who knows how to do things right.
Harvard Law Professor Laurence Tribe may be the architect of this strategy of withholding the Articles of Impeachment for favorable Senate terms for a fair trial.

Like the senate cares if they ever show up.

This is beyond funny.

You are losing support by the day.

Just keep it up.

The clown...er...Pelosi show is costing you big time.
Pelosi now owns McConnell

Rather than say this is a serious issue and that he will provide a fair and impartial trial, he has proclaimed he is not impartial and is coordinating the proceedings with the White House

Gives her a reason to withhold sending Articles of Impeachmment to an admitted sham trial

And the Republicans won't care. They will actually be able to use that against the (D)'s.
Republicans can't win the election without support from Independents. The election comes down to how they side on this impeachment.

Somewhat that is true but that is also going to be dependant on who the (D)'s go with.
When will Speaker Pelosi send Articles of Impeachment to the Senate for trial? Apparently that is her choice if/when she sends them over for trial. It sounds like she is strategically waiting for feedback from McConnell about the rules/procedures - and FAIRNESS. If she thinks it's just going to be a sham trial - she may not send them over.

What do you think?
'Fair Trial'?

You mean will Pelosi hold the Articles of Impeachment in hopes the Democrats will take the Senate and be able to hold another Constitution / civil rights violating Inquisition in which they unfairly impose their biased criminal will in the GOP and American people, as they did in the House during their coup hearings.

The fact that f*ing morons like you support these hypocrites while attempting to laughably claim what the Democrats perpetrated in the House was a 'fair trial' is nauseating.

Hopefully Pelosi withholds the Articles of Impeachment...

...hopefully the majority of Americans who were held hostage the last 3 years while their vote and right to choose their own President will punish the hell out of the Democrats come election time...

...hopefully the Dems will lose the House, fail to take the Senate, & Trump wins in a true landslide...

...hopefully Pelosi will lose the Speaker of the House position permanently...

...hopefully the new Speaker and GOP majority will vote to rescind the Articles / Impeachment vote not sent to the Senate...

...hopefully the criminals - to include Pelosi, Schiff, & Nadler will be indicted, convicted, and become someone's bit@h in prison...

You might s well wish for a pony too. You probably won't get any of that anyway.

You've never been right.

At least you are consistent.
She's in no rush to turn the impeachment over to the Senate until she is assured of a fair trial. McConnell has said he's not an impartial juror, and that he is going to take his "cues" from the White House, and that he is working in total coordination with the white House council's office. Pelosi said those things don't sound like the makings for a fair trial. The Republicans can continue playing partisan games and extend this indefinitely, or just do their job and conduct a fair trial.Trump desperately wants the Senate to find him not guilty as soon as possible. He might have to wait a while for that to happen.

This shit has "COLD FEET" written all over it....


I'm glad you found it amusing. I did too.
She's in no rush to turn the impeachment over to the Senate until she is assured of a fair trial. McConnell has said he's not an impartial juror, and that he is going to take his "cues" from the White House, and that he is working in total coordination with the white House council's office. Pelosi said those things don't sound like the makings for a fair trial. The Republicans can continue playing partisan games and extend this indefinitely, or just do their job and conduct a fair trial.Trump desperately wants the Senate to find him not guilty as soon as possible. He might have to wait a while for that to happen.
Isn't it up to Justice Roberts to conduct a fair trial? After all, he is the one presiding over it.

Shouldn't he be the one setting the ground rules, such as which witnesses can be called, etc...

Aren't the senators simply the jurors, and nothing more?

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