Will Speaker Pelosi withhold articles of impeachment from Senate until guaranteed a fair trial?

Hmmm, I guess two can play that game. If the house can hold the articles for as long as they want, i guess there are no rules that state when the Senate has to have the trial.

If pelosi wants to play hard ball, McConnell could just say "fine, hold the articles as long as you want, we will have the trial in 2025.

Sadly, not true.

The minute the Senate receives impeachment articles they have to DROP EVERYTHING and start a trial.
No, the don't. Just as the House gets to make its own rules for impeachment, the Senate gets to make its own rules for the trial. The Senate could easily delay the trial until after the election, but what would be the point? Best to have a quick vote and put this nonsense behind us.


Google yourself some truth,

In other words you have no information that contradicts me.

In honest words to you ...

unlike your attempt to twist or make up your own version of Senate procedure

I still say Google yourself some truth rather than spout your faux bs.
She's in no rush to turn the impeachment over to the Senate until she is assured of a fair trial. McConnell has said he's not an impartial juror, and that he is going to take his "cues" from the White House, and that he is working in total coordination with the white House council's office. Pelosi said those things don't sound like the makings for a fair trial. The Republicans can continue playing partisan games and extend this indefinitely, or just do their job and conduct a fair trial.Trump desperately wants the Senate to find him not guilty as soon as possible. He might have to wait a while for that to happen.

This shit has "COLD FEET" written all over it....


I'm glad you found it amusing. I did too.
You just re-elected the president lol
Republicans sat on a Supreme Court seat until they got a favorable election.

Why not do the same with impeachment?

Thanks for admitting that this was never about "protecting" America, Winger! It is and always was...a political stunt!

Democrats are like a turd that won't flush down the toilet. Now that assholes will refuse to turn the case over to the Senate until they are guaranteed a process and outcome they like! I bet they hang onto it and make it another media event not releasing it until two weeks before the election. The GOP really only has themselves to blame for allowing the DNC to ever regain control of any branch of government.

Meantime they gave absolutely NOTHING to the GOP in the House hearings. The Democrats have become so extreme a hindrance to the normal functioning of this country now that I think we need to consider rounding their leaders up and locking then behind cages!

Maybe they can be paraded around the country in orange jumpsuits like a circus and fed peanuts while they perform for us.
Pelosi now owns McConnell

Rather than say this is a serious issue and that he will provide a fair and impartial trial, he has proclaimed he is not impartial and is coordinating the proceedings with the White House

Gives her a reason to withhold sending Articles of Impeachmment to an admitted sham trial

And McConnell does not have to bargain with the Minority, for a trial, until the Articles of Impeachment arrive,

So much for that rush to judgement excuse because of our National Security...huh? She just made liars
out of half the dems yesterday who were screaming about our National Security.

She has zero control over how an Impeachment trial will take place. NONE! All she can do is just not send
the paperwork over. That, in itself,, proves the entire thing is a sham. It also keeps the impeachment alive
in the minds of the voters.

I don't believe her holdout is gonna last very long. The DNC/Dem candidates, DO NOT want Impeachmen
on the minds of the voters. She'll be told to send the Articles to the Senate.

McConnell has her nailed to the fucking wall on this.
She's in no rush to turn the impeachment over to the Senate until she is assured of a fair trial. McConnell has said he's not an impartial juror, and that he is going to take his "cues" from the White House, and that he is working in total coordination with the white House council's office. Pelosi said those things don't sound like the makings for a fair trial. The Republicans can continue playing partisan games and extend this indefinitely, or just do their job and conduct a fair trial.Trump desperately wants the Senate to find him not guilty as soon as possible. He might have to wait a while for that to happen.

Like the "fair hearing" in the House where the leftards made the rules ad made them up as they went along? You really are a fool. Trump isn't going anywhere........wanna make a wager on that???

Well, to quote the great orange fool, "we'll see" won't we?

Put up or STFU, bulldawg.......

Don't try to get all macho on me Dale. You aren't cut out for it. I'm not sure how long the delay will be, but I'm sure it will be good for at least some concessions from Turtle Boy.
She's in no rush to turn the impeachment over to the Senate until she is assured of a fair trial. McConnell has said he's not an impartial juror, and that he is going to take his "cues" from the White House, and that he is working in total coordination with the white House council's office. Pelosi said those things don't sound like the makings for a fair trial. The Republicans can continue playing partisan games and extend this indefinitely, or just do their job and conduct a fair trial.Trump desperately wants the Senate to find him not guilty as soon as possible. He might have to wait a while for that to happen.
You mean you want to continue this re election gift to trump? Lol ok haha
More stupidity from you. Go stick your head back up trump's ass.
She's in no rush to turn the impeachment over to the Senate until she is assured of a fair trial. McConnell has said he's not an impartial juror, and that he is going to take his "cues" from the White House, and that he is working in total coordination with the white House council's office. Pelosi said those things don't sound like the makings for a fair trial. The Republicans can continue playing partisan games and extend this indefinitely, or just do their job and conduct a fair trial.Trump desperately wants the Senate to find him not guilty as soon as possible. He might have to wait a while for that to happen.

That's fine.

She can sit on them for as long as she likes.

She's seen as a fucking hypocrite for running such a crooked investigation and now she's demanding a fair trial.

America is laughing at you bastards.

The other day I watched an argument escalate to the point the right winger stood up and challenged the leftwinger to have at it.

The lefty shut up and pussied out (but boy did he talk tough).

That is the left through and through.
When will Speaker Pelosi send Articles of Impeachment to the Senate for trial? Apparently that is her choice if/when she sends them over for trial. It sounds like she is strategically waiting for feedback from McConnell about the rules/procedures - and FAIRNESS. If she thinks it's just going to be a sham trial - she may not send them over.

What do you think?
'Fair Trial'?

You mean will Pelosi hold the Articles of Impeachment in hopes the Democrats will take the Senate and be able to hold another Constitution / civil rights violating Inquisition in which they unfairly impose their biased criminal will in the GOP and American people, as they did in the House during their coup hearings.

The fact that f*ing morons like you support these hypocrites while attempting to laughably claim what the Democrats perpetrated in the House was a 'fair trial' is nauseating.

Hopefully Pelosi withholds the Articles of Impeachment...

...hopefully the majority of Americans who were held hostage the last 3 years while their vote and right to choose their own President will punish the hell out of the Democrats come election time...

...hopefully the Dems will lose the House, fail to take the Senate, & Trump wins in a true landslide...

...hopefully Pelosi will lose the Speaker of the House position permanently...

...hopefully the new Speaker and GOP majority will vote to rescind the Articles / Impeachment vote not sent to the Senate...

...hopefully the criminals - to include Pelosi, Schiff, & Nadler will be indicted, convicted, and become someone's bit@h in prison...

You might s well wish for a pony too. You probably won't get any of that anyway.

You've never been right.

At least you are consistent.

I have been wrong before, but not often.
She's in no rush to turn the impeachment over to the Senate until she is assured of a fair trial. McConnell has said he's not an impartial juror, and that he is going to take his "cues" from the White House, and that he is working in total coordination with the white House council's office. Pelosi said those things don't sound like the makings for a fair trial. The Republicans can continue playing partisan games and extend this indefinitely, or just do their job and conduct a fair trial.Trump desperately wants the Senate to find him not guilty as soon as possible. He might have to wait a while for that to happen.
You mean you want to continue this re election gift to trump? Lol ok haha
More stupidity from you. Go stick your head back up trump's ass.
I would if he would come near me ha
Good move

Sending to McConnells Senate wil only be a rubber stamp acquittal. He already said he won’t be impartial.

Let Trump run as a President under impeachment, not a President who has been acquitted

Wait to see if he wins and Dems take the Senate
THEN impeach

I hadn't considered that.

That makes way more sense than rushing it into the Senate where it won't pass anyway.
She's in no rush to turn the impeachment over to the Senate until she is assured of a fair trial. McConnell has said he's not an impartial juror, and that he is going to take his "cues" from the White House, and that he is working in total coordination with the white House council's office. Pelosi said those things don't sound like the makings for a fair trial. The Republicans can continue playing partisan games and extend this indefinitely, or just do their job and conduct a fair trial.Trump desperately wants the Senate to find him not guilty as soon as possible. He might have to wait a while for that to happen.
You mean you want to continue this re election gift to trump? Lol ok haha

Watched the indie from OK let her freshman dem rep have it. The rep knows she's fucked.
November of 2020 will not be kind to the fascists, er, Democrats.
Democrats get to talk about righteousness while republicans have to defend against the next time he fucks with the election. There will be a next time.

Righteousness? Your candidate paid foreigners to smear the other party's candidate! The DNC chipped in on that effort! Your party used the IRS against it's political opponents! Your party abused our FISA courts to get wiretaps to spy on their political opponents! Your party conspired with one of the networks hosting a Presidential primary debate to give one candidate the questions in advance!

We're not even in the same class as you guys when it comes to sleazy behavior in an election, Occupied! You've brought it to a whole new level!
You know how we have seen a lot of split screens of republicans changing their tunes on impeachment lately? Those are all campaign ads now.

Campaign ads to who? Are you not watching the polls? Trump is up six points in the last two weeks. People polled are more and more opposed to an impeachment. This is getting ugly for the Democrats, Occupied. Adam Schiff and Jerry Nadler have made this into an "issue"...Nancy Pelosi has been dragged kicking and screaming into bringing articles of impeachment. Now there's no going back. They wanted to make this the over riding issue for 2020. The problem is...the voters don't feel the same way.
Yeah, yeah, yeah....We have to rush this impeachment through the HoR in fewer than 90 days because the sanctity of the republic hangs in the balance!

Then, we'll have to withhold from the Senate this monumentally pressing case to save the precious fabric of our nation because.......REASONS!

Got-DAMMIT you moonbats are a HOOOOOT! :laugh2::laughing0301::lmao::auiqs.jpg:
She's in no rush to turn the impeachment over to the Senate until she is assured of a fair trial. McConnell has said he's not an impartial juror, and that he is going to take his "cues" from the White House, and that he is working in total coordination with the white House council's office. Pelosi said those things don't sound like the makings for a fair trial. The Republicans can continue playing partisan games and extend this indefinitely, or just do their job and conduct a fair trial.Trump desperately wants the Senate to find him not guilty as soon as possible. He might have to wait a while for that to happen.
You mean you want to continue this re election gift to trump? Lol ok haha
More stupidity from you. Go stick your head back up trump's ass.

What's your problem asshole ?

You guys are losing support by the day.

You don't have anything close to a good candidate to run (and everyone, but everyone knows it).

So thank Pelosi for making it that much easier to put Trump back in for four years.
She's in no rush to turn the impeachment over to the Senate until she is assured of a fair trial. McConnell has said he's not an impartial juror, and that he is going to take his "cues" from the White House, and that he is working in total coordination with the white House council's office. Pelosi said those things don't sound like the makings for a fair trial. The Republicans can continue playing partisan games and extend this indefinitely, or just do their job and conduct a fair trial.Trump desperately wants the Senate to find him not guilty as soon as possible. He might have to wait a while for that to happen.
Isn't it up to Justice Roberts to conduct a fair trial? After all, he is the one presiding over it.

Shouldn't he be the one setting the ground rules, such as which witnesses can be called, etc...

Aren't the senators simply the jurors, and nothing more?

I'm not sure, but I've heard the Senate will make the basic rules to be followed, and Roberts will preside according to that framework.
She's in no rush to turn the impeachment over to the Senate until she is assured of a fair trial. McConnell has said he's not an impartial juror, and that he is going to take his "cues" from the White House, and that he is working in total coordination with the white House council's office. Pelosi said those things don't sound like the makings for a fair trial. The Republicans can continue playing partisan games and extend this indefinitely, or just do their job and conduct a fair trial.Trump desperately wants the Senate to find him not guilty as soon as possible. He might have to wait a while for that to happen.

Like the "fair hearing" in the House where the leftards made the rules ad made them up as they went along? You really are a fool. Trump isn't going anywhere........wanna make a wager on that???

Well, to quote the great orange fool, "we'll see" won't we?

Put up or STFU, bulldawg.......

Don't try to get all macho on me Dale. You aren't cut out for it. I'm not sure how long the delay will be, but I'm sure it will be good for at least some concessions from Turtle Boy.

The only thing you'll get from the senate is:

I love it!
McConnell will just rush a vote and blow it away

Why not just wait until the election?
If Trump wins and Dems take the Senate....THEN you vote on impeachment

What is the hurry?
You do realize the polls are NOT heading in the demoncrats direction right? In fact they are collapsing before their very eyes. Go ahead hold it up....this is fun.
Wasn't Hillary up by like 70 points at this point of the election cycle?

Wasn't that right about the time that the curtain got pulled back on Hillary's sleazy behavior at the State Department...her destruction of evidence...not to mention her back room sabotaging of Bernie Sanders? Too bad you on the left have NOTHING like that on Trump! :)
Yeah, too bad all we have is him breaking the law and abusing the power of his office to solicit a foreign national to help out his campaign -- and getting impeached for it.


Donald Trump didn't do anything that countless Presidents before him have done, Faun! He didn't break any laws. He didn't abuse the power of his office. This impeachment isn't about high crimes and misdemeanors...this impeachment is a political strategy to depose a duly elected President. It's going to fail and the voters who's votes have been PISSED on by the Democrats are not going to forget what's been done.

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