Will the 8th Amendment reduce Trump's $500,000,000 in "fines"? (Poll)

Will Trump get his $500,000,000 "fines" reduced by appealing to the USSC?

  • Yes

    Votes: 15 42.9%
  • No

    Votes: 18 51.4%
  • Other, see my post

    Votes: 2 5.7%

  • Total voters
Except the fine was against a corporation, not an individual.

Besides, Trump's a billionaire, he can afford it.
Well golly gee is Mister Wizard

Aren't Corporations People Too?

And if they are...Why don't we just toss TrumpCo in SingSing for 5 years?
The fines are based on the level of fraud committed and the defendants' refusal to admit culpability. It's based on the legal principle
Do big crime
Get big fines
Trump can' of course, appeal if he can come up with $450M to pay the fines or buy the bond.
1. What big crimes? Saying your property is worth what the asking price is is done every day. You do NOT have to sell your property at the price the government says. Is MAL worth $18m? Judge Engeron is not a licensed appraiser.

2. I hope Elon loans the $500m to him out of his petty cash drawer.
1. What big crimes? Saying your property is worth what the asking price is is done every day. You do NOT have to sell your property at the price the government says. Is MAL worth $18m? Judge Engeron is not a licensed appraiser.

2. I hope Elon loans the $500m to him out of his petty cash drawer.
Read the findings, bow your head and cry.
When you step back and look at this logically, it sounds a lot like,

"You're accused of electioneering less than 500 feet from a polling place".
"Your honor, this elderly lady passed out while waiting in line and I gave her some water. When I did, a TRUMP! sticker fell out of my pocket".
"Yes, your honor, he made sure I was okay, and my family and I are very grateful for that. I didn't even see the sticker, and even if I had seen it, I had already decided how to vote".
"I find you guilty of electioneering, and because this lady might have been influenced by your TRUMP! sticker, I hereby fine you $500,000. Please pay the clerk on your way out. Case closed".

It's quite ridiculous when you look at it logically, away from the shrieking baboons hysterical that they might get to see blood they've been waiting years to see.

Implying that the vast majority know what is going on. Whether they have the basic principles to public admit it or not is another issue altogether.

The world is rampant with cowardice. I am trying to be a Mensch at a time the world lost a Russian man who few knew but whose sacrifices will be known for a long time. I'm nostalgic that way, such men inspire me.

Thus I continue to refuse to be dishonest in such matters. I never wanted Trump to be the GOP nominee in 2016 but clearly he touched a nerve and confronted issues that politicians had ignored for decades. Without him there would be little discussion of China, your border, or unfair trading practices.

Don't blame him for his necessity, blame his predecessors.
Have you gone door to door in NY validating this fantasy?
Do you have unbiased polling?

Then why not stop crapping on the ballroom floor?
James is giving the $350M to the banks? Do tell.

Do you not know by now that the government owns everything.
The government is the bank
The bank is the government
And you are but a serf whose duty is to serve and die.

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