Will the attack on Syria escalate?


Platinum Member
Jan 28, 2013
I thought it might stay limited as a punitive raid, but Israel is taking it very seriously and has activated all three of its missile defense systems and is issuing gas masks. Also, Iran has started making very belligerent threats this morning, which surprises me. Threats to attack Israel and also to defend Syria militarily.

Is Syria just a staging area for that war on Iran they have so richly deserved for so long?

I should say I am interested in sensible replies and won't myself be reading or answering Muslim propagandists or crazies or conspiracy nuts. Others will do as they like, of course.
I thought it might stay limited as a punitive raid, but Israel is taking it very seriously and has activated all three of its missile defense systems and is issuing gas masks. Also, Iran has started making very belligerent threats this morning, which surprises me. Threats to attack Israel and also to defend Syria militarily.

Is Syria just a staging area for that war on Iran they have so richly deserved for so long?

I should say I am interested in sensible replies and won't myself be reading or answering Muslim propagandists or crazies or conspiracy nuts. Others will do as they like, of course.

I believe it will escalate to include Iran for two reasons but primarily we need to protect the concept of the petrodollar or the American economy tanks and tanks hard. Read about the petrodollar for yourself. There is a lot of information coming out about it now.
I thought it might stay limited as a punitive raid, but Israel is taking it very seriously and has activated all three of its missile defense systems and is issuing gas masks. Also, Iran has started making very belligerent threats this morning, which surprises me. Threats to attack Israel and also to defend Syria militarily.

Is Syria just a staging area for that war on Iran they have so richly deserved for so long?

I should say I am interested in sensible replies and won't myself be reading or answering Muslim propagandists or crazies or conspiracy nuts. Others will do as they like, of course.

No one deserves war, what a horrible dehumanizing prospect.
I thought it might stay limited as a punitive raid, but Israel is taking it very seriously and has activated all three of its missile defense systems and is issuing gas masks. Also, Iran has started making very belligerent threats this morning, which surprises me. Threats to attack Israel and also to defend Syria militarily.

Is Syria just a staging area for that war on Iran they have so richly deserved for so long?

I should say I am interested in sensible replies and won't myself be reading or answering Muslim propagandists or crazies or conspiracy nuts. Others will do as they like, of course.

No one deserves war, what a horrible dehumanizing prospect.

The American propaganda machine has done an excellent job in demonizing Iran in preparation for our next war.
Of course it will.

We are winding down our occupation if two countries and now we need another to feed that war monkey on our back.
I thought it might stay limited as a punitive raid, but Israel is taking it very seriously and has activated all three of its missile defense systems and is issuing gas masks. Also, Iran has started making very belligerent threats this morning, which surprises me. Threats to attack Israel and also to defend Syria militarily.

Is Syria just a staging area for that war on Iran they have so richly deserved for so long?

I should say I am interested in sensible replies and won't myself be reading or answering Muslim propagandists or crazies or conspiracy nuts. Others will do as they like, of course.

Israel is taking the situation very seriously because 40 years ago our leaders told us that "It is improbable that a war with our neighbors will take place soon" and it cost us 800 dead troops and thosands of injured ones.

It was on Yom Kippur. which is also currently 2 weeks ahead.

We simply don't take any chances.

However, the army didn't change any of the instructions to the civilians, and we're suppost to stay in routine.
The American propaganda machine has done an excellent job in demonizing Iran in preparation for our next war.

True....they've had years to do it, too. Well, that does show that Iran is a war target, when is the main question. We always demonize the enemy when we are getting ready to go to war against them --------- everyone does, everyone always has.

Can't fight friends, have to fight demons. That's how war works.
However, the army didn't change any of the instructions to the civilians, and we're suppost to stay in routine.

Thanks for the good intel. I did see that just now on the news, that your leadership is saying to stay in normal routine. The attack cannot come before tomorrow, presumably, since Obama has to do a ceremony today honoring a black march 50 years ago.

He'd be smart to do it before people start focusing on the UN; Russia is trying to make a report to the UN a delaying factor. Bush got badly hung up in the UN and had to go to war against the UN vote, so we'll see if Obama is that stupid.

I loved your saying that your gas mask is your new baby! An excellent mnemomic for keeping it with you.
Hehehehe- speaking of which, photo in Tel Aviv taken today:D


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