Will The Bush's Show Some Class And Invite Trump To The Funeral?

Man a swamp member dies and we get wall to wall news about it for a week....all other news gets pushed aside....how silly and transparent have the media become?....

The facts are Bush himself wanted Trump to be invited....
It will be fun to watch Trump interact with the real presidents
He'll be a confused little boy among men.

He will be a success among failures. Trump has accomplished more in 2 years than Bush 43, Clinton, Carter, and Obama did in 24 years.

You, like all of your left wing haters, cannot deal with a president who keeps his word, tells the truth, and gets things done for America.
Trump has destroyed decades long alliances and relinquished Americas role as leader of the free world. He has also given away the moral high ground as he puts a dollar value on morality

Something no other President has accomplished

more left wing bullshit. Trump has made our alliances stronger by playing hardball with our allies and potential enemies. He has fixed the one sided trade deals with the EU and China, cancelled and replaced the anti-USA NAFTA, and gotten us out of the stupid Paris climate accords which were nothing but a dump of money from the US to the rest of the world.

Under Obozo the Kenyan, the USA was the laughing stock of the entire world because we were being led by a pussy who hated his own country.

Kennedy and Truman would vomit if they could see what their once great party has become.
Watch other leaders around Trump. He is an outcast.

Trump is neither respected nor trusted as a world leader. China, Germany and France has filled the void.

you are an idiot, nothing you say has any semblance of truth. The USA is once again respected in the world. the world respects strength and resolve, not pandering and weakness.
i wonder if trump & billy bush will cross paths again....


I expect this one to be yet another attempt by the media to trash Trump, but it would be nice if the Bush family allowed Trump to attend the funeral. Anything short of that shows me that the Bush family is just another part of the globalist socialist Deep State establishment.

We'll see.

It will be fun to watch Trump interact with the real presidents
He'll be a confused little boy among men.

He will be a success among failures. Trump has accomplished more in 2 years than Bush 43, Clinton, Carter, and Obama did in 24 years.

You, like all of your left wing haters, cannot deal with a president who keeps his word, tells the truth, and gets things done for America.
Your entire reply was funny, but I really lost it on "tells the truth". ROTFLAMO
I expect this one to be yet another attempt by the media to trash Trump, but it would be nice if the Bush family allowed Trump to attend the funeral. Anything short of that shows me that the Bush family is just another part of the globalist socialist Deep State establishment.

We'll see.

It will be fun to watch Trump interact with the real presidents
He'll be a confused little boy among men.

He will be a success among failures. Trump has accomplished more in 2 years than Bush 43, Clinton, Carter, and Obama did in 24 years.

You, like all of your left wing haters, cannot deal with a president who keeps his word, tells the truth, and gets things done for America.
Your entire reply was funny, but I really lost it on "tells the truth". ROTFLAMO
These posters should be on FOX
I expect this one to be yet another attempt by the media to trash Trump, but it would be nice if the Bush family allowed Trump to attend the funeral. Anything short of that shows me that the Bush family is just another part of the globalist socialist Deep State establishment.

We'll see.

It will be fun to watch Trump interact with the real presidents
He'll be a confused little boy among men.

He will be a success among failures. Trump has accomplished more in 2 years than Bush 43, Clinton, Carter, and Obama did in 24 years.

You, like all of your left wing haters, cannot deal with a president who keeps his word, tells the truth, and gets things done for America.
Your entire reply was funny, but I really lost it on "tells the truth". ROTFLAMO
These posters should be on FOX
Half of these crackpots probably do work for Fox.
It will be fun to watch Trump interact with the real presidents
He'll be a confused little boy among men.

He will be a success among failures. Trump has accomplished more in 2 years than Bush 43, Clinton, Carter, and Obama did in 24 years.

You, like all of your left wing haters, cannot deal with a president who keeps his word, tells the truth, and gets things done for America.
Your entire reply was funny, but I really lost it on "tells the truth". ROTFLAMO
These posters should be on FOX
Half of these crackpots probably do work for Fox.
Hope they're not grabbing any on the side Lot of fox people do
The Bush family will not allow HW's funeral to turn into a Wellstone-Cain type of political embarrassment.
I expect this one to be yet another attempt by the media to trash Trump, but it would be nice if the Bush family allowed Trump to attend the funeral. Anything short of that shows me that the Bush family is just another part of the globalist socialist Deep State establishment.

We'll see.

It will be fun to watch Trump interact with the real presidents
He'll be a confused little boy among men.

He will be a success among failures. Trump has accomplished more in 2 years than Bush 43, Clinton, Carter, and Obama did in 24 years.

You, like all of your left wing haters, cannot deal with a president who keeps his word, tells the truth, and gets things done for America.
Your entire reply was funny, but I really lost it on "tells the truth". ROTFLAMO
And you actually think that Obama and Hillary are honest in comparison????

I think....that anyone who keeps supporting these lying assholes has absolutely nothing to say about someone else on the other side lying. NONE!!!!
I expect this one to be yet another attempt by the media to trash Trump, but it would be nice if the Bush family allowed Trump to attend the funeral. Anything short of that shows me that the Bush family is just another part of the globalist socialist Deep State establishment.

We'll see.

It will be fun to watch Trump interact with the real presidents
He'll be a confused little boy among men.

He will be a success among failures. Trump has accomplished more in 2 years than Bush 43, Clinton, Carter, and Obama did in 24 years.

You, like all of your left wing haters, cannot deal with a president who keeps his word, tells the truth, and gets things done for America.
Your entire reply was funny, but I really lost it on "tells the truth". ROTFLAMO
And you actually think that Obama and Hillary are honest in comparison????

I think....that anyone who keeps supporting these lying assholes has absolutely nothing to say about someone else on the other side lying. NONE!!!!

I expect this one to be yet another attempt by the media to trash Trump, but it would be nice if the Bush family allowed Trump to attend the funeral. Anything short of that shows me that the Bush family is just another part of the globalist socialist Deep State establishment.

We'll see.

It will be fun to watch Trump interact with the real presidents
He'll be a confused little boy among men.

He will be a success among failures. Trump has accomplished more in 2 years than Bush 43, Clinton, Carter, and Obama did in 24 years.

You, like all of your left wing haters, cannot deal with a president who keeps his word, tells the truth, and gets things done for America.
Your entire reply was funny, but I really lost it on "tells the truth". ROTFLAMO
And you actually think that Obama and Hillary are honest in comparison????

I think....that anyone who keeps supporting these lying assholes has absolutely nothing to say about someone else on the other side lying. NONE!!!!
Absolutely. That's not even debatable.
I expect this one to be yet another attempt by the media to trash Trump, but it would be nice if the Bush family allowed Trump to attend the funeral. Anything short of that shows me that the Bush family is just another part of the globalist socialist Deep State establishment.

We'll see.

It will be fun to watch Trump interact with the real presidents
He'll be a confused little boy among men.

He will be a success among failures. Trump has accomplished more in 2 years than Bush 43, Clinton, Carter, and Obama did in 24 years.

You, like all of your left wing haters, cannot deal with a president who keeps his word, tells the truth, and gets things done for America.
Your entire reply was funny, but I really lost it on "tells the truth". ROTFLAMO

what has he lied about?

Was it:

"if you like your plan you can keep it" Obama
"we landed under sniper fire" Clinton
"I never sent classified documents on my personal server" Clinton
"I never had sex with that woman" Clinton
"I was born in Hawaii" Obama
"we have to pass the bill to find out what is in it" Pelosi
"Brett Kavanaugh sexually assaulted me 36 years ago" Ford
"the Clinton foundation is not a money laundering operation" Clinton
"Mitt Romney never paid any income taxes" Reid

Just a few known lies from your masters. You dems and libs are blatant liars
It will be fun to watch Trump interact with the real presidents
He'll be a confused little boy among men.

He will be a success among failures. Trump has accomplished more in 2 years than Bush 43, Clinton, Carter, and Obama did in 24 years.

You, like all of your left wing haters, cannot deal with a president who keeps his word, tells the truth, and gets things done for America.
Your entire reply was funny, but I really lost it on "tells the truth". ROTFLAMO
And you actually think that Obama and Hillary are honest in comparison????

I think....that anyone who keeps supporting these lying assholes has absolutely nothing to say about someone else on the other side lying. NONE!!!!


we bring up the Clintons and Obama to point out the hypocrisy of you libs. You bitch about the same kinds of behavior that you ignore from your leaders. anyone that thinks that the Clintons and Obamas are not liars and cheats is hopelessly naïve or blatantly stupid.
I expect this one to be yet another attempt by the media to trash Trump, but it would be nice if the Bush family allowed Trump to attend the funeral. Anything short of that shows me that the Bush family is just another part of the globalist socialist Deep State establishment.

We'll see.

It will be fun to watch Trump interact with the real presidents
He'll be a confused little boy among men.

He will be a success among failures. Trump has accomplished more in 2 years than Bush 43, Clinton, Carter, and Obama did in 24 years.

You, like all of your left wing haters, cannot deal with a president who keeps his word, tells the truth, and gets things done for America.
Your entire reply was funny, but I really lost it on "tells the truth". ROTFLAMO
These posters should be on FOX

probably should, its the only place where both sides are given equal time. Your problem with Fox is that when both sides are heard equally, your side always loses because it is not based on facts and logic, it is based on emotional bullshit and lies.
Anyone else notice that neither Trump nor his wife sang during the hymns?
I don't sing either.
And I used to be in a church choir.

I feel most of the songs they sing are silly, stupid, and sound like Sesame Street songs.

Last edited:
It will be fun to watch Trump interact with the real presidents
He'll be a confused little boy among men.

He will be a success among failures. Trump has accomplished more in 2 years than Bush 43, Clinton, Carter, and Obama did in 24 years.

You, like all of your left wing haters, cannot deal with a president who keeps his word, tells the truth, and gets things done for America.
Your entire reply was funny, but I really lost it on "tells the truth". ROTFLAMO
These posters should be on FOX

probably should, its the only place where both sides are given equal time. Your problem with Fox is that when both sides are heard equally, your side always loses because it is not based on facts and logic, it is based on emotional bullshit and lies.
Yes Fox's reputation proceeds it

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