Will the Democratic Party reward black voters for their unfounded loyalty?


Gold Member
Oct 13, 2008
Black voters may lead Democratic wave
An Obama-propelled increase in African-American turnout, already apparent in early voting, may put more Democrats in Congress.
Black voters may lead Democratic wave | Salon News

As stated in the article, democrats are poised to realize big gains in House and Senate races all over the country, due in large part to the massive surge of African-American voters. Because of this surge, as many as 20 House seats and 3 Senate seats currently held by republicans could fall into the hands of democrats .. and the black vote could also knock off New England's last remaining Republican House member, Chris Shays. In fact, everywhere there is a sizable black population, republicans are in trouble.

The question is, will the Democratic Party repay the African-American community by focusing on issues deemed critical by African-Americans. If history is any indicator, don't count on it.

The racial injustice of the US criminal system has been studied, documented, and proven as absolute fact. America has become the greatest prison nation on the planet, perhaps in human history, and African-Americans pay the price for this dubious title more than any demographic in America. The war on drugs, which is essentially nothing more than a war on black people, is at the center this injustice. Whites Americans make up as much as 72% of all illegal drug users in America. Blacks are at about 14%, about proportionate with their population. Yet, our prisons are filled with black inmates who often get prison time when their white counterparts are getting probabtion for the same crimes. Again, studied, documented, and proven factual.

Even more striking is the fact that America's prison systems have been turned in to slave labor camps where the slave makes as little as 25 cents an hour .. and many of America's largest corporations have set up shop in prison.

No overtime, sick days, OSHA requirements, labor disputes, and you can pay them in peanuts. What a deal. The ironic thing is America's new slaves look a lot like the old ones. None of this is a secret. This injustice is well known, but since it's just black people .. who really cares? After almost 400 years in America, blacks have only been relatively free for 43 years. If there is any question about "relatively", look no further than this issue for the answer.

By the way, the greatest explosion of prison growth happened under Bill "the first black president" Clinton.

Will the Democratic Party address this and/or many other issues deemed critical by the black community which is propelling the party to new heights? Don't count on it. Even Barack Obama isn't going to touch this issue with a 10ft pole, in fear of being called "soft on crime." In fact, don't expect Obama to get too close to any issue deemed a black issue, in fear of someone realizing he's black.

Symbolism is about all African-American voters are going to get for their tremendous loyalty, commitment, and effort. When this reality begins to set in on African-Americans, hopefully many will recognize that politics alone has never been the answer, and unfounded loyalty to a party that ignores us just plain dumb.
Black voters may lead Democratic wave
An Obama-propelled increase in African-American turnout, already apparent in early voting, may put more Democrats in Congress.
Black voters may lead Democratic wave | Salon News

As stated in the article, democrats are poised to realize big gains in House and Senate races all over the country, due in large part to the massive surge of African-American voters. Because of this surge, as many as 20 House seats and 3 Senate seats currently held by republicans could fall into the hands of democrats .. and the black vote could also knock off New England's last remaining Republican House member, Chris Shays. In fact, everywhere there is a sizable black population, republicans are in trouble.

The question is, will the Democratic Party repay the African-American community by focusing on issues deemed critical by African-Americans. If history is any indicator, don't count on it.

The racial injustice of the US criminal system has been studied, documented, and proven as absolute fact. America has become the greatest prison nation on the planet, perhaps in human history, and African-Americans pay the price for this dubious title more than any demographic in America. The war on drugs, which is essentially nothing more than a war on black people, is at the center this injustice. Whites Americans make up as much as 72% of all illegal drug users in America. Blacks are at about 14%, about proportionate with their population. Yet, our prisons are filled with black inmates who often get prison time when their white counterparts are getting probabtion for the same crimes. Again, studied, documented, and proven factual.

Even more striking is the fact that America's prison systems have been turned in to slave labor camps where the slave makes as little as 25 cents an hour .. and many of America's largest corporations have set up shop in prison.

No overtime, sick days, OSHA requirements, labor disputes, and you can pay them in peanuts. What a deal. The ironic thing is America's new slaves look a lot like the old ones. None of this is a secret. This injustice is well known, but since it's just black people .. who really cares? After almost 400 years in America, blacks have only been relatively free for 43 years. If there is any question about "relatively", look no further than this issue for the answer.

By the way, the greatest explosion of prison growth happened under Bill "the first black president" Clinton.

Will the Democratic Party address this and/or many other issues deemed critical by the black community which is propelling the party to new heights? Don't count on it. Even Barack Obama isn't going to touch this issue with a 10ft pole, in fear of being called "soft on crime." In fact, don't expect Obama to get too close to any issue deemed a black issue, in fear of someone realizing he's black.

Symbolism is about all African-American voters are going to get for their tremendous loyalty, commitment, and effort. When this reality begins to set in on African-Americans, hopefully many will recognize that politics alone has never been the answer, and unfounded loyalty to a party that ignores us just plain dumb.

The issues in the crime infested inner cities goes way deeper than anything a politician or political party can do. They cant make young black men take care of their children, they cant make their mothers stop being drug addicts and make them push their kids to go to school. They cant make them stop hanging in the streets selling drugs out in the open. The black people that want out of the ghetto get out of the ghetto, the ones who are lazy and have weak parents dont, and the same goes for white folks. Thats my opinion.
I'll tell ya', though, if there's one guy who understands the problems of inner-cities, it's Obama. He lived it, he experienced it.
I'll tell ya', though, if there's one guy who understands the problems of inner-cities, it's Obama. He lived it, he experienced it.

Yha, growing up in Hawaii in a house with well off white grandparents, flying around the world to visit his dad, living in foreign countries and going to private schools, going to a expensive university, book deals, a huge house, powerful friends. Changing his name like six times. Yep, sounds like the intercity experience I grew up with.
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I thought this election was about the leeches, and the evil rich people? Black people are just people, they shouldn't expect anything, unless they live off tax based welfare, like all lazy people.

We define lazy people as, able bodied but don't work, and live off the government hand.
it would be awesome if a real black American was running for president.. a decedent of the slaves..but sadly America is not yet ready for that
Given that Democrats seem to be the only ones that address these issues...like getting drug laws changed to make sentencing for crack and coke the same...and pushing for decriminalizing drugs, I don't know why the loyalty is unfounded.

But why do you think black people are too stupid to think for themselves?
I'll tell ya', though, if there's one guy who understands the problems of inner-cities, it's Obama. He lived it, he experienced it.

Are you fuckin' kidding me? Since when is Hyde Park "inner-city"? Hawaii, yeah that place is fuckin' hard, yo.

Here is an idea, trying thinking before you type. This like saying that David Duke knows what it is like to be a black man.
Black voters may lead Democratic wave
An Obama-propelled increase in African-American turnout, already apparent in early voting, may put more Democrats in Congress.
Black voters may lead Democratic wave | Salon News

As stated in the article, democrats are poised to realize big gains in House and Senate races all over the country, due in large part to the massive surge of African-American voters. Because of this surge, as many as 20 House seats and 3 Senate seats currently held by republicans could fall into the hands of democrats .. and the black vote could also knock off New England's last remaining Republican House member, Chris Shays. In fact, everywhere there is a sizable black population, republicans are in trouble.

The question is, will the Democratic Party repay the African-American community by focusing on issues deemed critical by African-Americans. If history is any indicator, don't count on it.

The racial injustice of the US criminal system has been studied, documented, and proven as absolute fact. America has become the greatest prison nation on the planet, perhaps in human history, and African-Americans pay the price for this dubious title more than any demographic in America. The war on drugs, which is essentially nothing more than a war on black people, is at the center this injustice. Whites Americans make up as much as 72% of all illegal drug users in America. Blacks are at about 14%, about proportionate with their population. Yet, our prisons are filled with black inmates who often get prison time when their white counterparts are getting probabtion for the same crimes. Again, studied, documented, and proven factual.

Even more striking is the fact that America's prison systems have been turned in to slave labor camps where the slave makes as little as 25 cents an hour .. and many of America's largest corporations have set up shop in prison.

No overtime, sick days, OSHA requirements, labor disputes, and you can pay them in peanuts. What a deal. The ironic thing is America's new slaves look a lot like the old ones. None of this is a secret. This injustice is well known, but since it's just black people .. who really cares? After almost 400 years in America, blacks have only been relatively free for 43 years. If there is any question about "relatively", look no further than this issue for the answer.

By the way, the greatest explosion of prison growth happened under Bill "the first black president" Clinton.

Will the Democratic Party address this and/or many other issues deemed critical by the black community which is propelling the party to new heights? Don't count on it. Even Barack Obama isn't going to touch this issue with a 10ft pole, in fear of being called "soft on crime." In fact, don't expect Obama to get too close to any issue deemed a black issue, in fear of someone realizing he's black.

Symbolism is about all African-American voters are going to get for their tremendous loyalty, commitment, and effort. When this reality begins to set in on African-Americans, hopefully many will recognize that politics alone has never been the answer, and unfounded loyalty to a party that ignores us just plain dumb.

You act as if the Democrats have done nothing for the black community. Newsflash - the black community needs to start by looking in the mirror. Secondly, the Democrats do a hell of alot more providing Government grants, but you would have to(like me) have a father who writes grants for a living to know that. There is so much federal money provided by the Democrats to the urban areas but you ned someone who knows how to write the grant and run the program.

You're thread is unfounded and has little basis because you can only see what's done on the surface. I know for a fact that Dem's do a HELL of alot more than and of the recent Repub's
Yha, growing up in Hawaii in a house with well off white grandparents, flying around the world to visit his dad, living in foreign countries and going to private schools, going to a expensive university, book deals, a huge house, powerful friends. Changing his name like six times. Yep, sounds like the intercity experience I grew up with.

Its called being a community organizer for 13 years JACKASS. Don't even come close to trying to compare McCain and Obama on this. Obama has only gotten this level of wealth in the last 10 years and he still thinks he should pay more money in taxes.

Why is there such stupidity in this country?
Are you fuckin' kidding me? Since when is Hyde Park "inner-city"? Hawaii, yeah that place is fuckin' hard, yo.

Here is an idea, trying thinking before you type. This like saying that David Duke knows what it is like to be a black man.

One word -Dumbass. But not surprising you're a Bama fan though,
I believe that the dynamic of what government does and how it relates to various groups and individuals will be far more heavily impacted by having an actual leader with vision in the Whitehouse than by the standard congressional politics of favoritism of the past 50 years.

We're opening a whole new chapter, especially if We, The People continue to harness the power of the Internet to let our views be known. The e-mail campaign on the bail-out bill is almost as historic as this election.

The inner cities need jobs, they need work, when the economy improved under Clinton the results were obvious. Let's hope they/we can bring back work to the city, and prosperity for all, as that is what creates a sound stable society. Trickle down has failed again, time to move on.
You vote because it is your civic duty, your responsibility as an American. The return you get on that investment is a democracy.
I believe that the dynamic of what government does and how it relates to various groups and individuals will be far more heavily impacted by having an actual leader with vision in the Whitehouse than by the standard congressional politics of favoritism of the past 50 years.

We're opening a whole new chapter, especially if We, The People continue to harness the power of the Internet to let our views be known. The e-mail campaign on the bail-out bill is almost as historic as this election.


What I like about you Joe is that you are not average at all. You are a very positive person...I have to give you that even if you're a bit delusional <wink>
Must be from that tight elvis suit lol
it would be awesome if a real black American was running for president.. a decedent of the slaves..but sadly America is not yet ready for that

I like Rice, she'd make a sweet president. Anyone second? Used to like Powell, tell he turned. I'm ready for a Black, Asian, Indian, whatever. Just as long as they actually love their country, and believe in good honest American values, and personal responsibility.

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