Will the Democratic Party reward black voters for their unfounded loyalty?

Its called being a community organizer for 13 years JACKASS. Don't even come close to trying to compare McCain and Obama on this. Obama has only gotten this level of wealth in the last 10 years and he still thinks he should pay more money in taxes.

Why is there such stupidity in this country?

13 years?????? He moved to Chicago in 1985 to community organize, then went to Harvard in 1988. 1988 - 1985 is 3 years if my math serves me. Wow, whole 3 years. That's sacrifice.
The inner cities need jobs, they need work, when the economy improved under Clinton the results were obvious. Let's hope they/we can bring back work to the city, and prosperity for all, as that is what creates a sound stable society. Trickle down has failed again, time to move on.

The only thing Clinton did right, was not get in the way of the internet bubble. Guess it's only fair though, the vice president invented the internet, and Clinton was the reason it took off. Yha right, without the internet bubble, the Clinton years would have looked like the Carter years. Good thing the housing bubble came along to extend the good times, until now.

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