Will the dems really go all in for race-identity politics in 20?

Didn't they learn anything in 18 about people voting on healthcare and an unpopular gop tax cut?

2020 Democrats go all-in on 'identity politics'
Hope so! What better way to help reelect Trump! Its past time for Whites to wake the hell up and realize the democrat party and democrats/leftists etc HATE white people and America and their goal is to destroy the white race....blacks voted for obama 90% or more and its time Whites wake up and start doing the same damn thing for Trump and white candidates.
Didn't they learn anything in 18 about people voting on healthcare and an unpopular gop tax cut?

2020 Democrats go all-in on 'identity politics'

I love how righties pretend they don’t use identity ploitics .
Of course they do. But the dems won earlier this month in elections that were about Trump, Healthcare, taxes and local issues.

Isn’t most all politics “identity” based ?

Tax cuts for the rich = more money for the party from rich donors .

Abortion laws = votes from religious people .

Gun laws = votes from gun nut crowed (or anti gun crowd depending on the law )
Didn't they learn anything in 18 about people voting on healthcare and an unpopular gop tax cut?

2020 Democrats go all-in on 'identity politics'

I love how righties pretend they don’t use identity ploitics .
Of course they do. But the dems won earlier this month in elections that were about Trump, Healthcare, taxes and local issues.

Isn’t most all politics “identity” based ?

Tax cuts for the rich = more money for the party from rich donors .

Abortion laws = votes from religious people .

Gun laws = votes from gun nut crowed (or anti gun crowd depending on the law )

Identity politics tends to divide the nation, that seems to be the new trend, the us vs. them mentality and I think you alienate people when you play that game. I decided Trump and Clinton were to divisive in their campaigns to warrant giving either my vote.

Most Americans are not as political as we see on this board and identity politics is a turn off. Politicians need to provide ideas and solutions for everyone. The majority people just want to be heard.
Didn't they learn anything in 18 about people voting on healthcare and an unpopular gop tax cut?

2020 Democrats go all-in on 'identity politics'
Isnt that what the GOP did?? Lol. GOP said fk all non white non America non males in many ways. Their version of identity politics is just racism and sexism. The term identity politics was brilliantly manufactured to flip script on those opposing white christian male rule by default. The right sadly are that as an attack on white Christian males and had to retaliate. Equality though also meant power was going to be balanced out away from them but will never exclude them entirely.
Didn't they learn anything in 18 about people voting on healthcare and an unpopular gop tax cut?

2020 Democrats go all-in on 'identity politics'
Isnt that what the GOP did?? Lol. GOP said fk all non white non America non males in many ways. Their version of identity politics is just racism and sexism. The term identity politics was brilliantly manufactured to flip script on those opposing white christian male rule by default. The right sadly are that as an attack on white Christian males and had to retaliate. Equality though also meant power was going to be balanced out away from them but will never exclude them entirely.

Did that make any sense while you were writing it?

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