Will The EU Bow To Iran Or Stand Up For Security?


Senior Member
Jun 25, 2004

very interesting article about how the EU has hardened its position with regards to Iran's nuclear programme. what will come of this? will they continue to hold this high ground or will they bow to the Iranians? it seems to me a tragedy that iran's people have not yet thrown off the chains of oppression, i just hope they do soon before their mad rulers engulf the middle east in a nuclear holocaust.
Well if issuing another 'condemnation' is 'tough' they remained tough, with Britain's help:


London's relations with Tehran have run hot and cold for years. But they dipped significantly last week when Britain helped draft an International Atomic Energy Agency resolution deploring Iran's lack of cooperation with nuclear inspectors.

....Allaf said both Iranian hard-liners and reformists were upset that Britain had apparently shifted from its policy of "quiet diplomacy" on the nuclear issue. Britain, like France and Germany, has tried to coax Iran toward greater cooperation. Washington, by contrast, believes Iran is pursuing a secret nuclear weapons program and should be referred to the U.N. Security Council.

Iran says its nuclear program is for peaceful energy purposes and not geared toward making bombs. "Iran has been expecting a fully fledged apology from Britain," Allaf said....
i'm definitely with washington on this one.. they want nuclear weapons... we've got to call their bluff,but do it with the europeans on the same page so they don't undermine us.
Originally posted by NATO AIR
i'm definitely with washington on this one.. they want nuclear weapons... we've got to call their bluff,but do it with the europeans on the same page so they don't undermine us.
The Europeans and Russians are the ones profiting from their attempts to build nukes. They aren't going to go along with us on this.

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