Will The GOP Plan To Raise The Retirement Age For Social Security Be Very Popular?

The best tweak is to raise the cap on the social security tax...problem solved

That way the rich will once again be funding a program they will likely not use when they retire.

The real solution to the problem is if we want these programs, they simply have to be funded. That means dramatically raising the SS payroll deduction to support it. What's that you say? If we did that, the public would demand an end to the program? That's true which is why the Democrats never raised SS deductions the last few decades and just allowing it to go broke and kick the can down the road for somebody else to figure out a solution.
I can't imagine forcing people to wage slave for the billionaire class well into their 70's as very popular. Of course, the rich and the elite control the messaging and that messaging will get the loserterians supporting such a retarded idea.

I don't know why the rich would support it. If a 65 year old person is looking for work, they certainly won't hire him or her.

It's the people behind microphones that say we need to raise the age. They fail to look at the carpenters, the roofers, the bricklayers, the water works laborers that can barely make it to retirement age now.

GW had the best idea: allow people to take some of their SS contributions and place the money in a government approved IRA instead. When people see how their money can grow in the private market, they will be insisting on allowing them to use an even higher percentage of their contributions to fund their own retirement. Eventually we might see SS (as Newt Gingrich once said) wither on the vine.
I retired at 58. I can start drawing S.S. in November. The last thing I would do is tell this yahoo I wanted to work longer.

This is such a lame excuse anyway. Nothing stops anyone from continuing to work now.

Sure there is. SS allows you to only earn so much before they start deducting additional earnings from your SS checks. Once you pass that limit, you are in essence working for free.
The best tweak is to raise the cap on the social security tax...problem solved

People rarely talk about that. Social Security is a regressive tax on the poor. People with extremely high incomes contribute a way smaller percentage than even the poorest worker making $1 per year. I think it is like anything over $108,000 isn't taxed. I never check because I am in no danger of ever making that kind of money.
Sure there is. SS allows you to only earn so much before they start deducting additional earnings from your SS checks. Once you pass that limit, you are in essence working for free.

You don't have to take S.S. before your full retirement age. If you want to work you wouldn't. If you are 68, you can earn all you want AND take your full S.S.
The best tweak is to raise the cap on the social security tax...problem solved
not really…the more you pay the more you get so that just means folks paying more will get more.

the best plan is to follow the Swedish model but dems continue to refuse to do so
That way the rich will once again be funding a program they will likely not use when they retire.

The real solution to the problem is if we want these programs, they simply have to be funded. That means dramatically raising the SS payroll deduction to support it. What's that you say? If we did that, the public would demand an end to the program? That's true which is why the Democrats never raised SS deductions the last few decades and just allowing it to go broke and kick the can down the road for somebody else to figure out a solution.
Yea, like people who don't have children funding the public school system -- which ironically, rightwingers also hate.....

Lots of middle class people don't like funding the wealthy elites tax breaks either....but since you dumb asses love trickle down so much, enjoy the trickle down effect of America's seniors being able to live with a bit more dignity than before...which was why Social Security was started in the first place..and which is why it is still one of the most popular program in US history....so much so that Republicans have to continuously lie about it....
Yea, like people who don't have children funding the public school system -- which ironically, rightwingers also hate.....

Lots of middle class people don't like funding the wealthy elites tax breaks either....but since you dumb asses love trickle down so much, enjoy the trickle down effect of America's seniors being able to live with a bit more dignity than before...which was why Social Security was started in the first place..and which is why it is still one of the most popular program in US history....so much so that Republicans have to continuously lie about it....

We're not the ones lying, we're the ones that are trying to keep it going just like Reagan did. We're the ones pointing out how this needs to be addressed, and it's the Democrats who are telling us there's nothing to worry about, SS is just fine,

The leftist lies like the middle-class are funding the wealthy tax breaks doesn't fly here. Nobody in the middle-class seen their taxes go up. In fact our taxes went down as well.

Social Security was started because of all the irresponsible people that didn't save for their retirement and then were Fd because they didn't expect to be alive by retirement age. It's why we still have the program today; irresponsible people particularly on the left.
We're not the ones lying, we're the ones that are trying to keep it going just like Reagan did. We're the ones pointing out how this needs to be addressed, and it's the Democrats who are telling us there's nothing to worry about, SS is just fine,

The leftist lies like the middle-class are funding the wealthy tax breaks doesn't fly here. Nobody in the middle-class seen their taxes go up. In fact our taxes went down as well.

Social Security was started because of all the irresponsible people that didn't save for their retirement and then were Fd because they didn't expect to be alive by retirement age. It's why we still have the program today; irresponsible people particularly on the left.

Not everyone can go on disability.
You don't have to take S.S. before your full retirement age. If you want to work you wouldn't. If you are 68, you can earn all you want AND take your full S.S.

Yeah but how many people do that? There is only so much most people can work once they hit that age, especially since by then we get hit with medical problems if not several of them by that time.
Yeah but how many people do that?

Ask the Congressman. He is the one who said people are telling him they want to continue working.

There is only so much most people can work once they hit that age, especially since by then we get hit with medical problems if not several of them by that time.

Not according to the Congressman. Of course we all know he simply made the claim up.
Sure there is. SS allows you to only earn so much before they start deducting additional earnings from your SS checks. Once you pass that limit, you are in essence working for free.

The SSA says that only applies if you are younger than full retirement age. Once you reach full retirement age they do not deduct based on earnings.

NOTE: There are income taxes if other taxable income above certain thresholds. Between $25K-$34K, 50% of SS becomes taxable, over $34K then 85% becomes taxable. You still get SS, but those percentages become included as part of taxable income. The benefit is not reduced.

Save your money while you are working. If you can't work any longer, live off that.

The point is a lot of people won't do that which is why government has to force people into these programs. I wish it were an option. Imagine all that money going into a conservative retirement account with all that compounding interest. Remember your employer has to match all your contributions to the program.

As far as disability is concerned, it's only run by Social Security. It's a separate account funded by your FICA taxes, not Social Security taxes.
The point is a lot of people won't do that which is why government has to force people into these programs. I wish it were an option. Imagine all that money going into a conservative retirement account with all that compounding interest. Remember your employer has to match all your contributions to the program.

With crash after crash in the markets.

As far as disability is concerned, it's only run by Social Security. It's a separate account funded by your FICA taxes, not Social Security taxes.

It's all the same idea. You are fine benefitting but complain about others doing the same.
With crash after crash in the markets.

It's all the same idea. You are fine benefitting but complain about others doing the same.

I'm not complaining about any of it. Just pointing out that the program is in jeopardy and something needs to be done if this is what people want.

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