Will The GOP Plan To Raise The Retirement Age For Social Security Be Very Popular?

"Republican Rep. Rick Allen of Georgia suggested last week that he would support raising the Social Security retirement age—a policy change that would slash benefits across the board—because people have approached him and said they "actually want to work longer." Allen is a member of the Republican Study Committee, a House GOP panel that released a policy agenda last year calling for gradually raising the "full retirement age" from 67 to 70, partially privatizing the New Deal program -- House Republicans have repeatedly signaled in recent months that they will exploit every point of leverage they have—including a fast-approaching showdown over the debt ceiling—to pursue long-sought cuts to Social Security under the guise of "saving" the program from a non-existent financial crisis."

I definitely hope the GOP will start being more serious about drastically cutting if not, totally ending Social Security instead of just talking about it....If you look at the polls, the majority of the US would totally support cutting and or ending Social Security, since the only people who benefit from it are old poor people who were too dumb to invest in the free market for their retirement savings -- and like disabled people and other lazy losers....

Raising the age to 70 is a decent start but why not raise it to at least 75 or 80. The amount of people who would be dead by then would drastically save on costs as there will be less people to mooch off of our tax dollars...But the ultimate goal should always be doing away with it all together and allowing Americans to do their own retirement planning instead of relying on government to do it.....since Social Security has been in existence, it has been a failure...which is why it is the least popular Democrat policy in the last 70 years....Republicans need to be more upfront with the voters about how evil Social Security is and how we need to get rid of it.
We do live longer
Yeah, Bidenflation is the worst!

Inflation heating up? US consumer prices in March rose 2.4% from year earlier

Inflation heating up? US consumer prices in March rose 2.4% from year earlier

Biden would give up a box of top secret documents and a bag of Hunter's crack for 2.4% inflation.
Biden would give up a box of top secret documents and a bag of Hunter's crack for 2.4% inflation.

It's starts somewhere and it started before 2021. A few of us have noted for years we were heading to this but were dismissed.

It's basic econ 101.
A few of us have noted for years we were heading to this but were dismissed.

A few of us should have let Biden, Yellen and Powell know before Bidenflation got out of control.

It was inevitable. Econ 101. But political cults trump basic knowledge that has been known for decades.

You can't put trillions into a market and not get inflation.
When Social Security began, the average life expectancy was in the low sixties.

This is one of the possible tweaks, and will almost certainly have to be seriously considered.
Only if the beginning date is well into the future.
People with 10 years and less built their retirement around receiving SS at 65.
Also there will have to be increased allocation for people over 65 that simply can no longer physically do their job.
Also - there would have to be guaranteed provisions for those over 60 that can't find anyone to hire them after they lost their job.

just what we need... a few million elderly people with no income.
Only if the beginning date is well into the future.
People with 10 years and less built their retirement around receiving SS at 65.
Also there will have to be increased allocation for people over 65 that simply can no longer physically do their job.
Also - there would have to be guaranteed provisions for those over 60 that can't find anyone to hire them after they lost their job.

just what we need... a few million elderly people with no income.
Makes sense to phase it in
Yeah, this can be done gradually. It already is, actually. Your FRA (Full Retirement Age) -- the point at which you get your regular, full benefit, below -- gets slightly older the later you were born. So they'd probably have to plan on sliding the current minimum benefit age, 62, up to 65 over several years, then back everything up from there.

But, since our "leaders" only know crisis management due to their inability to work together, there's plenty of room for them to screw this up, too.

Yeah, this can be done gradually. It already is, actually. Your FRA (Full Retirement Age) -- the point at which you get your regular, full benefit, below -- gets slightly older the later you were born. So they'd probably have to plan on sliding the current minimum benefit age, 62, up to 65 over several years, then back everything up from there.

But, since our "leaders" only know crisis management due to their inability to work together, there's plenty of room for them to screw this up, too.


That chart is accurate, but with differences.
I was born in 1965.
So my SS benefits look like this...

Age 62... eligible for SS, but benefits are reduced by 30%
Age 65... same but benefits are only reduced by 13%.
Age 67... full benefits.

We are retiring at 65.

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