Will The GOP Plan To Raise The Retirement Age For Social Security Be Very Popular?

Whoever steps up and strengthens it will be the thing that controls things. Cutting it isn't strengthening it.

"Republican Rep. Rick Allen of Georgia suggested last week that he would support raising the Social Security retirement age—a policy change that would slash benefits across the board—because people have approached him and said they "actually want to work longer." Allen is a member of the Republican Study Committee, a House GOP panel that released a policy agenda last year calling for gradually raising the "full retirement age" from 67 to 70, partially privatizing the New Deal program -- House Republicans have repeatedly signaled in recent months that they will exploit every point of leverage they have—including a fast-approaching showdown over the debt ceiling—to pursue long-sought cuts to Social Security under the guise of "saving" the program from a non-existent financial crisis."

I definitely hope the GOP will start being more serious about drastically cutting if not, totally ending Social Security instead of just talking about it....If you look at the polls, the majority of the US would totally support cutting and or ending Social Security, since the only people who benefit from it are old poor people who were too dumb to invest in the free market for their retirement savings -- and like disabled people and other lazy losers....

Raising the age to 70 is a decent start but why not raise it to at least 75 or 80. The amount of people who would be dead by then would drastically save on costs as there will be less people to mooch off of our tax dollars...But the ultimate goal should always be doing away with it all together and allowing Americans to do their own retirement planning instead of relying on government to do it.....since Social Security has been in existence, it has been a failure...which is why it is the least popular Democrat policy in the last 70 years....Republicans need to be more upfront with the voters about how evil Social Security is and how we need to get rid of it.
Nothing stops a person from working longer. Full retirement was just raised by two years to sixty seven that is late enough in life. Why don't they reduce the retirement of a Congress?
I don't know why the rich would support it. If a 65 year old person is looking for work, they certainly won't hire him or her.

It's the people behind microphones that say we need to raise the age. They fail to look at the carpenters, the roofers, the bricklayers, the water works laborers that can barely make it to retirement age now.

GW had the best idea: allow people to take some of their SS contributions and place the money in a government approved IRA instead. When people see how their money can grow in the private market, they will be insisting on allowing them to use an even higher percentage of their contributions to fund their own retirement. Eventually we might see SS (as Newt Gingrich once said) wither on the vine.
You will have to pay for handling which would be around ten percent, but if you got hurt you would not have govt.disability payments.
Why do you think they lowered taxes in the first place? Because between taxes and unions, companies could no longer stay in business. When Reagan seen the millions of jobs being shipped overseas, he had to do something about it so he lowered their taxes.

Under Clinton he had all Democrats to work with his first two years. Same with DumBama and same with Dementia. None of them even suggested to raise taxes that high again because they knew what the results would have been.

You complain about military spending, the spending that secures our country, but no problem sending 100 billion to Ukraine, no problem spending the hundreds of billions on a farce we have no control over like climate change. No problem spending millions on the arts and Kennedy center, tearing down perfectly good bridges and rebuilding them because the commies said the old ones are racist, millions of dollars for an LGBQRST museum and a black wax museum. We need a strong military, we don't need all this leftist pork your people keep putting us in the hole for.
DumBama and dementia. That`s clever for a 10 year old. Do you have any plans to grow up?

"Republican Rep. Rick Allen of Georgia suggested last week that he would support raising the Social Security retirement age—a policy change that would slash benefits across the board—because people have approached him and said they "actually want to work longer." Allen is a member of the Republican Study Committee, a House GOP panel that released a policy agenda last year calling for gradually raising the "full retirement age" from 67 to 70, partially privatizing the New Deal program -- House Republicans have repeatedly signaled in recent months that they will exploit every point of leverage they have—including a fast-approaching showdown over the debt ceiling—to pursue long-sought cuts to Social Security under the guise of "saving" the program from a non-existent financial crisis."

I definitely hope the GOP will start being more serious about drastically cutting if not, totally ending Social Security instead of just talking about it....If you look at the polls, the majority of the US would totally support cutting and or ending Social Security, since the only people who benefit from it are old poor people who were too dumb to invest in the free market for their retirement savings -- and like disabled people and other lazy losers....

Raising the age to 70 is a decent start but why not raise it to at least 75 or 80. The amount of people who would be dead by then would drastically save on costs as there will be less people to mooch off of our tax dollars...But the ultimate goal should always be doing away with it all together and allowing Americans to do their own retirement planning instead of relying on government to do it.....since Social Security has been in existence, it has been a failure...which is why it is the least popular Democrat policy in the last 70 years....Republicans need to be more upfront with the voters about how evil Social Security is and how we need to get rid of it.
Both SS and Medicare need fixing to remain solvent. It only makes sense that as we live longer and longer the retirement age needs to be raised. You can't let someone start collecting SS at age 62 and be on retirement for 60 years.
Both SS and Medicare need fixing to remain solvent. It only makes sense that as we live longer and longer the retirement age needs to be raised. You can't let someone start collecting SS at age 62 and be on retirement for 60 years.
No it isn't that simple.
As pointed out - AGAIN - yes, people are living longer, but they are not living younger.
We are not living longer because we are growing old slower, we are living longer because better working conditions, better hygiene, medications etc. are allowing more people to not die before the limits of their own biological clock.
A person who is 60 years old simply cannot do the job as well as someone 30 years old, equally motivated. The 30 year old will work circles around them. The older you get the slower you are. It is just a fact of life. And it should be considered.
What would you propose? Raising the age to 75??
So then most people will work their entire healthy lives and only get to retire when they are too old to do anything?? Fuck that.
They are dumping this idea and will refocus on no SSI or SSDI for illegals and Visa Overstayers
And the other thing that is really informative about this, says alot about the thought process of the left.
They have no problem giving away more and more tax payer dollars to people who have done nothing to deserve it, and probably DID do a lot to NOT deserve it - but then turn around and take issue with giving tax payer dollars away to people who do deserve it.
I think you need to look at the positives around this. At the moment old people are non viable and lack direction in life. They need a goal or a purpose.
The ones that cant physically work should be paid to test experimental drugs. Giving something back to society.
No it isn't that simple.
As pointed out - AGAIN - yes, people are living longer, but they are not living younger.
We are not living longer because we are growing old slower, we are living longer because better working conditions, better hygiene, medications etc. are allowing more people to not die before the limits of their own biological clock.
A person who is 60 years old simply cannot do the job as well as someone 30 years old, equally motivated. The 30 year old will work circles around them. The older you get the slower you are. It is just a fact of life. And it should be considered.
What would you propose? Raising the age to 75??
So then most people will work their entire healthy lives and only get to retire when they are too old to do anything?? Fuck that.
As we live longer and longer the retirement age should be raised accordingly. By the way, I never said that was the only solution to making the system solvent.
No it isn't that simple.
As pointed out - AGAIN - yes, people are living longer, but they are not living younger.
We are not living longer because we are growing old slower, we are living longer because better working conditions, better hygiene, medications etc. are allowing more people to not die before the limits of their own biological clock.

My family and I were talking about something similar not too long ago. I asked if we were all born 50 years earlier, would any of us made it to the age we are today? The answer is none of us due to medical conditions. We would all be gone. It's the advancement of medical technology why we are all still living today.
As we live longer and longer the retirement age should be raised accordingly. By the way, I never said that was the only solution to making the system solvent.
Again, you are over simplifying it.
Living longer doesn't always mean you can work longer. They do not usually go hand in hand.
As we age, lots of things happen to us that minimizes our abilities. we are still ALIVE.. but that doens't mean you can still go to work everyday.
Again - there is ageism and employers, as every single study has shown, resist hiring people over 50 let alone people over 60! Who in their right mind would hire a person who works slower, get's sick more often, will require more expensive healthcare than others, and have a long list of physical limitations that others don't?

It isn't that simple.
And it would be a egregious crime against humanity to make changes assuming it is.
I think you need to look at the positives around this. At the moment old people are non viable and lack direction in life. They need a goal or a purpose.
The ones that cant physically work should be paid to test experimental drugs. Giving something back to society.

It's bad enough a person can't work, and now you suggest because of that, we make them human Guinea pigs out of them?
Again, you are over simplifying it.
Living longer doesn't always mean you can work longer. They do not usually go hand in hand.
As we age, lots of things happen to us that minimizes our abilities. we are still ALIVE.. but that doens't mean you can still go to work everyday.
Again - there is ageism and employers, as every single study has shown, resist hiring people over 50 let alone people over 60! Who in their right mind would hire a person who works slower, get's sick more often, will require more expensive healthcare than others, and have a long list of physical limitations that others don't?

It isn't that simple.
And it would be a egregious crime against humanity to make changes assuming it is.

Hell, back in the 70's I had an employer that wouldn't hire young single women. He only hired women who had kids already. He didn't want them taking all the time off work after having the kid(s) and his health insurance paying the bill.
It's bad enough a person can't work, and now you suggest because of that, we make them human Guinea pigs out of them?
Tommy is, arguably, the worst and most prolific troll on this forum. Miserable poster.
I ignored it, because it was obvious to me, again, that he is a prolific troll just trying to throw his fecal opinions into an otherwise decent discussion.
Again, you are over simplifying it.
Living longer doesn't always mean you can work longer. They do not usually go hand in hand.
As we age, lots of things happen to us that minimizes our abilities. we are still ALIVE.. but that doens't mean you can still go to work everyday.
Again - there is ageism and employers, as every single study has shown, resist hiring people over 50 let alone people over 60! Who in their right mind would hire a person who works slower, get's sick more often, will require more expensive healthcare than others, and have a long list of physical limitations that others don't?

It isn't that simple.
And it would be a egregious crime against humanity to make changes assuming it is.
Many can work until age 70 now, that's why many wait until 70 to start collecting. If they can wait, so can many others. Also, many work and collect SS after they have retired.

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